InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Attacked from Within ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 14: Attacked from Within

It had been three days since the confrontation between Inuyasha and Mattaki in the meadow, and since then, tempers had been frayed almost beyond bearing. The only thing that had kept the two from fighting once again was the fact that Kagome seemed to be getting sick.

Nausea and dizziness were becoming more frequent, but the group couldn't attribute it to anything in particular; if one certain hanyou suspected what was causing it, he didn't say anything, though he did worry.

He couldn't understand why she'd be reacting the way she was – and it didn't seem as though the bond was weakening at all, let alone breaking. He was beginning to worry that perhaps he should have questioned the old hag that had given the tea to him more, or just not given it to her in the first place.

Still, there didn't seem to be anything else wrong with her, and she wasn't running a fever or getting weak, so he decided not to say anything, and just continue to watch for the time being. Not like there was anything else he himself could really do – if something were indeed wrong, it would be up to Kaede to find it, and they would have to get back to the village for that.

Mattaki was almost at his wits end; he could feel something in her beginning to attack the bond, though it wasn't near strong enough to do anything about it, he was sure that that was what was causing her to be sick. But what was it? Part of her psyche? Or something else?

He suspected that it was an outside influence, simply because nowhere in her mind was she fighting his presence. That meant that whatever had gotten to her, had been introduced into her system from the outside... but how?

They had already had to make camp again for the day, as Kagome had once again gotten sick, and he wasn't about to take any chances, no matter what anyone else thought, they were stopping, though it was only early afternoon.

After getting her settled into her bedding with a cool cloth over her head, he sat down near her, completely ignoring his boorish son, and watched over her, his thoughts firmly grounded on her and what was actually going on. If this kept up, he would have to attempt some of the magics he'd been taught to see if he could figure out what was wrong. He preferred not to do that, though – that kind of thing could have repercussions, and if there was any other way to get answers, he'd take it.

As Kagome drifted into a tired sleep, camp fell silent, most everyone lost in their own thoughts, and unwilling to break the very fragile silence between the elder daiyoukai and his hanyou son. Everyone was very aware that it would only take one single spark to cause an explosion the likes of which the lands had never seen; Mattaki angered was something that was still spoken of in legends with fear.

He was not the sort of being that you wanted to incite rage in.

Of course, it would only be Inuyasha that would not care to fear what others did about his father – he was far too hot-headed, and that failing could very well bring about his downfall if he were not very, very careful.

It was into this toxic atmosphere that a certain flea youkai of everyone's acquaintance stumbled... and it was his announcement that caused the beginnings of the end for the spider hanyou and all his plotting. Because it was Myoga that gave the group the knowledge that Kagome's illness was directly attributable to something that came from Naraku; that was trespassing on something that belonged to the Great Dog General – and no one got away with something like that.

It was apparent that the flea was in such a hurry to eat, that he didn't pay attention to the aura's of those in the camp, leaping from his crow to land on Kagome, and burying his little beak in her neck before anyone even noticed he was around.

It wasn't until his squeaky voice popped up asking why Kagome tasted of Naraku's miasma, that anyone knew he was there, and the roar of rage that came at his words completely stunned him and left him unable to talk for several minutes as he moaned about his Master's return, and the joy it was bringing him.

Fortunately, Kagome was so out of it, that she didn't even stir at Mattaki's expression of outrage, and the flea soon found himself being held between two very dangerous claws as the inu demanded that he repeat what he'd said about her.

Eyes wide, Myoga glanced at his Master, then at the sleeping girl, his expression confused. “Uhm, well, that is to say, Lady Kagome's blood tastes just a tiny bit of Naraku's miasma. W-why, Master?” he asked, still trying to bow and kiss ass, uncertain why his former Lord was so upset.

A dangerous growl bubbling up in the Inu Lord's throat, he snapped, “Is there anything else in her blood, flea?”

“I would have to take another taste, My Lord – I was so surprised to taste the poison in her blood that I didn't taste any further. And then you grabbed m-” he was cut off as he was tossed back towards Kagome's prone form.

“Take another sample, now, Myoga, and pay close attention – your life right now depends on you making sure you find everything in her system that's out of place,” he said, his voice deadly soft.

Myoga paled, and nodded frantically before sticking his beak back in her throat and beginning to suck. After several long seconds, he pulled away, and began muttering to himself as he analyzed what his taste buds were telling him.

“Miasma,” a few more unintelligible mumbles, “spider blood, some kind of odd herbal concoction, and...” the old flea's brows shot up in surprise, and he gaped at his Master, “inuyoukai pheromones. Master – you've laid claim to Lady Kagome?!” he squeaked. “What about Master Inuyasha?”

The clearing had been deadly silent as the flea broke down the different things in Kagome's blood that shouldn't be there, and now a babble of voices broke out, as they all tried to figure out how Kagome could have been infected by the spider, when they hadn't even seen him in several weeks – and she had only just started to get sick.

Inuyasha, however, was completely silent – he knew exactly how she'd gotten sick, and his guilt was eating him alive. It was all his fault – in his eagerness to keep his father from her, he'd been a blind fool, and fallen right into one of Naraku's infamous traps. There was no way to know what that tea crap was really supposed to do, and he suddenly realized that, even though his father was probably going to kill him, he would have to tell them what he'd done. If he didn't, there was no telling what would happen to Kagome, and he couldn't risk her life just to save his stupid hide.

Face pale as he stared at the girl he'd come to love so much, in any capacity, he stood up and waited for the group to take note of him before speaking slowly, hesitantly.

“I think I know what caused this,” he said, and immediately, he was the center of attention.

Mattaki leveled narrowed eyes on his son, mind going back to the other day when he'd felt that something dangerous was about to happen; the same day he'd felt that the danger was actually coming from inside the camp – and it looked like he'd been right.

“Explain,” he barked, not having any patience for procrastination.

“That day, when we helped that group of farmers?” he started. “The old lady there gave me some herbs she said would make a tea that could...” he glanced up awkwardly at his father, before looking at his best friend, and ignoring the others in camp, “break a youkai claim.”

“The tea the other day, that you made for everyone... you switched out hers and gave her that stuff,” Sango breathed, shocked.

He nodded, too ashamed to look at anyone by that time.

“Master Inuyasha, there's nothing that can break a claim except a challenge... or if the female in question denies the claim! Whoever that woman was, she lied to you,” Myoga said, nervously eyeing Mattaki, who seemed to be locked into a battle to calm a blood rage.

Inuyasha didn't know it, but he was on the knife's edge – one little move in the wrong direction, and he would be dead at his own father's hands.

It was fortunate, perhaps, that Kagome woke just then; certainly, it spared her friend's life – at least at that point. But sooner or later, Mattaki would confront his impetuous son, and all bets would be off at that time. If the boy did anything but submit, it would all be over.

“Wh-what's going on?” she asked, sitting up and groaning a bit at the wave of nausea that hit her.

Mattaki, face tight, spoke. “It seems we have discovered why you are ill, Kagome. Myoga sampled your blood, and found components of Naraku within it.”

She frowned as her face paled. “Eww, gross! How the heck did that happen – and what components?”

“It seems as though there is a trace of miasma, as well as his blood, in your system, nisou. And as for the how-” he shot a deadly glare at the hanyou, “-it seems as though my son is stubborn, and foolish – he does not know when to back off. It is from herbs that he used in your tea a few days ago.”

Inuyasha shrank back at the look Kagome turned on him; even Miroku, Sango, and Kikyou were caught off-guard at the sheer anger in her eyes. “Inuyasha, you idiot! You, of all people, know what that guy is like!”

“I didn't get it from anyone I knew was working for him, Kagome!” he defended himself. “I got it from those farmers that we helped the other day. How was I supposed to know?!”

“Aren't you the one that always told me not to so blindly trust people, hm? Or is it that you won't trust your own safety to strangers, but I'm not worth the same caution? Is that it?” she asked, hurt suddenly clear in her voice, and his ears snapped back against his head at the sound.

“No! That's not it at all, K'gome,” he said, a pleading note in his voice that had everyone except Mattaki wincing. “It was supposed to break that bastard's hold on you!” he gestured at his father, who growled.

Kagome closed her eyes and sighed, a headache beginning to pinch her head in a vise. “So we don't even know what it's really supposed to do, and this stuff has already been in my system for three days. This is just great. Well, since I haven't keeled over dead yet, I'd wager it's not going to cause death... what else could it do?”

Kikyou frowned, her mind flitting through every source of knowledge she possessed. “It could be so many things, you know, it's hard to tell,” she said reluctantly. “Is there anything else you can tell us, Myoga?”

The flea shook his head, but a different voice spoke up. “Yes. Whatever this stuff is, it's trying to attack the bond – but it is too weak. It is not strong enough to overcome my claim, though I am getting the feeling that it isn't trying to destroy it, just weaken it. What that may mean, I do not know.”

Her frown deepening, Kikyou shot an irate glare at Inuyasha, then looked back at Mattaki. “That's probably right, then. That stuff is supposed to weaken the bond... the question is, why. Naraku never does anything that won't directly help him, so there's some purpose in this that we are all missing. I say that we travel back to the village, and speak to my sister about this. She is most skilled in potions and herbs, and may have some knowledge about this that the rest of us do not have.”

Her suggestion was readily taken, and as the group prepared for a long night of travel, Inuyasha found himself receiving much ire from everyone. Mattaki and Kikyou both felt that it was best to get Kagome back to Kaede's immediately, and as they all prepared for travel, Inuyasha could only watch morosely as his father picked Kagome up and disappeared into the sky with her.

He was sure it was symbolic as well as actual – Kagome was being taken from him, and he was going to lose the one person that had ever accepted him as he was without question. It hurt, more than even the betrayal with Kikyou so long ago, and he was afraid of what would happen to him once Kagome was gone.

Things would never be the same, that was for certain, and even as Kikyou tightened her legs around him as he prepared to run into the evening back to Kaede's village, his heart was cold, and lonely.

He just hoped that Kagome could forgive him for his stupidity.


Mattaki arrived back at the village first; not surprising, since he could simply fly there, and he was able to move much faster than Kirara. By the time they did arrive, it was the middle of the night, however, and Kagome, not wanting to wake the elderly priestess, simply chose to stay snuggled up in Mattaki's lap against the side of the hut – he was quite comfortable and more than warm enough for her.

As concerned as he was, he could tell that she was in no immediate danger, and so was perfectly amenable to holding his chosen onna as she slept – it gave him a much more direct route to her dreams and subconscious with which to strengthen the bond – making it that much less likely that whatever it was that Naraku had done would work. In the end, Mattaki speculated that the spider was only helping to forge his bonds tighter with his female, since it was because of his interference that he was getting so close, so much faster.

A wicked grin touched his mouth as Kagome whimpered slightly in her sleep and curled into him, a sweet scent of arousal beginning to perfume the air around them as her dreams took her places that he had every plan to go with her soon enough in reality – places she would only ever go with him. Growling deeply, he pulled in as much of that scent as he could, and allowed it to settle into his memory – just one more way to identify her from every other being out there.

It was a rather long night for the highly aroused inu as he sat there and held his female; he wanted to take her so badly, but now was not the time. Instead, he forced his mind to contemplate what he was going to do with the spider hanyou when he caught him, turning his lust into blood lust, instead.

The moment that dawn crept over the horizon, he stood, and hearing movement from within the hut, he knocked on the frame of the doorway, pushing the matting aside with his shoulder and moving inside when bid.

Kaede was dressed and stoking the fire, and looking up when the powerful aura entered her home, she raised a surprised brow at the sight of Kagome curled up in his arms with a peaceful smile on her still-pale face.

“Tell me, what is wrong with the child that ye bring her here without the rest of her companions?” she asked, knowing something had to be up.

Mattaki held back a growl as he sat down across from the elder miko. “My son is a fool and fed her a bunch of herbs that we have since figured out came from Naraku. It is making her feel nauseous and tired, and is attacking the bond I have with her, trying to weaken it, though it is not strong enough to do so.”

The elder miko frowned. “Anything else?”

“Hai. My vassal, Myoga, took in some of her blood, and found traces of Naraku's miasma, and his blood.”

She sat back a bit, a thoughtful scowl on her face as she considered his words. “Why did Inuyasha give such a thing to her?”

He matched her scowl. “Because he's an idiot – no matter that he was told that a claim cannot be broken except by challenge or refusal by the female, he still attempted to do so and was taken for a fool by the spider. What we are not sure is why Naraku would attempt something like this. What was he hoping to gain?”
“If he could have weakened your bond-” she glanced at the miko that was beginning to stir, “-then he could have used her to attack ye, I believe,” she said musingly, not noting the surprised look in the daiyoukai's eyes. “That was probably his plan. But while his essence within Kagome is not enough to harm your bond, it is enough to make her sick, and the longer it stays this way, the worse it will get. She is too pure to be subjected to his vile nature for long, and unfortunately, she cannot now purify his blood within her without harming herself.”

Mattaki growled angrily. “Then what do we do?”

The hut fell silent for a few minutes, even the now awake Kagome not speaking, and then she said, “I can give her things to ease the illness for now – but the only thing that will free her from him is to kill him. Once he is destroyed, his essence from within her will also fade. But in order for that to be completely successful, his remains will need to be purified. Once he is dead, ye will have to bring him to me.”

The big inu stiffened his shoulders as he looked down at the miko in his lap, holding her wide-eyed gaze with his own deeply possessive one. It occurred to him that if Naraku was planning to use her to harm him, then he was watching, and would be making a move soon.

Perhaps he could set a trap...

“Tell me, miko, how long does it take for this to be at its most potent?”

“Usually about a week, give or take a day. Why?”

He began to grin, its feral nature not lost on the two women in the hut with him. “I may just have a way to turn his little trick back on him... and once I have him in my claws, he will scream for death, begging for it to take him.”

Kagome shuddered.

“What about Inuyasha?” she asked, hesitantly.

His reddening gaze swung towards the door, and he snarled. “His fate at my hands may end up being the same unless he is very, very careful, Kagome. He endangered my potential mate, and anyone can tell you – not even pups are allowed to get away with that. Pray that he learns his lesson, because if he crosses me one more time – it will be the last time.”

Silence met his declaration as both Kaede and Kagome began praying.