InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why me and the Bully? ❯ Go on a Double Date ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry everyone about the short chappie… That's why I am working on another chappie (longer than chappie 5)! Plz forgive me and review!


"What the hell are you doing here lecher???????????" He then hugged Kagome possessively. "You're not takin MY Kaogome understand????????????????!" He then looked at Sango who was shaking her head slightly.

"Inuyasha! How could you say that?! Sango is my and my only date!" He hugged Sango as well, but again, receiving a hard, even a harder punch on the head.

Kagome sighed then smiled to herself.

`Maybe this won't be such a bad night after all… Besides what can possibly go wrong?' She looked up at Inuyasha who was looking at the two other couples. She sighed then walked out.

"What? Am I the only person who's going on the date?" Kagome asked. Everyone looked at her then quickly followed.


"No way in hell am I going to ride that heck!" Kagome beamed out loudly, making everyone turn their heads to her direction. Miroku and Sango both gawked at the sight of the huge, large expensive looking motorcycle. Sango felt jealous, having to ride a car instead of the motorcycle.

"Kagome, I'll surely volunteer for you!" Sango exclaimed, clapping her hands together, her eyes begging for a `YES'. She looked at Inuyasha who glared at Kagome begging for a `NO'.

Sango huffed when Kagome just shook her head slightly. She quickly slapped Miroku on the head. Miroku couldn't quite react at first since he didn't remember being a leech till now.

"My dear Sango! What have I done again to make you mad?" He rubbed his head, slightly bruised. Sango just crossed her arms then pushed Miroku towards the car.

Kagome shook her head, feeling sorry for Miroku. She looked at Inuyasha who was writing something down. She went over to look at it, but Inuyasha just covered it up and smiled at her.

"Sneaky are we?" He asked eyeing her carefully. She smiled then shook her head possessively.

"Nope not at all!" She smiled at him. "Who's that for?" He smiled smugly before leaning down towards her ear. He whispered gently. "It's not for you sadly…" Shivers were sent down her spines while Inuyasha walked over to Miroku and handed him the address for the restaurant and the club.

Kagome stood there as still as a solidified statue. She was now face-to-face with Inuyasha's huge motor vehicle. She looked at Inuyasha with dazed eyes when he walked up to her from Miroku.

He smirked. "Is Kagome scared??" He then pointed towards Miroku and Sango's direction. "If you wana join their mini club…" He stretched his arms, opened towards their direction. "I think you're always welcome."

She hesitated then shook her head off. "What in the hell are you talking about?!" She then pointed her finger towards the two loving couples. She looked at Inuyasha with full disgust.

"Oh I think I surely had enough with THOSE two Love Birds!" She demanded. She quickly purchased her helmet from Inuyasha's hands and placed it on top of her head, not trying to damage her hair.

She then latched the buckles of the string that crossed her jaw line. She let out some grunt of swearing words which didn't go noticed by Inuyasha. (A/N: Thank goodness!^^;;)

She seated herself down carefully on Inuyasha's vehicle and gripped hard onto the back of her seat. She shut her eyes tightly, and breathed a few preyers.

"Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me… Kami-Sama…Help me…"

"Kagome! Will you stop saying that?! I can't concentrate properly!" Inuyasha cursed loudly since the vehicle's engine was starting. There was a loud roar of engine power, which made Kagome nearly jump off the seat. She gripped even harder.

"KAMI! HELP ME!" She said at last. Inuyasha chuckled before stopping the vehicle. He patted her head then motioned for her to grip onto his sides.

She was so close in slapping his helmet when his large pair of hands gripped her and leaned her forward, to his back. She kissed his back, a bit too harsh making her lips turn puffy.

"EW! Leather jacket!" She cursed. "I just kissed your stupid jacket Inuyasha!" She turned her head towards the side of the vehicle then spited a few times, well you could say for about 20 times.

Inuyasha sighed then stepped on the heels, sending Kagome back to her original spot in his sides.

"Drive slowly! You'll kill us BOTH! And we won't even be able to go on the STUPID double DATE!" She cursed while gripping hard onto his jacket. He smirked. "Then don't trash talk with me got that lady?!"

She just nodded without even paying attention of what in the world he just said. But of course, not like she cared anyways. All she wanted to do was to get off this vehicle and prey to god she won't crash on their way.

"Just don't try to kill us Inuyasha!" She pleaded. "I'll- I'll do anything you say!" She then zipped her mouth shut. She looked up at Inuyasha who had an evil, smugly grin on his lips.

"Oh Kagome…You'll regret what you've just said." He smiled down at her then focused back on the road.

Kagome shifted in her seat very uncomfortably. `Kami-sama! What in the world did I just say?! I'm such a BAKA!' She then slapped her forehead then as Inuyasha speeded up, she just stopped dead with her actions and retrieved back to her original spot.

She growled lowly as she heard Inuyasha whistle loudly amongst himself. `What the frig is he thinking about?!' She then yelled at him.

"Hey! You better get those dirty minds off of your beloated head before I break it up for you!"

She stopped her words when she saw him turn slightly and smile down at her. Not those sweet, pleasuring ones he had. The mean and wicked of course the little smugly grinish smile. She shievered.

"Never mind…Think-think whatever you want..!" She gave up. It was hopeless. She couldn't take back what she'd just said and of course, Inuyasha won't give up THAT easily.

She sighed. `It's just a matter of time!' Then an idea hit her.

`OF COURSE! If I get Inuyasha to think about something else- there is a possiblilty he might forget!!' She then whispered a lightly "YES" To herself, which did go noticed by Inuyasha. (A/N: Poor kaggie…Sad sad sad)

He then smirked. `Oh don't you worry Kagome. I won't ever dream of forgetting your little puny words. Your big mouth got me thinking!'


"What in the world did it take so long for you to get your butts over here? Hmm??" Sango asked her friend who was dusting off her mini skirt. Kagome smiled at her as she made her way.

"What?" She asked innocently.

Inuyasha sighed then smirked. He still remembered the little girl's big words. He smiled all to himself. `Oh yeah Kagome…You'll be having some nice time with me tonight…' He laughed all to himself without realizing that everyone's attention was now on him.

Miroku was the brave one. He stepped up to Inuaysha then punched him lightly on the head.

"Snap out of it Inuyasha! You're definitely loosing it!" His big mouth have once again gotten himself into another mess. With one large growl, Inuyasha jumped on him then started to punch and scratch his face.

"No! Not my face! Watch it! Not your claws! NONONO!" Surprisingly, Sango on the other side was timing how long he was being beaten up. She sighed then clicked the button when she saw Inuyasha get up.

"Not bad Miroku…You've improved. Well, since last Friday I suppose…" She then placed her timer watch back into her purse then help Miroku pick himself up. (A/N: That's so sweet of her right?^^*)

"Miroku…" She growled. The bruised face monk smiled lightly in a weird way and looked up at his lover. "Yes my beauty?" Her veins popped out from her head then she punched him, hard, sending him back to the ground.

"That was for getting beaten up badly! And well, you called me beauty! And your hand was not behaving properly perv!" She huffed her chest before walking past Inuyasha and Kagome who were staring down at the poor monk.

"Think we should follow her? Or save her beaten up lover?" Kagome asked before saying "Ouch." Inuyasha smirked then pouded a loud "Keh" before replying.

"We should leave Sango's poor lover. You heard her. He wasn't behaving properly…" They both looked at each other then sighed.

"Guess you're right…" Kagome whispered lightly. He then smirked and whispered back. "Course I'm right." He then grinned. "Your poor puny words have gotten into a mess eh?" She then stopped dead on her tracks.

She slowly turned her head, counter clock wise to face Inuyasha's. She then laughed very nervously trying to walk away but just couldn't manage to do so.

She was stuck since a large pair of hands grabbed her wrist and yanked her foreword.

"Kagome! Remember-" The hanyou stopped as he realized that Miroku was right infront of them, examining what was going on. The monk just nodded as a Cue and quickly left. Kagome of course, took her chance and left also.

Inuyasha growled then walked towards the enterance. `She'll regret it later…Don't you worry Kagome. I will be there, demanding for somethings I want from you…'

As Inuyasha entered, he scanned the entire area, in search for Kagome. He couldn't find her anywhere. There were many people, and the music was damn loud for his demon ears. He looked around nearly everywhere, except the stripping area.

`No! Hell no Kagome will never go to a place like that!' He then got thinking. `But what if she did? What if she did and was stripping for another man?!' He then got to his heels and ran his way down the isle.

He entered the sigh where the labels said the word `Strip Club' and walked inside, acting normal. He scanned the area, but only found Sango and Miroku, who weren't stripping themselves.

Actually, Miroku was drooling at the sight of other girls stripping themselves, not Sango. He sighed then shook his head. `Nope…no Kagome. Boy that sure is a relief."

He walked out quietly, not trying to get noticed by the, well…Couple. A/N: Sango/Miroku of course!)

Now he was back to his original spot, in search for Kagome. `Where the hell is she?!' He growled and clenched his fists. `She better not be flirting with any guys around here, or there Will be CONSENQUENCES!'

He seated down on a table then it hit him. `Of course! The dancing stage!' He then pushed the waitress down and ran towards the dancing stage.

That's when he saw her. Kagome was dancing, swinging her ass around, but to no one else. No guys were flirting with her- Good. Inuyasha sighed as a huge relief as he walked towards her. Guys were trying to talk to her, but Kagome just pushed them away lightly.

Inuyasha was about to talk to her when…

"Kagome! So nice to see you again!" It was Kouga, and yes Kagome did notice him also. She smiled nervously. "Uh…Kouga…What a- um…Surprise…" She tried to fake smile, but her lips just wouldn't make one for Kouga.

Inuyasha then quickly stepped infront of her before Kouga hugged her. Well, not Kouga kinda was about to hug him instead. "Ew! Not you again doggie!" He pushed himself away from Inuyasha who was growling lightly.

"Well, I wouldn't dream of hugging you also, you crummy wolf shit!" He then grabbed Kagome's arms and walked away towards a counter.

He lend her a Menu before saying, "Order- I pay." He then smiled down at her. "My treat." Kagome smiled then nodded sweetly. "Anything?" She asked before making up her mind.

She saw him nod then chose a Coca Cola and a honey cake. She saw Inuyasha then giggled when he gawked about her not being able to drink.

"I never knew you could drink so well Inuyasha!" She patted his head. He frowned but then softened a bit. "Keh! Man you're dumber than I thought! Course I could drink!" He then grabbed another beer and was about to take another sip when-

"Yo, Kagome!" Inuyasha nearly chocked when he heard that familiar tone. `NOT KOUGA AGAIN!' He grunted then slammed his drink down on the table.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WOLF?!" He growled which didn't go noticed by Kouga. Kagome sighed then broke those two up. "Stop it please! Kouga, if I may, please leave for now…Inuyasha isn't in a very good mood."

Kouga smirked then grabbed Inuyasha's drink and drank it in just one shot. Kagome gawked in surprise then clapped. "WOW! That was great! How-" She then stopped when she noticed her mistake. She coughed then cleared her throat.

"Leave please Kouga. I would recommend that leaving now is a good choice." She then stopped and dropped her mouth open when she saw Inuyasha and Kouga was having a drinking contest.

"Inuyasha! Stop drinking! You're going to get drunk!!" Kagome tried to hog away the beer bottle away from Inuyasha, but just got pushed away slightly. She hesitated to back up yet. She tried one more time, but this time he growled loudly at her.

"Don't interrupt Kagome!" He then smirked. "But still, cheer for me will you?" He then patted her shoulders drunkly.

Inuyasha had already drank 8 bottles of cool beer, while Kouga on the other hand was only on his 6th. Inuyasha was about to finish up his 10th bottle when it hit him. He was totally drunk now. In this condition, something bad might happen.

He signaled for Kagome to come, and when she did, he quickly took her hands and left towards the stripping club. There they met Sango and Miroku.

"Hey Inu! What the hell happened to you??!!" Miroku wailed. He took a good look at the drunk hanyou's face then sighed. Sango on the other hand was busy chattering and asking questions to Kagome.

"So?! Then what happened?! You can't stop talking now!" Sango begged. She wore one of her best pleading looks. Kagome sighed then giggled.

"Nice try Sango, but I think that'll only work on Miroku." She then heard her friend sigh then blush. Kagome giggled once more before looking past at Inuyasha, who was getting some support by Miroku to lean near the wall.

She walked up to them. "I think we had enough for tonight guys…" Kagome then wore her smile. "I'll take Inuyasha home." She then paused when she heard Miroku bud in.

Miroku scratched his head lightly then looked up at Kagome then at Inuyasha. "Umm Kagome, are you sure his parents will be pleased? I mean…Look at him, and how will you take him, all the way to his house, if you manage. You'll need to drive on his vehicle, which I see is totally impossible."

Sango sighed then rubbed her chin slightly. "I'm also getting tired as well…." She then rubbed her temples. "Miroku, why don't we just drive them home? I mean I really don't think it's safe for them to go out in Inuyasha's condition."

Miroku sighed then smiled at them. "Well, I guess I'll be the driver for now!" He then brought out his keys and led them outside. Sango walked right by Kagome's side, supporting the drunk Inuyasha.

"I'm sorry Sango…I should've stopped him before he could get this drunk…I ruined it for all of us…" She then sighed and looked away. Sango smiled then laughed.

"Kagome! Don't be so silly! You never guess it, but I really had a great night!" She then paused and smiled as she snapped her fingers.

She smiled brilliantly at Kagome. "Hey! You could always make it up to us by giving him a second chance!" She then continued when she got the girl's attentions. "I was thinking, if we could be um…say…friends?" She looked down, a bit embarrassed.

Kagome stopped then nearly dropped Inuyasha. "I'd love to! Oh sango! Thanks a zit!" She then quickly gave Sango a light hug, with Inuyasha stuck between them.


"Call you tomorrow morning Kagome. See you in class!" Sango waved as Miroku drove the car away. Kagome waved until she couldn't see the sparks of their car light. She sighed all to herself then smiled.

Miroku have drove them at kagome's house, well since Kagome's mother and Souta have gone to Souta's new training camp last week. She guessed that it wouldn't hurt to bring Inuyasha home. Besides, what could possibly go that wrong?

She walked up to her quest room where Inuyasha was sleeping soundlessly. She thought to herself. `He almost sounds like his dead…Just hope he won't barf on my sheets…'

She lazily rubbed her temples then walked outside of the room, when….

"GODS! Don't do that Inuyasha!!" She struggled herself out from his large pair of hands. "What is it with you and my wrists?!" She then sighed.

"Do you even remember what happened??" She placed her hands on her hips as she calmed down a bit. Inuyasha scratched his head confusingly before smiling stupidly.

"Hey! How am I suppose to know what happened? Why did we do `it' ??" He then laughed and dodged her fist. "Hey! Don't treat me like some kind of an wild animal! Fists cannot *hick* solve problems!" He was still drunk. Kagome could smell the beer smell, preserved in his lips.

She coughed then turned around, and inhaled some fresh air deeply. She then plugged her nose.

"Inuyasha! GO take a shower now please! You smell guy!" She inhaled once again then went back to plugging her nose. Inuyasha smiled then got up walking a bit wobbly until…

"OW!!!!!!!!! Shit!" he rubbed his knee. "What the fuck?!" He then realized that he wasn't dunk anymore. He looked around and found Kagome staring back at him, weirdly. She walked up to him.

"Are you okay now??" She then stuck up her two fingers. "How many fingers is this?" She asked. He grunted then growled a low "Keh."

"Don't play around with me woman! Now how the hell did I get over here…?" He then looked at her and found her dressed. He sighed regretfully. `Damn…Guess we didn't do anything sexual…'

Kagome lead Inuyasha outside of the living room then sat down. She looked at him with her big, cool grayish eyes.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything?? Nothing at all??" She asked, making sure that he was telling the whole truth.

He rubbed his ears for a second before replying. "Nope…Refresh me please." He heard her sigh then she told him the whole story starting from the point where Sango boxed Miroku on his head and how he won the drinking contest with Kouga.

"Well that's pretty much all." She then smiled. "Aww…It's a shame you don't remember our first double date!" She then laughed out while he just growled simply.

He then stopped growling and smiled smugly. "Oh yes, but I suppose I do remember some things…" He then scooted closer to her side then scanned her body up and down before grinning.

"Remember your loving words Kagome? You said you'd do ANYTHING for me." He then placed his arms around her then sighed. "You better start behaving or else, I could make you do something you wouldn't regret.."

Kagome shivered then laughed. "Hahaha! Inuyasha, um…Please no! Not anything like pleasuring you or- I'm too young!" She then got to her knees and begged. "I do not want anything like being someone's personal sex slave, got that?!"

He looked at her then laughed, placing his hands down at his stomach. "No! Not something like that Kagome!" He then stopped laughing and whipped his laughing tears away.

"Man you're funny! Anyways, I was thinking of asking you to go out with me- and maybe I could move in here??" He smiled down at her as she lifted up her head.

She fake smiled then sighed. "Inuyasha… Where would my parents live then? Hmm???" he then smiled down at her and laughed.

"Uh…The resitenet's Hotel??" She then grunted in respond. "Yeah sure- Bite me." He then walked up to her then got down as well. "It'll be my pleasure!"

She then slapped his head away as he drew his fangs towards her neck line. "HEY! Don't try to kill me! Anyways, yes fine, I'll go out with you and um…I'll think about letting you move in here. I do have a plan you know. But!"

She smiled at his confused face. "But! Only if you promise me to behave!" She then patted his head then sighed lovingly. "You'd look so adorable as a dog! You know that?" She smiled down at his blushing features.

`What have she done to me…? And what's with all her nice attitudes?' He then smiled smugly and remembered to behave.

`Well, at least there is a possibility for me to stay here!' He then smiled to himself. `This is just a beginning Kagome… I have plans also…' he smiled then the played truth and dare for a few moments before falling asleep in her sofa.

A/N: Thank you! Boy I hope it was long enough for you guys! ^^ forgive me for updating late! Please review!