InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why the Well ❯ Just call me M.O.M. ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha I'll never own Inuyasha but I will always love Inuyasha…

Oh yeah and go read my friends story called "Not Your Tipical Pushover " (spelled tipical wrong on accident)


Chapter two: Just call me M.O.M.

Kagome quietly took her place among all the big important people sitting around her at the large table.

"Ummm does anyone know whats going to happen to the girl"

A smart looking lady looked up from her papers, and took her black right-out-of-Matrix glasses off.

"didn't you read the letter?" she said in a rather condescending tone.

"Well yeah of course I did, but I CANT take the kid, I mean I'm only 18 I can barely take care of myself I don't even own a house and I haven't gone to college yet…" she trailed off since the important people (namely the Matrix lady) kept looking at her as if she was a complete idiot.

"Impossible" said the Matrix lady who was obviously the spokeswoman of the group. "You see you have to take the child it's the law." " In fact we can have you arrested for not taking the child, whose name by the way is Kanae Nadeshiko" a few other business people nodded.

"You see Ms. Higurashi it is the law and if we tried to explain it to you, you would get very, very confused" the Matrix lady said as if she stated the obvious.

Kagome wanted to tell her that she was smart and that she would understand any dumb law they tried to explain but these smartly dressed people made her feel small and insignificant and all her word got choaked up in her mouth. "right… but umm you see I can't ,err, take care of her very well since I have no house and money."

"Don't worry, we anticipated that, and we have a job and a house lined up for you." The matrix lady ruffled through some papers "ah yes, these are your files" she flipped through some papers scanning them so fast Kagome wasn't sure she was really reading them. "Yes of course our program says that you have a natural ability with plants and design." "so we have you signed up with the company Maiden Shrines inc. " she flipped through several more papers " and your house is an attachment on your families, a lot quite close to theirs actually, and of course when they die the Shrine goes to you and not your brother" the matrix lady handed her a packet "this explains it all okay." She smiled but with little warmth. "if you have a question call our program, the number is inside that program" "oh yes, we will be sending someone upstairs to direct you to your new charge Kanae." She picked some papers up as she stood "and just to tell you we have programmed the child to think you are her mother, if you try to tell her otherwise she will… go into mental break down and are program will be sued." She looked at Kagome with ice cold eyes and said in a soft whisper "we wouldn't want that, now would we?" and with that she turned on her heel as her partners got up to follow her.

Kagome felt a jolt of relief as her eyes left contact with that of the Matrix lady's. As she was jolted out of her stupor she remembered her last and probably least important question. "um m'am what is the organizations name?"

"M.O.M." The lady said without even a glance over her shoulder.


YEAH I'm on a role now, oh yeah, "I'm on role on rooollee weeeeeee (singing)" (takes out confetti and throws it everywhere) yeah.

Oh yeah don't worry Inuyasha will come into the story but a lot later… and this is a Inu/Kag fic but it may not seem like that all the time *hehe*. PLEASE REVIEW (and the updates will come slow but I'm still writing this. Clear as mud?)