InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ Lab Partners ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks so much for reviews!

Disclaimer: He's not mine, nope! I ain't gonna take responsibility for the dog earred

Chapter 2: Lab Partners

Kagome just couldn't believe it. Inuyasha and Kikyo were now officially broken up. After two
and a half years together, they were no longer an item. Talk was flying all over the school
about them and the mysterious girl that they fought over. Suddenly kagome was popular and
no one even knew it was her that they were talking so much about, well except for her friends
that were the cause of the whole incident in the first place.

'Did they break up because of me or was it just some on going dispute that no one knew of
and it just escalated to that point, with me stuck in the middle?'

She walked into her science class and sat down. She was just a little bit nervous since
Inuyasha was in that very class and sat right next to her. Inuyasha strolled in without a
care in the world, as if nothing had happened. The bell rang starting class, tardy students
running in at the last minute.

"Alright class, settle down. Now today I'm going to assign lab partners." Their teacher
said pleasantly as students began to complain.

"Now, now. It's not the end of the world."

The teacher went through assigning everyone to their partner, most students complaining when
they learned who their partner was for the rest of the year.

"Inuyasha, you're with...."

Kagome gulped as she felt a bad feeling begin to grow at the pit of her stomach.


Kagome put her head down as she felt Inuyasha's eyes on her.
The bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. Kagome walked slowly, expecting for her
friends to be calling after her any minute. And sure enough, they did.

They got in the line and got their food without any trouble this time. Then they went to the
table they annointed as their table.

Kagome ate in silence as her friends gossiped about everything thery could think of. But
mainly, they talked about what happened at the party. That was until Inuyasha drop his plate
down next to Kagome, startling her.

"Mind if I sit with ya?" He asked, smiling to the girls sweetly. A little too sweetly.

They gulped and said,


He fixated his gaze on Kagome, who just looked down, continuing to eat. Seeing as she didn't
object, he began eating. Soon, others joined them, three other guys. Inuyasha's boys, Miroku,
Koga, and his older brother, Sesshoumaru. Miroku winked at Sango, who sneered at him in

"So, Kagome about that project we have to work on in science. Should we meet at your
house or mine?" He asked while eating.

"Whatever's best for you." She said quietly.

"What, you'll have to speak up." He said, smiling.

"I said, whatever's best for you." She said more loudly.

"I knew you could speak louder." He said, winking.

Kagome blushed and looked back down.
"Kikyo look!" Kanna siad, pointing to Inuyasha and Kagome.

Kikyo looked over at Inuyasha talking to Kagome and sneered.

"I wouldn't worry about the freak. When I'm done with her, she'll wish she'd never laid
eyes on Inuyasha. And then I'll find that little bitch from the party and make her pay as
well." Kikyo said, smiling evily.
Kagome made sure to wear a hood since Inuyasha was supposed to come over. Just then, the
doorbell rang. She ran downstairs and opened the door, revealing a loosely dressed Inuyasha.

They worked in silence. Kagome was reviewing the notes she had on their project. Inuyasha
watched her contently. He was wondering who was under that hood. He figured it couldn't be
bad considering how sweet Kagome was. He then made a vow then and there that he would find
out what Kagome looked like under that hood, one way or the other.
Yep, it's a shorty. I've got a lot of stuff to do, so please forgive about the shortness.
Review as always and you'll get more. 'Til next time, Ja Ne!
I told you I wouldn't take it down until I got more votes. So vote and I'll take it down.
To make it easier:

I have a big announcement to make, so pay attention. I'm to be holding two votings, this
is how it works. The 1st voting I'm holding is for one of my latest stories, "Inu and
Kag's Problem". This has been very successful and I'm very pleased that everyone has
given me such a huge response. As you know ( for those who have been reading it.) I
have posted the last chapter for it, but an idea struck me, I thought, instead of ending
this story, why not continue it, turning it into, "Inu and Kag's Problem: The Sexual
Exploits"! Well what do ya think? Vote for it. The 2nd thing I'm holding a voting for
is which story, NOT INCLUDING INU AND KAG'S PROBLEM, do you like the most out of:
The World of Rock, Ying and Yang, A Mere Servant, Just A Student, and Beauty Is Only Skin
Deep. I better not get a review saying that you like the story Inu and Kag's Problem,
cuz I already know how much you love this story, it's the other's I want to know about.
So there, vote on the two things I mentioned above. For this to work I need every single
person who see's this message to vote. This message will be posted on all new chaps, so
there's no excuse not to vote. I will leave this message up 'til I've received enough
votes to see any results, so the more votes I get, the faster this message will get taken
down. So vote, or I'll track you down and say,


Sayonara bi-atches! (said with love in every word, which comes out to about 2 words. ^_^)