InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ The Date ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks for the support of this new fic! I'm glad everyone likes it!

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha.

Chapter 3: The Date

From that point on, Inuyasha came to her house almost everyday. Kagome and Inuyasha's
relationship had blossomed into a warm friendship.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"Hm?" Inuyasha looked over with a small piece of a ramen noodle stuck to his face.

Kagome giggled, took a napkin and wiped it off his face.

"Why do you hang out with me? Our science projsct is done. Most guys would've been long
gone and would pretend as if they didn't even know me." She said, with her head down.

"Because I'm not like most guys. I guess the fact that I was raised by my grandma also has
something to do with it." He answered, scratching his head.

"You were raised by your grandmother?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah, my parents died when I was 5. I don't even remember them, but my grandmother used to
show me pictures of them all the time when I was young." Inuyasha replied.

"So, you just have a mom?" Inuyasha aksed gently.

"Mm hm. My dad died when I was 10." She answered.

"Oh." Was the only thing Inuyasha could think of to say.

Silence reigned for several minutes before he asked Kagome something he'd been wanting to ask
for a while.

"Do you wanna go out with me tonight?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"You mean a date?" She asked, surprised.

"Well...yeah." He said nervously.

"...Okay..." She said hesitantly.

"But could you maybe leave the trench coat behind? You can still wear a jacket with a hood
of course, I just meant tha-" She cut him off by putting a single finger to his lips.

"I get the message, I won't wear this trench coat on the date." She said, with her head down
They set their date for 7:00, so they could eat dinner first and go to a movie after.

Kagome stood at her closet, figuring out what to wear. Finally, she decided on black capri's
and her hip-length black jacket with a hood. She went over to the mirror and applied her
makeup. Even though she didn't need it, she always wore makeup, not because the black makeup
she wore helped conceal her face better under the hood. She refered to it as her,"camo-wear",
to keep her face as well as her shame under cover of darkness. Just as she finished getting
ready, the doorbell rang. She looked over at her alarm clock that read 6:40.

'He's early?' She thought, bewildered that a guy would come on time, let alone early, since
she often heard stories of guys coming sometimes hours late.

She ran downstairs and opened the door. Inuyasha's eyes roamed over her body.

'She has a beautiful body.' He thought, surprised.

Kagome kept her head down, blushing from his intense stare. He finally snapped back to reality
and held out his folded arm.

"Always the perfect gentleman I see." Kagome said amused, still not lifting her head as she
slipped her arm into his.

"Only for you Kagome my dear." He said smiling.

Dinner went by well, Inuyasha kept Kagome's spirits up by telling her amusing stories from
his childhood. He did most of the talking, she just listened. They finished dinner with time
to spare, so they leisurely made their way to the movie theatre to see, "50 First Dates",
(I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's funny.^_^) During the movie Kagome had to use the
restroom, so she got up and went. When she went inside there was no one else there. While
in the stall, she heard the bathroom door open and someone walk in. Thinking nothing of it,
she went on with her business. She got out of the stall and washed her hands, then dried
them off with a paper towl. Suddenly, the stall behind her opened. She looked up at the
mirror, only to see Kikyo.

"Well, well, well. Looky who came out of her hole. Kagome the freak! Who are you here with
dear? Hm?" She asked as she circled her.

Kagome opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Kikyo grabbed her by her
hood and slammed her against the bathroom wall.

"Look you little whore, I know you're here with Inuyasha, so don't play dumb. You may
have him right now but sooner or later he'll mine again, so don't get too close or you'll
end up getting hurt in more ways than one. Understand?" Kikyo hissed at her, while Kagome
kept her head down to make sure Kikyo didn't see her.

Kikyo pushed off of her and sauntered out, sending her an evil smirk over her shoulder.
Inuyasha noticed that when Kagome returned that she wasn't acting the same as she was before.
Even though her couldn't see her face, he noticed that her attitude had changed immensely.
The movie ended not too long after she returned, so Inuyasha took her home. When they got
to her house, he opened the car door and escorted her to the door. They stood there for
a moment. Kagome looked down at the ground while Inuyasha contemplated on what to do, since
this was normally the part where he got to kiss her, but he knew that would never be

"Well, I know this is the part where I'm supposed to kiss you, but how about a goodnight
hug instead, eh?" He said sheepishly.

Kagome smiled under her hood. As she nodded in agreement to his idea. Inuyasha smiled and
embraced Kagome in his arms in a warm hug. Kagome felt so safe in his arms that she didn't
want to leave, but finally, Inuyasha broke the hug and said,

"Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that said, he left as Kagome watched from her window.
Well, watcha think? Review to get more. Sorry it's so short but I want to finish typing
A Mere Servant chap 3! So look for it later in the night or tomorrow if I can't finish
typing tonight. 'Til next time, adios!
I told you I wouldn't take it down until I got more votes. So vote and I'll take it down.
To make it easier:

I have a big announcement to make, so pay attention. I'm to be holding two votings, this
is how it works. The 1st voting I'm holding is for one of my latest stories, "Inu and
Kag's Problem". This has been very successful and I'm very pleased that everyone has
given me such a huge response. As you know ( for those who have been reading it.) I
have posted the last chapter for it, but an idea struck me, I thought, instead of ending
this story, why not continue it, turning it into, "Inu and Kag's Problem: The Sexual
Exploits"! Well what do ya think? Vote for it. The 2nd thing I'm holding a voting for
is which story, NOT INCLUDING INU AND KAG'S PROBLEM, do you like the most out of:
The World of Rock, Ying and Yang, A Mere Servant, Just A Student, and Beauty Is Only Skin
Deep. I better not get a review saying that you like the story Inu and Kag's Problem,
cuz I already know how much you love this story, it's the other's I want to know about.
So there, vote on the two things I mentioned above. For this to work I need every single
person who see's this message to vote. This message will be posted on all new chaps, so
there's no excuse not to vote. I will leave this message up 'til I've received enough
votes to see any results, so the more votes I get, the faster this message will get taken
down. So vote, or I'll track you down and say,


Sayonara bi-atches! (said with love in every word, which comes out to about 2 words. ^_^)