InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ Dog vs Dog ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I guess you guys didn't really like the last chapter huh? Hehe, sorry…>.<;;


"Night Kagome."

The lights were soon off and they both scooted in, finding their own positions to sleep in. Well, eventually Kagome was faster than Inuyasha, so she got to sleep by the window side. The moon reflected very well through the window, as she thought about her awesome day.

But she had to admit she felt herself grow much closer to Inuyasha during this night…


"I told you…I didn't kick them out of the house!" His voice was stern, but not stern or loud enough to tag her bodies to flinch.

She just stood there, her hands set firmly by her hips, as she glared stubbornly at the yet annoyed hanyou. He on the other hand couldn't stand her silent treatment. He just had to break it.

"Okay, here's the deal." He brought up his cell phone from his back pocket.

Her eyes were now set on the technologies phone, as he brought it up close by her face. But the problem was, she was still glaring.

"I'll call Miroku, then-"

"Oh forget it…" She then picked up her jacket from the floor, and before fitting it on, she dusted it off. She was headed towards the door, when Inuyasha blocked her way.

"Move." The demand was simple, but it wasn't quite pleasing to his ears. First, he hated to be demanded. But for Kagome, he'd let it slip by.

He then picked up his own jacket and placed it on, of course with a friendly greeting smile.

"Let' go." He took her hand and made their way out the door.


"Yeah, and remember the time when she just couldn't take it and ran out of the room without a single excuse?" She laughed for a moment then wiped her single tear away. "I can never forget that one!" She added.

Inuyasha was nervous. One moment she was an angry bull unleashed, and now she's the laughaholic angel… `Could this get any worse…?' He just had to ask….Well, too late for that.

Infront of them was a puppy, he sensed that this one cannot live for long since it's leg was badly injured with a cut. The cut wasn't too big for the poor fellow to not handle, but it was just enough to treat it with safety.

`Since I'm a dog too.'

He heard Kagome let out a loud gasp, and for a moment he thought she was a goner. He glanced her a look then nearly lost total balance and fell.

"Kagome! Don't touch that!"

Too late.

Kagome was fast on her heels over to the dreaded dog. She didn't even have any protection, but that didn't matter. She was just too anxious in saving the poor creature's life.

Again with the nervous act.

"Kagome- that thing might have some kind of a disease! What if it had plague?!" Inuyasha yelled, stepping closer to her.

Kagome sighed. "Inuyasha! This THING you're referring to is practically DYING! How could you be cruel when you're nearly the same specie?!" She half yelled, yet half asked.

Inuyasha couldn't believe what just came out of her mouth. But still, he was a half demon dog…but referring him to an animal was just so wrong! Well, since he did like her and he did want to help her…

"Well, if you don't hurry to the doctors, it won't survive for long…" He took off his jacket and dropped it on the ground. He crouched down with it, then he placed the injured dog onto the jacket, without harming it.

Kagome asked him if she could hold the dog, but since he was too over protective, he decided a NO was a good answer.

"Inuyasha… Just when are you deciding on getting a car?" She pouted while taking a seat on the driver's seat. Believe it or not, they were riding a taxi. It was yellow, not too fancy of a color, but still- she concluded it was better than riding on a bus.

She continued with a sigh. "I mean, it'll be really easier and faster for me to have you drive me every Thursdays to my work place, plus it'll be easier for you and me to go around to places."

She stretched out her neck and peaked out the window. "There! I see the hospital! We're not far from it at all!" She smiled down at the dog then smiled at Inuyasha, who returned the smile.

"Hang in there little Inu buddy…" She whispered. The dog was shaking badly and it's chest was heaving up and down, begging for more air.

They've finally reached the hospital and didn't even bother reading the name, or the sign logo, and neither the slogan.

They quickly ran in the building, still hanging on to the poor dog with them. A nurse was seen by the door 101, and Kagome took no second chance in jumping up to her and bulge out her question.

"I-I need a doctor immediately!" She chocked out while inhaling and exhaling deeply. The nurse scanned her body up and down then cocked a brow.

"Well, you seem awfully fine to me. Is there a problem with the inner issues of your body Miss?" She asked, while checking up on her clip board.

"I need to see a doctor! We have an injured dog with us!" She then quickly dragged in Inuyasha to the conversation.

She whispered low into his ear. "Keep this nurse busy, while I take the dog to a doctor." She saw Inuyasha give her an pleading eye look messaging her the `Why can't you?' Look. She patted down on his shoulder then did something that she thought was wrong, but felt so right…

She had tip toed just enough and pecked on his lips with a blushing smile.

The kiss was so short, that he had no absolute time in returning it back. He leaned down to her closer and closer-

"Sorry to interrupt but mind you- this is a good example of a civic community, and as you can see there are many kind of ages out here from children to adults and then elders. Young adult like you my friends to have those kind of act needs to be in those places where-"

"Right, we got you on the first sentence." Kagome turned away from Inuyasha and remarked.

"And uh- my friend here, wants to know some more instinct choices on the issues on clinik community-

"Correction, it's Civic Community my friend." The nurse said with a lightest smirk she could give.

"Right- as I was saying, well you do have some time to discuss on that issue with him, don't you Nurse…..nurse-

The woman straightened her top to show off her name tag in return for Kagome's favor. She was a nurse, but she did have a name.

Kagome fake smiled.

"Yes! Nurse Akendo." She then folded up her sleeves and gasped by looking down at her watch.

"Oh my my! Look at the precious time! I must I mean, I HAVE to be going now." She then bowed mannerly. "It was truly nice meeting you out here in the Clinik community here with you Nurse."

"Yes and that my friend, it's Civic and please do call me Nurse Akendo." She smiled but not bowed.

"Well, better tag off now. See you guys!" She waved for a slight moment then turned away and made her run.

The nurse now turned to Inuyasha who was very amused by Kagome's way of speaking in public with a nurse- annoying as this one. He felt a pair of eyes set on his back, and was afraid to see who's it was.

"Well my other friend, since you'd love to listen more about certain issues of `What things to NOT do' in civic places, let's have a nice chat on that table over there." She gave him a smile that totally sent shivers down his spine. It nearly made him puke.

"Well, you see…I- I have a dog! And his dying!" He yelled.

The Nurse looked at him as if he was crazy. She then shook her head lightly. "Now I understand…" She spoke.

Inuyasha turned back to her then had just realized that Kagome have snatched the dog away with her. `Curses…' He thought mentally.

"Well, it's settled. Come with me and I'll soon have your brain checked with the visor." She jot down a few notes on her clip board then glanced back up at him.

"Oh don't worry- it doesn't even hurt! Besides, it won't even cost much either!" She fake smiled.

For a nurse, she sure was dense…

`How am I going to handle out on this one…?!' He motioned up on his head.


Kagome couldn't believe her luck. She and Inuyasha had arrived on the hospital for pregnancy but boy was she ever glad she had came! Doctor Kinomai was amused and satisfied with her sense of humor that he actually had enough spare time to give the dog a free treatment.

"Thank you again Doctor." She bowed.

"And I'm sorry I mistook you for a care taker, and not a true savior. My mistake." She spoke tenderly.

The Doctor cracked a chuckle and motioned for her to go on.

"It was my pleasure meeting you Kagome. I hope to treat your dog the next time on your visit." He said, with an easy smile.

She returned the smile and took her leave.

She looked down at the brand- new dog. His fur was stitched up, and all the clusted blood was cleaned up in a speck! She also had good news for Inuyasha since the doctor recalled that this puppy didn't suffer through a plague or any other diseases.

"Let's go home Pup." She chirped.


"Man! My head is killing me!" Inuyasha and Kagome have came back from the hospital and both of them had FREE treatments.

But now Kagome on the other hand was just too busy, playing around with the dog, flipping it's tail and rubbing his ears. She was laughing more than she had when she was with Inuyasha. This made him go angry and yet, upset.

He crept closer to her small form and tapped her on the shoulder.

When he did, she turned around and looked at him confusingly.

"Yeah?" She asked. There was no demand in this word but it still hurt him inside. He was actually thinking of a "Yes Inuyasha?" Or a "What could I help you Inu?" Those sounded more fuzzier than a simple "Yeah".

He sighed then walked over to his original form, on the kitchen table.

Kagome cocked a brow then realized that she have not been a good girl to Inuyasha…And a flash back just came up in her mind as she placed the dog down.

The night before when Sango and Miroku was here for a sleep over, she remembered Inuyasha telling her that he liked a girl with green pure eyes and black raven hair. She was pretty clear that the girl he loves was her…

`Wait! Love?! Not even!' Her mind scram. "That can't be true….but….maybe he does…?" She smiled without realizing that Inuyasha's face was only a few inches from hers.

"What do you mean by "he does"…?" Inuyasha asked dumbfounded.

Kagome nearly stopped breathing.

"Did- did you hear what I just said?!" She asked, trying to find her right voice. It was calm, but it clearly stated that she was nervous.

Inuyasha's face lit up with a wide boyish grin and a half smile. "You were thinking of me!" He shouted out in a cheery tone. It was about time she start thinking love things about him. It still felt like yesterday when he admitted that he liked her.

"Wait let me guess…! You want us to be official don't you?!" He asked, his heart doing all kinds of flip flops in a matter of joy.

"Well I knew it! Anyhow I'm glad since I already truly did like you from the start! Gosh- and I was worried that I might face an one sided love! Thank God!" He looked up at her blushing features then licked his lips.

"Kagome…" He whispered in a husky low voice.

Shivers were sent down through her spine, as the puppy decided to take his leave. The poor puppy had smelt his owner and jumped out to the garden and out he went.

Kagome glanced sweetly at his lips and had to pull back an eager to kiss him.

`Is this such thing called Love…?' Kagome had a hard time trying to figure out whether to answer and accept his thoughts and to just ensue along.

She took a deep heavy breath and released it out of her, slowly.

She had time, and plus, she needed time… She was going o solve this issue slowly with his help also. She could learn to love, always, and she can either be his friend for eternity or be his-

"I like you." A voice whispered.

"Don't you understand the first time I say anything…?" He asked. His bangs were lowly touching his eyes, so that her view to his golden orbs was impossible.

"I can always wait…and I know you need time but…Don't take anymore than 1 minute…Right after I'm done with my speech, you can give me the answer in a matter of 1 minute or less." He spoke.

His tone was soft, but demanding.

"I love you." He whispered into the atmosphere.

"And you heard me correctly right?" He asked, lifting his head up. Now the task in seeing his golden orbs were truly thus possible and she had to admit. She had the urge to tell him that she liked him as well.

"Just for an over checking- could you repeat what I had just said?" He asked hopefully. He noiced that Kagome knew what he wanted her to say, and this was it. His life line. It was rather her saying the 3 destined words or the simple No.

"I won't demand on anything…I just wish to listen to your-"

"I love you…" Her voice immediately stopped him from continuing his next line, but that didn't matter to him anymore.

He grinned then lowered his head to greet her rosy lips.

He kissed her and she kissed him back.

It was simple but for them, it was like a fierce moment. He couldn't have been any luckier. Kagome had finally accepted him and trusted him. No more being called a stupid Bully and no more cheating on women. He was sticking with only one simple routine from now on…His heart only desired Kagome. Now and eternally.

He broke their kiss and snuggled his head on her neck line. He breathed in her sweet scent and flavours. His eyes closed for a brief moment.

He was thinking now…

"Hey Kagome…" he spoke, ever so softly.

"What is it Inuyasha?" She asked in a short reply.

He smirked then decided to play the Bad Boy role. "What do you say, we hit the jackpot tonight?" he trailed off, not knowing what was coming from above him.


She snorted bitterly. "No doubt in changing your behaviour." She grinned then giggled. "Besides, I don't think your old personality is too gruff nor rude. It's fine by me- just change the short tempered side, and you're perfect to go!" She still had more.

"And just because we're official, doesn't mean I can't stay as a baby virgin Inuyasha." She pointed strictly.

"I'll decide about that issue in the later future. Agree?" She asked formally.

"Keh." He snorted. "If I was you, I wouldn't try to predict so much…" He smirked as his hands latched softly on her breasts.

With a quick reaction, Kagome slapped his hands away then his head.

"Don't play bad with me Inuyasha." She warned, as she stomped off to her bedroom. He predicted that she was going to stay up there for a while. `And I thought I wasn't suppose to predict.' He thought with a funny smirk.

Now all thanks to Inuyasha, Kagome had just enough time with the true Dog Demon to forget about the little puppy she was with in the beginning.


Kagome was flustered, bust still had the low sugar in her. The amount was just enough to support her to walk around her small room.

`Maybe Inuyasha is having a fun time…?' she wandered off to the living room, and found that he wasn't there anymore. She scanned the area and was satisfied on how tidy it looked. She was glad she met Inuyasha and laughed at the memory of their first met on the bus.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound of water running down from the upstairs bathroom.

Without a second thought, she ran upstairs and flung the door open without a slightest hesitation. "How dare you use my bathroom without asking!" She yelled. She felt relief when she saw the curtain shut closed from both sides.

That's when she realized that something was wrong.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from behind her.

She blinked a few times before turning to face Inuyasha, standing there wearing his white T-shirt. She then cocked her head sideways.

"Wait…if you're here then-" She gasped out of no where then quickly rushed behind his side. "Oh my gosh….It's! It's!!" She couldn't state.

"Don't be silly Kagome!" Inuyasha told her with a grin. "Besides, I would never let a stranger into my girlfriend's house without rolling my brain for at least 100 times, maximum." He pushed her gently to the side, but snorted with laughter as he felt her grab tightly on to his arm.

He rolled his eyes.

"Why? Don't tell me you actually want to tag along with me to the shower, Kagome." He ventured with a chuckle. "Besides, that doesn't bother me one single bit." He pressured her once more with a wink.

Her face glowed pink as she quickly let go of his arm, and pushed him into the bathroom.

"Naughty Kagome! Acting like a shy girl is pointless. Pointless! Pointless when you got the sexy wild side inside of you!" Inuyasha chanted in a sing song tone.

Kagome growled, yet blushed. She crossed her arms on her chest then cursed softly. "Oh no, take as LONG as you want." And with that, she walked to any room, all except the bathroom.

A/N: I am terribly sorry to you readers…But please understand me - I've been at the hospital for 2 whole weeks…I had some kind of weird things called Gnarl stone in my stomach or something…It was so disgusting- I had to get a surgery! UGH. And Thank you all for your wonderful reviews!