InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Two Bodies, One Soul ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 18: Two Bodies, One Soul

As experienced as Mattaki was in all things sexual, even he was taken off-guard at the intensity of the firestorm that erupted at her touch on his chest. He quickly realized that it was because - while he was experienced sexually – this went way out beyond sexual. This was the joining of two bodies, one soul – a recombination, so to speak, and that was something that he'd no more experienced before than Kagome had.

In this, they were both new... but his youkai blood would lead him through this unknown territory.

While flames flashed in his eyes, he hissed at her touch, and she dragged her eyes up to meet his for a moment. Her own eyes were glazed, appearing almost drugged to the inu Lord. She stared at him with fascination for a moment – then her eyes were almost forcibly drawn back down to his chest.

Pale silken skin stretched taut over the most perfectly defined upper male body she'd ever seen – and being when she was from, she'd seen plenty. Perfection didn't even begin to cut it... and like Sesshoumaru, he had markings. The same Prussian blue as his cheek crests wrapped around his wrists, upper arms, and curled over his shoulders, leading to ones that wrapped around his hips and disappeared into his hakama. She'd never seen the like – he was beyond beautiful.

Something primal inside her that she'd never known existed roared to life – and all she could think was mine! Her other hand came up and joined its twin running along his body – until he growled loudly and bared his fangs warningly at her.

She lowered her hands instantly, somehow knowing what he wanted, and he lowered his own fiery gaze to her chest, bringing his claws up and swiping through the jointure of her bra between her breasts.

Fire flashed through her body, pooling at the juncture of her thighs at the sharply indrawn breath that came from Mattaki as her bra fell open, leaving her bared to his gaze.

He leaned forward towards her again, every muscle in his chest and arms flexing obediently to his will and drawing her fascinated gaze... until he growled at her, knowing that she wanted to touch again. “There will come a time, miko, for you to touch me – but that time is not now,” he snarled. “This is my time to touch you. Remove that,” he flicked a finger at the remains of her bra, and she rolled her shoulders, allowing the straps to slide down her arms and to the cave floor.

“Good girl,” he purred, voice decadent and rich, dark and melting. “You will give me everything I desire this night, woman – and I will brand you with my touch, so that no other will ever be enough to move you in any way at all.”

He uncoiled himself from his place on his knees, almost flowing back up onto his feet with grace like she'd never seen, and extended a hand, willing her to take it so he could pull her to her feet as well.

She flushed as she noted his eyes glued to her breasts as they bounced a little with the motion as she stood – his eyes glowed even brighter at the sight, and she felt her blood heat and thicken in her veins, heavy and sweet like honey. His obvious desire was like an aphrodisiac, and it was forcing her fear and nerves to the back of her mind. She wanted him to touch her so badly, but as his eyes dragged all over her bare upper body, she could almost begin to swear that she could actually feel his gaze as it swept over her as though it truly was his hands, his stare was so heavy and hungry.

Mine,” he hissed possessively, a heavy darkness evident in his tone. It was a claim, a warning, a promise... if anyone ever tried to come between them, they wouldn't even have a chance to scream before death found them.

She nodded jerkily, instinctively knowing that it was definitely not the time to disagree with that statement. Not that she even wanted to.

“H-hai... yours,” she whispered through a tight throat.

A silky, molten expression tightened his features, sharpening his face as something she could only call an alpha look settled there, and he said as he released her trapped hand, “Remove your bottoms, miko – quickly. I lose patience.”

She gulped. “Both?”

“You are wearing more than those odd hakama?” he asked, eyes narrowing with displeasure.

“Yes,” she said uneasily. “Like my bra-” she pointed at it where it lay on the ground, “-that you cut off – a feminine undergarment.”

“Hn.” He stared at her for a moment with that same narrow gaze, then shook his head. “You may leave those-” he smirked darkly, “-for now.”

Without giving herself any time to think about what she was doing, Kagome unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied out of them, not even realizing what effect her movements would have on the daiyoukai watching her with a jealous, possessive gaze – until a dangerous sounding snarl echoed around the cave, so loud that it knocked some of the icicles at the cave mouth down.

Stunned, eyes going wide and defenseless, she looked up at him, and noted his barely controlled gaze welded to her.

The moment her pants were off, he pounced.

Taking her down, he twisted her in mid-air: Kagome blinked in shock when she found herself literally caged beneath the powerful inu's body, on her hands and knees with his chest plastered to her back. Shocked, she inhaled sharply, the heat of his flesh almost burning her.

“Mattaki,” she managed to moan out at the feel of him against her in such a dominant position.

She gasped as his large hands settled around her waist, almost yanking her back into his heavily aroused body, and her eyes widened impossibly as she felt the size of that arousal... Oh, my god! That's never gonna fit where he's wanting to put it! That's not going to fit anywhere in me! She flinched, and turned her head to look at him, opening her mouth to say something. She was met with a dangerous and feral gaze, and she snapped her mouth shut – it was apparent that he was going to make it fit – she wasn't getting out of this.

This is going to hurt so badly!

A yelp was ripped from her as she felt the sudden bite of fangs on the back of her neck. She realized she'd stiffened, and he was taking it as defiance, so she let herself go limp against his grip. After a moment, he released her from his jaws.

“Do not fear me! Nothing I do will harm you, woman. There will be no pain for you, only pleasure – as long as you do not fight me.” He was so lost to his beast, that Kagome could barely understand him, but all thought was taken from her as his hands began to roam her front, sliding up from her waist to cup her breasts.

As he caressed them, he rolled his hips into hers, a sound of pleasure and approval rumbling from his chest – a sound akin to a purr... but very much more dangerous. Nipples tightly furled now by his aggressive touches, she whined at the feel of it – this was something she'd never experienced, and she wasn't sure what to make of it.

Mattaki, though, knew just what to make of the feel of his woman's flesh in his hands. Desire burned through him, and he lowered his head, running his tongue up her spine as he pushed her raven tresses off over her shoulder. “You taste divine, miko,” he growled. “Better than anything this one has tasted in his long life.”

Pulling her head around by her hair, he clamped his mouth down over hers, once again rolling his hips against her, forcing a moan from her throat. The moment her mouth opened, he took advantage, his tongue driving inside with a relishing sound, curling dominantly around her own, then stroking against the roof of her mouth. He didn't let her loose until she began to go limp from lack of oxygen.

He curled his hands around her shoulders, then stroked down her arms using just the tips of his claws as she panted beneath him; he chuckled headily when she gasped, and then groaned at the feel of it.

“Do you like the feel of my claws, Kagome?” he asked, darkness twining through his voice. “Knowing that something so deadly, something that tears your enemies to pieces, feels so good when touching you? That my power is deadly to others, but only and ever pleasurable to you?”

“Yes,” she hissed, already almost mindless with passion and desire.

He ran his fangs over the back of her neck, applying a little more pressure than his claws were to her arms, and she dragged in a hissing breath. “Good!” he barked out. Forcing her upright with his body, he once more ran his hands back up her arms, and cupped her breasts again. He smirked at the choke that came from the little woman in his arms. “So responsive, Kagome...” he purred. He watched his hands as they rolled and caressed her nipples, enjoying the sight with every dark and wicked bone in his body.

Her head fell back against his chest, eyes closing with the intensity of the feelings his actions were pulling from her more than willing flesh. She whimpered; he growled at the sound. Letting loose of one breast, he slid that hand down over the slight curve of her belly, moving one long finger to toy with the elastic of her panties, he pushed his hand inside them, his fingers flirting with the tiny patch of black curls at the apex of her thighs, before moving down to cup her.

She convulsed with the pleasure, and in an instant, she found herself flat on her back staring up at a beyond feral Mattaki as he ripped through her panties and flung them away from her, startling her.

He stared hotly at her completely naked body as he sat back and removed his boots and then his hakama, never once moving his gaze from her to look at anything else. He was transfixed; just as taken with her body as she was with his. Tossing the last of his own clothing away, he crawled up over her, finally lifting his gaze to stare her in the eye as he lowered his body to hers, pressing them together from chests down.

“Do you feel me, mate? Do you feel what you do to me?” he asked, voice thick with demand. He wanted an answer - now.

The moment his body touched hers she arched into the contact, shocked at the feel. “Yes!” she gasped out, almost unable to force any sound at all through her constricted throat.

“Good!” he ground out, pushing himself into her harder, not able to stop himself responding to her need to feel him – or his own burning need to feel her. “Remember this, miko – no one else will ever feel you this way! No other will ever get this close to you. Only I can touch you, taste you, pleasure you, take you!

Her lips parted to pull in much needed air, and he once again took her mouth captive, pressing his will onto her, taking what he wanted – and making her want it, too. It was certain that Kagome had no thought of fighting him, no desire for him to stop – all she knew was that she wanted to give him everything he wanted from her. In that instant, he could have drained her life force dry, and she wouldn't have turned him away.

It was fortunate that he didn't desire to do such a thing; instead, he wanted nothing more than to combine himself with her, become one being again – as their soul had once been before it had been split in two and placed into two bodies.

That was the secret of male and female – those that were true mates. They were originally one being, combined, but then torn apart and placed into two bodies – two bodies meant to recombine, bringing that soul back together, binding the two back into one.

He ripped his mouth away from her only once she needed to breathe, and licked and nipped his way down her neck, rumbling his approval when she tilted her head for him – she was submitting just as she should. “Do you understand now, Kagome?” he whispered. “Do you see how good it feels to submit yourself to my will?”

She nodded frantically, still breathless, and he chuckled as he continued nipping his way down her neck, heading towards her breasts, still tender from his earlier manipulations.

When his lips wrapped around a taut nipple, she screamed, though her voice was almost gone already, she couldn't contain the absolute pleasure that dumped through every bit of her body in that instant.

Mattaki suckled for all he was worth, drawing on her flesh as though he were a pup, and she writhed beneath him, desperately trying to move – though she could not have said whether it was towards him... or away. Letting go her nipple, he hovered there over it, simply breathing hotly against it as he spoke, interspersed with licks and fangy nibbles, as his hand caressed down her belly.

“Very soon, mate, these breasts will sustain our child, as this womb will carry him,” he growled out deeply, so hotly turned on by that thought, and the accompanying visual, that he had to fight himself not to take her right that instant. As impatient as his youkai blood was, he had plans for this first time with her... and fast wasn't one of them.

Yanking his beast back by its chain, he closed his eyes momentarily, and when he opened them, there was a tiny bit of gold once again swirling within the crimson.

“Spread your thighs, Kagome,” he whispered hotly. “Open yourself to me as you never have, and never will, to another.”

Mindlessly, she did as ordered, and he shimmied down her flesh, staring into heaven as his eyes lit on the most intimate of the places on her body. Gods! She smells so damn good!

Lowering his head, he licked along the seam of her folds from bottom to top, reveling in the choked off scream that came from her mouth as he did so; they had probably heard her in Edo – not that he would have minded. Her screams of pleasure would at the least put Inuyasha right in his place.

He couldn't help the snarl of pleasure that came from his own lips – she tasted even better than her scent gave her credit for... and he hadn't thought such a thing was possible. Spreading her open with both hands, he grinned ferally as he glanced up along the length of her body, only to find her back arched and her head thrown back, midnight locks cascading behind her like a waterfall.


He ran his eyes back down her body to the cleft at the top of her thighs that he was currently spreading open, his gaze openly desirous. Lids sliding to half mast, he lowered his head again, and just tapped the tip of his tongue to her little bundle of nerves, absolutely enjoying her erotic sounds – little whimpers and moans, yips and whines, and choked, gasping screams that came from her mouth as he began to swirl his tongue around her folds.

Kagome couldn't believe what he was doing to her. Of course she knew of oral sex, but she'd never known it would feel like this! If anything, the thought had always kind of grossed her out... but somehow, she just couldn't find it in her anymore to feel that way. No surprise there...

Writhing, inarticulate, completely out of her mind with pleasure, she could do nothing more than lay before Mattaki and react to what he was doing to her. The only thought that came was that it was a good thing that was all he was requiring of her at this point – all of the feelings of what he was doing to her were just too new and intense for her to be able to think of reciprocating – this time, anyway.

The beasts eyes were glowingly crimson at this point, Mattaki almost at the point where Naraku himself could walk in, and he wouldn't even notice. With the last bit of his control, he threw up a barrier around the cave mouth – it would not do to be taken by surprise while mating, and though the possibility wasn't great that something would find them all the way up here... still, better safe than sorry.

Once the barrier flared to life, his control was gone, and his thoughts on nothing more than the female before him. Moving one hand down from where it had been holding her folds open, he slid one long finger into her, careful to keep his claws from harming her, and began to pump slowly, even as he licked and sucked her clit.

His ears were pleasurably assaulted by her moans and whimpers, and even her sobs of pleasure and excitement. He could smell the scent of her tears even over her essence, but he was not concerned – she wasn't crying in physical or emotional pain, but in deep, overwhelming pleasure. It was simply the newness of it all... nonetheless, he reveled in it, all of it, even while he upped the ante and inserted a second finger, and then a third. He wanted nothing more than for her to come – he needed her to do so, because he needed to taste her satisfaction, to let the taste of it melt all over his tongue.

It didn't take too long with the things he was doing to her for it to happen, and within mere minutes, Kagome was standing on the edge of something she'd never even suspected existed – eternity. Just before she was pushed over the edge by her mate's actions, she glimpsed forever... and then her vision inverted, and her body bowed upwards from the bed of clothes she lay upon, even as her interior walls clamped down on the fingers of her male, causing him to howl at the feel of it at the same time she screamed his name to the heavens.

She's absolutely addictive, he thought, and then, even as her body went limp with exhaustion, he lowered his magnificent head, and helped himself to more of what he would always crave.


Kagome could do little more than lay there and let him have his way with her, even had she wanted to, she had no strength to fight him off. One orgasm blended into another, and within the hazy, confused, and pleasure-filled confines of her mind, all she could do was wonder why she'd fought him as long as she had.

Finally, several orgasms later, he pulled away from her and hovered over her, a triumphant expression molding his face, and she, dazed, let her gaze wander over him once more... only this time, she could see past his waist. And what a sight it was.

She'd been quite correct, earlier – he was way too large to be normal... and he even had stripes just there – she knew that once it was her turn to explore, she'd be getting very well acquainted with those particular stripes. Until then, however, Mattaki was staring at her expectantly, and almost nervously, fear beginning to cloud her scent, she cleared her throat a few times, then spoke.

“Uhm... is there something I'm s-supposed to be d-doing now?” she asked hesitantly, voice raspy from all her screaming.

“Oh, hai,” he purred out. “Get up on your hands and knees, Kagome. It is time – your body is prepared and ready for me... as are you.”

Kagome blinked, and then what he was saying kicked in, and she flushed, eyes wide. “Oh!” she whispered, surprised at her own shock. After all, she should have suspected it... not really because of the inu connotations, but because it was pretty much the most dominant position you could really achieve without tying your partner up.

He growled slightly at her hesitation, and as soon as he leaned back a little, she moved, almost crawling her way into position. She shivered at his erotic rumble – until she felt his manhood brush against her folds... and then the fear came back. He was just so large!

He growled more forcefully. “Why do you persist in fearing me? Did I not tell you there would be no pain for you? Do you deliberately mistrust me?!” he snapped.

Kagome froze, then whimpered and lowered her top half to the ground, trying to calm him by submitting again. “N-no... but I've always expected pain from my first time – all girls in my time are taught the mechanics of the act, and you aren't in any way s-small,” she whispered.

He nudged himself against her folds again, harder this time. “Did that hurt?” he demanded, and she shook her head. “When I take you, it will pain you no more than that did, so let your fear go. I do not like the sourness of it marring your fresh scent.”

She was about to ask how he would keep it from hurting, when he began to push into her, and suddenly, she forgot what she'd been about to say – she forgot everything they'd just talked about... everything except the feel of what was happening.

It didn't feel anything like she'd thought it would. True to his word, it didn't hurt... but it felt like she was stretched to capacity, so full that she wouldn't even be able to fall should her legs give out – she'd be held up by his length alone. Eyes widening, she drew in a sharp breath – she felt overfull already, and he was still moving into her. But it doesn't hurt... it feels so good. She moaned, even as he continued to penetrate her slowly, coaxing her body to take him bit by bit.

She whimpered again, then froze as his hips finally met the backs of her thighs, indicating that he had finally managed to get himself inside completely. She panted, trying to adjust to the fullness buried within her, when he began to pull back out, the heavy drag of his girth abrading her inner walls. But it didn't hurt, oh no... her mind blanked with the pleasure of it, and she tightened...

Mattaki snarled above her, pressing himself heavily against her back, he latched onto her shoulder, pressing his fangs into her flesh just enough to hold her in place, and then he began thrusting, and Kagome was abruptly thrown into a world of pleasure such as she'd never imagined – hers, as well as his.

She was stunned to find that yes, she was actually feeling his pleasure in the act, and she was just as certain in the same instant that he could feel hers, as well. She choked, trying to speak, but she couldn't, only inarticulate cries of amazement able to get past her throat.

Mattaki was indeed feeling her own pleasure as well as his. They were, after all, soul-mates, and if nothing else convinced him that they were, this would have. This kind of pleasure circuit, endlessly looping between them both only came to soul-mates. No encounter he'd ever had had ever given him the sheer, overwhelming intoxication that this one was. He may as well have been just as much a virgin as she was, because simple sex had never felt like this.

Nothing had ever felt like this, and he threw his head back with a snarl as his silver strands broke free from his topknot, cascading around both of them as he continued his heavy pace, speeding up almost helplessly as even his youkai tolerance for sensation was being overwhelmed by what was happening to him.

She feels so delicious... and she is enjoying my body as much. There will never be any hiding from each other ever... not with this connection.

“And will you tell me there is pain now, miko?” he hissed, barely able to get the words out, his jaw was clenched so tightly.

Kagome screamed at the sensations bombarding her body and soul as he pounded into her, hearing his question, she still couldn't answer him, her mind incapable of processing anything more than the endless pleasure. All she could concentrate on was the tightening coil in her belly. She felt like she was going to explode, and when he pushed her legs apart more fully, opening her to his penetration even further, she tightened impossibly, her orgasm catching her completely unawares.

Her mind dissolved into whiteness, the shout from the male above her only extending the waves of her orgasm. After several long seconds, her body collapsed limply under her male, but that didn't stop him, he merely rode her body down, still thrusting into her forcefully, teeth still embedded in her flesh. She was amazed that he hadn't broken the skin, even as lost in his pleasure as he was.

Nonetheless, all she could do was lay beneath him, and enjoy his body's domination of hers. She lost track of time, and the orgasms she'd had, but he still wasn't done, and as deep as she was in the haze he'd put her in, she didn't even attempt to argue the point, nor did she even try to move, simply allowing him to do whatever he pleased with her.

She'd begun to wonder in some corner of her mind if it would ever end, when she felt him shift behind her, and then he pulled away, causing her to hiss in shock at the empty feeling his withdrawal left behind. He simply turned her over and positioned her on her back, before covering her once again with his body, slowly penetrating her core again. She moaned, her head going back at the feeling of him going back inside and filling her up so sweetly. “M-Mattaki,” she whimpered, and bared her throat when he growled at her.

“Open your eyes, miko, and look at me,” he demanded sharply. As she did, he began to move again, only this time, his aggressive pace from before was slower, sweeter. Every thrust seemed to seat him deeper inside her, until she could swear he was touching her soul... making love to every part of her, not just her body. His hot, possessive gaze didn't move from hers, crimson now swirling with gold as some of his control came back.

“Do you know what you are to me, Kagome?” he rasped. “Can you see? Do you feel our souls binding together?” He reached down and pulled one leg up over his waist, his large hand smoothing over her thigh, and she cried out breathlessly as he stroked over something inside her that suddenly tripled the pleasure she was feeling from his heavy, deep strokes.

“Feel me, love me, accept me, miko. Open yourself to me, combine your soul with mine, tie yourself to me as you will never be able to do with another!”

With a scream, she convulsed beneath him, feeling him reach inside her with himself, even as she could feel her soul taking a place inside him. It was a strange duality – she felt as though she were in two places at once even as her pleasure raged on. With a ringing howl of conquest, Mattaki rode her orgasm for all he was worth, his own following on the heels of hers as he stiffened above her, his head flying back as his body emptied into hers, every muscle in his body clenching as his release swept through him.

Kagome could feel his orgasm as though it were hers, his seed exiting his body, even as she could feel it entering hers. She knew instinctively that this was something different – she'd never heard sex described like this...

Teeth gritted almost painfully tight, Mattaki let his head drop forward as his orgasm raged, finally slumping a bit as the madness began to recede. What didn't change, however, was that strange sense of duality – of being in two places at once. It was almost disorienting in a way... but welcome. He could feel every bit of his new mate as though she were another limb – and he knew she felt the same thing.

Shivering at the feel of it, he rolled off to the side, pulling her with him until her head lay on his chest, and he sighed, beyond satisfied. Rubbing a hand down her sweaty back soothingly, he asked, “Do you, Kagome?”

She tilted her head slightly to look up at him, her eyes still hazy with pleasure, and frowned slightly, a bit confused for a moment... and then, her brow smoothed as the new link in her soul with his, answered her question for her. She nodded shakily. “How could I not? I don't think this bond between us will allow for any misunderstandings or uncertainties, ever. I can feel myself in you... and you can feel yourself in me, can't you?”

Her question was really rhetorical... because with as close as they were now aligned, soul to soul, there was no need to answer.

For that matter, there were no longer any other questions between them, either.


A/N: Okay, this damn lemon came out to a total of almost six thousand words. This is the longest one I've ever written, and all I can say is I'm glad it's OVER! I wasn't planning it to be quite that long – but Mattaki wouldn't cooperate. Damn inu and their damn insatiable sex drives...

At any rate, if I can keep said insatiable inu from pouncing on Kagome too much in the next chapter, we might actually start to get to some Naraku torturing action – we'll see how that goes.

Ja Ne!
