InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ Science project disaster ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

YEY thank you for reviewing but remember our goal! 100 reviews! YEY GO US GO! Thanks ne wayz and enjoy the chappie! PS. Please stay tuned for this valentines week! ALL FLUFFZ LIKE U WISHED FOR! ^-^ ON with the chappie!


He frowned then gripped on to her hand. "Don't worry Kagome and I know you don't really like bullies but I saw you and I like you. So just forget about that girl and me and just don't worry got that? And I won't take NO as an answer." He smirked when he saw her face turn into disgust.

She gulped. "Uh…." Was all she could manage for now. He grinned boyishly at her then turned to face the teacher. Kagome just sat there, dumfounded of what just happened. `HE likes me?! Why me?!?!?!?! WHY ME AND THE BULLY?! Kami-sama I hate you!!!!!' She cursed more and more and Inuyasha smirked at this.

He smiled. `Oh yeah…This is going to be fun. Kagome you're in my list now and there is no escape from me. Once I grabbed you, I will grab you forever until I have what I want…'


Chapter 2: Science project disaster!

Inuyasha tried to get closer to Kagome even though he knew he was close enough. He scooted his chair closer to hers and tried to touch her legs. She quickly noticed and slapped his hands away with a scary look on her face as if "I am going to kill you if you touch me!"

He got the message and gulped, but grinned. "Why not? I thought we were going out together once in a while?" She tried to ignore him but just couldn't. Her temper was rising every second now.

"Will you just shut up?" she hissed at him. "I said I am not going out with you! Never Uh-UH! Not in my entire life! I hope you just know that my brain says No No to you!" She turned to face the teacher and scooted her chair further from his.

He grinned. `Now this is turning even more intereting than I thought it would…' He scooted his chair even closer and touched her arm. She "eeped" and stood up. "Don't touch me!!!!!!!!" She yelled. She blushed.

She looked around and noticed everyone's eyes on her and Inuyasha. She was about to sit down but Inuyasha's voice stopped her.

"What was wrong kagome? Did something touch you? Oh maybe it was one of the centipedes in this class room…" He pretended to look around for one but couldn't find any. "Nope, none… So what was wrong huh?"

She gulped and faced the teacher. He tapped his foot on the ground a few times and turned towards the door and pointed it for her to take her leave. She sighed sadly then walked towards the door.

Everyone gawked and whispered to each other about Kagome. She sighed as she closed the door behind her. She bent down and sinked down towards the ground. "My first day of school did turn into a huge mess…" She looked around her. `Good no one…At least I won't be made fun of…'

She sighed and dropped her head low. "That stupid bastard Inuyasha! Grrr…I hate him!!!" She hissed to herself but didn't notice that he was over hearing everything she was saying over her.

"I just wish I wouldn't have to come to this school in the first place! I hate everything!" She sobbed a bit then quickly whipped her face. "Why on earth am I crying?! Ugh! Geeze..I'm being such a bitch! There's no need for crying at all!"

Then she heard a foot step and closed her eyes hard. She didn't want to be noticed out here so she just decided to not notice who ever was out there.

The figure behind her smirked then plopped down right next to her. She didn't bother looking beside her but when she heard his smirk, she shot her head side ways and found Inuyasha sitting right next to her, close.

She jumped back and scooted over even more. She frowned slightly. "Why on earth are you here?! Go back in… I'm not in a good mood and it's all cause of you! GRR! OUT! I mean… IN IN IN! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" She hissed loudly for him to hear.

He smiled. "Nah… I think the teacher wouldn't mind if I stayed out here and keep you company. Besides, it was my fault right?" He smiled and she fussed.

"EXCUSE ME?! Did I just hear that right???? I thought it was a stupid centipede that did the dirty work!!! And now you're blaming yourself?! Please don't make me punch you…!" He flinched.

"Did you just say you wanted to punch me? Where??? In my face if I was to be correct??" He cracked his hands and knuckles as they turned white.

He got up and walked up to her. She flinched badly and wanted to run for her life since, after all, they said that he was a bully. She closed her eyes shut and placed her hands in front of her face to block his punch.

Besides! She already got a red cherry nose from this morning, and didn't want to deal with another bandage with her face.

He grinned then laughed. Instead of punching her, he quickly grabbed her and sat her down. "Why are you covering yourself? Oh… Let me guess, too embarrassed to see me??" He grinned.

She flushed with deep shades of red and without knowing what to do, she just slapped him, hard on his right cheeks. "You sick bastard! Make sure you stay…stay away from me!!! And make that forever!!!" She got up and turned to leave god who knows where, when a pair of hand grasped her legs.

"AH!" She turned around to see him, and he didn't look too happy either. She gulped. `KAMI-SAMA! What on earth have I done?! Let this be a dream…let this be a dream…!'

He walked up to her again and pointed a finger towards his slapped, red, marked face. He opened his mouth to start chattering. "Why on earth did you slap me??!! What did I do huh?? Do you really hate me that much?! Am I that worthless????!!!"

When she didn't say anything, he continued on. "Look, I flirt with girls A LOT and I happen to like you A LOT so is there something wrong with me touching you??" Her mouth suddenly dropped open and she stared hard at him.

"WELL! I don't like you and I never asked you to like me in the first damn place! GOD! Just forget about it and I'm not jealous of you flirting with other girls! And please go flirt with others who are AVALIABLE FOR SOMEONE like YOU!!!"

She turned around and quickly dashed inside the classroom. She explained to the teacher that she was terribly sorry and that she solved the problem with Inuyasha.

She quickly went over to her desk and grabbed her personal belongings and walked up to a desk that was right in front of the class, where the teacher was able to keep an eye on her. She smiled and before she left, she kicked and cursed on Inuyasha's chair.

She skipped happily towards her NEW seat and sat down nicely. Inuyasha took a few minutes to cool himself down and entered the classroom himself as well.

When he entered, he noticed that Kagome's chair and her belongings were gone. He scanned the entire class and spotted her grinning to herself. He growled and kagome noticed that growl.

She gulped and felt an sharp eye behind her head. She coughed loudly and the teacher looked around. "Inuyasha please take your seat." Inuyasha nodded and sat down, but the problem was, he couldn't see Kagome's head anymore since many kids were in front of his view.

He mentally cursed at her and kicked his desk a few times.

"Inuyasha! Is there a bad relationship between you and your poor desk you've been kicking?!" the teacher sounded annoyed and yet mad as usual. Inuyasha sighed.

"No Mr. Fuji… In fact, I don't even have any relationship with this stupid desk anyways…" The teacher shook his head sadly then sat down.

He looked at his class and stood up. "Class! Today you will be getting an science project on Ecosystem. You won't be choosing your own partner, so don't start moaning and growling at me!" He looked around and picked up his list of names.

"Yura and Hitaro. Sajito and Hitaji. Jiniatosan and Kenshin. Kagome and Inuyasha. Souta and Yukaarmi. Seji and wujina. Yajian and Tonji."

Please get with your partners ASSIGNED to you and have a seat together in ONE desk NOT two DIFFERENT desks. You may move NOW."

Kagome gulped and turned her head around to see Inuyasha smirking at her. She quickly got up and asked the teacher if she could be assigned to another partner but the teacher strickly told her a NO as an answer and she kept her head low.

She looked over at Inuyasha who already got her belongings ready beside him and of course her stupid chair.

She growled low and took a deep breath as she stomped over to his desk. She would not show him any mercy from now on.

She stared at him and warned. "One single touch you give me, the day you will serve your ceremony! Got that?! And if you try to even come close to me, I will personally hate you forever, and of course probably get slapped in your LEFT cheek this time! So hands off buster!!"

He smirked. "Oh dear Kagome," He whined. "Why on earth would these people call me a Bully? Hmm?? Think about it." He placed a hand on her shoulders as if she was one of his leaning stick. She grunted in disgust. "And the next time you slap me, you'll really regret it." He smiled smugly at her and let her go.

She quickly got a cloth from her table and wiped her shoulder a few times. She walked over to his smuggling face and leaned down to whisper to him.

"You're disgusting…!" She stomped off to the teacher to get their bristle board and their experiment materials. Their job was to make a bristle board on Ecosystems and make a model to represent their class.

When she reached over to the table where most of the girls were, picking up their materials and such, she heard two of them whisper her name and Inuyasha's. Because of her huge curiosity lying inside her head, she decided to drop in their conversation and carefully listen without getting noticed.

"You know the new girl what was her name?" The other girl corrected. "Kagome." The other girl continued on. "Yeah her! You know, I heard the guys in Inuyasha's gang talking about her!" The other girl gasped. "Well what did they say?! Is she um…on Inuyasha's list?????" The other girl hissed. "SHH! They'll listen and yes she is." The other girl placed a hand over her mouth and gasped.

Kagome gulped really hard. `WHAT?! HE HAS A GANG?! And even worse…I'm on a what list????!!!!' She bit her finger as she listened tensely at them.

"Oh my gosh…Boy I feel sorry for that girl… She looked like a vergin, I guess she won't be any more…" The other girl nodded. "Yeah. The last girl Inuyasha took in his list was a fresh new virgin, and the next thing you know, she got pregnant!" The girls whispered and Kagome felt her stomach gaining a full amount of butterflies.

`THE GIRL WHAT?! She- she got pregnant??!! Holy fuck! That's it I'm exchanging schools!'

She quickly grabbed her experiment stuffs and materials and hurried over to Inuyasha. She thought to herself. `Maybe…Just maybe if I act really smarty-panty and like un cool and maybe even nice like an angel, so he won't touch me or rape me! YEAH!'

When she reached his desk, she set down all the materials in the box and looked at him, strangely. "Eh hem!" She hissed. He glanced a look at her and frowned. "Wha?" was all he said.

Her mouth dropped open a bit and she quickly closed them tight, back in their positions. "Uh, I need help???" She asked, trying to sound very sarcastic but couldn't get that correctly. He smirked.

"Well well, why didn't you just ask for help instead of just standing there, doing everything by yourself…" He quickly got up as she was about to say something but she immediately stopped her mouth when he crept up close to her face.

She quickly backed up 5 steps away from his face and took deep breaths. "Will you cut that out?! I said not to close up to my face!!" She hissed. He just smiled smugly and started to pick up their materials and set them on the table.

"So, where should we meet?" He asked, not avoiding her blue sparkly eyes. She sighed in a annoyed tone. "I told you…! I am not going out with you geeze! Can't you just forget about it huh??! What's wrong with you buster? Cat got your ears???" He laughed then eyed her suspiciously.

He smiled. "Who said anything about where we're meeting for a date? Hmm???" He asked trying to sound very cool and sarcastic.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh my heavens!" She said sarcastically. "Please forget my stupidness." She grabbed a few of their stuff and looked back at him.

"And for our project, we're not meeting at my house for sure!" She answered in a brief end of discussion tone. He sighed.

"Tsk tsk tks…Kagome when will you ever gain your trusts on me huh? Do I really look like a rapist to you? I told you. I will never try to rape you unless I really really have to like if I don't, I'd die or something."

She smiled at him. "Yeah like I'd really really believe you doggie." She eyed him suspiciously. "I know what you did to the last girl you were going out with." She sounded very serious to her own ears, but to his, they sounded full of eager and curiosity.

He sighed. "That girl was just for my fun on bed you know…It's not like I really liked her. Besides if I did fell in love with her, I'd keep her as a mate and don't start asking me why and what mate means and such…"

He quickly eyed her. She looked scared for a minute then rushed towards the teacher. "May I please please please go to the bathroom????" She asked trying to hide her fear inside of her.

The teacher looked at her as if she's lost it but quickly nodded. "Be back soon Miss Higurashi!" She nodded and quickly left.

Inuyasha waited for 30 whole minutes for his maybe a crush girl on his desk. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited. '30 whole fucking minutes! GODDAMNIT that girl! Did she really think I'd rape her?! KEH! Like I would…'

He shook his head a bit to pull out those horny images out of his head. `COMMON! Think about your task. Think something un cool and un fancy like say….Sesshomaru in a bakini! YEAH!' It only lasted a few minutes since Kagome re entered the classroom.

She worse a really thick sweater and another layer of really thick jeans in….SUMMER? He sighed. `Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell her the whole truth about the last virgin I took…'

He eyed her suspiciously as she walked all around the classroom just to get back to his desk. He gawked. `Oh god heavens! I was just sitting in the second row and she actually had to go all around the damn class?! FUCK I mean…Damn her!'

He sighed as he saw the girl pull out her chair and scoot over a bit so she was sitting at the opposite end from him.

She smiled. "Let's- let's try to finish this project at school shall we? My mom- I mean yes my mom is home these days so…I don't think it'll be a good idea for you to come over and stuff…O..Okay?"

His mouth dropped open. `Did she just ask for my own opinion??? Did she hit her head on the bathroom wall or something? Cause I sure hope not…'

He smirked. "What? You scared of me now? You really truly think I'd rape you?! Geeze Kagome. I'm not that much of an dirty minded person you know…Just learn to be my friend or something. I saw you and I liked you so I don't think it's a good idea for me to rape you and stuff so cool it down girl."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Look. I'm just uh…cold ok? If you think- think I-I'm wearing many thick layers because of your stupid reason, it's not okay? So just don't talk about it got that?"

She shook her head and sighed. "Ecosystems….So what should we do first hmm? Give me your opinion." She asked trying to make up a conversation related to their task. She really wanted this week to be over soon, so that she could start moving on with her safe, issued calm relaxing life.

"Uh…go out?" She sighed. "Inuyasha, I meant something related to our topic which equals to ECOSYSTEMS. Did you hear me right? Ecosystems." She spoke back, sarcastically.

"Ecosystems…I'm not sure then cause all I'm thinking right now, is how to get your ass to go out with me…" He actually tried to think of a brilliant plan, but none came. She was a feisty little girl and who was actually starting to really hate him. None of his targets hated him as much as this girl did.

He sighed. "Man… You're a very hard girl to grab…" She chocked. "Could you please please stop thinking about me?! Just try to focus on our task ok?? You're starting to freak me out!" Just then, the bell rung and everyone started to pack for their next class.

Kagome sighed and pulled out her hair. "Argg! We couldn't even write the title! Freak!!" She growled and was pulling a bunch of hair when inuyasha tapped her on her shoulders.

He smiled. "Meet me after school in the front gate got that? And don't try to run away because I got a good plan for our project got that? And yes…We are going to your house."

He patted her back and waved at her as she just stood there, with her mouth hung out open.

`HE IS SUCH A TOTAL STUPID JERK!!!!!!!!!' She stomped and stomped and ran off to her next class.

Inuyasha smirked as he looked at his watch. `So long hours left, but still I can wait…' He smiled smugly as he jogged to his next class as well.

A/N: YEY ANOTHER CHAPPIE DONE! *brings in Kagome and Inuyasha*

Just-Miko: Please, both of you have a seat. ^-^

Kagome: "Do I seriously have to bring Inuyasha to my house?! But- but my room is a mess!" `That'll work for good! He won't come to my house since I just confessed a good excuse!'

Just-Miko: "Tsk tsk tsk..Kagome remember! I'm the author! I know your room is speck and clean so don't worry girl!"

Inuyasha: "Could you please make this girl get a head surgery and like make her forget about who the hell she is and maybe…make her fall in love with me? IM DYING TO GO OUT WITH HER!

Just-miko: "Let's try to ask the readers if they want Kagome to fall for you! Well forget the surgery part.

Just-miko: "Dear readers, do you want Kagome to fall for Inuyasha? Right now? Or later??

Thanks! ^-^ Please review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*hears kagome say: "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*