InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ A Thousand Different Kinds of Pain ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 20:  A Thousand Different Kinds of Pain

Mattaki watched, idly flicking his claws, as, by his will and under his power, Naraku was forced into the cave where he would spend his last days.  Settling him almost gently against one wall, he focused his energy on the rock surrounding the hanyou's ankles and wrists, literally melting the rock and reforming it around his extremities, almost merging those parts of him with the cave itself.

Once he was satisfied with the restraints, he did the same to the rock behind the spider's neck, also locking that part of him into the stone – and enjoying the pained howls of the male as the red-hot rock burned him.

If his mate could see him now, she'd be horrified – his eyes were red, and his  black blood was running just below the surface, as the beast within all youkai reveled in the agony of his enemy.  

Mattaki sent the spider a feral grin, his red eyes lighting the cave, they glowed so brightly with bloodlust.  “Are you not enjoying yourself, hanyou?  After all, I'm positive you have stood in my place plenty of times, destroying lives and giving pain to those you wanted to.  Care not for experiencing the other side?”  he asked mockingly.  

After a moment's silence, in which nothing was heard but moans of pain from Naraku, the daiyoukai continued.  “That is too bad, then, for you.  Because this is merely the very beginning.”

Naraku opened his eyes, and glaring at Mattaki with absolute hatred, he spat out,  “How simple – you're going to grant me death, I suppose, as punishment?!”

The daiyoukai laughed, actually amused.  “Do you think I would just give you death?  Not at all, Naraku.  For you, I will not have it so simple,”  he mocked.  “Death is a privilege that you must earn.  And you will earn it, you pathetic waste of life, that I guarantee.  But it will be a long and very agonizing journey for you, make no mistake.”

Every muscle in Naraku's body snapped taut as a he felt as though a thousand knives were being forced through his body, slicing him to shreds.

He screamed, jerking against the new restraints as his body continued to tell him that he was being cut – only there was no knife or sword – and no blood.

It didn't matter, however.  All that counted was the pain.

Mattaki grinned dangerously, fangs displayed as his eyes began to glow even more.

Oh, yes, hanyou... I will enjoy this, he thought.  More than you will ever know.


Several hours later, he made his way back to the cave his little mate was still sleeping peacefully in, quite ready to set aside his bloodlust for a time, and enjoy a lust of a different type.  For youkai, quite frequently, battle and bloodletting brought out certain desires of a sexual nature, and Mattaki was currently suffering from just that little problem.

And now, he had a mate to take all that lust out on.  It worked well for him, since even thinking of her brought out his passionate side, anyway, bloodlust or not.

The moment he hit the cave entrance he pushed through his barrier, and was stripping his clothes as he headed straight for his still sleeping mate, dropping over her the second he was naked.  He eyed her hotly, enjoying the sight of her wrapped in his pelt, but wanting her stripped of anything that could possibly cover her flesh, he surged his youki into it and it slithered out from around her.

The minute it was gone, and she was drowsily blinking up at him, he came down on her, his eyes flashing to red again as the crimson swirled with the gold.  Kagome didn't even have time to squeak before he was tasting every inch of her mouth, his passionate kisses sending her straight into a highly aroused state that more than matched his own.


Kagome pulled away from him, needing air, and eyed him narrowly.  “Mattaki,”  she started suspiciously,  “just what has gotten into you?”

He growled at her and yanked her mouth back to his, nipping her lip to get her to open.  When she did, he was once more caressing her tongue with his own.  

She knew better than to truly resist – she could feel him flooding the now wide-open link with his desire, and she knew he wouldn't be tolerating a question and answer session beforehand.  She'd just have to wait 'til after.  With that in mind, she gave in, wrapping her arms around him and running eager fingers down his spine as he trailed kisses away from her lips and over to her ear, biting down on the tender flesh just enough to draw a gasp from her.

He didn't linger, instead moving down her throat to nibble on her pulse point before moving swiftly down her upper chest to linger on the swells of her breasts.

Kagome did nothing to fight him; instead, she thrust her flesh towards him, welcoming his every touch and urging him on.  His own heated passions had sent hers flaring, and she didn't want a long-drawn out session of lovemaking – she wanted fast, hot, and hard.

Mattaki was most willing to oblige.  Rolling over, he placed her above him.  “Sit up, Kagome,”  he growled out.  “I wish to watch you.”  His eyes burned as he watched her obey him, locking onto her breasts as they bounced with her movements as she began to lower herself atop him.

They both gasped at the feel of it, but impatient, Mattaki grabbed her hips and slammed her down as he thrust upwards, impaling her atop him.  She cried out with the ecstasy of it; he simply howled his pleasure, their cries combining as he guided her to ride him, hard.

“That's it, mate, give me all of you,”  he snarled, enjoying the most erotic sight he'd ever had the pleasure of seeing in all his long lifetimes.  The vision of her, his beautiful mate, head thrown back and black-as-night tresses brushing across his thighs, sending his overstimulated nerves into near meltdown.

Snarling, he began to thrust harder, feeling both her end, and his, coming, as that sharing of each others pleasure fed their need, spiraling it out-of-control.  Hips pistoning far past any human male's capacity, he roared as Kagome screamed out, his body melting into her as she in turn, melted for him, slumping down as her orgasm drained her completely to lay on an equally drained Mattaki.

Almost sobbing for breath, Kagome let a breathtaking smile brighten her face as she looked up at him through her lashes.  He was magnificent in everything – spirit, heart, looks, and power, and she still couldn't believe he'd become so addicted to her, of all people.  

But she wasn't about to argue as he returned her smile, brushing back her damp locks from her face tenderly as she slowly sat up.  His brow rose, though, when he noted an almost mischievous flash in her eyes.

“Okay.  So, now that you're done, what was up with all that?”  she asked.

Mattaki breathed out slowly, a somewhat mocking smile crossing his face.  “Do I need a reason to seduce my mate?  Must I have an explanation every time I come to you?”  he asked lightly.

Kagome frowned at him.  “Now, you know better than that.  Don't go putting words in my mouth.  I was just curious about the way you seemed so... needy, almost.  It doesn't seem to be what would be normal for you.  And then, even though the bond was completely open while we were, uh-”  she flushed,  “-doing that, you closed it a bit immediately afterwards.  Why?”

He shook his head, and chuckled.  “You have such a suspicious mind, my miko.  Why would I not be needy, as you said, when I am with you?  I do need you.  As for the bond, during that,”  he teased,  “it should always be open to its fullest extent – but were you not the one that pointed out that at least some privacy would be appreciated at other times?”

She narrowed her eyes at him, and huffed.  “Always with the slick answers, Mattaki.  Fine – you have good points, I won't question you further.”  She slitted her eyes even more.  “But don't think I'm stupid enough to think those answers are the only ones.  There's a reason for the way you were when you came in, and the fact is, you're keeping me on the downside of the bond because there's something you're up to that you don't want me to know about.  Just so you know - I'm not fooled.”

Both brows disappearing into his bangs, Mattaki stared up at his mate, amused at the warning tone in her voice – and turned on.  

So feisty, Kagome...

He sat up and pounced.


“Kagome, mate, it is time to wake up,”  Mattaki murmured, slowly caressing her smooth skin as she stretched and yawned, blinking up at him sleepily, innocently.  She still carries that air of innocence, despite what we have spent the last several days here doing, he thought.  Apparently, she will always be this way.

“What?”  Kagome yawned.  “Why do I have to get up right now?”

“Because it is time to head back to the village.  There are certain things-”  he frowned darkly,  “-that I need to deal with.”

She stared at him for a minute, then nodded, rolling over and sitting up, she looked around for her bag.  Good thing she'd brought plenty of clothes... and warm ones, at that.

Mattaki also sat up, then moving quickly, managed to get himself dressed and ready to leave before Kagome had even finished pulling her clothes from her bag.  She looked over at him, then scowled.

“That's absolutely no fair,”  she grumbled.  “Nobody should ever look that perfect without spending hours getting there.”  With a sigh, she ignored his laugh, and finished dressing, then moved to the remains of the fire that had finally gone out sometime overnight.  Not that it mattered – Mattaki's youki had kept the cave warmed.  

Crouching, she grabbed the last bit of rabbit that was left, and taking a chunk for herself, she stood and handed the rest to her mate.  “Since we're leaving now, I guess a cold meal is the best we're going to get.”

Taking the rest of the rabbit, Mattaki cocked a brow.  “It is just as filling cold as it is hot, woman.”  Moving to the cave entrance, he waited for her to grab her bag, and take one last look around the cave to make sure she had missed nothing, then dropped the barrier.  Crouching down for a moment, he placed his hand on the rock of the floor, and pulled his youki from it.  

The instant cold was a shock to Kagome, who sucked in a startled breath, and almost coughed at the frigid air.

Mattaki shot her a sharp glance, then held out his hand commandingly.  “Come, Kagome.  We leave now.”  Pulling her into his side protectively, he wrapped her in his pelt, letting it weave itself all around her.  Forming his cloud under their feet, he raised them into the sky, and turned, heading for Edo.

He could have chosen to form his energy orb, and transport them there instantly, but it would take energy away from what he was wanting to do – torture the spider.  Now that he'd steeped the hanyou in his energies, he could reach out and torment him from anywhere – it just took some concentration, which, in his orb form, couldn't happen.  This way, though...

The whole time they were traveling, he would be raining down harm on Naraku.  And even better, he could do it all while holding his mate in his arms... and the spider wouldn't even know.


Mattaki reached out with his youki, and allowed a part of his spirit to form in the cave, a smirk crossing his lips at the reaction of the spider.

“What is wrong, hanyou?  Did I startle you?”  he taunted.

Naraku snarled at the baiting tone of the daiyoukai he now hated more than any other.  “I care not to hear your worthless voice,”  he hissed.  “Do your worst!”

With a sadistic chuckle that was filled with malicious amusement, Mattaki said,  “Very well.  Remember, you brought this on yourself.”  With that, he approached the spider, and using a single claw, ripped his clothing from him, leaving him naked before his tormentor.

Naraku narrowed his eyes at the daiyoukai, startled.  “You are a spirit!  How can you affect your surroundings?!”

A smile that was all teeth and fangs settled on Mattaki's face.  “Not all of us need to rely on a false jewel for power, hanyou,”  he said, silkily.  “I have my own power, and there is very little that I cannot do.”  

A feral crimson sparked in his eyes, then, as his grin widened, fangs glinting with obvious threat.  Reaching out with his claw again, he very precisely sank it into the spider's skin just at his collarbone, just deep enough to get through the first two layers of skin, and then dragged it down, slowly, enjoying the pained hiss from his enemy.

Holding his gaze on the spider's face, he lifted his claw, then repeated what he'd done on both arms, then on his legs, leaving long, bloody marks decorating his flesh.

“Is that all you've got?”  Naraku snarled, in pain, but not nearly the worst pain he'd ever been in.

Mattaki chuckled.  “Think you that this is all there is to your pain?  Think again, hanyou.  This is merely the very beginning.”  Holding his hand palm up, he smirked as a strange, caustic green mist formed above it, and then he leaned forward just a bit, and blew on the glowing ball.

Naraku's eyes bulged as the ball hit his flesh, spreading out to cover him completely, a scream of shock and pain leaving his throat as his body arched away from the rock.  But he moved too violently forward, and the rock banding his throat suddenly cut off his breath, as well, choking his voice off and killing the scream.  

In agony, he was blind to the satisfied gleam in Mattaki's eyes before he faded away, leaving the hanyou to several hours of suffering.  The acid he'd coated Naraku with was potent, and would soak into the slices in his flesh, leaving him feeling as though he were burning in a fire – but suffering for a lot longer than a being did when it was a true fire.

In a true fire, a person was in utter agony, true – but only for about eight seconds.  And then the flesh was completely burned away, and so were the nerves, leaving a person unable to feel anything more as they simply burned away into death.

This acid wasn't that way.  It would assure the same suffering as a fire – but for several hours.

And this was only the beginning.

He knew all sorts of tortures, ones that had been used in many different countries and cultures, and he only performed the best of them – the ones designed to wring the utmost pain from its victims – but slowly.  Because if you went too far, too fast, a person could die from the pain alone.  He was a master at judging just what a being could take, and still live – at least, for a time.

Naraku, even as a hanyou, was strong, due to his stolen youki, and would last, if handled right, for several long days.

Mattaki planned to wring every bit of suffering from the being that had destroyed so many lives, that he could never pay a high enough price to clear the debt.

The spirits of his latest victims, the ones that had followed him from the last village he'd destroyed, agreed.

They all began to gather around the bleeding, tortured hanyou, waiting like vultures for his pain to end, and for him to die.  Then they would be able to get their vengeance.

But they were content to wait, for now, to gorge themselves on his torment.  

Others would most likely gather, as well, as Naraku's agony called to the spirits of those he himself had tortured and killed.

Writhe and scream out, Naraku, they whispered.  Let us feed from your pain.

And the hanyou obeyed.


Mattaki was more than satisfied with the beginnings of his revenge.  He will have to earn his death from me – it will be a privilege by the time I am done with him.  

He was well aware of the gathering spirits of those Naraku had destroyed, as well – the spider was going to suffer greatly before death, and then even death would be no escape, because those spirits would be waiting on the other side of death to take their own vengeance.

Naraku wa baka desu... he thought he could do any evil thing he pleased, and pay no price.  The gods would never allow one such as he ultimate power, because sooner or later, he would become bored with his total control of the world, and try for the heavens.

With that last thought, he turned his mind to another task – the domination of his youngest son.  There would be a battle, because, hanyou or not, the boy had inherited his own stubborn nature, refusing to back down from a challenge – ever.  That was okay for him, as he had the power to be alpha, however, for Inuyasha, sooner or later, that propensity would get him killed.

It had almost come at his own hands, and possibly still would, if the boy didn't back down and leave Kagome alone.  One more stupid stunt like he'd already pulled...

He glanced down at his little mate, not surprised to see her lost in her own thoughts, and with a slight smile, he opened the link between them back up a little – he'd closed it a bit after their last encounter early this morning, not wanting her to be exposed to what was happening with Naraku.

Truthfully, he had no qualms with telling her what he was doing – he'd already let her know what he was planning to do with their deadliest enemy, but he didn't want her to actually experience it.  Knowing, and seeing, were two different things, and something like that would only taint her pure soul.

He would never allow such a thing.

As the link opened, he was surprised by where her thoughts were – her friends in her own era.  Why is she thinking about them, I wonder?  

“Kagome?”  he queried softly, and she glanced up at him, surprised.


“Why are your thoughts on your friends in your own time?”

She blushed, then, and her eyes shifted away.  His own narrowed – she didn't want to answer him.  Should I open the link completely and read her thoughts?  He was taken aback at her sudden glare.

“Don't even think about it, Mattaki.  Remember, some privacy is nice.  I should be able to decide what I do and don't want to share.”

“What do you fear in telling me this?”  he asked, a little confused.

She crossed her arms over her chest, still staring up at him.  “I don't fear telling you – I just wasn't sure I was going to,”  she said.  “But since you are so desperate to know, I was simply envisioning what my friends reactions to you would be – it was a rather funny visual.  Well,”  she frowned,  “All except Hojo.”

There was a rather loud growl as they began to lower to the village sprawled out before them, though neither noticed their surroundings.  They were too busy staring each other down.

“And what is this Hojo, to you, mate?”  he asked pointedly.

Uh-oh, she thought.  Maybe I shouldn't have thought of him.  After all, Mattaki still has to deal with Inuyasha.  I don't need him trying to get through the well to kill someone else he thinks is a rival!

Damn dogs!

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