InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ No regrets, please ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


nuyasha turned towards her then grinned.

"But you know- it was mostly your fault…" He nudged.

Kagome's eyes flashed with the urge of fire as she pounced on him and started the so called `cat-fight'. "Inuyasha!! Get back here!" Using her Super Killing Pillow, she thrust it in mid air and guess what? It hit the poor run-away dog square in his face!

There was a loud growl from across the room, and now, Kagome was the one running away.


Kagome was already up and was started with the morning breakfast, while Inuyasha on the other hand, was busy snoring through his loving dreams. Kagome still couldn't stop herself from thinking about her smooth feeling from yesterday night.

She did indeed shake her head a few times to snap out from that emotion, but still couldn't help wonder what and why it was there…

She then couldn't help but start to think of Inuyasha's smiling features, and his cute emotions when he sulked through his words. She couldn't notice but to place a smile across her lips, while flipping over the fried eggs.

A slight yawn was heard from behind her and she turned around.

For the ever first time, Kagome decided to lightly check out Inuyasha's toned body and of course, his handsomely toned muscles. She gulped as he stepped closer to her with a wild confusion across his face.

"Hey, did you by any chance eat too much sugar this morning, Kagome?" He asked as he grabbed himself a handful of Oreo cookies, opened from the previous night.

"Hey, these aren't mixed with some kind of odd sort of poison, is it…?" He asked, just before plomping one in his mouth. He lid open up his mouth and decided to wait for a civilized answer, before starting to crunch and much these babies down.

Kagome shot him her best glare ever to get him start functioning.

"Alright alright, just a simple April fool's…" He gestured after searching for his bright, yellow, very simple plastic cup.

"Ah ha! Here we are." He said.

"Inuyasha- you've been only drinking with that plastic cup, probably imagining that it was gold or what so ever, and you never let me wash it!" She pointed. Kagome stretched her rubber gloves, too bad it wasn't the color yellow.

Inuyasha eyed her catchingly before inhaling another hold of air.

"Well miss know-it-all, sorry to point this fact to you, but-" He grabbed his yellow cup and placed it infront of her face.

"But, I'm loving this baby." He smirked. "But don't start yapping at me that you're…" He paused.

Kagome stopped her dish washing for a minute and pulled off her red rubber gloves. "Go on, I'll listen." She looked at him experimentally. He nodded and placed his fist just before his mouth.

He spread them out and released something called "Cough out my Excuse".

*Cough* "Jealous." *Cough*. He finished.

Kagome's mouth gaped at him as she thrusted her rubber gloves down, hard on the table, splashing the drips of water onto Inuyasha and her clothes, which of course didn't matter to her currently.

"Wel, I've got news for you!" She backed up and yelled over her shoulders.

"N-O! Also, never will be a good answer for that!" She fumed.

Inuyasha scratched his head to look extra confused and innocent. He was about to scream out a few words back at her, but he was indeed interrupted.

"I'm going to work." She pointed before closing her bedroom door. Inuyasha knew that she was going to change and decided to take the risky chance and walked up to her door.

There was no need to act pretty for this job, so he decided to just bash in with some excuse. He reached out his hands and wrapped it around the knob and just before turning it-

The door locked from the inside…

`Damnit! Curse you Kagome!!' His mind screamed as he kicked the wall. "Oww!!!" He horned.

"Fuck!" He cursed, rubbing his toes.

Kagome walked out from her bedroom with a slight smirk as she leaped down beside Inuyasha. She placed her hands on his shoulders before sighing.

"Oh Inuyasha, why didn't you try asking me what these walls were made out of, first?" She asked with a enthusiasm. She knocked 2 times, very lightly and frowned.

"And I suspect you had a large amount of curiosity inorder to do the dirty job…" She looked up at him to adjust their eye levels, and noticed that he was facing away from her.

"Well," she patted his shoulder down more briskly. "Don't try it again next time."

She got up and walked towards the front door. Just before turning the knob open, she looked past her shoulders. "Oh and just to notify you, the walls are made out of hard cement mixed with concrete, 20% rich."

"And what language was that?" He toned off dryly.

She smiled and looked at him directly. "You'll understand them only if you didn't fall asleep during science class…" She whispered.

The knob was turned and she was soon out. Inuyasha couldn't help but start to fuss and crack his knuckles. He humphed. "Keh!" He then grumbled. "So much for trying to see her ass…." He rubbed his toes again and mumbled. "And what did I get back? Just some stupid pay back, pain in the ass…."


"Well, there was no need to follow me…" She pointed.

"I know, well, not like I wanted to follow…" He looked down at his watch. "I had plenty of time left for these type of free time adjustments." He smiled at his smart-ass speech, thinking that Kagome was probably proud of his attitude.

"Well," She said. "Nice, but your grammar was totally run on." She smirked as she smiled and greeted her boss. Inuyasha blocked her from entering and growled.

"Well who asked you to be my English teacher, hmm??" He asked, not daring to let her in without an `run off' sentence.

Kagome sighed defeatably. "Oh Inuyasha, stop acting like a 2 year old, and get moving already." She lifted up his arm and took a good look down at the time.

"And I'm 1 minute and 56 seconds late…" She nudged.

Inuyasha smirked. "And you think I care because…?" He then heard kagome sigh and count.

"57 seconds…"

"You didn't answer-"

"58 seconds…"

"Are you listening?"

"And 59 seconds…wait, make that 59."

Inuyasha growled as he nearly kicked himself mentally. "Fine! You should be thankful enough that I'm so nice and dearest!" He huffed. She gawked then laughed, annoyed.

"Oh yeah, and remind me when you're retiring, alright?" She messaged.

He smiled and shrugged it off. "Since I'm nice- I might." He answered.

"Miss Kagome, are you coming in or are you just going to argue with your boy friend all day long?? You know- you guys could spare your time here, and argue some later at home, yes?" The woman asked.

Inuyasha nudged her shoulders lightly before smirking down at her flushed cheeks.

"Well," he cocked. "Aren't you going in?" And so, kagome started to walk sompily down the stairs and inside the classroom.

Shippou was already there, again focused in his latest paintings of Kagome. His tiny ears perked up at the sound of her light foot steps, and a smile ran across his lips without any warning.

"Kagome!" He squealed in delight. He kangaroo jumped up to her arms and snuggled in deeply.

Inuyasha had a lot trouble, handling his fists and positioning them sternly at their place. His knuckles couldn't help but to start crackling at the sound of Kagome's laughter and that kid's actions toward Kagome.

He growled furiously. `Not fair! She's mine!' His mind scram. Inuyasha made his way through the kiddy crowds, and up to face Kagome and the little kid Shippou. He signaled a low growl as he spotted Shippou snuggled up close to Kagome.

"Hey…!" He nudged Shippou's arms. "She's mine, not your stuffed animal toy!" He tried to tug away Shippou's grasps from Kagome, but failed to do so since Kagome grabbed him by his arms and tugged him towards the crowd.

"Everyone! Let's learn the basics when a stranger comes up to you. This lesson will be called "Street Safety" Everyone, to your spots and have a seat in 3, 2 and 1.

Everyone, one by one took their seats and eyes on Kagome as she swiftly brazed beside Inuyasha and tugged on his wrists.

Inuyasha just gave her a strange `What the hell you doing' look, before doing what she asked. He tugged her arms as well and smirked at the warmth feeling growing inside of him. He tried to rub seductively at her hand, but failed once more since she smacked them, hard.

"Now, watch closely; Let's say this man is a stranger to me, and I were to protect myself from him. Now, the steps in order to do this is first, you bring out your legs" Kagome followed her own instructions as she brought out her legs up to Inuyasha's side.

"Then you kick him in the shin," She kicked him, not soft as in a example, but hard like he was a real tough guy.

He flinched by her actions, and growled. "Ow…!" He sneered, carefully trying to stay calm in front of their little crowd. He nudged her carefully, sending her the message.

"That was real smart Kagome…..! Real smart….!" He spoke lowly, between the gaps of his grinding teeth.

She smirked. "Just watch me Inuyasha. My lesson ain't done yet." She reminded.

His eyes winded in surprise and in full terror, as she made her way up to his groin. He tried to cover away from her, buts he had already taken him down in just a snap, and now he was down completely.

"Owww….! Fuck…" He sneered. He stirred for a minute then got up with a self confidence this time, ready for his rematch or so called Revenge.

"Ready for more?" She asked as she cracked her knuckles to show off some bravery left inside of her.

He twisted his hand with a loud snap, making the kids crawl up closer with some "Aws" and some "Ohhs". He smirked in satisfactory, and carefully walked up to her.

He once again tugged her arms and she flinched, but not moving from her spot. He tried to slap her breasts, but she had already punched his stomach, not harshly, but hard enough to get him startled.

"Bitch…" He snarled with a smirk. Kagome placed a ever small frown then pointed her other hand towards the kids. "They're watching- be a role-model, not some ignorant jerk." She whispered.

He completely ignored her and tried to aim for her breasts or somewhere around there once more, but failed since she had reacted so fast, that he was taken down by a mile. She pinned him down and slapped his hand down hard, to the floor.

With a sweet, victory smirk, Kagome smiled.

She leaned down to his ear and whispered. "And I thought you were suppose to be moving UP the ladder…Not down." She got up and dusted off her shirt then her pants.

"Well kids, now you know what to do!" She chirped. Shippou was madly excited and wanted to make fun of Inuyasha, but pushed that thought away for now, since there were only 3 more minutes, till Kagome leaves.


Throughout the whole entire minutes, Inuyasha fixed his glare on his one living target, Kagome. She was happily sing-songing with her fellow classmates, and he was starting to feel all mushy about touching her.

He wanted to feel her so much, but not in here… `Tonight, we get it on!' His mind noted. He nodded all to himself, and walked up to her.

"Oi, Kagome, we better get going. Enough chit-chat with these kids!" He grabbed her arms and lifted her up. "TIME to LEAVE." He reminded her.

She anoyyingly sighed and gave him the `I know' Look. He smirked then fixed his glaze on the young kitsune. He leaned down and whispered.

"Sorry kiddo- but she's taken…." Inuyasha got up and placed a I Win smile on his lips, and dragged Kagome outside.

Shippou on the other hand had trouble with his emotions, on what Inuyasha had just said. `She's taken…No! I won't let that jerk get her! I will eventually marry Miss Kagome and make her my mommy at the same time!" He restored his left over energy and waved Good Bye to her, except the growling Inuyasha.


Kagome falls quiet, as she sighed for the millionth time.

"Inuyasha! Leave! I told you I need to change!" She nudged him then pushed him, her energy telling her to rest and give up, but which she would never allow.

"No." Was his simple reply. "Make me." He smiled with a light glow.

Kagome growled then slapped down, hard on her bed. She sneered. "Which part did you not understand Inuyasha…?!! Leave NOW!" She yelled, but saw him not even blink or flinch.

"Yeah yeah, yap it all up- and soon, you'll be all tired and that's when I'll-" He closed his mouth tight, and just smiled. "Let's keep that part a secret." He smiled even more when he heard her gulp down hard.

"Uh…Well, just-just leave!!" She sat down beside him, when an idea hit her. She picked up her belongings and turned to face him. She, on the other hand also had the familiar smirk spread all over her.

"Well, if you're not the one moving out of here, then I'll gladly do it for you." She raised her head up high, and walked up towards the door when he came down bashing her down with him.

"OWW!!" She screeched in pain. "Get off of me Inuyasha!! Stop acting like a mad animal!" She yelled over her shoulders, trying to aim at his groin.

He smirked then raised his hands up, and caught her by her long raven hair. Kagome's face was lifted up by force, and she took one good look in his dull eyes.

`Lust!' She caught. His eyes were full of lust, and she couldn't figure out why. `His eyes look different..' She then nearly stopped breathing when they started to cloudden and a light braze of the color red was appearing, around his yellow pupil, turning them dark and clouded.

"I-Inuyasha…" She chocked.

"Like I said, I will someday take you by force…!" He growled, as he pinned her down on the floor, still holding on hard on to her raven hair.

"Inuyasha! Quit this act right now! I demand you to stop!! Inuyasha, this isn't like you!" She scram, as the phone started ringing. Inuyasha just growled towards the direction and quickly clawed them into pieces.

Kagome gasped then nearly muffled out a cry.

"That-that's my favorite pink phone!! No…Peony phone!!" She tried to get up using all her strength, but his arm wouldn't let her.

"Why use up all your energy when you want to enjoy the fun…?" He asked dryly.

Kagome's eyes fluttered open and his lips slammed down hard on her.

He quickly licked her bottom lips for an enterance, but she didn't open up. He growled furiously as he started to bite and suckle harder on her top and bottom lips. Kagome couldn't help but muffle out a cry as light tricks of blood glided down her cheeks.

Inuyasha was satisfied at the great taste of honey and blossoms in her scent. Her lips were nearly bruised up and he was even more than happy, how the way she looked so tastey and sexy with her pajamas, nearly pulled down by his movements.

"Kagome! Take your clothes off…!" He growled between their kisses. She had trouble breathing already, and tried to stop him.

"S-Stop!" She yelled, trying to slam down her fists at his chest.

"Shut up bitch!" He snarled, as he licked her lips and made them reopen. His tongue quickly slid in, slamming down with hers, as he suckled passionately on her bottom side of her tongue.

Kagome was infact enjoying the smooth feeling rushing through her body, but couldn't stop feeling the hurt and shame…She couldn't do this, not now…

She was too lost in her own thoughts, to realize that Inuyasha had started to unbuttom her top dressings, and was done by 2. He was nearly done when she pushed him off of her.

She got up and tried to break a fast run towards the bathroom, but heard a bitter laugh, and was soon taken down once again. Inuyasha was now licking his lips, in a fact of enjoyment. He started to tug down on her pants and manage to do so.

Kagome cried out many words trying to stop him, but his forces were just too much. His desires for her had already built up by many stacks, and he couldn't register to stop these feelings.

`I want her, and I know it…!' He mentally scram to himself.

Inuyasha crawled up to her and massaged her breasts, not starting off very easily. He twisted her nipples, hard as she moaned and yelled.

`What am I feeling??' Kagome asked herself. She couldn't figure out if she was feeling desires or shame… Which ever it was, she was totally confused, but also realized that her lust and desires were building up at the time being.

That's when she heard him grin out another sentence.

"Use your loginc Kagome…Why do you think I'm going through this?!" He asked, almost sounding too calm for his temper currently. He crawled up of her some more and leaned down beside her ear, and started to lick them furiously.

While his other hand was busy with her tits, the other was hungry for some of her woman hood. His hand slid down her pants and into her garments. She opened her eyes in shock and tried to protest. His smirk have returned and he was now licking her ear lobes, liking the sound of her moans and groans.

"So, have you made your decision yet? Or do I still have to force on you…?" He asked, his seductive side taking over him.

Kagome's face was full of shock and horror. She had not imagined for Inuyasha to lose control so badly. He was more innocent before, and now he was acting like a part animal, hungry for some of her.

"Inuyasha…Stop, please…!" She tried to go on, but his hands blocked her. He clasped them shut tight and continued to lick and suckle.

He then paused…he smelt them. Her tears, the salty water scent. He moved away from her and started to shake his head. Kagome turned around and was eventually facing the original form, Inuyasha.

"Kagome….?" He looked at her shocked and terrified thinking what he would've had done with her. `No…I couldn't, did….no! this isn't right….!'

He walked up to her, and she retrieved back. She saw the solemn and hurt emotions spread across his face, as he hid his eyes using his bangs.

"Inuyasha….are you normal- okay now…?" She asked, finding her right calm voice to show that she wasn't mad. She wanted to forgive him, since she had now found her feelings, the true feelings for Inuyasha, and she was yet satisfied for founding them out…

He gulped and walked up to her, kneeling down beside her. He was about to ask her the same question, when she had interrupted him. "I forgive you…And I'm fine. But- but my arm aches a bit….Could you help….me?" She asked with a light blush across her cheek area.

Inuyasha smiled down lightly at her tiny blush and whispered the apology words, "I'm sorry Kagome…" He ran his hands over her cheeks and braced her hard, wondering if he should leave her alone… `No…I will never do that! That would be the very last step to do if I needed to, but I won't leave her yet, nor ever…'

They stayed like that for a couple of minute, and Inuyasha couldn't tell because he was no longer wearing his watch.

He picked Kagome up, bridal style and placed her down, gently on the bed. He couldn't keep himself from stop staring at her sleeping form. He thought she was the cutest creature, ever existed in the world.

He ran his hands across her face with a smirk.

"But you know what Kagome?" He whispered low.

"I don't regret it…" He added last, and with that he placed his head down, and decided to stay right next to her for the rest of the night.

Well, too bad for him, since he had just missed Kagome's light smile.

A/N: Amazing reviews! Wow, they sound so amazing meaning…you guys are also amazing!! ^^ Thank you- sorry for the late update…>.< I'm truly sorry!