InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ A Never-Ending Circle ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 19: A Never-Ending Circle

Kagome opened her eyes and stared for a moment at the light hitting the walls of the cave, then blinked, blushing, as memories of the night before played out in technicolor and surround-sound in her mind.

I can't believe I did those things! Though...

She felt her body stir just at the same moment as she registered the distinctly male body wrapped around her tighten its hold on her. It did feel really, really good.

Something else occurred to her, then, and she frowned, surprised. I haven't taken any medicine since yesterday, and yet I feel fine. How is that possible?

“Mattaki?” she asked, fully aware that he was awake.

He was also aware that she had questions.

A deep, contented rumbling met her ears as he hugged her closer to him. “Hai?”

“Why don't I feel sick any more?”

He chuckled, amused. “Because I am able to block much of your discomfort and even pain with our bond. That is also why you felt no pain when I breached you for the first time.”

She flushed at the memory. “Oh.”

“Come, mate, why still so shy?” he questioned, the amusement in his voice only deepening – though there was another emotion underneath that Kagome at first didn't understand – until she felt it through their bond.


Her mind blanked. Despite everything that had happened since he'd crashed into her life with such force, she'd really not taken in what his feelings for her really were – until now. Now, she couldn't miss it, because he was being blatant with it, not hiding anything at all. In fact, he seemed to be basking in their new bond, enjoying the fact that she was feeling everything he was.

And what she was feeling was nothing short of cherished.

It wasn't anything she'd ever felt before, and she was entranced by it. It was a powerful thing, to be so adored, so cherished... so desired. That such an overwhelmingly powerful male wanted her, felt so deeply and irrevocably for her was something so awe inspiring that all she could do was return his feelings with her own worship of him.

It truly was a never-ending circle, and it felt so good... so right.

Pulling away so that she could sit up, Kagome turned and looked down at her mate with a bemused expression. He was so beautiful, laying there in the morning light, stretched out naked with absolutely no shame.

Something that gorgeous shouldn't be shamed, though, she had to admit – he was too perfect to have anything to be embarrassed about.

He smirked at the knowledge of the things she was thinking. “Perfect, koi? Hardly, though it pleases this one that you think so. I am certainly perfect for you, ne? As you are perfect for me.” He folded his arms comfortably behind his head, basking in her admiring gaze as it swept over him from head to foot. He allowed his own gaze to wander over the beautiful woman sitting next to him, from her tousled ebony locks to her satisfied, sleepy blue eyes, down her body to other spots of great interest to him.

She flushed deeply; he laughed. With a frown, she asked, “Is it always going to be this way? Will I never have any privacy in my own mind anymore?”

He cocked a brow at her, a smile lingering on his sensual lips. “What is it that you want to hide from me, my sweet?” he asked mockingly. “Does the thought of me always knowing your mind bother you?”

She huffed at him, crossing her arms over her chest; that caused him to frown as part of his view disappeared. “Just answer the question, Mattaki!”

Shaking his head, he sat up and removed her folded arms, then laid back down. She narrowed her eyes at him, turning so red the color touched the tops of her breasts as he grinned, pleased.

“The bond can be toned down, Kagome,” he chuckled, “until there is nothing more than a comforting sense of the others presence – a warmth, if you will. That can never be escaped from – we will always know where the other one is. But thoughts and the like can be kept separate if you choose.”

With that, he began to filter the bond closed a bit on his end, watching closely as her eyes widened at his withdrawal. She gasped. “Oh! I see now,” she said, and proceeded to block her side a little, as well. Mattaki frowned inwardly – he didn't like the feel of it, though he would admit that the odd sense of duality could be awkward at times – and most especially when he was about to do something he knew she wouldn't like.

Like the plans he had to torture the spider to his death – with the things he had planned, it would take days, and since he could now keep Kagome from feeling ill while he did so, he had every intention of dragging the spider's death out.

While he was, mostly, an honorable being, the things that Naraku had done, had precluded any charitable feelings on his behalf from interfering – the spider would suffer before he would be allowed to die.

Mattaki felt no remorse over this fact; nor did he feel any guilt. But he was well aware that his tiny mate would not approve – so she did not need to know the details, simple as that.

With a light sigh, he noted her discomfited expression, and smiled, knowing she didn't like the separation of minds any more than he did – it was clear that it wouldn't be often that their bonds were dampened down. He met her gaze as he opened it back up, and inwardly, his smile widened as she reciprocated, sighing in relief as his presence and mind flooded back over her.

“I... it's strange,” she said softly, “but... even though we've just bonded, I... feel strange – wrong strange – when you close it off.” She looked away, a light scowl on her face. “This is... going to take a lot of getting used to, you know. And then we still have to deal with Naraku, and take him to Kaede to be purified.”

Narrowed eyes greeted her words, eyes tinted red once again as the great beast within Mattaki stirred at her words: It did not like that another had infected her with his essence – she belonged to him.

“Naraku is my problem to take care of, Kagome, and I will not tolerate any interference on that score by anyone. You, because of Inuyasha's foolishness, cannot battle him, anyway,” he said, in response to her suddenly annoyed expression.

“I know,” she growled, eyes shifting to the side with irritation flaring in them. “And that really cheeses me off. I mean, I wanted to get him, too!”

“Protecting you, and gaining vengeance against those that have harmed you in any way, mate, is my prerogative. I will not allow you to take it from me.” His voice was stern, demanding, and she flicked her gaze back to him, startled at the rumbling sound of his beast in his voice – and the deepening red in his eyes. She knew not to argue as soon as she saw that, and simply pouted, grouchy that now she couldn't even get her own revenge – it was all Mattaki's right from here on out.

She rolled her eyes as she realized, however, that despite the serious topic, her mate's eyes had not once left her chest, and she reddened again as she noted his pleased look as her breasts bounced openly.

Typical male, she huffed to herself. Look at him, laying there all satisfied like some conquering warrior, demanding things and staring at me like that. And... oh, wow... he really is so large, she gulped, watching his manhood twitch and then begin to rise.

She glanced up at his face quickly, frowning at his arrogant expression – he was completely relaxed, not embarrassed at all that she was watching him get hard – or that she knew he was staring at her body, and that that was what was making him get hard. Her eyes widened as his muscles suddenly tensed, and he slowly began to sit up and reach for her, a wicked light in his eyes.

Eep! I guess it's time for me to become more acquainted with those other parts of his body, was her last coherent thought for some time.

And what a time it was...


Mattaki pulled on his haori, and smiled down at the sleeping body of his mate, well-pleased at the way things had gone in the last few days.

Yesterday had been the best day of his life...

Kagome was irrevocably his mate, and his foolish younger pup could do nothing about it – nor could the disgusting spider hanyou. Speaking of which... Naraku was about to find out that things were not going to go his way.

With his mate deeply asleep, and he'd made sure she would be for some time to come, he was ready to go looking for the dark hanyou, and once he found him, Naraku's own personal hell would descend.

He would enjoy tormenting him for the next day while he and Kagome rested here, in their mating cave, and then once they left and headed back, he would torture and torment the hanyou as he saw fit over the next several days... by the time he'd have grown bored with the whole thing, Naraku would be begging to die, and he would finally oblige.

Then he and his new mate could get on with living their lives...

Of course, there was still the matter of his youngest pup to deal with. And dragging Naraku's dead carcass to the elder miko so he could be purified – only then would his miko's body be rid of the spider's essence. Until that was done, she could not use her purifying energy, because it would attempt to purify Naraku's blood and miasma from within her, making her very ill.

Oh, it wouldn't kill her, but she would definitely suffer, and he didn't want that for her. And since this mess was Inuyasha's fault, he would be punished for it.

I will have to take him out and establish my dominance on him. If I had not died when I did, he would have grown up with the knowledge of who was alpha, but since he did not, I have to force him to submit. Since he is so aggressive, it will mean a battle, because I can bet he will not back down on his own.

He glanced at his sleeping mate's peaceful, contented face, and sighed. She will definitely not like this... but it must be done. I only hope she realizes that I will not kill my own pup. If she thinks that I would, she will not be amenable to birthing me any pups, and I want that with her. I want many.

Perhaps I should just speak to her about this? Or... no. I think I will explain things after Inuyasha has submitted. That way, she cannot interfere.

He stepped out of the cave, allowing the cold air blowing along the ridgeline to wake him fully from his rather drowsy state, smiling at the invigorating feel of it. Too cold for his dainty mate to withstand for long, the chill air at this elevation merely served to make him feel good, and he inhaled deeply as he stared out over the lands from his perch.

Closing his eyes, he allowed his great and terrible spirit loose to search the lands before him, looking for one being in particular – Naraku.

It was time.


Sesshoumaru paused in his step as he felt the spirit of his father touch him, and then pass by, spreading outward across the lands with a searching intensity, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

So... he searches. For what? He shook his head, silver locks swaying in the cool breeze of the day. For Naraku, of course. It seems that father has decided that it is time for the spider to pay for his attack on the miko. It will be interesting to see what happens now...

Even as he thought to himself, Sesshoumaru could scent the first faint traces of the kumo hanyou entering the far reaches of Inuyasha's forest, and blinking his golden eyes open, a cold gleam appeared within.

The spider is truly a fool, thinking to beard my father in his den. There will most certainly be much bloodshed over this – I do believe I will enjoy watching to see just how father destroys Naraku.

It is no odds that that is what he has in mind, of course. Total, complete annihilation.

Father never did do things by halves...

A lesson that Inuyasha also needs to learn.


Mattaki's eyes opened, gleaming sadistically as he caught the signature of his enemy moving towards the village his son's group called home. So... he still thinks that Kagome is there. More fool him...

With a great deal of pleasure he waited for the spider to make his move. Naraku was planning to get close to the village, then attempt to take Kagome over using his blood in her system. He was probably planning to take her, thus holding her hostage over he, Mattaki.

Unfortunately for the foolish kumo, the Inu no Taisho was fully trained in all sorts of power, and the uses of each. He was about to find that out - the hard way.

Patiently, he waited for the spider to get himself into position, and then make his move, not feeling any need to fidget – after all, he had enough patience to awe a saint, and so he simply sat, enjoying the brisk air and the beautiful view. It was no hardship, after all, to let the spider hang himself.

The moment he felt the tugging from within his mate, he snapped his own energy tight around the foreign youki attempting to take her, and poured a measure of burning, acidic fire through the kumo hanyou's own flesh, enjoying every bit of the high-pitched shrieking he could almost hear outwardly as Naraku screamed in pain inside his own mind.

Wrapping his own youki around the now subdued male's, he forced the kumo to turn around, and head straight for his position, intending to place him in a cave a half-mile away from the one his mate slept in. Once that was done...

How does it feel, spider? To have your own body taken and used against you? Entertaining, is it not? He chuckled, an ominous sound in the cold air, and watched idly as a dark speck grew slowly into the furious, struggling form of Naraku.

“Struggle all you wish, it will avail you nothing,” he called out almost pleasantly to the captured hanyou as he neared. “You thought to go against me and mine, and for that, you will pay.”

Naraku glared furiously, enraged almost beyond reason that he had been brought to this point – he had most of the jewel, and its power was availing him nothing!

Teeth clenched tightly, he managed to grit out, “It is only a matter of time before I find a way to break your hold, dog, and then I will have my vengeance.”

Mattaki cocked a knowing brow at him, not bothered at all by his threat. “You will find that you will not escape me, ever. This is the way your life will end, hanyou. My blood desires your suffering, to appease it for the attack on my mate. I intend to sate myself on your pain until I am bored – and then I will allow you to die.”

He held his hand up, giving a peculiar little twisting gesture, and the jewel flew from Naraku's grasp into his. He stared at it for a moment, then snarled warningly at it, letting it know he had no use for its tainted power, and that he could not be corrupted to its will. “I believe this belongs to my mate,” he said, looking up at the spider, who was struggling even harder to get away and re-take the nearly complete Shikon. ”I think its return would be a suitable mating gift,” he mused.

He glanced down at the now sullenly glowing jewel, then clenched his fist around it, pouring some of his formidable power into his hand, and teaching the treacherous thing that he could not be trifled with. Once it was completely subdued, he tucked it away into his suikan, then looked over at a now silent Naraku.

“Tired yourself out, have you? All that struggling to get away, and I told you it would avail you nothing. I am not even winded at keeping you immobilized, spider.” Standing, Mattaki turned and, forming his cloud under his feet, he headed in the direction of the cave that would be Naraku's prison and place of death, throwing a protective barrier over the cave his mate was in as they passed by.

He was well aware that Naraku stared at the cave with a burning hatred as they moved passed it.

“You will lay no hand on this one's mate, ever, hanyou. This is as close as you will ever be to her.”

Naraku scowled at Mattaki's back, then a frigid smile swept his mouth – inwardly, at least. Perhaps I will not, dog... but she will die at my will, nonetheless.

And there is nothing you can do to stop it.


A/N: Finally got it done! My muse has been on drugs, and I caught him, so now he's suffering withdrawals, and isn't functioning very well. It might be a while before I can kick his rear into shape again, but in the meantime, I am attempting to limp along without him.

(In other words, writer's block. I hate that phrase with a passion.)
