InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ My type is your type ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: sry for this late, late updates…I had to get my comp to work - Mediaminer couldn't budge…so…I'm truly sorry about these mistakes which will never happen again…>.<


He picked Kagome up, bridal style and placed her down, gently on the bed. He couldn't keep himself from stop staring at her sleeping form. He thought she was the cutest creature, ever existed in the world.

He ran his hands across her face with a smirk.

"But you know what Kagome?" He whispered low.

"I don't regret it…" He added last, and with that he placed his head down, and decided to stay right next to her for the rest of the night.

Well, too bad for him, since he had just missed Kagome's light smile.


"Already got one?!?!" Kagome echoed as she swallowed down the chunks of pancakes. `wait… I need water…!' She held up her index finger and Sango stopped chattering for a minute.

"Where is that damn bottle?!" She stood up and started to wander around-

"Kagome…this isn't your house- remember, you're in my side of the territory now…Get use to this!" Sango cracked a laugh as she pulled out a bottle of water.

Kagome gave her the `Sure thing' look, before snatching the bottle away from Sango.

"Sango, stack me up some more will you?" She asked, finishing off her last piece with tons of syrup dumped over it. Her friend realeased a sigh.

"Don't you think you already had enough…?" She grabbed the dishes from the pig-out lady and placed them by her side. "Besides, fat ladies aren't Inuyasha's type from how I see it."

"Yeah and like what…? Miroku likes the fat stereotypes?" She rubbed.

"Yeah well, to tell you the whole truth, he'll go after any stereotypes of chicks in this world. And trust me, the next time he does…It won't be pretty."

Kagome smirked. "Well, don't put it out on me, girl!" She passed over her bottle of water and motioned for her to take a sip. Knowing that Sango had pretty much calmed down a bit, she decided to pick up their conversation from earlier.

"By the way Sango, how did Miroku even get his hands on his new license?" She still couldn't believe that Miroku got his hands on his new liscense and Inuyasha didn't even have the chance to take his glimpse at one.

There was a recognizable laugh from the corner.

"Well Kagome, I guess I could indeed explain that one." Miroku pointed. He walked over to their table and sat himself down beside his lover.

Kagome gave him a uneasy flash of smile.

"Well well, if it isn't Miroku the lecher…so about the liscense, how-" she paused then shook her head catching up something.

"Whoa wait one sec!" She then pointed at him. "Since when the hell did you get your ass in here?! You- you have her keys…?!" She shouted, yet shocked. Miroku gave her one lame smile before clearing his throat.

"Well Kagome- as I was GOING to say," He then pulled out his visual aid for an example. "I got this baby all the way from California!" He slid it towards her, and she caught it with full of interest.

"Wow Miroku! You sure is a-"

Without another word, Kagome smirked evily as she flipped the card back and read it out loud.

"Oh my my! It says here, imported in Japan. And here's a specific one! It says- " Miroku quickly swiped his liscense from Kagome's hands and stuffed it in his back pocket. He got up and took his leave.

Sango gave him an odd glare then back to Kagome.

With a sigh she replied. "Well, at least you made him leave." She then checked her pocket for any sign of her EXTRA house key. "No wonder! That ass thieved my extra key!"

She growled low.

"Why, I'm going to beat the crap out of him!"

Sango also made her move, and was now out the door in search for her beloved lecher. Kagome on the other hand was totally far from amused at these weird couples.

She thought quietly to herself. `Sango and Miroku seems to be a great loving couple…then what about…what about me and Inuyasha…?'


`She's probably mad at me…I just know it!' Inuyasha slammed his fist right on the wall, not too hard to create a crack, since he was staying over at Kagome's for now. `Why do I even bother asking? She's probably going to kick me out anyways…'

He looked outside the window and saw the sunset lowering down the sky. Maybe…maybe I should just leave…?' He jerked up and shook his head. "Without a good-bye?! NEVER!" He remarked.

That's when he heard the door crack open quietly, but he noticed anyway. The scent of cherry blossoms lingered through his nostrils. He quickly turned around to face Kagome, standing just a few feet away from him.

He gulped as she made her way towards him, and sat down swiftly on his bed. She turned to face him with a tint of smile across her lips. She saw him blush and turn away. `Now that's a new record…Seeing him blush like that!' She giggled then quickly cleared her throat.

"Uh, hi Inuyasha…So, how was your day?" She asked lamely.

He also greeted her with a warm smile. "It was okay I guess…But it was pretty much boring without you in the house…" He turned around and continued to work out. He lifted up the heavy load then brought it back down, then up again.

"Inuyasha…um, about yesterday…I-"

"I'm sorry Kagome…" He interrupted.

His back was still facing towards her as he continued. "I have no idea what in the hells got in to me…I hope you forgive me- and I really won't stop you from kicking me out…if that's what you wish." With one shift turn, he was now facing her.

"The decision is within you Kagome…I won't stop you…" He finished.

Kagome couldn't believe what he had just said. She was actually planning on forgiving him and never actually blame the whole thing on him like how he was thinking. She couldn't take it anymore…

"You don't understand!" She protested. Dispite everything, Inuyasha glanced up at her in a flash.

"What do you mean by that…?" He asked questioningly.

Kagome shook her head. "Inuyasha, I would never dream of kicking you out from here. This is part of your home too you know, and another thing…I never was mad at you to tell you the truth…I-I was just shocked that's all! Please don't take it too hard! It wasn't your fault!"

Inuyasha nearly dropped the heavy weight but kept his mind clear and steady. `If she truly didn't regret it…I-I…I totally want to take her on but…'

"Inuyasha, yesterday was yesterday, and today is today. No deal on that. And besides!" She smiled cheery. "I'm all over that!" She got up and walked over to his side.

"So…I was wondering…" She asked immediately. Inuyasha on the other hand gulped the huge lump that had gathered up on his throat. "You were wondering about…?" He asked nervously.

"How heavy is this thing?" She asked, gesturing at the load he was carrying.

Inuyasha nearly fell by his side. "What kind of a stupid question is that?! Was that ALL?!?!" He scram. Kagome flashed an evil glare at him.

She growled. "Then what kind of a question did you actually think I was going to ask?" she sputtered, her hands settled down on her hips.

He coughed for a few times then looked down at his watch.

"Damn…busted…" He muttered while putting away his equipments. He felt Kagome's eyes on his back so he turned and sighed.

"I forgot I had to sleep over at Miroku's…" He spoke out. Kagome couldn't help but to start wondering if Inuyasha was…was gay. She just had to ask.

"Are you gay…?" She asked quietly, not to upset him for revealing out his secret identity.

This time, he did fall on his behind and quickly got up. "WHAT?!" He barked. He walked up to her and smacked his forehead.

"You think I- I'm gay?!" He barked once more, earning a small nod from her.

"YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND!" He pounded. Kagome slightly jumped at the volume of his voice then glared back.

"So sorry for barging out such a crazy question like that!" She added sarcastically. "And besides! There are many various ways to think that you are-"

"That's enough Kagome!" He nudged.

"And was it that long ago about me telling that I like you..?" He asked.

He grinned boyishly when he saw the flash of tint blush across her nose then spread through her cheeks.

She shoved him away then laughed non chantingly.

"HAHA! Uh…I-I don't remember…!" She remarked, totally embarrassed big time.

"Hey Kagome, you don't have to act so dramatic about it…besides!" He pat her shoulder. "It's not like you actually like me back…" He decided to test her out a bit, just to learn more about her feelings.

"Hey! I never said I hate you or anything! I actually!-" with an loud gasp, her hands were soon splattered on her mouth. `You idiot Kagome! He was just playing with you and you fell for it!!'

She mentally kicked herself for being such a blabber mouth…

"Hey, don't push it, Kag." He then smirked. "I was actually enjoying your friendly speech until you screwed it up…Well, at least I know you don't hate me for who I am and stuff." He spoke.

"So you were just playing with me weren't you?!" She spat.

Inuyasha smiled and shrugged innocently, trying to act like a 3 ear old kid, which obviously failed.

"Why you...!"


"So let me get this perfectly straight!"

"You" Sango pointed out at Miroku.

"Actually planned out a sleep over just to get those two together back in their love spot?" She asked, quite amused at his brilliant thinking.

Miroku simply nodded.

"Oh Miroku!! You could be so sweet sometimes you know that!" She giggled as she tugged on his blouse collar.

"Sango please! We might not be able to get a sleep over if you continue this process…!" He spoke out nervously.

Sango giggled then sighed. "Alright…well, at least we could plan out all the fun things at Kagome's." She found her spot back on the passenger seat, next to Miroku's.

"Common Miroku! We got a mission to accomplish!!" She yelled.

"Right my love!" He spoke back.

"Miroku…HANDS OFF!!" *THUNG*


"They're pretty later than we scheduled…" Coed Inuyasha. Kagome was already done preparing games, activities and the beddings as well. Of course, we cannot forget about the load of junk foods.

"Well, maybe they aren't coming?" She asked back.


"Well well, talk about good timing." Inuyasha spoke with an slight annoyed voice, but yet amused at the same time.

"Where the heck were you two?!" He yelled. Sango practically covered her ears, since she wanted to hear Miroku say `I LOVE YOU' to her in the late futuristic moment.

"Oh chill down will you Inuyasha?" She asked in a sweet tone. "And hello to you too Kagome! Sorry about taking off like an wild animal earlier…" She scratched the back of her head.

"Oh no harm done Sango!" She said back.

"Well, now that we're settled here, let's play a little game of Spin and Bottle shall we?" Miroku yelled at the corner, his hands already on the well prepared food.

"No Miroku! Those are for later night snacks!! Don't eat them all you PIG!!" Kagome made it by him just in time, to snatch away a few potato chips and chunks of marshmallows.

She gave Sango an odd look. "Your future husband eats too much…You'll need to start saving your alounce up or else, your futuristic on buying groceries isn't going to turn happy." She muttered.

"Well excuse me for having a pig as a- HEY WAIT ONE SECOND HERE!" She exhaled fully in great passion.

"What's the problem now?" Kagome asked timidly. "Oh jesus! Just control your anger Sango! We all know you love Miroku!" She then cracked out a loud giggle. "You guys should become official!" She laughed.

"Kagome…!" She growled, barely above a whisper.

"Hey! That's not such a bad image at all!" Inuyasha joined in. "Come to think of it! You guys make up a perfect jig saw puzzle!" He shot a look at Kagome then they both timed out a laugh.

"Ha-ha! Very funny you two…Just what- Wait…You guys made up?!?!" She yelled, shocked and felt the near side of doom…

Kagome looked confusingly at Inuyasha who just looked back at her with the same boring expression.

He tip-toed closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"Do you think they actually came all the way here, just to bring us back together?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

It was her turn to lean in.

"From what I'm seeing, I think I'll stick with a Yes." Inuyasha nodded in agreement then they parted to greet their friends to start the party.



"Hey! That ain't fair! You chose dare for the last 5 straight rows!" Inuyasha grunted out as he crossed his arms to show her unfairness.

Kagome had to stifle the urge to laugh from the amusing scene she was earning.

"Well, I do agree this one with Inuyasha, Kagome." Sango restored. "Besides, why can't you chose Truth anyways hmm?"

Inuyasha placed his hands over Sango's mouth to shut her up.

"Fine then- let's see how you take this on!"

Kagome gave him an odd stare before nodding.

"Well, I dare you to say Truth the very next round!" Inuyasha nearly patted his back for being such a smarty ass for the first time!

Kagome gawked in surprise then let out a fake muffle of cry.

"That ain't fair!" She yelled back. But from all the 3 pairs of glare she was receiving, she knew it was time she give in.

"Oh alright!"

Kagome stuck out her tongue at Inuyasha who was busy remembering about their kisses.

"Now!" Miroku taunted. "Your turn Inuyasha." He spoke.

"Keh- no need to explain lecher." He then decided to go with Dare himself.

"I chose dare." He said.

"Hey! That ain't fair! How come he get to chose Dare and now me?!" Kagome yelled. She then got up and pointed out towards Miroku. "You gender bias!" She scram, making sure Inuyasha will deserve a Truth instead of Dare.

"Kagome! Settle down will you?" Sango gestured. "Besides! Inuyasha only chose Dare twice. That's minus 3 from your scores of Dare." She looked past Kagome then at Miroku and gave him the evil wink.

At first Miroku had trouble guessing what the wink meant; Sign of I LOVE YOU or DON'T FORGET MY LOVE TO YOU or probably ON TO PLAN A. `She probably means for me to start the Plan A. But…What is the plan A anyway?'

He wondered while Kagome and Inuyasha were busy arguing about the actual definition of Gender Bias.

"Alright Inuyash!" Those two simple words were strong enough to grab everyone's attentions at the lecher. "I dare you to give Kagome a dearest Smooch!" Sango was now fuming with a mad smile. She actually even gave Miroku a thumb up.

"Now wait! That's not fair either!" Kagome blushed furiously as she backed up from the mad smiling two timing weird couple.

"Oh Kami, Kagome! Every one bit of your life is unfair to you!" Kagome's so called good friend raised her hands in defeat, but she haven' actually given up on anything yet.

"Sango!" Kagome budged.

"Hey! Don't nudge it on me! Go take it out on the lecher!" She added back.

Miroku on the other hand was stuck in a pretty similar situation, but not quite too similar…

"Thanks Miroku! I knew you'd say that dare! Now all I need is some guts of spirit to go and kiss her…!" Inuyasha chanted.

"Whoa dude…Don't get too excited. You never know but hear this- Kagome could be a really scary girl…She could probably haunt you for the rest of your life or your eternity if you kiss her!"

Inuyasha gave him his 100% inspiration smirk.

"Hey- who said I've never kissed her before?" He greeted him with a smugly smirk this time.

"You mean…?" Miroku asked, then Inuyasha nodded, fully confident over himself.

"Then GO dude! This is your another life chance! But- Thank me later though. I do need some deserve of credit for this plan in action you know." He smiled.

"Miroku…it's a game- Sango could've probably signaled you a wink and you got it in action…If I'm wrong, then bite me." Inuyasha mentioned, eyeing Kagome very carefully just to check if she was blushing again.

"Alright! I'm going to give it my best shot!" He spat.

"That's the spirit Inu man!" Miroku chanted along.

That's when the pause began…

"Inu man?! What kind of a lame nick name is that?!" Inuyasha barked as he and Miroku made their way back to the original game spot.

"I don't know… it just all popped up on my head…" He tried to think of another excuse, but since none hit him, he decided to just move on with this one.

"So!" Sango rushed to Inuyasha's side. "Ready to kiss your honey??" She coed in excitement.

Miroku had trouble pushing her back and kill down her excitement. "Sango!" Kagome yelled from a near by corner.

"You're not the one that's getting a smooch you know!" She horned. Sango glimpsed at Kagome then laughed. "Don't get so sincerely with me Kag! Besides, you guys don't have to kiss infront of Miroku and me you know!" She coaxed in her own enthusiasm.

Kagome cracked a few knuckles trying to get in touch with her bad influenced friend- but couldn't get through with her perverted lover.

"let me at her!" She taunted.

"Kagome!" Miroku yelled, holding back her fired up fist. "Remember that violence isn't a way to solve situations like this!" He corrected but didn't help him get himself out of this messy bun of situation.

That's when HE decided to walk in.

"Oh! Inuyasha! Just in time! Help me get through your perverted friend so I could-"

He slammed his lips down to her own, not too harsh but hard enough to shut her off for a minute. Kagome's eyes darted wide open as she stopped all her violent movements for now.

"Miroku help me!! Kagome is still at it! Man does she-" His pair of hands clamped down on her mouth, and with a single hush, the weird couple's eyes were on the stubborn ones.

"Mute is on…" Sango muttered under her breath.

"Hey Sango, aren't we suppose to be celebrating?" He asked her.

With a heave of sigh, she replaced on a smile.

"Well, I guess Mission Accomplished, for now." She cheered.

"Yeah, there's no other explanation for this issue now, is there?" He wondered Sango along his side.

"I'm not so sure if I quite understand you Miroku, but…I kind of agree with you at this one…"


"Well, thanks to your brilliant ideas, I gotta sleep in the same room with Miroku!!" Sango prompted, as she searched for her Pajamas. "Do you even have a single idea how dangerous this could turn out to be?!" She included.

Kagome sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Then what? You wanted to sleep with Inuyasha or something?" She asked, not realizing that she actually felt the tinge of jealousy from her own speech.

"Let me see…NO- but I could've at least slept with you, you know!" She yelled, as she finally spotted her pink Pajamas.

"Whoa Sango…You're not moving in here you know, and if you had the tiniest idea on that, the answer is a No No." She corrected.

"Oh Kami, Kagome…You don't have to spell it out on me alright?" She adjusted.

"Then I guess I should take my leave. Well," She smiled. "Good luck~"

Kagome closed the door behind her then turned around to face Miroku, of course, in his teddy bear pajamas.

"Wow Miroku, I'm surprised…" She coed as she scanned him up and down.

"Oh- never saw a guy in baby looking pajamas before Kagome?" He released a small laugh. Kagome joined in.

"Nope, it's just that, well you see…I was wondering if your pajamas had pictures of naked porn stars on them…Well, guess I was wrong eh?" She smartened up, by adjusting her volume lower.

"Well," he whispered. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I do have one pair of those in my closet…But hush! It's a secret between you and me alright?" He made sure.

She smiled then giggled.

"No worries! This will never go to Sango's ears!"

Miroku sighed. "Boy, that sure is a relief…Well, good night, and tomorrow morning, 8:00a.m sharp, Sango and I will take our leave. But…" He paused with one serious expressions for a lecher.

"But…?" She echoed.

"But- you and Inuyasha gotta make us breakfast!" And with that, he rushed inside to greet his Sango.


"well, so much for talking to Miroku!" Kagome frowned. "Talk about a conversation! That was just plain trash talk!" She sighed.

"Guess I should sleep too then…" She preyed to Kami she won't have to make breakfast tomorrow. She knew she was a terrible cook, and in heavens, she didn't want to see her dearest friends die in such a tragic way…Talk about saving up money- she'll probably waste them all for their funeral…


Just then, a knock was heard on her door.

Kagome ripped open her bedding sheets then rushed towards the door. `Now who could that be…?' she hissed in her thought.


"You!" She yelled.

"Hush!" Inuyasha recalled. There was a long pause, and Kagome noticed that she haven't invited him in her room yet.

"Oh right. Sorry…" She flung open the doors and let him in.

"So," She closed the door, quieter than the first time she opened it.

"What brings you all the way UP here?" She asked, leading him to sit down on her bed. She looked at his Pajamas, and was upset to see him just wear a plain white shirtless top with baggy black track pants.

`Not bad…not bad at all…' She checked. `But I still wanted to see him wear a pair of Pajamas like Miroku's….' She cursed.

"Well, you see…" He fixed an eye on her then continued when he saw her nod slightly. "Those two love birds beside my room…well, they've got some serious problems with their volume muting machine…" He said.

Kagome nearly bursted out laughing at the thought of them, chasing each other and yeah….

"So, you're trying to tell me that…you want to sleep in here…with-with me?" She asked, finding her tiled floor very interesting at this moment.

"Well, that wasn't so hard to explain…thanks for getting the point though." He smirked.

Kagome gulped then laughed nervously.

"Oh Inuyasha! You sly dog…Haha! Uh….sure why not…" She replied, once again staring oddly down at her tiled floor.

`Oh look…the tiles are not made of wood…probably a type of stone? Can't be marble…I'm to cheap for that kind…' She messaged herself.

"Kagome…if you don't feel comfortable with me being up here- then" he sighed. "Then, I guess I should go down and sleep where those two couples are-"

"Hey! I said OKAY didn't I?!" She jolted.

"I mean…Yeah…I said YES Inuyasha…Isn't that enough proof?" She asked timidly.

He scratched his head for a moment then smiled. "Before we start thinking about who gets to sleep by the window or not…Could-could I ask you a simple question?" He asked, eyeing her, and not the floor like how she did.

"Sure- why not." She replied.

"Kagome," He crossed his legs, Indian style. "Which type of boys do you prefer?" He asked her, as if it was some `eating a piece of cake' question.

"Wha..what?" She asked.

He sighed. "You heard me…which type of boys do you prefer or like?" He tried once more.

He heard her gulp down and saw her turn away.

"Uh…you don't have to blush or get embarrassed. Just tell me one simple note or an idea which type of a boy you like or would prefer." He spelled it out for her.

Kagome knew it wasn't anything badly related to Inuyasha, so she decided to give him a chance. `Besides, how is this going to hurt me?' she asked herself.

"well, for starters…Um…" She thought curiously with her thumb and index finger, set on her chin.

"Well…?" He echoed after her.

"Um…I think a nice guy- not too shabby and girlie sort, but a guy who could stand up for me, strong enough, nice enough, and definitely a guy who I could truly relay, trust or depend on for the rest of my entire life."

He blinked for a minute then frowned.

"That's it? Just those simple notes? A guy who can make up 100% for your prosperity just has to be 1. Nice, 2. strong, 3. trustworthy, 4. reliable and 5. dependable??" He sputtered, his curiosity washing over him.

"Well, yeah…I mean if a guy has all those 5 responsibilities, I'm sure I could love him as much as I could live for." She laughed.

"So, what about you then Inuyasha?" She asked.

"What about me?" he sputtered questioningly.

"Well, since you got my answer, now it's my turn to ask you the same question. What type of a girl is yours?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to show her amusement.

"Well," He lay down gently. "I think I like the nice kind, angelic, of course pretty, strong and defensive, natural, talented, black haired green eyed simple beautiful lady." He then remarked one more.

"And sexy too." He smirked.

"Black haired, green eyed simple beautiful lady?" She gathered the information and thought over and over again to get this perfect.

"So, that's your crush right?" She asked, even though the answer was right at the tip of her very tongue.

"Bingo." He chanted.

"Well then, turn off the lights because this conversation is over." She giggled, while blushing at the same time.

"I think I know who she is…but…is it okay for me to know?" She asked, her eyes locked with his.

He leaned in then grinned.

"That doesn't bother me one bit…" He quickly kissed her cheeks then licked it, just to taste her sweetness.

"Night Kagome."

The lights were soon off and they both scooted in, finding their own positions to sleep in. Well, eventually Kagome was faster than Inuyasha, so she got to sleep by the window side. The moon reflected very well through the window, as she thought about her awesome day.

But she had to admit she felt herself grow much closer to Inuyasha during this night…

A/N: A CELEBRATION FOR 100 REVIEWS!! *blows party bloopers* THANK YOU EVERYONE! *cries* I just love you guys soo much!