InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ Finally- no longer a 12th grader ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Boy! I'm running out of schedules now…*sigh* I'm soo soo sorry about not being able to update my other fan fiction, "Memmories". But if you really wish for me to continue the Memmories fic, please please write reviews so I can find some time to finish up that fic! ^^ And coming up fics are: 1-280-CuteDemonDog, Punch me Hard please stay tuend!


"Man you're funny! Anyways, I was thinking of asking you to go out with me- and maybe I could move in here??" He smiled down at her as she lifted up her head.

She fake smiled then sighed. "Inuyasha… Where would my parents live then? Hmm???" he then smiled down at her and laughed.

"Uh…The resitenet's Hotel??" She then grunted in respond. "Yeah sure- Bite me." He then walked up to her then got down as well. "It'll be my pleasure!"

She then slapped his head away as he drew his fangs towards her neck line. "HEY! Don't try to kill me! Anyways, yes fine, I'll go out with you and um…I'll think about letting you move in here. I do have a plan you know. But!"

She smiled at his confused face. "But! Only if you promise me to behave!" She then patted his head then sighed lovingly. "You'd look so adorable as a dog! You know that?" She smiled down at his blushing features.

`What have she done to me…? And what's with all her nice attitudes?' He then smiled smugly and remembered to behave.

`Well, at least there is a possibility for me to stay here!' He then smiled to himself. `This is just a beginning Kagome… I have plans also…' he smiled then the played truth and dare for a few moments before falling asleep in her sofa.


"Inuyasha?" Kagome shook his body once again with a loud sigh. "Inuyasha! Wake up!" She stopped and heard his loud snore. She growled once more before slapping him hard above his head.

With a loud yelp, the half-asleep hanyou woke up with a start. "Wha-wha?? AH! THE BUILDING IS Breaking" He then stopped his startling then stared at Kagome.

He gave her his smugly smile then brought his body close to hers. "Hey…you look sexy enough to eat…" He then playfully licked her neck while she tried to slap his head once more.

"INUYASHA!" She growled. He then looked up at her then sighed as in defeat. "And I was so close…damn it all…." He looked away.

Kagome just giggled then startled him with a question. "Oh- so you weren't drunk after all hmm…?" She busted out laughing when she saw his new type of blush.

She crawled up close to him. "Well, so… about the moving in thingy…" She playfully circled the tips of her fingers together, playing fidgets with them. He looked down at her carefully.

"Yeah- go on." He gestured for her to continue on. She smiled then cleared her throat. "Well… If you make up a good strategie, then I suppose there is no harm in bringing your ass to-"

Before Kagome finished, Inuyasha had already gave her a hug and was now chattering busily on the phone with someone.

She walked up to him with a sigh then tried to ear snoop on his conversation.

"Yeah- that's right." He then nodded. "Yup- all the way in France…" He then shot a look at Kagome with a wink.

She smiled then took that as a "YES I CAN STAY!" look. She nodded slowly then walked inside the kitchen to get started with her- their breakfast.

`Besides…what harm could he be?' she then turned on the stove. `Mom and Souta are busy in their little vacation with grandpa, so…' She looked at the stove then turned it off.

That's when she felt something wrap around her waist. `EEEK!' She screamed in her mind then looked at Inuyasha, who clung to her lazily. She sighed then patted his head. She smiled when she heard that familiar growl playing lowly below his throat.


"So?" She started as she backed up. "Who was that on the other line?" She asked, taking a bite out of her sandwich. Inuyasha took a bite as well. "Sezoooharumm." He muffled between words as he chewed on his sandwich.

Kagome made a sick face then passed him a cup of orange juice. "My words to you for a tip… Don't ever talk to me with your mouth full!" Inuyasha took a quick jote note on his purple fuzzy note pad and clasped it shut when he was done.

*Gulp Gulp*

"Sure thing Kagome…But what made you the boss over me hmm? I thought that I had the controls over you…" He motioned with one good innocent look over his face.


Kagome cracked her knuckles a few more times, clenching them hard. She gave him another hard stare before shoving many food in her mouth at once. He stared at her very warily of what she is doing.

"A way to show an example…" He mumbled. Kagome dropped her bread then glared boldly at him. "What did you say mutt??" She nudged his elbow with her nails.

"OWW!" He grudged out. "Easy with the elbows!" She huffed then continued eating.

Inuyasha was rubbing his bruised spot when all the sudden, the phone rang.

Kagome and Inuyasha gave each other the `I'm after the phone, not you' look.

When Inuyasha spotted Kagome getting up from her spot, picked himself up as well. He ran towards the phone, only being caught by Kagome's leg. He tripped and she fell on top of him.

"OW! Watch it!" He growled. Kagome was now on top of his back side which was actually pleasuring Inuyasha and yet hurting him at the same time. He moaned a bit as she tried to pick herself up.

She smirked then whispered in his ear. "You're lucky I'm not fat for my age…' She then got up and dodged his clawed hands, and made it just in time to pick up the phone.

"Hello??" She asked sweetly trying her best to stammer Inuyasha.

Her face lit up a frown then she growled. "You got the wrong number!" Kagome growled as she dropped the phone and made her way back to the kitchen table.

Inuyasha once again picked himself up and did one of his creepy smile. Kagome was aware of this situation and was a bit stunned while she stammered herself with the food on her plate.

"WHAT?!" She nudged. She tried to dodge his eyes but just couldn't. His honey due eyes reflected to hers extreme fast. She was nearly dazed by his eyes but snapped out when she felt his hands travel along her body outline.

Her veins popped out without any warning. Kagome's eyes were full indeed with fire and madness… Inuyasha on the other hand had realized it by now and got her message. He backed up and raised his hands high up on the air to show her some innocentness.

Kagome sighed as she picked up her belongings. She glanced back a look towards Inuyasha.

"Well?" She tapped her watch. He tilted his head to his side, nearly making her fall down from her spot.

She got back up, tall and straight. "Aren't you going to school??? Oh…Well you could stay as a innocent 12th grader if you wish…" She shrugged her message and headed to the front door.

Inuyasha hurried to his stuff and grabbed whatever was by his side. "Heck I'm going!" He wore his smugly smile at the sight of her short mini skirt. He leaned towards her ear and whispered.

"You might as well pull down your skirt a bit…" He inched his fingers to show her.

"Too short."

Kagome snorted with a soft laughter and stormed into her bedroom. She took 5 minutes in there, and Inuyasha waited, this time- very patiently for her.

"Aren't you DONE?! What the hell you doing in-" He gawked and fell down (anime style) "PANTS?!" He bursted loudly. "Why in the world?! PANTS?! And- Long- not even flare jeans!!" He crossed his arms when she walked by his side to show off her long length pants.

She stuck her pink tounge out and quickly slipped it back in just before his lips slicked into hers.

"Nope- not that trick again! Never falling for the same ones you know…" She sighed then smiled swwetly. "Like these?" She stretched her legs out a bit further for him to judge.

"H-E-L-L NO." Was all he said with a slight mimic.

By the grumpiness of him, Kagome just reckoned for him to follow.


"Well, these couples should be arriving any minute now…" Kagome smiled lightly. Inuyasha's face was still wearing light frowns as he stared boundlessly at the wavy patterned road.

Kagome scouted closer to him and cleared her throat, while trying to get his attention. After 15 minutes, he still wouldn't budge for her… Giving up just in time, Kagome spotted Miroku's car along with Sango inside it.

She smiled cheerily as she made her way towards their parked direction. Inuyasha was about to grab her arm, but failed as he came face to face flatly with the hard, pavement ground level.

Kagome gasped and turned around to see what in the world made that loud "THUMP" noise. Her eye level couldn't see anything until-

"Ugh……….." Inuyasha grunted softly as he tried to pick up his face. Kagome adjusted her level of eye downward, just enough to see Inuyasha's silver hair's movement.

"Oh my Buddha!" She squealed as she kneeled down so that she was facing him. His face didn't look so good. His cheekbones were bruised, thankfully not bleeding, but his forehead was crusted with blood marks.

With a light gasp, Kagome dug into her hand bag in search for her mini emergency napkin. She pulled out her favorite- pink fuzzy doggie shaped one, and hugged it close before handing it to Inuyasha.

"Here- let me take care of your wound." She raised her voice, regarding to Inuyasha's stubborn rejectness of her offer.

"Quit being stubborn!" She sighed while kneeling down closer to him. "Look- if you don't get your face cleared up by 12:30, we won't be attending to our graduation- and like you said, we do not want to be remained as a 12th grader, ditto?"

Her remark grabbed his heart, but…"Hey- what do you mean "we"?" He snorted a laughter. He glanced her by the corner of his eyes.

"Look…You could still go to the graduation, but just leave me. You can go, but if my face ain't gonna be cleared up soon, I don't have to go….No one's going to force me-"

Guess he spoke too soon…

Kagome knelt closer to his face and brought out her water bottle. Well, let's say her emergency bottle.

Opening the lid, Kagome brought her favorite napkin towards the center of the bottle and wetted it using her hands.

She gave Inuyasha the bold stare before reaching the napkin towards his head. He quickly moved back when the cold wetness touched his wound. He felt like crying out and say a few cursing words, but stopped when he saw the pureness in Kagome's eyes.

"Fine fine! Take care of it as long as you want!" He then grabbed her arms before smiling. "But, you better hurry up- cause I'm not planning to miss our graduation."

Without any words, Kagome just smiled at him and nodded.

"Just don't move, but I know it'll sting." She quickly did her final touches and placed a bandage just above his eye brows. He touched it for a second before thanking her.

"Thanks- I owe you that one." He chocked out.

Kagome sighed then patted his shoulders. "Nope, you don't owe me anything as long as I see it…Well, we're going to be late! Let's shake a leg shall we?"

She opened her arms and lend him a hand.

Without any gruffness, he took it, as quiet as a mouse. "Thanks Kagome…" He decided to finish his sentence off, without having her to ask him any questions. "Just for everything…And don't start annoying me with any questions alright?"

Kagome dumbly nodded and walked off, with his hands in hers.


"Well, well…If it isn't the date jitters…" Sango gave Miroku a quick perplexed look, before glancing back at Kagome and of course, Inuyasha.

"So, kagome- you nearly missed the graduation party you know." Sango wished to get into more further details with a tone of questions, but decided to leave it off for now. She'd have to make another phone call.

"Hey Inuyasha!" Miroku got up and walked up to feel his forehead. Inuyasha flinched and growled as he slapped his hands away.

Miroku backed up, as he darted off to Sango. "What the hell happened?" He then got a message and pointed immediately towards Kagome. "Did she do that? Whoa Kagome! I never knew you could box anyone that hard! Well, good thing Sango doesn't take any special Killer Instant lessons…"

Sango sighed and made her way to Kagome. "You didn't- did you?" She asked, her curiosity claiming over her other part of the brain, probably 50% of it.

Kagome sighed and made her statement clear and, clear to the point.

"No, but if I did, I'll try to box Miroku up too for being a lecher." She pointed dryly, making the two couples nod to her point. "Hey sango, did we miss anything yet though? What about our Hat Throwing Plan? Did we miss that as well?"

Sango just shook her head. "Well nope, but-" She stopped immediately, catching her eyes on someone.

"Kagome! Look! It's it'!" Kagome turned around and was now facing…Kouga!" Kagome wished that she wasn't seen. She haven't thought about meeting Kouga especially on a day like this!

She tried to move closer to Inuyasha, but he already caught her reactions and brought her close to his chest. Ever since he saw Kouga, he didn't like the smell of him. Kouga probably scared Kagome to death, and he of course- didn't like the smell of her fear.

He stepped forwards only to come face to face with Kouga.

He smirked as Kouga examined his forehead. Kouga had already smelt Kagome's scent on it. His eyes flamed with fire as he made his way closer to the mutt. He spoke. "Where is Kagome mutt?" Inuyasha did an anime fall and Kouga spotted Kagome just in front of his nose.

"Ah! Kagome!" He stepped closer, only to be stopped by a furious Inuyasha. He opened his mouth to tribute his little wolf enemy, but the announcements went on right on time, to break the two.

"Oi! Miroku, Sango! Let's get moving." Inuyasha directed Kagome to follow him as he held her hands, firmly demanding her not to let go. She followed his gaze as the group moved towards the seating areas.


"Well, that was boring…" Kagome conceded with a sigh. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"HEY! If we're graduated, that leads us…" Sango eyed everyone. "Driver's liscence!" Kagome shouted out. Miroku placed a hand on Sango, only getting smacked on his face.

"Hands off lecher!" She horned. "Honestly Sango, go easy with the poor guy…He looks like his already half dead from my point of view." Inuyasha pointed out.

"Well, what about we go on a vacation?!" Kagome suddenly bursted a blow. Everyone eyed her speedy fast, she blushed a few shades of red.

"W-what?" She asked finding her right, innocent voice. She eyed everyone suspiciously before giving in. "Fine with me- if you guys don't agree, I suggest that we all just go our own paths."

Just then, Inuyasha stuck his leg in. "No-no! I don't actually agree with that idea." He pointed his point directly. "Well, since we've known each other for a while, I guess we can get some time to spend a while together…?"

Miroku nodded while nudging Sango a bit to nod as well.

Kagome turned around with her bright smile. "Well then- let's get our licenses first shall we??" She darted off the road with everyone following behind her.

"But wait!" Sango demanded. Kagome fixed her legs and turned around. "What is it Sango?" She asked, curious to find out what she stopped her from getting her own license!

Clutching hard to her coat, Sango whispered. "I- I have to do something today guys…Sorry to break it up for you, but it's no problem for you to go ahead without me!" She suggested. Kagome wouldn't tolerate that.

Kagome smiled then doubted. "Nope- guess we'll be going on another time then." She then remembered something as well.

"Aw shit!" She clasped her mouth. "Sorry bout that language but learn to get use to it!" She sighed. "Anyways, I've got to run too. So- I'll call you guys alright?" She was about to hit the road when-

"What situation is this Kagome? Leaving me behind?" He shook his head from side to side. "Well, I'm going with her so- see you guys." He placed his hands around her and walked away with a few eye on their backs.

"Well, guess we should be going right?" Miroku turned around to see no one by his side, not even Sango.



"Well, that's a major problem right?" He asked trying to get to the bottom of the point.

"Yeah I guess…"

They were face to face with a shattered window and a large baseball ball on her yard. Someone probably was playing around here and broke Kagome's bedroom window.

Kagome released a heaving sigh.

"This looks hideous." She sighed depressingly, not knowing what will be next. Probably break down her door or burn down the whole shrine.

Without any hesitation, Kagome started picking up the shattered pieces of glass. Her hands were sloughed away by another pair.

"Leave them behind. I'll try to get someone else to do the dirty job." He spoke too fast.

Trickles of blood ran down Kagome's index finger. She tried to lick them, but were took by Inuyasha's flesh tongue.

"I-it's ok! I could lick them off….I guess I'm too late. Sorry about that Inuyasha." She said, not really trying to make an eye contact with him. He looked down at her then smiled.

"Well, let's get you bandaged up and guess you're in the "wrap the bandage" club for now…" He joked, making her smile down towards his face.

"Thanks. Oh maybe I could cook you something." She dragged him into her house and seated him down the kitchen table.

"Just wait- I'll make you hot dogs!" She smiled as she grabbed the frozen food and walked inside, deeper into the heart of the kitchen.

He smirked feeling a jolt inside of him.

`It feels like we're a family.' He added. `Only, without children of course…'

Inuyasha walked towards Kagome, just in time to see her trying to reach inside the hot oven with oven mitts.

"Wait!" He dashed off to her and pulled out her hands. He smiled and took her oven mitts and brought out the food himself. "It's dangerous to do that you know…" He reminded her, not really staring. No doubt, he didn't want to get injured, and since her finger was already hurt.


"Hawaii? Nah…" He snorted.

"Well what about this one?" She double clicked the mouse controller.

"Ew…too complex place…" He sighed. "Next" He added dryly.

With a snort, Kagome got up and walked over to Inuyasha.

"Well, let's ask Sango and Miroku for their suggestions later alright?" She asked, not forgetting that she owed him also, for bandaging her up.

"Hey Kagome." He restored as he brought himself up from her couch.

"What is it?" She asked, scouting closer.

"Well, I was thinking if I could bring my stuff to your house- you know the living here idea right? Don't tell me you forgot…"

She shook her head lightly. "Nah- I remember clear and uh to the point."

He smiled.

"Right…Well, so could I uh, bring my stuff over here by tomorrow?" He added quickly. "If you agree that is…"

She sighed for a brief moment before smiling. "Tomorrow at 6:30 a.m in the morning, bring your stuff not too many and not too little, and no food and well, be here on time or I'm locking up."

He smiled and braced her in his arms.

"Thanks I love you!" He yelled out.

She froze and stared boldly at him. "As a…?"

He stopped then slapped his head. "Of course! I love you- as - as a friend! A good friend." He sighed relaxingly as she turned around with a smile.

She turned around with a smugly smile. "Ditto."

He gulped and well, just nodded as he headed for the door. `6:30 a.m…..Damn too early!' He reminded himself as he repeated. `Don't be late…' `Don't be late…' `Don't be late…' `Don't be late… or it's the end of me….'

A/N: Yeah Inuyasha! Don't be late…Don't be late…Don't be late….Thanks for reviews! ^^