InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Resemblance ❯ Quick seducings and drugings ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wicked Resemblance
Chapter 3
I don't own Inuyasha.

two months later...

Inuyasha lazily dispatched of the latest shikon thief. He followed rumors now, it was the only thing he had to go, and luckily they usually were correct. Shippo was still depressed, but they'd gained another member to their small group, a rather perverted monk called Miroku who used a powerful curse to his advantage. Rumor now had it of two female youkai stealing shards from others. They were very strong and, if the rumor's proved true, would be a little more diffcult to get rid of. Miroku was estatic, "Two females? Why don't I go and distract them than steal the shards from them. By distract I of course mean I'll try to seduce them." He sighed, "I wish..." Shippo smiled slightly and then turned away. "Well, we'll stop by the next village. They'll have more info hopefully," Miroku added. "What do you think Inuyasha?"

Miroku convinced the owner of the richest inn that there was indeed a possessed spirit roaming inside the inn and that it needed to be taken care of before it got violent. The guillable innkeeper begged them to take care off it and offered them the most luxurious rooms in the inn. Miroku thanked him somberly and then walked calmly to their new rooms. His was wonderfully spacious and light, with silky sheets and a pillow soft comfortor. He rested his staff against the wall and flopped onto the bed with a contented sigh.

Inuyasha didn't want Shippo seperated from him, so he agreed to sharing a room with him, making seem as though Shippo were still a regal pest. Their room was just as nicely furnished and Inuyasha whistled softly, "Gotta hand it to the monk, he's good at what he does." Shippo scribbled quietly with charcoal on the paper he still had left over from Kagome. Inuyasha worried about the little kitsune, he barely, if rarely ever said anything; he coloured, that was it. He'd used up all his crayons and now depended on charcoal, which made his drawings very depressing. He ruffled Shippo's hair and said, "I'll be back, stay here, okay?" If he didn't he'd be picked on for being a youkai; something Inuyasha wanted to avoid. He left, needing air and to escape from being the 'dad' role.

Miroku was snoozing lighlty when there was a knock on his door. He sighed and got up, he'd been having such pleasant dreams--naked women clambering to bare his child. He scratched his head wryly, it would happen one day. Straightening his ruffled robe he opened the door with a lazy smile. "Inu--ah...hello, may I assist you?" The person fell into his arms breathing heavily and seemed to collapse. Miroku caught them and carried them back to his room, closing the door.

Inuyasha was feeling extremly hammered by the smells in the village. They were terribly strong, leaving him slightly numb. There was a scent he vaguely recalled and he tried his best to ignore it, not caring what it was. He needed sake, he needed to get drunk. That was his purpose for the moment. Miroku would sneak off to the brothel and Shippo would be asleep by the time both men got back. Miroku had forced Inuyasha to cover up, explaining that just as rumor of the two youkai women was going around, surely rumor of the monk and hanyou did too. Inuyasha didn't care. Miroku put a monk's robe over Inuyasha and covered his ear with a black scarf, helping dye his hair black as well. The dye washed out easily and Inuyasha just needed to keep his eyes narrowed so no one could really see his eyes. He'd been surprised by the change as well. Girls suddenly found him extremely attractive and flocked around him and he was so unused to being bothered by his looks it was leaving him a bit ill.

A young man in the bar sat down beside him, his face hidden by his black hair. He seemed just as drunk as Inuyasha and swayed unsteadily beside him. Inuyasha was getting pretty bad himself, he could barely recognize the floor. Mission accomplished, he was piss drunk. The boy laughed and said to Inuyasha, "Sake, sake, sake!" He hiccoughed, "I've got some more where I'm staying, care for a drink? Gotta get rid of some of it, trying to kick the habit..." He chuckled and stood clumsily. "Whaddya say?" Inuyasha thought he was going blind, he could smell something very acrid and then suddely he felt loose. "Sure, why not?" he slurred. "Where to?" The boy hiccoughed again, "Inn, I left it there. Damn, it's a long walk..." Inuyasha and the boy linked arms, the boy's face still hidden and they toddled back to the inn, the same inn Inuyasha was staying at.

Miroku aided the fallen person to his bed. They seemed to be having trouble breathing. He pulled back the hood and looked down into the face of a beautiful girl. Her eyes fluttered open hazily and her mouth parted slightly. "C--can't breath..." she whimpered. Miroku's jaw dropped. "Please, I--I need dress! It-it's crushing me..." Miroku pulled off the robe hastily and revealed the bone crushing western style bodice. He gulped and the girl gasped for air, her cheeks flushed and a bead of sweat dripping between her full breasts. He ripped at the bodice, pulling it open and she curled on her side inhaling air greedily. "Thank you!" she said softly, still inhaling like mad. She rose slightly, and then realized she was nearly naked, tried to cover herself. Her chest was heaving, her red lips were large and ripe and she looked so fragile Miroku hid his growing arousal. "Houshi-sama," the girl whispered. "Arigatou gozaimazu..." She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss onto him. Miroku reacted instaneously and increased the kiss. She broke the kiss and said worriedly, "We really shouldn't, houshi-sama..." He kissed her again and she fell back with a giggle and said seductively, "Maybe just this once...Make love to me, Houshi-sama..." Her hands snaked into his robes and she pulled him onto her firmly. Miroku liked strong-willed girl, but he was a softy when it came to gorgeous damsel's in distress. She was a mix.

While all of this was occuring, Inuyasha and his new found drinking buddy were stumbling and chuckling at every little turn as they located the boys' room. " It should be right here..." the boy pushed open the door and sat down roughly, "Sake, sake, sake!" Inuyasha saw him raise his face, but he could no longer see, so it really didn't matter. "Here ya go, cheers!" They both downed cup after cup until the boy passed out and Inuyasha's eyes finally began to close and he fell back snoring. The boy--who was snoring just as loudly as Inuyasha--sat up, leaned over Inuyasha and reached into his robes. "Arigatou, silly monk..." he whispered. He got up and left the room, abandoning the passed out Inuyasha and the now empty bottle of sake. He walked down the hall to Miroku's room and knocked hard and yelled, "Monk, monk! Please come quickly, the innkeeper needs your help, youkai are approaching!"

Miroku had just finished kissing the girl when someone rudely interrupted, but he had no choice, the shards might be near. The girl sighed, "Another time I suppose...I must be going as well. Gomen nasai..." She got up and dressed quickly and Miroku rushed out the door. She grinned and said loudly, "All's clear, I got what we needed." The boy entered and smiled triumphantly, "Me too, let's go bathe and leave. They're dumb enough not to notice until tomorrow and I stink like sake." The boy brought out a knife and cut the binding on his chest, releasing her breasts. "It hurts trying to act like a guy," she complained as her friend laughed. "I know, I was the guy last time!" her friend said, still laughing. They walked out calmly and headed towards the women's baths.