InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Resemblance ❯ Peeping and leaving ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wicked Resemblance
Chapter 2
I don't own Inuyasha.

The smell of food roused him from his deep sleep. He had heard her getting ready, but it didn't concern him--her food however, was another story. He cracked an eye open and peeked down on her. Swiftly he reclosed his eyes and turned slightly away. A blush stained his face. Obviously she'd thought he was asleep, because she was comfortable enough to change right there. His blush deepened, she didn't have a young girl's body, she had a woman's body. Kagome finished dressing and dished out the food. She woke Shippo gently first, and offered him a plate. The acalarity in which Shippo responded to the food made Inuyasha hold back laughter. Kagome tentatively approached the tree. She hoisted herself up and climbed to where he was. Inuyasha was intrigued, what would she do to wake him? He waited and Kagome said softly, "Inuyasha...wake up sleepy head. There's food for you."

She reached out to shake him and lost her balance. With a cry of surprise she fell off the tree. As she neared the ground she waited for the pain she was sure would follow when she landed. There was none. Instead she felt arms wrap around her and hold her close. She opened her eyes and stared at Inuyasha incredulously. "Th--thank you," she mumbled as he set her down. She winced, as she was falling she had scraped her leg against a branch and she was bleeding. She smiled at Inuyasha brightly and said, "Your food's by the fire." She limped to her giant bag and pulled out her first aid kit. Inuyasha shook his head, 'Weird creature'. He glared daggers at Shippo who was creeping towards his plate and growled softly. Shippo grinned and backed off--after stealing a piece of bacon.

Kagome finished bandaging her leg and reached for her breakfast. She offered her bacon to Shippo and Inuyasha--which they both bolted down quickly--and resumed eating. Laughing while trying to eat was hard but she managed. "I'm going to quickly go to the river. I'll wash the plates when you're done." They both passed her their plates and she smiled and grabbed her bag. "Be right back," she winked at Shippo, handing him a lollipop.

Inuyasha watched her leave, feeling resentment. If Kikyo had been alive it would be she who woke him everyday with a smile. If only it had been Kikyo. He resented the fact she had stolen Kikyo's soul; that she was her and wasn't her. How dare she slightly look like and possess the same soul?! Kikyo's face haunted him daily now. He resented the fact he couldn't hold her in his arms and caress her skin, tangle his hands in her hair; she was gone, and she had left behind a sloppy, clumsy, annoying look-alike in her place. He sighed and chucked a rock at Shippo. And now he had to deal with 'Sit' everytime she thought he was being bad. Shippo jumped onto his head and bit him as hard as he could. Inuyasha swatted him and Shippo dodged and skipped away.

Meanwhile, Kagome had quickly done the dishes and the water looked scrumptious. She glanced around surreptiously and left her things by the edge. She would have to be quick or Inuyasha might get impatient. She sighed, he was so mean. Immediately she felt bad for thinking that after he'd saved her from a broken limb just that morning. She blushed, he'd looked so...cute--and he felt so, warm and he smelt like wild forest. Not something you'd think a half-dog would smell like, but it was yummy. A unique blend of herbal grasses, sweet air, strong, fresh trees and a slight hint of meadow flowers. She liked his scent. She stripped off her clean clothing and dipped her foot in. She recoiled, it was cold! Closing her eyes she forced herself to jump in--no pain, no gain.

Shippo and Inuyasha's little squabble had intensified. Shippo had slapped one of his lead weight's onto Inyasha and Inuyasha was using it to try and squish him. With a sly look Shippo ran off towards Kagome's general direction. Inuyasha bit back a curse, he'd get 'sat' for sure. He chased after Shippo as best he could. Shippo was nearly there. Kaogme's thing were right there, but he didn't see Kagome. Inuyasha showed up behind him with a triumphant smirk.

Facing him, Shippo enjoyed how horribly his face turned from victory to shock. Kagome stood up and flung back her long black hair. It was cold alright. Muttering a curse, she looked up and saw Inuyasha lunge to cover Shippo's eyes and she screamed "SIT!" out of reflex. Shippo ducked and Inuyasha went flying into the river just as the rosary pulled him down. Kagome's eyes widened in horror, not only was he stuck down there because of her 'sit', but too late had she noticed the weight on his hand. She dove in after him and located him. He was struggling to get up, but the weight wouldn't have it, and neither would Kagome's 'sit'. She reached him, pulled off the binding paper and tried to pull him up. Obviously the 'sit' she'd used had been too strong. Inuyasha was clawing at the rosary furiously. Kagome was loosing air, but she knew it would have to be at least ten times worse for Inuyasha. She forced his face to meet hers and she gave him her oxygen. She wasn't going to last, she latched her hands onto his robe and pulled as hard as she could upwards. The spell wore of at that precise moment and Kagome lost consciousness as she spiralled into the rocky bottom of the river as a rush of the current pushed her down.

Inuyasha hadn't meant to gawk, but he had. Her body had been glistening and her wet hair had fallen down her back as she came up for air. He had reacted by attempting to block Shippo's virgin sight, but she'd caught on to them just then. When the flood of water surrounded him he knew he was screwed. He'd have to wait for the rosary to wear off before he could leave. He was fine with that, after all he could hold his breath for a while.
But someone had dove in for him. To help him. Kikyo? No, Kikyo knew he could handle himself. She'd be waiting to laugh at him for being stupid and falling into the river. Then who...? They pulled off the weight on his hand and tried to pull him up. The rosary wouldn't have it; he remained glued to the ground. The person grabbed his face and kissed him, forcing their oxygen into him. All he saw was black hair as the current pushed them both down into the ground roughly. Kagome! He saw her head hit just as the spell grew tired of fighting with him. He grabbed her and his legs pushed upwards. They were practically launched from the river.

Shippo was panicking. He ran around in a circle anxiously waiting for Kagome and Inuyasha to reappear. They didn't. He moaned and crouched by the edge for a better view. Suddenly a blur burst from the river and hurtled over his head, drenching him instantly to the bone.Inuyasha lay Kagome out while Shippo gaped. "Inuyasha what--" "Shit, breath Kagome, breath." He bent down and tilted her head back and put his mouth on hers. Shippo hit him squarely on the head. Kagome spluttered and spat out a mouthful of water. "Ehn?" She coughed profusely and then looked around. She looked up at Inuyasha who had taken of his overcoat and covered her naked body with it. He was digging through her bag for her towel. "Here," he mumbled gruffly without looking at her, passing it to her. She accepted it, still not grasping the situation completely. Inuyasha walked away, picking Shippo up by the tail with him.

Kagome still didn't quite understand but she made her shaky legs to support her and she made good use of her towel. She could hear Shippo yelling at Inuyasha, but there was only silence from him. Inuyasha wasn't fighting with Shippo? It was her dream, but she questioned what herbs he'd eaten.
Kagome reached for the clothing she'd abandonned at the edge and put them on, glad they weren't drenched or wrecked in any way. She understood that Inuyasha had saved her after she'd tried to help him, but he was acting weirder then usual. Was it because--? She blushed and tried to dry her hair as she collected her things and walked back to the fire to warm herself.

Inuyasha was up the tree like usual, and Shippo was sulking by the fire playing with a spinning top, two lumps on his head. Kagome glared at Inuyasha and he down at her. An awkward silence fell down on them and Shippo declared, "I need to pee." He left, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha in an even more awkward silence than before. Inuyasha didn't acknowledge her but she started climbing the tree to speak with him. She sat on his branch trying to balance but finally just gave up trying to look aloof and wrapped her legs around it, leaning forward slightly. "Look," she started. "Umm...I just wanted to thank you for saving me--again. I--I know I get in the way a lot, but I really appreciate it, Inuyasha. I'm glad I met you." Inuyasha didn't say anything. He seemed to be ignoring her. A small tinge of irritation bit her. She tried again, "Ah, well, umm..see, you try to act all gruff, but you really are kind."

Still nothing. Kagome's anger grew and popped. "What are you sulking for you pervert?! At least you got to see me naked, consider that your prize!" Inuyasha turned--his face beet red--and yelled back, "Prize?! Don't make me laugh, I've seen better bodies than you'll ever have. And I'm not a pervert, you should have said something, stupid!" Kagome threw back, "I shouldn't have to idiot! And the way you were gaping I think you were mighty impressed, PERVERT!" Inuyasha growled and shot back, "Why do you keep tagging along? Kikyo had a way better body, why couldn't it have been her as opposed to you?" Kagome drew back as though slapped and stared at him. Lowering her eyes, in a flat tone, she said, "Fine. I won't bother you anymore Inuyasha. I'll find the shikon shards myself. I don't need you anways." She got down quickly and grabbed her bag just as Shippo walked back in.

Kagome said tightly, "I'm finding the shards on my own Shippo, you can stay with Inuyasha if you want, or you can come with me." She began walking away. Shippo shot an incredulous look at Inuyasha and asked, "What did you do?" He turned in the direction Kagome was heading and called out, "Kagome! Wait for mee!!" Kagome paused as though considering something and then said softly, "Shippo, I want you to stay with Inuyasha. Do that for me, okay?" She kept walking and Shippo stopped dead in his tracks. "Y-you r-really want me to-to st-stay?" he stuttered, his voice filling with tears. His tiny shoulders sagged and his clenched hands fell limply to his side. "If that's what you want Kagome..." Inuyasha could see he was holding back tremendous sobs of dispair and he was uncertain of how to deal with it.

Kagome felt Shippo's pain, wanted to run back and comfort him, but she couldn't protect him like Inuyasha. She steeled herself and tried to seal away her emotions, even as her tears fell down her face. Shippo sank to his little knees and his head dropped. He couldn't face Inuyasha right now; didn't even have the heart to get mad at him and tease him. He went dead. Inuyasha picked him up and the poor little kitsune docilely gave in. Kagome's scent was fading, but Inuyasha refused to go after her again. Life would go on without her, after all, she would head home anyways.