InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ Fight ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hola! Chapter 3 is here! Yayy, I got mail, I got mail, yayyyyy! (sorry, had to copy off of
that crank yankers dude.) From now on I will just be answering questions from reviews, okay?

princess of the blue moon: I can't tell you what's wrong with her yet, that's part of the
story plot! ^_^

SilentSlayer: Inu's seen her at that party, but he doesn't know that that was her, so yes,
basicly he has.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha dammit!

Chapter 4: Fight!

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Inuyasha and Kagome went on several dates.
Inuyasha had grown very fond og the qiuet and sweet girl he knew as Kagome the loner. Except
now she wasn't so alone anymore, she had several friends now, including Inuyasha and his
friends as well. Koga and Ayame hooked up and Sango, the more agressive girl out of her
friends, knocked the fuck out of Miroku more than a few times already because he was
constantly trying to grope her. Sesshoumaru and Rin haven't gotten all that close because he
was being, "a cocky bastard", as Rin so nicely put it. Kagome loved each and everyone of her
new friends for their uniqueness, as well as their crazyness. And crazy they were, as Kagome
remembered the time when Miroku and Koga jumped up behind the girls and yelled, "BUYAKANN!!",
as loud as they could, scaring several people at nearby tables, except for Sango and Ayame as
they flung back their fists, hitting them square in the nose. (Picture Helga hitting that guy
that breaths on her from behind, yeah, you get the picture.)
The bell rang, signaling for lunch to start. The guys usually met with the girls at the table,
so Kagome and the others walked to the cafeteria and got their food. As they were walking to
their table, no one really noticed that they passing a table that Kikyo was sitting at, until
she held her foot out as Kagome was passing and tripped her, sending her flying to the floor.
Sango immediately jumped up in Kikyo's face.

"What the fuck is your problem bitch!" Sango yelled in her face.

"Out of the way, this is none of your concern." Kikyo answered cooly.

"Hell yeah it's my concern, she's my friend! And no one fucks with my friends!" Sango
yelled, fists balled up.

Kagome came up behind Sango and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Sango. I don't want you to get in trouble over her."

"Oh look, isn't that sweet, the little freak of a bitch doesn't want you to get in trouble."
Kikyo said with a smirk on her face.

"That's it! You ass is mine!" Sango yelled, jumping on Kikyo, kids jumping out of their
seats and gathering around the two fighting girls.

Sango was on top of Kikyo, holding a fistful of her hair, yanking on it and slapping the hell
out of her several times.

Someone must have alerted the princepal, because Kaede soon made her way through the crowd and
pulled Sango off of a shaken up Kikyo. When everyone saw what Kikyo looked like, they began
to laugh and applaud Sango for beating the shit out of Kikyo. Oh now the mighty have fallen
indeed, as Kikyo covered her face and ran out of the cafeteria, Kaede giving chase.
Inuyasha laughed his ass off when Kagome told him about how Sango beat the crap out of Kikyo.

"So she ahd blood coming out of her nose? And her lip was cut?"

Kagome nodded and Inuyasha threw his head back and laughed some more.

"Where were you guys anyway?" Kagome asked.

"Pfft! Koga and Miroku were getting bawled out because they thought it would be funny if
they put a porno in the VCR, so that when the teacher tried to play the tape on american
presidents, he ended up playing a good part of, "The Bare Wench Project"." Inuyasha said,
rolling his eyes.

"(Giggle!) Sounds interesting." Kagome laughed.

After they had a good laugh, they studied. Inuyasha however, couldn't concentrate, as he kept
looking over at Kagome. He really liked her now, more than a friend. He wanted to be closer
to her.

"Kag?" He asked.

"Hm?" Kagome responded, not looking up.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked nervously.

This caught Kagome oof guard, as she didn't know how to respond.

"I know you don't want me to you, so I was thinking I could just turn off the lights, that
way I won't be able to see a thing, okay?" Inuyasha answered quickly.

"Okay." Kagome answered quietly.

Inuyasha led Kagome behind him to the lightswitch and flipped it off. Kagome's heart pounded
as Inuyasha held the sides of her face by the hood, not actually touching her face. When his
soft lips touched hers, she melted into him. He licked at her bottom lip, asking permission
to explore the depths of her mouth, which she allowed. It was an exhilirating experience for
her as his tongue swirled over hers. Finally he broke the kiss, for his lungs, as well as hers
had been deprived of air for too log. He flipped the lightswitch back on, as Kagome turned
away from him, her face flushing from the heat of his touch. Inuyasha looked at the clock,
that read 9:45.

"It's getting late, I'd betterhead home. Bye Kagome, I'll see you tomorrow." He said,
giving her a goodnight hug, like he always did.

Kagome wore a big smile on her face as she watched him leave.
Short but sweet right? I had a lot of fun with this chap. I know a lot of you want to see
Kagome beat the shit out of Kikyo, but it's just not in the cards right now. Don't worry
though, Kagome's time will come to show all those sons a bitches what she's really made of

As for those of you who wonder where I'm at with my other stories, let me tell you. The World
of Rock's next chap is almost done, I've started on the next chap for Ying and Yang, A Mere
Servant I just updated, but I know what's gonna happen next so I should have another chap
done sometime soon.(If you haven't read this story yet I advise you do, it's gonna get gooood
soon, as in the next chap soon.), Just A Student, haven't started yet, Beauty is Only Skin
Deep, haven't started yet, and Inu And Kag's Problem's next chap should be done sometime soon.

So, review and you'll get more, 'kay? Adios for now!
I told you I wouldn't take it down until I got more votes. So vote and I'll take it down.
To make it easier:

I have a big announcement to make, so pay attention. I'm to be holding two votings, this
is how it works. The 1st voting I'm holding is for one of my latest stories, "Inu and
Kag's Problem". This has been very successful and I'm very pleased that everyone has
given me such a huge response. As you know ( for those who have been reading it.) I
have posted the last chapter for it, but an idea struck me, I thought, instead of ending
this story, why not continue it, turning it into, "Inu and Kag's Problem: The Sexual
Exploits"! Well what do ya think? Vote for it. The 2nd thing I'm holding a voting for
is which story, NOT INCLUDING INU AND KAG'S PROBLEM, do you like the most out of:
The World of Rock, Ying and Yang, A Mere Servant, Just A Student, and Beauty Is Only Skin
Deep. I better not get a review saying that you like the story Inu and Kag's Problem,
cuz I already know how much you love this story, it's the other's I want to know about.
So there, vote on the two things I mentioned above. For this to work I need every single
person who see's this message to vote. This message will be posted on all new chaps, so
there's no excuse not to vote. I will leave this message up 'til I've received enough
votes to see any results, so the more votes I get, the faster this message will get taken
down. So vote, or I'll track you down and say,


Sayonara bi-atches! (said with love in every word, which comes out to about 2 words. ^_^)