InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Unforgivable ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 21:  Unforgivable

Kagome glared at her mate, not looking away even as they landed.  “Oh, don't be ridiculous, Mattaki!  You claimed me, so it's not like you need to be worried that I'm going to run off with someone else!”  she snapped, exasperated.

“Just because I have claimed you, does not mean that other males will not attempt foolish things, Kagome,”  he growled back.  “What is this Hojo's interest in you?”

Irritated, and not thinking clearly, she narrowed her eyes and said smugly,  “The same as yours.”

The silence that surrounded them absolutely screamed 'danger', and suddenly, Kagome was seriously rethinking what she'd just said.  “Oh, come on, Mattaki!”  she threw her hands in the air.  “So what?  He's got a stupid crush on me.  But he has had for years... and yet, I was still single when you came around!  Why do you suppose that was?  Because I wasn't interested – not then, and not now!”

Her mate stared at her, that air of danger not anywhere near relaxing.  “And yet, he still carries these feelings, miko.  Why is that?  Methinks it might be because you never made your lack of reciprocal feelings clear.  I will not tolerate such, Kagome.  Since you seem unable to make these things clear to others, I will do so.  And if the male does not accept my warnings-”  his own eyes narrowing predatorially as he cracked his knuckles,  “-then I will make sure the message is imparted.  In any way necessary.”

Posture going stiff as her own hands balled into furious fists at her side, she glared at her mate with frustration.  “ARGH!”  she yelled suddenly, face flushing with temper.  “What is it with you stubborn, violent inu?  You're all jerks!

Mattaki merely folded his arms across his chest, not impressed with her outburst.  “Being childish about this will not change this ones mind.  You are my mate, and other males attempting to encroach will be dealt with – harshly.”

Before Kagome could reply, they were interrupted by shouts from the village, and turning to look, she caught sight of the group running towards them, concerned looks on their faces.

Oh, great, here it comes, the inquisition, she thought sourly.  She wasn't, however, prepared for the veritable explosion that occurred the moment that Inuyasha came within scenting range.


Inuyasha had run out of Kaede's hut the moment that he felt Kagome and his father's auras, wanting to assure himself that she was okay... and see whether she could forgive his stupidity one more time.

But when he got close enough to scent her... something in him froze, unable to believe what his senses were telling him.  Not wanting to believe what they were telling him.  “K-kagome... how could you?”  he whispered brokenly, staring at her with horrified eyes.  Completely forgetting his earlier vow to accept her decision to be with his father, or anyone else, for that matter, he snarled, his youkai blood surging so fast within him that he didn't even have time to fight it back.

“You!  You couldn't be content with coming back and changing everything I thought I knew about myself and my mother.  No... you had to go even further and take Kagome away, too!”  he screamed at his father.   Drawing his sword, he attacked, not even pausing to make sure everyone was out of the way.

He was met by a barrier that swirled into place around his father and Kagome between one breath and the next.  

Mattaki was furious.  That Inuyasha had attacked him was nothing.  But that he'd let himself get so maddened that he'd attacked with Kagome in the way...

He'd just done something unforgivable and payment would be taken out in blood.

Eyes flashing crimson with rage, he formed his youki around himself and concentrated, mentally directing his great energies to his will.  It only took moments before light flared around his outstretched hand, and when it dissipated, he was holding a sword that perfectly echoed his rage.  A sword that was singing for its first taste of blood.

Gesturing sharply for his mate to step back, he moved towards his son and dropped his barrier.

“Come, then, Inuyasha, and fight me,”  he beckoned darkly.  “This one will show you why he is alpha!”

“No!  Mattaki, Inuyasha, stop!”  Kagome screamed, panicked.   She was cut off from inside.

'Mate, you will move to the edge of this field, and stay out of the way!'

Kagome was shocked, yet overwhelmed by the note of command in his mind-voice, and knowing she had no recourse, she turned and ran towards the others of the group, who'd halted in dismay at the edge of the village.  Tears streaming down her face, she dropped to her knees before her friends, too afraid to turn and look.

That changed the moment she heard the first clash of blade on naked blade.

Whipping around, she gasped, hands going up to cover her mouth as she moaned her fear.  “Mattaki, no!”  she pleaded inside her mind.  

Her answer came as he blocked the link almost entirely, after ordering her once more to stay out of it.

Shoulders slumping, she watched helplessly as her mate attacked her best friend – his own son – with no sign of going easy on him.  And she couldn't see any way to save him from his own foolishness...

She barely responded to the horrified cries of her friends, but when Kikyou landed on her knees next to her with tears on her cheeks, Kagome grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, still unable to look away from the bloody mess on the field.

Inuyasha was not faring well, of course.  He could not hold a candle to his father, no matter how powerful a hanyou he was.  Mattaki was just too strong.  Despite that, the stubborn inu wouldn't give up, or give in, still screaming obscenities as he swung his sword at his father with everything he had.

Kagome could see easily enough that her mate was merely toying with his son, exchanging blows with him for a few moments, then breaking through his guard and slicing him with the blade he held with so much skill.

The sword itself looked so small and delicate against the might of Tessaiga, a slender katana against a transformed fang.  Yet the smaller blade was easily overwhelming the larger sword – although that wasn't really so surprising, when she thought about it.

Tessaiga had been created from Mattaki's fang, true – but centuries ago, when he wasn't as powerful as now.  And even though Inuyasha had added to the blade, he still wasn't as strong as his father, and so, neither was his sword.  

Now, Mattaki's new sword had been created by himself, not forged by a swordsmith, and was formed from the strength and power that he was capable of wielding now, in the present time.  It was much more potent than his old fang.

Thus it was that Inuyasha, even with the Tessaiga, couldn't even touch his father, and the group of friends watching the battle were becoming panicked – this had to stop soon, or Inuyasha wouldn't survive.  But no one could figure out how to do so – Mattaki wasn't listening even to his mate, and Inuyasha wasn't either.

The hanyou was finally on his knees, bracing for another sword stroke, one he might not be able to defend against due to his severe injuries, when Mattaki's blow was blocked by another sword as Inuyasha finally lost consciousness, falling face-first into the dirt and blood below him.

The sword belonged to Sesshoumaru, and as soon as his father's gaze had swung back to gold in surprise, he stepped back, lowering, then sheathing his sword once again as the people watching stared, shocked that he had intervened.

“What is your purpose here, Sesshoumaru?”  Mattaki demanded, lowering his own sword as his son sheathed his.  “Why did you interfere?”

“The hanyou is brash, but there is no need for you to kill him.”  He flashed a glance at Kagome, who was once again on her feet, wringing her hands as she stared up at them in hope.  “If you had done so, your mate would never have forgiven you.”

“Those are not reasons for you to intervene, Sesshoumaru.  I asked your reasons.”

The younger dai cocked a brow at his father.  “The halfbreed's life is mine to take or not.  I will allow no other to kill him.”

It was Mattaki's brow's turn to climb into his bangs as he took in his oldest son's words.  “You are not alpha, Sesshoumaru – or are you challenging me for that place?”  he asked, amused.

“No.  Nonetheless, his life is mine.”  Sesshoumaru looked at Inuyasha where he lay in a pool of his own blood, then turned on his heel and left.  As he passed Kagome, he paused for a moment in his step and said,  “He needs to be seen to.  Father's bloodlust has calmed, he will allow Inuyasha to be taken care of now.”  Then he continued on his way, no further explanation for his actions forthcoming.

Kikyou and Kagome both didn't even bother questioning it, simply running towards the two at the opposite end of the field, and throwing themselves to their knees by the hanyou's side, the rest of the group running up behind them.  It didn't take long to assess his injuries, and now that Mattaki had stopped fighting with him, they could see that while he was severely injured, he would survive, though he would take several days to recover fully.

Kagome completely ignored her mate, furious and frightened over what had just occurred.  She couldn't believe he would kill his own son over something like his anger over what had happened with her.  

'It was not simply over that, Kagome – and I would not have actually killed him.  But he came very close to overriding my reason with my instincts.  I can only hope he understands now who is alpha – I would not want to have to do this again.'

She cast a glance his way, but didn't answer, instead, demanding that he and Miroku carry Inuyasha to Kaede's hut so that he could be attended to.  

Mattaki bowed his head to her crisply, then flicked his sword to get the blood off, and sheathed it.  Moving over, he motioned Miroku to back away, then scooped his son off the ground to carry him back to the village.

“Kagome, please pick up Tessaiga and bring it with us – he may need it by his side to keep his youkai subdued,”  he said, noncommittally.

Sango's brow furrowed as she thought about that.  “Wait... why didn't his youkai side come out in your fight?”  she asked, as everyone else made sounds of agreement.

“I kept it subdued.  I am, after all, his father – and if my fang works to do that, does it not follow that I could do the same?  My youki overpowered his, it is an easy enough concept.”  The big dai kept walking, seemingly unconcerned by the events of the past hour, or the possibility of his youngest son's youkai blood overriding his control.

Kagome was silent the entire way back to Kaede's hut, walking well behind her mate.  Despite his assurances that he had no intention of killing his son, Sesshoumaru's interference spoke otherwise; Mattaki was youkai, and alpha, and by his actions, Inuyasha had challenged not only his alpha status, but his right to his mate, as well.  That was something that would always call out the youkai blood, and death was always an option.  

She knew the whole thing went over the line from reason to instincts, but it still bothered her, and she just couldn't bring herself to look at him right at the moment.  She also knew, though, that he wouldn't allow this distance to continue – as soon as Inuyasha was seen to, he would be dragging her off to hash the whole thing out.

That was something she wasn't looking forward to, that was for certain.


“Come, mate.  Inuyasha is in good hands with the two miko, you are not needed here at this point.”  Mattaki held his hand out in an uncompromising manner – it was clear that he would brook no refusal.

Reluctantly, with one last worried glance at Inuyasha, she allowed him to take her hand and pull her to her feet.  

Kikyou looked up and smiled slightly at her.  “Don't worry, Kagome, he'll be okay.  You know how stubborn he is.”

She nodded, then followed her impatient mate from the hut.

“Do not apply human morality to my actions, Kagome, it will do no justice to them, and only upset you.  I am not human, nor is Inuyasha, though he carries human blood.  What happened out there was all youkai,”  he said sternly as they walked, him leading her in the direction of the well.

“Maybe so, but if Sesshoumaru hadn't interfered... you're not going to go all alpha on him and attack him, too, are you?”  she asked, horror beginning to infiltrate her voice as that thought struck her.

He shook his head, silver top-knot swaying with the motion.  “No, Kagome, I will not attack Sesshoumaru for this.  I will not fight him as long as he does not challenge me.  But if he does...”  he let his voice trail off warningly, then spoke again.  “As for Sesshoumaru interrupting my fight with Inuyasha, I already told you – I would not have killed him, though it would have come very close, I will admit.”

Sighing, she looked over at him, a troubled expression on her face.  “But I am human, Mattaki, and it's hard... and confusing, to see things like that go on.  And then to try to convince myself that it's all okay?”

Expression softening a bit, he met her gaze with an understanding one.  “This is understood, Kagome, but get used to it you must.  And you will – after all, you have many, many centuries to do so.  But I know that it will take time, mate.  We will both have to make allowances for the differences between us.”

“I know that-”  she pursed her lips thoughtfully,  “-we are very different.  I just hadn't really realized how much different.”

“But are we really that different, Kagome?  Do not humans also discipline their young?  But for youkai, since we are so much stronger, the punishment must also be much stronger to have any hope of getting through,”  he said wryly.  “Can you honestly tell me that just reprimanding Inuyasha would have worked?  If it had, then this situation would not have gone as far as it did.”

She had to admit he was right, though it was a grudging admittance.  It still bothered her, and probably always would – she just didn't like seeing people get hurt.  Glancing around, she frowned when she realized where they were headed.  

“Mattaki,”  she asked slowly, eyes narrowed,  “why are we heading for the well?”

He paused in his stride, then continued, not looking at her, he said,  “I would meet your family, Kagome.  It is only appropriate that I do.”

Eyes widening in panic, she clutched at his sleeve; he stopped and turned to look at her with a questioning look on his face.  “Mattaki, y-you cant! I mean, I'm only seventeen – I'm too young to be, err, mated!  My mother will flip!  And my grandfather,”  she moaned,  “oh, I am so dead.”

He chuckled at her panic stricken words, shaking his head, he pulled her to him by the hand that had caught his sleeve.  “Do not fret, Kagome.  Your family will not be angry at you.  Although-”  he shook his head,  “-it is odd that you are considered too young.  Things are very strange in your world.”

“In my time, a person isn't considered an adult until eighteen – though, the legal age for-”  she blushed deeply and looked away,  “-sexual consent, is sixteen.”

“You are not considered an adult until eighteen, but may consent to sex at sixteen?  Is that not a backwards statement?”  he asked incredulously.  He shook his head again.  “Your world is definitely strange.  That is like saying that you are a child, but can still have sex.”  He brushed a hand through her bangs, and then chuckled again, loosening his hold on her.  “Come, little one.  I would like to get this done.”

He began to walk again, tugging her after him, and she followed along helplessly, not looking forward to her mother finding out, at all.

Oh, I wasn't thinking about things when I agreed to become his mate.  I should have waited another year to reach my majority!

'I did not give you the opportunity to do so, little miko, nor would I have.  I was not, and am not, willing to wait.'

Kagome sighed.  It was apparent that her own decisions didn't really matter too much when it came to certain things – what Mattaki wanted, Mattaki got.

'Hai, mate. In this, my will prevailed.  But you know that I will not be a controlling male – for the most part, you may do as you please, though there are certain things... we will most certainly discuss those at another time.  For now...'

He looked over at her as they reached the well, and pulled her into his embrace once again, before leaping lightly over the edge, and straight into the blue lights of the portal.  As the warm lights came up to greet them, he leaned down and took her lips, nipping at her bottom lip until she opened, then he swept in and tasted every inch of her sweet mouth.

When he pulled back, she was flushed and panting, and he grinned.  “I imagine that is the first, and probably only, kiss that has ever lasted five hundred years,”  he said, as they landed in the well on her side of time.

She choked, surprised eyes flying up to meet his mischievous gaze, before breaking out into a rather reluctant smile.  “I n-never thought of that, but in a way, I guess you're right.  That was a five hundred year kiss... and a really good one, too,”  she agreed.

He didn't answer, simply propelling them out of the depths of the darkened well and into the shrine building surrounding it before setting her carefully on her feet and letting her go.  “Come, Kagome, lead me to your family.  I am interested to meet them.  When I was here before, I saw them, of course, but I find I am most curious to actually meet those who had such a strong influence on you.”

With a sigh, and inwardly flinching as she thought about her family's reactions, she led him up the steps and, sliding the doors open, she prepared to introduce him to her mother and grandfather, and brother.

I'll probably be grounded until I'm nine hundred, she thought dourly, ignoring her mate's amusement at the visual in her mind.

Yup... I'm doomed.


A/N:  I'd be panicking, too, if I were her.  LOL!  But everything will be okay, as you'll see in the next chapter.  In that chapter, we'll get a little glimpse of Sesshoumaru's reasons for stopping the fight, and also... Houjo!


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