InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ Where's Kagome?! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well, I know you guys complain because I don't write very long chapters, but I am updating
everyday! Sheesh! What do you ppl want from me huh, to sit here at the computer and crank
out stories for your pure pleasure and then I'll end up homeless from doing nothing but
writing stories all day! Huh, is that what you want?! Deep breaths girl, deep breaths. okay,
anyhoo, let me just get to the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu.

Chapter: Where's Kagome?!

Kagome didn't get that much sleep the night, since she kept having nightmares about Naraku,
but finally the next day rolled around and she was able to escape from the prison of the

Inuyasha and Kagome had fallen into this ritual of meeting at the front of the school, so
Kagome always made sure to get up on time, that way she'd have time to complete her morning
routine and get to school on time. This morning however, she didn't quite get up on time,
seeing as how she tossed and turned all night. When she finally woke up, she was running at
least 20 minutes late, so she dressed and ate breakfast as quick as she could, not doing
everything she usually did for time management sake. She ran out the door, her mother was
already gone, so that didn't help either, and began to run to school. As she rounded a corner,
someone grabbed her and pulled her into the alley.
The bell ran, Inuyasha looked at his watch, worried about Kagome. Ayame and Rin passed by,
Inuyasha stopped them and said,

"Have you two seen Kagome?"

"We haven't seen her, we thought she was with you." Ayame said.

"No, I haven't heard from her either. I assume she would've called me though, she usually
does when something comes up, she has my cell phone number."

"Come on, get in my car, let's go find her and make sure she's okay." Ayame said, leading
them to her car.

"Uh, Ayame, aren't you only 15 though?" Inuyasha asked as he got into the passenger side.

"I drive with my mom to school, she leaves a spare car here. Besides this is an emergency
and I'm not a reckless driver." Ayame said, backing the car out of her space.

Inuyasha gave her a funny look and asked,

"Your mom leaves a spare car at school? How many cars you got?"

"Pfft! Her mommy and daddy inherited a bunch of money a coupla years ago, so now they have
about 6 or 7 cars in the garage." Rin said, waving it of.
{Picking up from when Kagome was grabbed}

Kagome was slammed against the wall, a sharp pain searing through her left shoulder. Kagome
looked to Kikyo, who still had bruises on her face from Sango's attack.

"You don't have that little bitch Sango here to save you now." Kikyo said, standing over
her, sneering.

"Are you gonna take her hood down Kikyo?" Kagura, one of Kikyo's lackey's, asked.

"No, I want to savor that for another day, when it will be more humiliating." Kikyo answered

Kikyo took a pocket knife out of her jacket pocket, which had a hood as well to conceal her
so no one would see her, and knelt down in front of Kagome.

"You see this? I'm going to take this knife and slice and dice those pretty little hands of
yours if you don't promise me that you will stay away from Inuyasha." Kikyo said menacingly.

"I..can't do that. No matter what happens to me, I can't promise you...ever."

A look of shock took over Kikyo's face.

"This isn't a game! I mean it! Now promise me!"

Kagome shook her head and said,

"No, that would be like betraying my love for him, denying it. I couldn't do that."

Kikyo gripped the knife, her hand shaking with rage. Suddenly, Kikyo snapped, threw the knife
on the ground with a clatter and slapped Kagome. Kagome fell to the ground as Kikyo began to
kick her repeatedly. Just then, Ayame's car stopped on the other side of the road. Kagura
spotted it and said,

"Fuck! Someone's here, run!"

Kikyo stopped kicking Kagome and ran with the others. (Kanna was there, but didn't say or do

Inuyasha ran up to Kagome's lifeless body and knelt down in front of her. Her head was down,
hair hanging out form under the hood. He felt her neck for a pulse and when he foud one,
picked her up, holding her legs on both sides of his waist, her face buried in the crook of
her neck.

When they got Kagome homw, Ayame and Rin cleaned up the blood on her face and bandaged her
wounds. Inuyasha waited outside until they were done. When they finished, they came out with
glum expressions on their faces.

"How is she?" Inuyasha asked immediately.

"A cut lip and a few cuts and bruises on her chest and stomach, but other than that she
should be fine." Rin said.

"Who do you think did this?" Ayame asked.

"Don't know, she's seemed to have made several enemies over the past few weeks. It could be
Kikyo, but what about that new guy?" Rin said.

"What new guy?" Inuyasha asked.

"That guy named Naraku, when Kagome saw him yesterday, she freaked. He seemed to recognize
her as well when he saw her, because he smiled at her, but not an ordinary smile, a creepy
smile." Ayame answered.

"So that's why she was acting so weird yesterday." Inuyasha said, thinking.

Ayame and Rin left after Inuyasha told them that he would take care of Kagome. Inuyasha sat
in Kagome's room and watched TV while she slept. The only time he left her alone was to use
the bathroom and eat when he was hungry.

Kagome's mother returned around 8:00, Kagome still slept. Inuyasha explained the situation
to Mrs. Higurashi, who thanked him tremendously for taking care of her daughter by hugging
him and smothering him in kisses.
Kagome awoke to the sound of a pot clattering on the floor downstairs. As she got up, a sharp
pain rang out through her ribs and stomach. She remembered what happened, it was Kikyo.

"Oh good, you're awake." Inuyasha said, startling Kagome as he walked in.

"Inuyasha? What are you doing here?"

Inuyasha stoppped beside her bed and looked down at her, his gaze intent with love. He dropped
down on the bed and hugged her. Kagome was startled to say the least at his choice of action.

"I'm glad you're okay." He finally said.

Kagome smiled and said,

"I am too."
Pretty goog huh? Someone recently talked to me about the other characters and fluff between
them, that won't be happening in this story. This story revolves around Inu/Kag only. If
you want to read a story that has fluff for all the couples, especially Inu/Kag, then I
suggest my other story, "The World of Rock". Review to get more of this story and 'til
next time, chow!