InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ Jealous over a kid ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I am soo sorry everyone! *dodges a few mad reader's fists* I'll make it up to you! I'm really sorry I was running behind schedule! Sorry everyone…Please forgive me! >.< I'll try to update fast from now on! ^^ *dodges a few gun bullets* AHH!


She sighed for a brief moment before smiling. "Tomorrow at 6:30 a.m in the morning, bring your stuff not too many and not too little, and no food and well, be here on time or I'm locking up."

He smiled and braced her in his arms.

"Thanks I love you!" He yelled out.

She froze and stared boldly at him. "As a…?"

He stopped then slapped his head. "Of course! I love you- as - as a friend! A good friend." He sighed relaxingly as she turned around with a smile.

She turned around with a smugly smile. "Ditto."

He gulped and well, just nodded as he headed for the door. `6:30 a.m…..Damn too early!' He reminded himself as he repeated. `Don't be late…' `Don't be late…' `Don't be late…' `Don't be late… or it's the end of me….'


The birds chirped happily as they sang loudly, and off tone, in front of Inuyasha's bedroom window porch. Inuyasha was still in bed and it was nearly 6:00. He was having one of his dreams with Kagome, naked in it.

He shifted from side to side, snuggling hard on to his pillow, as he kissed furiously on it. He planted a few more kisses, and-

"DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRing!!" Yes…The stupid phone rang.

Inuyasha grunted in his respond as he pulled himself up, and BANG, his desire dream was no longer in his visions. He growled and looked down shamely at his white, puffy pillow. He smirked imagining that this puffy ball was Kagome, and kissed on it softly, one last time before getting up.

"Alright alright, keep your shirt on…" He nudged. "What do you want?" He called out. Luckily, the other person in line was Miroku the pervert, and couldn't care less about how rude his little buddy's answer was.

"Well, well…Seems like you forgot our little deal? Hmm?" The lecher called out.

Inuyasha just sighed before realizing what the heck the little `deal' was about. "Shit…" He muttered. He scratched his head and shuffled his messy silver hair before sighing.

"Well, at least you didn't forget-" His eyes fluttered wide open as he pierced his looks straight towards the non-ringing clock. He slammed the phone down and rushed towards his closet. "God- how I really want to rip your throat out!" He fussed.

"Kagome is going to KILL my throat before I kill yours!!" He yelled to the top of his bedroom celling. "Shit…Fuck…Curses…!" He picked up any fabric of clothing and rushed out towards the front door.

"No need for breakfast!" He called out as he picked up his suit cases and left.

There, Sesshomaru was eating a blueberry muffin and he just looked lamely at the front door. He smirked. "Wasn't going to even ask."


"Where….IS HE?!" She bounced off of her bed and paced back and forth. Kagome was getting extremely tired of waiting for Inuyasha to bring his ass all the way here. She cursed as she sat back down.

"And it was all his dumb idea! It wasn't like I'm the one who asked…" She played with her fingers a bit then decided to play with her hair instead. She waited for five more minutes and gave in.

"Oh for the love of-!"

"Don't sue me yet!" Called out a voice from down stairs. Kagome screeched in surprise as she made a wrong turn towards her left, instead of right- and fell right off of her bed. Her face was soon met with the floor and luckily, she didn't create a hole.

Her bedroom door flung open and a messy dressed up hair hanyou walked in. He tried hard not to embarrass her and shut his mouth tight, holding in all his laughter. He held his stomach as he bursted out laughing, and all the sudden he stopped when he felt a close, dark freaky presence behind him.

"And your excuse is?????" Kagome yelled out. Her hair was messed up also from her harsh fall, which made Inuyasha and her look like they were some type of a homeless couple. He scanned her body, looking for any sign of injury and with a satisfactory he smiled at her innocently.

"Uh- I- I…" He froze. His brain stopped functioning and he couldn't think of anything to calm Kagome down. He looked at her bedroom alarm clock and gasped. "Whoa! I'm only 15 minutes late! LUCKY!" He laughed then stopped at the sound of Kagome's low growl.

He gazed at her once more and said, "Uh…I'm sorry…?" His tone was a bit off but he still remained still, with his favorite smile. `Kagome also likes it too.' He reminded his brain.

Kagome sighed then looked at him with a funky smile, and giggled. "Oh alright! But! You better be sorry!" She pointed her index finger to his chest and he gulped. "Right- I'm truly sorry Kagome."

She nudged his arm then sighed.

A smile ran across her lips. "Apology accepted!"

Kagome walked up to Inuyasha then grabbed his suit case. "Whoa! What did you pack in here? A baby elephant?" She complained. Inuyasha simply smirked then stopped when he saw Kagome nearly fall trying to drag the heavy load.

He stepped infront of her then held up the load and slung it across his shoulders. He nudged her arm and she winced in pain. He sighed then frowned down at her face.

"I never asked you to carry my stuff now did I?!" He growled.

Kagome's face fell, and her gaze met with the floor. "No…" She then looked up. "But I was just trying to help out! What was so wrong about that?!" Inuyasha's eyes grew wide as she walked up to him.

She pointed her index finger on his chest once again.

"Well first of all, you didn't have to be so cocky and rude about it! All I was doing was trying my best to please you! Is helping you out THAT bad?! Well I'm sorry then! I guess I was short in thought!"

With that, she gruffed off the last part and rushed past him and out through the door. Inuyasha mentally strangled himself in his thoughts. `Man…I'm such a bastard!' He remembered the looks on Kagome when he yelled at her for no reason.

He slapped the back of his head and quickly unpacked his belongings in the Guest Room kagome had showed him back then, the night just before he moved in.

He heaved out a sigh and looked around the room. `Neat enough…' He shrugged then picked up his coke bottle and went out side towards the living room. He guessed that Kagome probably was there; sitting down on a near-by couch, ready to kill some of his guts.

He gulped when the room was empty. `Shit…Did she ran OUTSIDE?!' He cursed and ran towards the kitchen and -

"Oh hey Inuyasha! I suspect that you're already done unpacking your things?" She placed a warm suiting smile across her lips and looked at his shocked face.

"What's wrong? Oh that- Look, I'm not mad anymore so…No need for worries- are we clear on that? Or do you wish for me to continue and get into further details?"

She stirred the flour in the bowl as she added a few more drops of milk in it. Inuyasha began to feel a bit guilty for being so cruel towards Kagome just because he was worried that she could've gotten hurt. He opened his mouth to apologies and explain but Kagome's words stopped him from saying.

"Oh no more room for apologies!" She smiled. "I'm fine Inuyasha- I mean, you're going to be staying for a while…and…it's really normal for friends to be argueing over practically nothing." She waved her hands to show a `nothing is up with me' gesture.

Inuyasha felt his heart slow down in a rhythm when he heard the pathetic word `FRIEND' in Kagome's little speech. He shook his head and remembered that he was the stupid one who mentioned `I love you as a friend' sort of thing.

While Inuyasha was in his own La-La land, Kagome was nearly done and had popped in the cookies. She pulled off her oven mitts and sat down near the couch as she motioned for Inuyasha to sit down beside her.

"Well, Inuyasha…I- I um decided to get a job and I got one already." Inuyasha's face was hard and bold. "What do you mean a job? What about me? So you won't be here to play around with me??" His rose higher for every question he spoke out.

"Calm your self Inuyasha." Kagome sighed. "Look- it's a pretty good job…at least I think it is…" She scratched her head and immediately stopped when Inuyasha sat down right infront of her.

"Wh-what?!" She gruffed. He smirked and scooted closer to her lap.

Kagome blushed and tried to push him away but he didn't even budge. "Inuyasha! Quit playing these games with me!" Inuyasha tilted his head as his ears swayed from side to side.

"What do you mean by games??" He asked, pulling himself closer to her. She gulped and got up. She stubbornly walked away, nearly knocking him down. "OW! SHIT what the hell was that about?!" He growled as he rose up.

"Can't you for once just play along with me?!" He then continued when she showed no mercy. "Why couldn't you be any better like those bitches that obeys ME?!" He yelled and clasped his hands over his dirty mouth.

Kagome's head turned immediately to face Inuyasha's. She didn't blink but just stare oddly at him. Without a single tremble of words, she marched out the front door.

Inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. He turned off the oven and probably guessed that Kagome's new recipe was deadly burned. `Ugh… I guess I should take that blame also…'

Inuyasha took no hesitate in following her, and as he opened the front door he couldn't find her. He rushed outside the house and saw her crouching down by the porch of the shrine. He couldn't tell her expressions since her bangs were covering her eyes.

With one hard gulp, he clumsily walked up to her side and crouched down. He tried to place his hand on her shoulders but she roughly slapped them away. She got up but still didn't face him. "I'm going to work…" With that, she was walking away.

Inuyasha growled and caught up with her and quickly braced her small form into his large chest for a quick hug. He wrapped his arms around her tight, not allowing her to escape. Kagome wailed out as she trembled.


Inuyasha's grip loosened as he looked down at her hurt face. Her eyes were puffed up from crying and her lips trembled as she held in her muffles of left over cry.

"Kagome… I don't want you to be like them… I- I don't know what I was thinking…will you forgive me?" He asked her willingly. Kagome's face hardened with his gaze as she smirked a bit annoyed.

"Don't try to exaggerate me Inuyasha. And forgive? Did you even keep your stupid calculations on how many times I even had to forgive you?! Do you seriously think just because I said the "I FORGIVE YOU" Word, do you seriously thought for a minute that my emotions were all cleared up?!"

Kagome closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She eyed him once more and spoke quietly. "I'm going to work…" She turned around and decided to walk away once more but his large pair of hands yanked her arms and pulled her closer to his body.

He looked down at her with full of lust and desires in his eyes but blinked them away.

"I'm not letting you go until you fully forgive me…I won't take NO for an answer…" He smiled evilly as he slammed his mouth down to her soft lips. He didn't take an advantage of this kiss since he was forcing her, and just stayed still, as she tried to squirm away.

He brought his face up and she gasped. "You!" He slammed his mouth down once more, this time more demanding than before and a few moments later, he brought them up again.

"Your answer is?" He smirked when Kagome's face flushed with a hard blush. "NO! And Don't-"

Inuyasha smirked as he slowly brought his lips towards hers once more, this time planning to suckle and nibble down on it for a while. When his lips were scarsing hers very lightly, Kagome yelled loudly.

"OKAY! I FORGIVE YOU!" She yelled, trying to push him away.

"Now enough with your kisses! Yes that was very generous of you Inuyasha, but-" Kagome giggled loudly when she saw the sadness in Inuyasha's face. He looked like he was also about to kill a cat.

Kagome rubbed his ears for a while and stopped when his content purr was heard. She tepee-toed and kissed his lips very lightly and licked it lightly before falling down on her foot. She saw Inuyasha smirk and grin in excitement, as he leaned down, closing his eyes.

Kagome quickly brought out her $20.00 bill and placed it infront of his lips. He kissed it and when he tried to lick it for an enterance, she quickly pulled them apart.

Inuyasha's eyes fluttered open and gasped as he saw what he had just nearly sucked. "EW!" He whipped his lips and spitted a few times before charging at Kagome.

"Kagome! Get back here! You little bitch!!"

Kagome stuck out her pink tongue and Inuyasha licked his lips as he charged for it.

"Now you owe me a kiss bitch!" He yelled as he smirked.


"No! One more block!" Kagome gestured as she pointed through out the window.

Inuyasha growled. "I know- I know!" He speeded up. He remembered how funny it was, trying to get Kagome to ride on his motor cycle. He grinned in satisfactory that the fact, she was snuggling close to his back. Sometimes, he could even get so jealous of his own body parts, especially his back, for now.

He stopped by a small department labled, "Jiro's Daycare".

He stared blankly at Kagome and she just smiled. "Oh right, didn't I tell you? I got hired to work for a while in a daycare!" She screeched the last part with full of energy and urge to go on. Together, they stepped up the front stairs and opened the door.

Kagome's eyes grew wide with a whole bunch of students. "Oh they look adorable! Inuyasha look at that boy over there! His art paintings are so adorable! I wonder who he is drawing…"

With her full curiosity, Kagome decided to check the boy. Inuyasha smiled, thinking about his dream again. He nearly drooled when Kagome walked up to him with a smile on her face. Her face practically was painted with the words, `I am so damn happy'.

"Thanks Inuyasha for picking me up here- well, you could start get going." She reminded as she looked around the room in search for the teacher.

"Ah! Kagome Higurashi am I correct?" An old lady walked out from one of the rooms, making her way towards the young teenagers. Kagome smiled brightly as she bowed and introduced herself.

Inuyasha took no interest in the old hag, so he decided to wait near the enterance. That's when he eyed a little kitsune coming close to him.

The boy who seemed around 5 came up to Inuyasha and smiled as he sat down near a table beside him. He looked at Kagome then back at him.

"Hi there! My name's Shippou!" He introduced himself politely. Inuyasha blinked then crouched down near the boy. "Inuyasha." He said. Shippou sounded out the name and giggled. "Do you mind if I just call you Inu?" He asked bluntly. Inuyasha's vein popped out as he clenched his fists.

He glared at the boy warningly. "Yes I do cause I'm not a dog…"

Shippou and Inuyasha talked to each other for a while and everything was going perfectly until…

"Hey Inuyasha!" Shippou whispered. He pointed towards Kagome as he blushed. "Is she your sister?" He asked, hopping for a `YES'.

Inuyasha simply smirked as he smugly grinned down at Shippou.

"No, more of my girl friend that is…" He smiled in satisfactory when Shippou's face turned down. "Oh…" Was all Shippou said before turning back to drawing someone. Inuyasha hesitantly walked up to Shippou and tapped his shoulders.

"You okay kid?" He asked dumfounded. Shippou shook his head lightly and looked as if he was about to cry for his Mommy. "I-I think I have a crush on your girl friend…" He sniffed and went for the tissue box.

Inuyasha held in his laughter and smiled proudly. "I know…She's some hot chick eh?" He said proudly. "She's hot, sexy…Oh! You should really check her out when she's mad- man she looks so damn cute and sexy…"

Shippou's eyes grew curiously. "What does sexy mean?" He asked dumbly. Inuyasha tried to cover his mouth, but found it was too late when he felt a shadow creep from behind him.

He turned around and came face to face with Kagome's annoyed and yet, fired face. "Inuyasha…Do you seriously think those words are tolerated around kids??!!" Before he could speak out a word, Kagome blocked them.

"And what kind of words were you using around Shippou?!" She nudged with rage. Shippou took no hesitate in coming up to her and whispered in her ears. Kagome's eyes grew with confusion then she giggled and stopped.

"Well well, I guess I won't hesitate in coming together with Shippou…" She said as she looked down at her nails and smiled at Shippou's happy face. "How's that idea Shippou?" She asked, seductively.

"Y-yes!" He yelled. Kagome took Shippou's arm and they skipped to a table and Shippou was already starting to draw Kagome's face on his note book.


"WOW! Shippou I must say! You have some pure talent!" She smiled at his blushing features. Inuyasha was watching the whole view, from his front seat in the row. He growled as he tapped anoyyingly at the table.

`Why Kagome that bitch!' His mind screamed as he tapped the table even louder. Kagome's attention was now drawn to his side and she walked up to him with a smile playing across her lips. Inuyasha took no chance but to sit up tall and blink.

"Yes Kagome? What can I do for you?" He asked trying to drag her attention to his seductive tone.

Kagome placed her finger just above her chin and she snapped her fingers in a cue. "Yeah- it'll be really great if you quiet down with the finger thing? Yeah- thanks!" She marched off back to Shippou as they giggled and shared his candy bars wit her.

Inuyasha's mind screamed in terror. `They're eating from the same bar!!' His mind was killing him as he nearly pulled his hair out. That's when Shippou's grandmother came in to rescue!

"Shippou!" The daycare lady called out. "Lady Kaedae is here for you dear! Time to go home!"

Shippou looked at the ground with a gloomy look. Kagome smiled as she passed his jacket to him. "See you tomorrow Shippou." She whispered. Shippou's eyes fluttered open wide as he blushed.

"Will you be here tomorrow miss Kagome?" He asked, playing with his finger tips. Kagome couldn't help but just giggle softly.

"Sure I will- and next time, maybe I can serve you a little treat?" She smiled at his excited features. Shippou quickly nodded and kissed her cheeks.

Kagome blushed and smiled as she waved Goody Bye.

Kagome turned around to pick up her jacket but to only come face to face with the fired Hanyou.

She gulped as he walked up to her.

"Uh…" She pulled out the left over chocolate bar. "Want some…?" She asked softly.

Inuyasha growled and dragged her outside.


"Alright…let's try this again." He took in a deep breath then released it.

"What did you do that was so wrong??" He asked, not trying to raise his anger to his hot spot.

Kagome nudged her chin with her index finger and raised it up as if she got the point. She looked brightly up at him and smirked.

"Nothing much- just sweet talk with the cutie Shippou- share candy bars and that's about it- could I go to bed now??? My legs are nearly done for…."

She stammered from her spot- crouching and kneeling down in front of Inuyasha to repay her punishment. She tried to sit up quietly, but Inuyasha brought her back down and glared at her.

There was a moment of silence before Kagome broke it in.

"Well- what about you Mister?! Didn't you do anything bad today??!! Why me shift in all the stupid blame?!" He looked at her with a funny look for her to continue.

"You should be the one down here! Not me!" She pointed.

Inuyasha's mouth parted to say something, but nothing came. What Kagome had just said was totally true- and he couldn't deny it. Without any signaling, he got up and kneeled down by Kagome's side, smiling right at her face.

"I guess we both deserve something of this, eh?" He spoke softly.

He then grabbed her hands and continued.

"Sorry about this morning Kagome…It'll never happen again- I guarantee you on that one." He promised her softly, not turning away from the glimpse of her eyes.

Kagome smiled and got up, along with Inuyasha's hands. She motioned for him to get up as well. She smiled as she braced his left arm in her body. She sighed thoughtfully for a moment then patted his head.

"Well, I do remember forgiving you- so no more talk about these shit Okay?" She asked, not letting go of Inuyasha's arm.

He smiled then patted her head down. Kagome couldn't help but start to feel all soft and cozy inside of her. `What is this feeling…Soft clouds in my body…?' She wondered.

Inuyasha turned towards her then grinned.

"But you know- it was mostly your fault…" He nudged.

Kagome's eyes flashed with the urge of fire as she pounced on him and started the so called `cat-fight'. "Inuyasha!! Get back here!" Using her Super Killing Pillow, she thrust it in mid air and guess what? It hit the poor run-away dog square in his face!

There was a loud growl from across the room, and now, Kagome was the one running away.

A/N: Oww…my arm! Lol well I deserve that I guess…Sorry for keeping you waiting and thanks all for your reviews! I'll work hard!