InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ Making Friend(Finally!) ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey! I think you guys liked this story. Am I right? Well, if I am, please review this chapter.
Yep, you guessed it, it's time for chapter 2!
Since you guys seem to be the only poeple reviewing this story, I deicate this chapter to
everyone who reviewed! I don't know what's going on with, it's site has gone cooky
or somethin'. I haven't gotten a review yet for this story! BOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Anyhoo, so
yeah, aren't you guys that reviewed happy?! You got a dedication! Your famous. WOOOOOOO!
Whew, come your ass down girl! Sorry, I get riled real easily.

Disclaimer: The hanyou with the dor ears ain't mine, comprende!

Chapter: Making friends (finally!)

Kagome sat under the huge oak tree watching some girls toss a frisbee around. When suddenly,
it landed next to her.

"Hey sorry! Can you toss that back to us?!" A girl with long black hair said.

Kagome just looked at the frisbee. She didn't know how to toss that damn frisbeee if her life
depended on it, so she held it up and walked to them and returned it.

"Hey, you wanna play?" The girl with the long black hair said.

Kagome merely shook her head.

"Oh come on. You looked bored as hell over there when we were playing. It'll be fun!"
The girl reasoned.

"Yeah, we don't mind. My name is Rin, she's Sango and the girl over there with the
ponytail is Ayame." The girl with long brown hair who was now known as Rin said.

"I don't know how to throw a frisbee." Kagome said, looking down so the others wouldn't
see her face.

"Well we'll teach you come on..uh, what's your name?" Ayame said, running over to the

"Kagome." She answered, still not looking up.

"Well, come on Kag!" Rin siad, running backwards preparing to throw the frisbee that she
stole from Sango.

"Hey! Give that back!" Sango said, running after her.

Kagome couldn't help but smile, for the first time in, hell she didn't know when the last time
she smiled was. She just knew that she actually liked these girls. So she walked over and
watched them as they threw the frisbee back and forth. Ayame finally threw it to her, and to
Kagome's surprise, she caught it!

"Throw it back Kag!" Sango yelled happily.

So Kagome decided to give it a try and threw it, not very hard, but not too light either. And
she actually did okay for her first time throwing it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Kagome went to her first class, walking the same speed that she always went. A fire could
break out and she would still walk at that speed, while the kids around her would panick and
scream. She knew she was weird, there was no denying it, but she always thought that it made
kind of unique. You know how every girl thinks that their special, like they're truely worth
something? Well, Kagome didn't. She knew that she was just the opposite, that she wasn't
worth anything at all, but she didn't care. She liked to remain in the shadows, to never
get noticed by anyone. That's why she was so surprised that she liked those girls that she
met that day, they actually made her feel happy that she was noticed for once, like she
belonged for once in her life.

When she finally made it to her first class, she immediately noticed Kikyo hugging all over
Inuyasha. Kagome couldn't help but shudder at the thought of being touched by Kikyo. She
looked so cold. How could he stand her? But, it wasn't her business so she looked the other
way and continued walking to her seat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Lunch rolled around faster than it usually did and Kagome couldn't be happier. She never
liked science. As she left she bumped into someone walking out of the class. She looked up
to see who she had bumped into and her breath got caught in her throat when she saw who it
was that she ran into.

"Sorry." She mumbled under her breath.

"So, you can apologize." Inuyasha said.

Kagome remained silent and looked down at her feet.

"You know you should talk more, you have a nice voice." Inuyasha said smiling as he

'I have..a nice voice?' Kagome thought as she watched him leave.

"Yo, Kag!"

Kagome turned to see Ayame, Rin, and Sango walking towards her.

"You got first lunch?" Rin asked.

"Yes." Kagome answered.

"Cool, you can eat with us." Sango said.

They all got in line, Kagome in front, Sango was next, then Rin, and then Ayame. Everything
was going fine, until some jackass got right in front of kagome.

"Hey! That little punk got right in front of Kagome!" Sango all but yelled.

"Kagome, aren't you gonna say anything to him?!" Rin asked, outraged.

"Hey, you little asshole! Get your ass behind us where you belong!" Ayame yelled at the

"Is that an invitation?" The guy said, eyeing Ayame.

"Why you-!" Ayame yelled, trying to grab the guy and punch him as the other two girls
held her off.

"And what about you? What chu hidin' under there?" The guy said, starting to grab at
Kagome's hood.

Just as he was about to pull it off, a hand flew onto his shoulder and yanked him off of her.
Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha, who looked pretty pissed.

"Hey bub, why don't you leave these pretty young ladies alone and go crawl back under
the rock you came from, ya asshole." Inuyasha said, pushing the guy away from him.

The guy got the message and left, looking at the girls menacingly.

"You okay Kag?" Inuyasha asked, looking at Kagome.

Kagome nodded. Inuyasha smiled and said,

"Come on, yak it up. You know you want to. Besides I know you gotta talk more if these
are the girls that you hang out with." He said.

Just then, Kikyo sauntered over, hugging on Inuyasha right in front of Kagome.

"Inu-lover, why didn't you wait for me outside?" Kikyo said, not bothering to look at
Kagome or the others.

"Aww and you saved a spot in line for me." Kikyo said, kissing his cheek.

"(Cough!) Slut!(Cough!)" "(Cough!) Bitch!(Cough!)" Ayame and Rin said, between fake

Kikyo glared at them for a minute and then chose to ignore them.

Kagome looked down at her feet and smiled. Maybe that's why she liked these girls so much,
because they were so brave. Just like she wished she could be. Being near these girls gave
her a new strength that she'd never felt before. It made her want to speak out too, but she
chose not to at the moment.

"Inu-lover, you're still gonna take me to Koga's party tonight, right?" Kikyo asked,
coating her words in honey.

"Sure babe. It's tonight at 8:00, right?" Inuyasha asked.

"Mm Hm. I expect you to pick me up at 7:00." Kikyo said.

As Ayame, Sango, and Rin heard this they all exchanged evil glances between each other.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kagome got home at her regular time, her mother was yet again talking on the phone to
someone down at the office. So she didn't even bother to say hello and just headed upstairs
to take her usual nap.

"Kagome!" Kagome awoke to see who was yelling to her.

It was her mother.

"Some friends of yours are here to see you!" Her mother yelled.

'Friends? I don't-Oh yeah, those girls I met today.' She thought getting out of her
bed and going downstairs.

There stood Sango, Rin, and Ayame all dressed up in party mode looking at kagome.

"Why didn't you tell me you had plans tonight? I would have helped you pick out
something to wear." Her mother said, pleased that her daughter was being social for a change.

"Oh, kagome! You're beautiful! We're gonna have so much fun giving you a makeover!"
Rin exclaimed, excited that she got to see what Kagome looked like finally.

They pushed her upstairs and began to go through her wardrobe, picking out something sexy
for her to wear. Ayame began to brush her hair as Rin began applying makeup to her face.

Half an hour later, they finally finished. They stepped back to look at their work.

"Well, I think we did all we could for the patient doctor." Rin teased, looking at

"Oh shit, it's gettin' to be parteh time! We gotta book it if we wanna show off our
new improved friend." Sango said, looking at her watch.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Inuyasha sat there, bored as hell, as he watched his girlfriend get toasted and flirt
with the guys around her. FInally, when he had enough, he got up and walked outside. He
didn't care too much for partying, it just seemed kind of pointless to him. Just then, his
eye caught someone. The most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. Beautiful pale, flawless skin,
beautiful figure, long legs. He couldn't believe he'd never seen her before.

"Maybe she goes to another school?" He asked out loud, trying to think of a reason why
he hadn't seen her before.

He had to get to know her, so he followed her through the crowd.

"Wooooooo! This place is jumpin'!" Rin yelled, swaying her hips to the beat of Kylie
Monogue's, "Can't Get You Out Of My Head".

Just then, someone tapped kagome on her shoulder. She turned around to find Inuyasha looking
down at her.

"Hey, you wanna dance?" He asked, hope shining in his amber eyes.

"Oh she'd love to!" All three girls said, pushing Kagome into Inuyasha.

Kagome looked up into Inuyasha's kind eyes and almost got lost in them.

I just can't get you out of my head
Boy your lovin' is all I think about
I just can't get you out of my head
Boy it's more than I bear to think about

Her instincts told her to pull out of his arms, but for some reason she just couldn't. She
felt so safe in his arms, something she'd missed feeling for a long time.

"Get your paws off my boyfriend bitch!" Someone yelled behind them.

They turned to see a drunken Kikyo, pissed as hell.

"Kikyo, it's not what it looks like, she fell." Inuyasha explained, finally letting
go of Kagome.

"Come 'ere ya little bitch!" Kikyo yelled, grabbing Kagome and trying to slap her, only
to have her hand stopped by an angry Inuyasha.

"Kikyo, I'm tired of your jealousy. You always do this." Inuyasha said.

"But this little whore's tryin' ta steal youse away from me!" Kikyo shouted.

"That's it! We're through Kikyo! I'm tired of you being so damn clingy and starting
some shit everytime a girl even looks at me!" Inuyasha yelled, pissed as hell.

With that said, he walked out. Kagome just stood there in shock as Kikyo fell to the floor,
not believing that Inuyasha would ever talk to her that way.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well, what cha think?! Review to read more! ^_^ (this is what I'll be like if you review.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I told you I wouldn't take it down until I got more votes. So vote and I'll take it down.
To make it easier:

I have a big announcement to make, so pay attention. I'm to be holding two votings, this
is how it works. The 1st voting I'm holding is for one of my latest stories, "Inu and
Kag's Problem". This has been very successful and I'm very pleased that everyone has
given me such a huge response. As you know ( for those who have been reading it.) I
have posted the last chapter for it, but an idea struck me, I thought, instead of ending
this story, why not continue it, turning it into, "Inu and Kag's Problem: The Sexual
Exploits"! Well what do ya think? Vote for it. The 2nd thing I'm holding a voting for
is which story, NOT INCLUDING INU AND KAG'S PROBLEM, do you like the most out of:
The World of Rock, Ying and Yang, A Mere Servant, Just A Student, and Beauty Is Only Skin
Deep. I better not get a review saying that you like the story Inu and Kag's Problem,
cuz I already know how much you love this story, it's the other's I want to know about.
So there, vote on the two things I mentioned above. For this to work I need every single
person who see's this message to vote. This message will be posted on all new chaps, so
there's no excuse not to vote. I will leave this message up 'til I've received enough
votes to see any results, so the more votes I get, the faster this message will get taken
down. So vote, or I'll track you down and say,


Sayonara bi-atches! (said with love in every word, which comes out to about 2 words. ^_^)