InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Something Wicked This Way Comes ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 15: Something Wicked this Way Comes

Inuyasha heard every word his father spoke inside the hut, since he was just outside, and he flinched, knowing that he was in desperate trouble, though not because of his father's threat – he was pretty sure Kagome would turn him away if he actually tried to kill him.

No, he was afraid that even though she would defend his life, she would still end up hating him, and at this point, he couldn't say he blamed her. He'd been a blind, stubborn fool, and she was paying the price for that.

He could feel Kikyou shiver as his father's words washed over her – she was getting a feel for his darker side. The darker side that all youkai, and hanyou, had. One that she'd never really seen from him – though Kagome had.

He set her down as Sango, Miroku, and Shippo on Kirara landed in front of the hut, and everyone piled inside to find Mattaki wrapped protectively around their friend. Shippo made to go to her, but was warned away with a deep growl – the inu Lord was running mostly on his instincts at that point, and his youkai blood felt the threat to Kagome too strongly to allow anyone too near – even her friends.

Inuyasha watched it all from the back of the hut, trying to stay quiet and not aggravate his father, or anyone else, for that matter. He did nothing but listen to the talk, and stare at the wall in front of him.

Kaede watched the big inu curl around Kagome and shook her head with a slight smile; turning to her sister, she said, “Kikyou, I need ye to go out and gather certain herbs for me – I am out of a few that I will need to ease Kagome's discomfort.”

Kikyou nodded, listening carefully as her sister listed the herbs she would need, then beckoning to Inuyasha, she set out, happy to get out of the thick atmosphere in the hut.

Inuyasha followed her quietly, glancing back only once at Kagome and his father, then turning away as the daiyoukai snarled at him. At this rate, he'd never be able to get near her to even apologize... ears laying dejectedly against his head, he sighed, and kept watch over Kikyou as she searched for the needed herbs.

I've really done it this time... have I finally gone so far that this can never be fixed?


Later that day, Kagome finally awoke and was able to take Kaede's medicine. The moment she felt better, Mattaki gathered extra supplies for her medicines, and her yellow bag, then whisked her away to parts unknown, not telling anyone where they were going. All he would say is that they had much to talk about, and that he would brook no interference from anyone.

It was apparent who he was speaking of, of course, though no names were spoken.

Kagome was just as in the dark as the rest of them, not knowing their destination, nor just what Mattaki had in mind – she probably wouldn't have been very comfortable if she'd known. But he was no longer willing to wait, or brook any nonsense.

It was time to up the ante.

He would spend the next two days pressing the bond on her, strengthening it, and breaking down any resistance she had – and then he would mate her. By the time that Naraku made his move, he would have all the power he needed to take control of the spider hanyou, instead...

And then hell would come to earth for the dark halfling, and death would be something he would beg for – yet would not receive.

At least, not for some time. He, Mattaki, would make Naraku earn his death – it would be a privilege for the spider by the time he was through with him.

Mattaki was a normally just being – but like any other creature, he had his limits, and Naraku had already surpassed them all. Now the bill had come due – and it was a very expensive bill, especially as it would be taken out in blood.

He also saw nothing wrong with his plans for Kagome. She was his chosen female, his other half, and just because she was human, and a little slower to accept what he already knew, didn't mean he was willing to wait any longer. After all, she'd have centuries to accept it – after it was a done deal.

And, on top of everything else, this would end the attempts to interfere by his stubborn son – either of them. He had no illusions – if Sesshoumaru came up with any other reason to challenge him for her, he would do so without a second thought, and despite the way things had looked since he'd returned, he really had no true desire to kill his own pups.

No... mating her now instead of later made all the sense in the world, and she would just have to accustom herself to it, since he would allow no more reasons to get in his way.

With those thoughts in mind, he dug around in his memories of the lands surrounding them for the best, most defensible place – a place he could go and mate his female without interference by man, beast, or youkai. It didn't take him long to remember a certain mountain that had a series of caves very high up a sheer cliff that no one but another high-youkai would even be able to reach... and even better, Kagome would have no way of getting away, either.

Heading rapidly for the area he remembered, he landed, high up in the snow-line, and set his female down, ignoring her questioning expression. “You will wait here, and not move, Kagome. I wish to make sure the cave before us is empty.” He shot her a look, and she nodded hesitantly, looking around and shivering at the cold temperatures up where they were.

Still not feeling real great despite the medicine, she took her bag from him and watched as he disappeared into the small crevasse that lay directly before her with another shiver. I hope he hurries up, she thought, absently digging through her bag and pulling out a thick sweater. It won't take me long to freeze up here...

Fortunately for her sake, he was back momentarily, the cave proving quite empty. As she slipped the sweater on, he once more picked up her bag and ushered her quickly into the cave, moving towards the back of it and setting her bag on the ground.

Turning back to her as she looked around in the dim light, he said, “Wait here – I will return in a moment with wood for a fire.” She nodded and he disappeared again.

Moving to her bag, she took out her sleeping bag and shook it out, setting it on the ground and crawling into it; she was so tired, and this cold wasn't helping matters any, that was for sure. She couldn't help but wonder why he'd brought her here; why had he needed to bring her to a place practically impossible to get to unless you could fly?

Just what was he planning?

She was a bit uneasy, she wouldn't deny it – and knew that once a fire was going and the immediate threat of cold was dissipated, she would be asking questions – she only hoped he would answer them.

Thankfully, he didn't take long to gather the needed supply of wood, walking back into the narrow mouth of the cave with a large armful of wood and kindling within minutes. She couldn't help but smile when the small blaze he started soon turned into a roaring fire, and it didn't take too long before the cave was toasty warm, the narrow opening to the cave acting as a chimney and drawing the smoke up to the top and then out. She had wondered why he'd built the fire so close to the opening; now she knew.

“Have you been here before?” she asked curiously as she warmed herself before the blaze gratefully.

He shot a glance at her. “Yes. Long ago, I would come to these caves for privacy, when I needed time alone. As you can tell, very few beings would be able to reach this place – certainly no humans, and not many youkai, either. Only those capable of flight.”

“Oh.” She looked around. “Well, I guess this place would work great for privacy, but now that begs the question... why did you need privacy with me? Shouldn't we be concentrating on Naraku?”

A certain devious, knowing expression crossed his face, then, even as he watched her. “I am concentrating on him, miko – and on you. He doesn't realize that he's handed you to me – and earned himself torture beyond what one such as you should ever know about. Now, I can kill two birds with one stone... claiming you, and taking control of the bastard that dared to think he could overpower me and harm what is mine.”

Eyes widening in a bit of a panic, Kagome scooted back from his presence on the other side of the fire. “W-what do y-you mean?” she gasped out. “The c-courting thing I know about, but not claiming! Not yet – I'm not ready for that!”

He chuckled, brow rising with a sense of amusement at her panic. The look in his eyes was purely predatory. “You have two days, miko. Then you will be mine, and Naraku will be in the palm of my hand.” His voice deepened, then, and his eyes flashed crimson, the deviant look growing stronger. “Two days – and no more. So you'd best work quickly to prepare yourself, to accept what is going to be, because, no matter what, you will be mine at nightfall of the second day hence.”

Kagome stared at him in shocked horror. “You mean, you'd... you'd f-force me?”

“We both know, Kagome, that there would be no force. Whether your mind has caught up or not, your body knows it belongs to me.” He looked her over slowly, then chuckled again as she flushed. “You should listen to it – it might make things easier for your mind, my onna. In this case, your sweet body is definitely smarter than your mind.”

My body is smarter than my mind? And what does he mean...? “What do you mean my body knows it belongs to you?” she asked, almost indignantly. “I don't belong to anybody!”

At her question, his eyelids lowered to half-mast, and his voice rumbled into a deeper register. Instantly, she could feel her body clench, her nether regions tightening and dampening. She was mortified as red swept across her cheeks, and she lowered her eyes, unable to meet his knowing gaze.

Mattaki raised his nose slightly and sniffed pointedly; even not looking at him she knew what he was doing, and she blushed even harder.

With a smug smile, he said, “Do you still question what I mean? Why do you deny your need for me to yourself so, priestess? I do not deny my need or want of you to myself or anyone else. What is so difficult about this?”

“I-it's too sudden!” she wailed. “All this time I've loved Inuyasha – and now, within weeks of you showing up, I've forgotten him and want to be with you? I feel... uneasy,” she said finally, her voice going quiet. “I can't wrap my head around the changes that fast.”

He looked at her strangely. “Tell me, then. What do you think is going to change if you take more time to think about it?”

She opened her mouth to answer him, and then shut it, suddenly confused. I... never thought of that. What would change?

He wasn't surprised when the cave became silent, and she stared into the fire, obviously thinking about what he'd asked her.

It wouldn't hurt to let her stew in her thoughts for a while, so he left her alone to continue thinking, and went off to hunt for their mid-day meal - and dinner.


Kagome's thoughts were whirling around inside her mind with all the force of a monsoon, and she could barely catch hold of any one idea to look at or consider it. That stupid question he'd asked her had just thrown out all her insistence on taking things slow – why wait? Why indeed, she huffed to herself. Why am I so intent on not giving in? I mean... I already know, if I'm being honest with myself, that I'm not going to get away from him – so why is it that something inside still balks at that knowledge?

She didn't realize she'd asked that question aloud until a certain amused inu answered her as he walked in with a nice sized haunch of something or other already cleaned and ready for roasting.

“Because you do not want to be dominated. I said things would be a certain way, and so you fight me. It is natural for an alpha female such as yourself not to give in easily, or to one who is not strong enough to dominate you. Even humans are this way,” he said, laughter clear in his voice. “But I am alpha, even over you, and you cannot win this contest. You will eventually submit – though you do not have too much longer to establish with me that you are no weak female.” He winked at the astounded woman. “I will tell you a secret, my onna. I am already aware that you are no weak female, so fighting me further really has no purpose.”

She blinked, taken aback at his calm and casual approach to this whole situation. “Now wait just a darn minute,” she said hotly. “You're telling me that I'm fighting you because I'm trying to establish my worth to you? And just where is that coming from? 'Cause I certainly don't know that!”

“It is instincts, onna, I told you before. But you are still ignoring them, so your mind does not understand why you are acting the way that you are. But you are acting no different than a youkai alpha female would when approached by a dominant male – though you are taking a great deal longer to accept the way that things are.”

Kagome watched him set the meat to roast over the fire, and then sit back and settle his gaze on her, something or other flaring in his eyes for a moment before it was gone again. She wondered what it was.

He sighed, then, and spoke softly, his eyes moving to stare into the fire. “Can you really say that you do not want me?” he asked.

She swallowed hard, and also turned her gaze to the fire. Can I? No... she thought, almost reluctantly, I can't. I do want him, I know that, I just... I can't stand that ordering me around stuff! I... I'm not some stupid, meek woman that's afraid of her own shadow – I have a mind of my own and I know how to use it.

It irked her to admit to herself that she did, indeed, want the male sitting across the fire from her – she didn't want to want him, especially when he was taking the whole thing into his hands and basically giving her no choice. But the truth was, even if he did, she would – eventually – choose him... so what was he really taking away? In the end, he was just cutting through all the time consuming pussy-footing around that she would have done, and going straight to the point.

It was just not how things were done by humans – We like our pussy-footing around ways, she thought, grumpily. And that was really the root of the problem – her human sensibilities were being offended by his speed and youkai instincts.

She flashed a quicksilver glance at him, then looked back at the fire as her brow creased with a rather sudden, and somewhat unwelcome thought. How badly were her human sensibilities irritating and offending his youkai instincts?

Because her mind had just presented the problem to her, from his point of view, she now had to consider it. His ways would have already had them mated and the whole thing done – how badly were his instincts being strafed by her refusal to listen to her own instincts?

Glaring into the fire, she huffed to herself. Sometimes she really hated being the rather fair-minded person that she was – it meant that she couldn't, in all good conscience, continue to be selfish about the whole thing.

Dammit! My conscience is such a bitch!

Because the truth was that she wanted to be selfish about it – she didn't want to see things his way... because she had the uneasy feeling that that was going to lead her right into doing what he wanted – and that, once again, offended that modern woman in her. The one that didn't want to be told what to do by a bossy male.

Crap, she moaned inwardly. It is all because I don't want to bow down to some guy just because he says I should! So... I do accept him, and I am over Inuyasha, she grumbled aloud at that, though I suspect that's due to something he did. That claiming thing... But still... it feels so strange to say... “I don't love Inuyasha.”

Mattaki's gaze jumped up to her as he heard her softly whispered statement, and cocked a brow, jealousy surging at the hesitant, disbelieving tone in her voice.

“After everything that has been between us already, you would still ask that question with such disbelief?” he asked incredulously. “Why is it so hard to believe that you are bound to me, as I am bound to you, and that my son has nothing to do with any of it? Am I not enough for you?” he growled, suddenly angry, his possessive instincts surging.

Swallowing hard, Kagome's eyes opened wide as the inu before her suddenly stood and stalked over to her, looming above her almost menacingly. Oh, hell... “Uh, Mattaki?” she squeaked. “W-what are you doing?”

He growled at her harder, his voice deepening as it rumbled through his chest. “Showing you why you belong to me!” he rasped, as he reached down and pulled her up to him, giving her no quarter as he slammed his mouth down on hers, dominating her as he was meant to do.

Kagome gasped at the pressure and heat of his mouth on hers, unable to even fight him on this battlefield as he took advantage and swept in to taste every inch of her mouth. He didn't let her loose until she was almost ready to pass out from lack of oxygen, and she stared at him, eyes as wide as they'd ever been as she panted, desperately pulling in air.

He stared down at her heatedly, that sexy growl still rumbling from his chest. “Inuyasha could never do that for you, miko, never forget it,” he snarled. “Do not think that I cannot feel and scent just what your reaction to me is – and know that it is reciprocated a thousand times over by me. This is what says that we belong together!”

She simply stared at him, unable to grasp one thought or articulate a single thing.

She was tongue-tied... and what was worse, he knew it, the smug bastard.

It was official... she was in a great deal of trouble – she had been since the moment he'd woken.

Something wicked this way comes...


A/N: I apologize for the long wait between chapters – I have just started to recuperate from a nasty bout of stomach flu, and am still iffy. But I'm definitely trying to catch back up!

Hope this chapter entertains everyone!
