InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Resemblance ❯ Sleep ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wicked Resemblance

'Whenever I watch her as she sleeps, I don't know how to feel. She resembles Kikyo so much it nearly kills me. I loved Kikyo. To see my lover, sleeping peacefully by my would do wicked things to anybody. She'd never forgive me if she knew how I felt. I only just met her though. This 'Kagome' girl. Pain in my ass is what she is. Her and her little fox. If she hadn't shot that bloody arrow into the shikon no tama we wouldn't have this. Although... if she hadn't, that youkai crow would have gotten away with it. Still! I could have gotten it back. And now look! Here I am, playing personal bodyguard to this useless girl!'

Kagome turned in her sleep and her mouth fell open slightly. Inuyasha bit back a snort. Kikyo had never been so--slobbish. He closed his eyes and pictured how he imagined she would have looked like if she were asleep.Beautiful. Her hair would splay across her pale, soft skin elegantly, and her breathing would be even, and gentle. She'd stretch slightly and curl into him. She would smell delicious and soothing and when she awoke her eyes would flutter open lightly, her pink lips would part as she exhaled and she'd smile at him sweetly. He opened his eyes at her snoring reincarnation and sighed with distaste. He jumped up to his perch on the tree above them and rested against the bark, slowly slipping into sweet slumber.

Kagome was having a nightmare. Inuyasha opened his eyes and growled softly, there was no way he could sleep through the noises she was making. He jumped down and moaned when he saw the sun just beginning to rise. There would be no sleep for him that day. He looked at Kagome and his eyes widened. The pink of the sky was coaxing her colour to blend in with it, bringing out her red lips, tanned skin and mass of midnight black hair. Her face was creased in a cute irritable frown as she battled her nightmares and Shippo, next to her, had turned away. Inuyasha was having a hard time seeing the resemblance now. Before him was a different girl, a girl who wasn't like the soft beauty of winter, but the lively loveliness of spring and a hint of warm summer. Kikyo's face flashed before him and he tried to pick out the similarites, but he saw none in her face. Even her hair wasn't the same. Kikyo's was straight and even, while Kagome's was messy and wild.

As he reached over to shake her awake she reached up and pulled him to her. Unsure as to what to do, he didn't move. She held him close, and he inhaled her scent quietly. She was like fresh fruit, sweet and ripe and irrisitable and like dew covering fragrant flowers. As he allowed her to hold him, she calmed down and her grip loosened on him so he had the freedom to pull away. Inuyasha hesitated and then slipped out of her loose grasp. Immediately she whimpered and reached out to him again. He rolled his eyes but held her hand. She sighed and her face returned to its peaceful neutral stage, her lips curling slightly into a smile of comfort. A stray lock of hair fell across her face and Inuyasha realized, although Kikyo was beautiful, she had never been so--vulnerable, so fragile and expressive. Shaking his head he reminded himself, 'But Kikyo was more beautiful than any girl I've ever seen...I'm just really tired today'. Kagome yawned and as Inuyasha watched, her eyes fluttered open slowly, revealing a tint of green hidden within the dark brown. Her eyes focused on him and she smiled slightly, and stretched; her hands going above her head and her long legs extending as far as they could. She had dropped his hand without realizing it and then she turned towards Shippo and fell back asleep.

Inuyasha had recoiled, and his heart rate was fit to burst. He put a hand to his chest to steady himself and slumped onto the ground. He had an urge to run, to work off his tension, to release his stress. He sighed and shook his head. That would leave a defenceless kitsune and girl in the middle of a forest. Smart idea. He leapt into the tree with a grunt and watched the sun rise above majestically. He heard her snore from below and he relaxed slightly. He could never be attracted to that irritating brat, he leaned back more comfortably. Never, ever, Kikyo was the only one for him. He was lulled back to sleep by the warmth of the sun's first rays.