InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ More Trouble ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wat up ppl? I'm back with another chapter! Yayy! So lets dive into it!

Diclaimer: Don't own Inu.

Chapter 5: More Trouble

After Sango's little tussle with Kikyo, Sango got her very first out of school suspension
for the year. Ayame and Rin told Kagome not to worry, because Sango had been suspended
before for beating up a guy that kept bothering Rin. Sango always acted like a big sister
to the others, even though she was the same age as they were. And Kagome realized how right
her friends were, she did watch out for the girls, like a mother hawk would do. Still, she
did feel bad about her getting in trouble for her, this was between her and Kikyo, she never
meant for anyone else to get involved. She thought if she ignored Kikyo, maybe she'd tired
of bothering her and back off, but now it was only getting worse.
The day had started normal enough, so far she hadn't been bothered at all by Kikyo and soon
lunch time rolled around. Kagome was sitting with Ayame and Rin eating her lunch, Inuyasha
and the other guys were lagging behind in schedule again, she figured that the two knuckle
heads that Inuyasha hung out with had gotten into trouble again for another prank they thought
would be funny, but wasn't.

"Hey, did you guys hear about the new guy?" Ayame said suddenly, snapping Kagome out of her

"Ooo! What new guy?" Rin asked with excitement in her voice.

"Well, I heard he's really hot, but kinda creepy. Oh, there he is now!" Ayame whispered.

Kagome turned around and almost fainted when she saw him. It was a face from her past, a face
she was hoping to forget about, Naraku. His attention soon as he passed. A chill ran down
Kagome's spine.

"Kagome? You okay? You don't look so hot." Rin said concerned.

Kagome snapped back to reality and turned around.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." She said, trying sound normal.

Ayame and Rin eyed her with suspiscion.
Kagome sat in her English class, class hadn't begun yet, so Kagome thought about the twist
of events that had just occured.

"Class, settle down. Now before we begin, we have a new face amongst us, Naraku Onigumo."
Her teacher said.

Kagome's head shot up immediately as she looked into the eyes of the past.

"Why don't you take a seat in the back next to Kagome." The teacher said, pointing to the
seat next to Kagome.

Kagome's eyes never left Naraku's as he walked to the seat in the back. He sat down and stared
at her with hard unflinching eyes.
Kagome rushed to leave the class when the bell rang. As she was turning a corner, soomeone
grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. She looked up into the face of Naraku.

"Hello Kagome."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kagome whispered with hate in her eyes.

The way he was looking at her, you's think that there was no hood over her face at all, it
was like he saw through the hood and saw her face, because he smiled.

"Now is that any way to treat an old aquaintence? Tell me, how is your mother doing?"

"That's none of your damn business. How'd you find us?" Kagome hissed.

"My my, such hostility. What happened to the sweet Kagome I used to know that was so shy?"

"I grew up, that's what happened. Now tell me how you found us."

"Information is easily bought now a days, you can get it almost anywhere." He answered cooly.

"Listen you bastard, stay away from my family. Don't come anywhere near us." Kagome hissed,
pushing her way through him and going to her next class.

Naraku smirked as he saw her walk away.
Inuyasha watched Kagome as she studied, something wasn't right about her, he could just sense
it. Finally, he just had to ask.

"Kagome, is something wrong?"

Kagome turned her head slightly and said,

"No, nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?"

"You just don't seem like yourself, that's all."

"Oh, I'm just tired. I'll be fine with a goodnight's rest."

"Okay, well just checking. Look I'm gonna have to go. Can I kiss 'ya tonight?" He asked
with hope in his eyes like a little boy asking for a toy would.

Kagome giggled at his cuteness and nodded. Inuyasha jumped up and led Kagome once again to
the light switch, flipped it off and kissed her. Ever since their first kiss, Inuyasha had
known that he'd definitely fallen for Kagome and most of the time asked if he could kiss her.
He broke the kiss for air, hugged her and left.

Kagome laid on her bed, her thoughts going back to Naraku.

'Should I tell mother?' She thought, worried.

'No, this is one secret that I'll have to keep from mother.'
Well, is it getting interesting? I think so, but that's just my opinion. Anyhoo, review and
you'll get more as always. Toodles!
The results are in! A big thank you to those who voted and now I'll post the results for all
to see!

The World of Rock: 4

A Mere Servant: 12

Just A Student: 4

Beauty is Only Skin Deep: 6

Ying And Yang: 1

Why She Kept Her Head Down: 1

Not very accurate, since I just made the last story up not too long ago, but oh well. Maybe
I'll do this again in the future.