InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why the Well ❯ I aint Frankenstein! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

RabidFan: Okay do you people no how to REVIEW do I need to spell it out to you do I, do I?! Aggggghh *bops head against computer screen * You shall all die NOWWWWW *runs in with grabby hand * Meet my Grabby sword of vengeance she will teach you to REVIEW *starts grabbing innocent bystanders and throwing them into review room *

Innocent Bystanders: Please let us out now. PLEASY Please.

RabidFan: *Gets evil look in eye * you shall now figure out why there is a RABID in the fan hehehe kukukukuk…. * runs out of room and comes back with Sesshomaru * (that how you spell it? I was to lazy to get my ass off the computer chair and check) Sesshomaru all these fans seem to think your in love with Kagome is it true?

Sesshomaru: they did, did they?

RabidFan: I leave you to deal with them.

Innocent bystanders: Noooo we are doomed….

Sesshomaru: * cracks knuckles * Okay…

RabidFan: If you do not review I will stick some random Rumiko Takahashi character on you Okay? PLEASE REVIEW!!!

Chapter 3: I aint Frankenstine!!!


Kagome sat at the table, to shocked from her previous encounter to do anything. She just sat there paralyzed as if some demon had just given her a very strong dose of poison. The lady had said the organizations name was M.O.M and that she was to be taking care of her very distant relative of some sort. She thought. Unless maybe she was dreaming… She pinched herself-


-Hard very hard.

"Okay now that I know I'm not dreaming what do I do? she mumbled to herself not fully believing what was going on, 'I mean how can I have a job and a house?' really she thought to herself she was used to weird stuff happening, she went to the feudal era and fought demons with the help of her miko powers that she inherited from her incarnation: Kikyou, who was dead, SHE WAS DEAD! That was really weird and now she was getting freaked out about a kid who she was adopting. That was nothing compared to time traveling. But it would be so hard to take care of a kid and help Inuyasha, she wasn't even sure she could!

"-gome, Kagome" said a voice " earth to Kagome, do you read me?"

A gentle hand shook her and snapped her out of her daydreaming.

"Huh what? huhhh" 'smart Kagome very smart she thought dryly.'

A lady looked Kagome up and down. She didn't looked not much older than Kagome but very sophisticated. She had her tidy orange hair tied back in ponytail and had about thirty different pink Hello Kitty clips keeping her hair back. She had lots of bright red lipstick on and lot of liquid eyeliner framing her large hazel eyes. She had a large pale moon shaped face and talked with a foreign accent. She had a blue striped suit on and fishnet tights the whole look was either incredibly nerdy or incredibly cool, but this girl carried herself with so much self-assuredness that it was easy to just forget about her rather weird color-blind fashion sense, and just like her.

"Kagome Higurashi is your name right"

"Umm yeah" Kagome grimaced at her wishy-washy answer, ever since she had gotten that telegram she had felt very brain-dead and had sounded like it too.

The lady smiled and as if reading her mind said "Don't worry I have seen millions come and go and you are taking this very well."

"You mean there are more people like me who just take in some kid they don't really know?!" Kagome was amazed at first she had thought she MUST be the only one in the world this had happened to but that was just plain self-centered. Of course this had happened to other people, she just had never of it before.

" Of course it happens to other people, I mean M.O.M. would never be kept going if this happened to only a few people a year." The Lady tried to make it sound like a reasonable explanation but Kagome was just so out of it she couldn't really concentrate on long explanations.

The lady looked at Kagome, realized she wasn't paying attention and said "Why don't we take you to her?" She pointed to the elevator. "We'll take that."

"Okay" Kagome mumbled as she was pulled towards the elevator doors.

(Ten Minute Later)

"Wow that took along time!" Kagome said as she stepped out of the elevator. She shivered violently. "Man it's freezing down here where are we anyways?!"

"The lab kind of…" the lady (now known to Kagome as Ali Judy Diaz.)

"The lab" Kagome said raising her eyebrow. This place reminded her of secret organizations that where on old TV shows. It almost made her want to laugh it felt so corny.

"Right, and I'm Dr. Frankenstein" she said rolling her eyes.

"I know it sounds cheesy to call it the "lab" but I don't know what else TO call it." Ali smiled. "Of course if you want I can call it the dungeon it sometimes feels like that down here, it so friggun cold."

"I realized" Kagome said through chattering teeth.

" I always tell my sister Yolanda (the Matrix lady's real name) to install a heating system down here but she always says it's to waste of money" she rolled he eyes in exasperation. "Of course SHE never comes down here, it's to low and dirty for her majesty- Kagome watch out!!!"

As Kagome walked forward trying hard to keep warm she tripped forward and felt cold clammy arm reach for her as her eyes shut and her vision blurred. The last thing she heard was "-agome watch out!" but the last thing she thought was 'help Inuyasha' of course Inuyasha was to far away to hear her then, or maybe ever-… again?!


sorry its taken me so long to update al my "invisible" readers but I've had a ton of homework lately and It's been killin me peoples. KILING ME.

And for all you readers who want Kag/Inu fluff you will have a long wait cuase Inuyasha aint coming into the story for awhile and Inu and Kag wont be in the same time for awhile. SORRY. But don't worry no matter what happens and who they two-time each other with they will in one place or time come together. Awww aint that romantic… Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. But they will have to hang on cuase they're in for a ride before they get to that point.

I will also have a Christmas sweet up and if your looking for other good fics this holiday season try…

Dead Famous

Double Life

Same thing, different time

And not your tipical pushover