InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Dominance ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 17: Dominance

Kagome sighed happily as she dipped her washcloth in the large pot of warm water, and then wrung it out to wash down her body. There were no sources of running water up here, and no hot springs either, but there was a lot of snow that could be melted down over the fire.

She had decided to take advantage of Mattaki's absence to bathe as best she could – after all, tonight was the deadline – he had sworn she would be his by nightfall, and if she were to be mated today, she would darn well be as clean as possible.

With a flush, she finished rinsing the soap from her body, and picked up her towel, drying herself off. Fortunately, she'd already finished her hair, and was ready to re-dress, because she could feel the daiyoukai approaching, and she wasn't ready to casually stand around naked in front of him just yet.

I wonder what he managed to find for our meals this time? That last roast of... deer? was good, but something a little different would be nice. Maybe some rabbit?

She reached into her bag and pulled out a clean set of underclothes, some jeans, a t-shirt and a sweater – not the most romantic of clothes, but with the temperature up here, she needed all the warmth she could get. Hastily dressing herself, she finished up with a a pair of thick tabi, and then pulled her still damp hair into a ponytail.

Eyeing the cave in the early morning light, she sighed, and shook her head. In all her imaginings of her wedding night, or, she rolled her eyes, mating night, she'd never imagined being in a cave in the feudal era, freezing her rear off. Sighing, she moved over towards the pile of wood Mattaki had left, and added some to the fire, hoping to get it warm enough inside the cave to get rid of that lingering chill.

I wonder... Mattaki seems to know all kinds of spells and things... if I ask, maybe he'll know how to warm the cave up even more? I mean, I know the cold doesn't bother him, but I'm just a weak little human...

She started when he appeared in the entrance in a swirl of snow and wind. Dammit, I hate it when he does that... “Can't you warn me or something when you're about to just appear out of thin air?” she asked with a frown.

He cocked a brow as he moved towards the fire with a clutch of already skinned and prepared meat. “There will be no need for such. After tonight, we will be mated, and then you will always know where I am – just as I will always know where you are,” he said casually, and despite her earlier thoughts on her mating night, to hear it spoken of aloud so easily made her blush deeply and look away.

He glanced up at her silence; when he caught sight of her rosy cheeks, he chuckled.

“Something wrong, miko?” he asked innocently.

Her head shot up, then, and she narrowed her eyes at him in temper. “Don't try that innocent act with me, you perverted inu. You haven't been innocent for probably a thousand years,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at him.

The picture she made, along with the tone of her voice, had him throwing his head back and laughing in honest amusement; she reminded him of a small kitten trying to appear threatening. Although it was also true that this particular kitten had claws... ones that could be deadly. Still...

“Yes, it has been at least that long,” he replied blandly. Spitting the last of the meat, he set all of the prepared skewers over the fire to cook, pleased with his catch. Six good-sized rabbits – the food would come in handy, because he and his little mate would not be leaving the cave at all for two days. Tomorrow would be nothing but resting between bouts of mating... and then the following day, the seventh day, would be when he would take control of the spider that thought to harm what was his.

Outwardly, he appeared calm, even-tempered; inwardly, he was anything but. After months of planning, months of wanting, he was about to have everything he'd longed for his entire life. When he'd shown her his life in her dreams, he'd not been exaggerating the soul-deep longing he'd felt for his other half for most of his endless-seeming lifetime. Nor had he been lying about his relief in finally passing on – the loneliness eating at him day in and day out finally too much even for him.

But now... now he had found her – and he would never relinquish the hold he had on her. And especially not to a disgusting spider with pretensions of greatness. No... Kagome was his, would be completely his this very night, and nothing would be allowed to interfere with his mating. Nothing would be allowed to harm his chosen, either.


He would forever protect her with every bit of his almost endless strength and formidable intelligence. His question to Sesshoumaru all those years ago before his death had not been an idle one – when a being had someone to protect, their innate strength became that much more deadly and focused. It was not a weakness, as his eldest son had thought for so long, because nothing that made you fight harder and smarter was a weakness.

He was smugly certain, though, that his pain in the ass eldest was finally learning that lesson – after all, from what he'd seen, the boy protected Rin with a fierceness he'd never shown over anything else. At least now, he understood... even if it had taken over two hundred years for it to kick in.

Settling back in a more comfortable position, he watched his little miko as her eyelids wavered, and smiled. “Perhaps, sweet Kagome, you should take a nap? You appear to still be tired, and as your night-” he cast her a smoldering look, “-and day tomorrow are going to be very busy, I think it would do you good to get as much rest as you can – while you can.”

Kagome flushed deeply but refused to look away, holding his gaze determinedly. “You're probably right... if I remember anything about dogs, it's that they're insatiable,” she said evenly.

His nose crinkled and he laughed. “Are you calling me a dog, my sweet?” he teased.

“If the collar fits...” she shrugged, trailing off with a mischievous expression on her face.

“My dear, I doubt you could find a collar that would fit this particular inu,” he chuckled.

She laughed, then. “Maybe not – but I'm sure I could make one!” Running the tip of one dainty finger along her plump bottom lip, drawing his attention, she mused, “Of course, the 'sit' command is already in use for your son, so we'd have to find a different one for you... perhaps 'heel' would work?”

Brow climbing into his bangs, the daiyoukai flicked the end of his topknot over his shoulder and grinned wickedly at her. “Ah, but then, if I had a collar, so would you. What do you think I would make your command be?”

“Knowing you, it would be something perverted,” she sighed.

His eyes twinkled. “I was thinking along the lines of 'roll over',” he said. “What do you think?”

She narrowed her eyes at him and growled. “Very funny, Mattaki. Roll over. Huh. As if.”

He turned his head and looked at her over his shoulder from his spot near the fire, heat flaring in his gaze again, and before she could say a word, he pounced, his big hands cradling her as he lowered her body to the floor of the cave, warm due to its nearness to the flames.

Leaning down after staring into her eyes for several long seconds, he nuzzled into her neck, brushing long strands of sable locks back over her shoulder as he did so. Inhaling deeply, his beast purred at the scent that he was so addicted to, the sound nothing more than a deep rumble that echoed through the cave.

“But you will roll over for me, miko, this very night, I promise you that,” he growled heatedly. “And you will do it with no fight, now that you finally understand what this Mattaki has been trying to explain to you since the beginning.”

Kagome inhaled sharply as his words triggered a meltdown inside her; he was correct in every aspect – she would roll over for him... anytime he asked it. She couldn't do anything else.

When he had pulled her into his mind, trying to show her what he meant by instincts, and how he saw her, she'd been stunned when she'd realized that she was feeling everything he was – and that she was understanding it, as well. Just as though she were youkai herself, suddenly, every word he'd spoken to her made perfect sense, and the relief she felt was almost overwhelming.

She really was his soul-mate, and she now perfectly understood why she'd completely turned literally overnight from loving Inuyasha, to desiring his father with every part of herself. He'd been totally correct when he'd told her that she'd already started letting go of his youngest son, but that she'd been able to continue to fool herself because she still loved Inuyasha, and always would – just in a different way.

That explained that quite well – but there was still her reluctance over Mattaki himself.

First, her worry that it was all happening too fast. She'd come to realize the moment he'd opened his youkai instincts to her that when it came to two souls that were really one, there was no such thing as too fast. Upon meeting, those two souls would try to recombine into one – instantly. And there was nothing wrong with that – after all, since they were already one, it wasn't like they were going to find themselves hating each other.

The next thing – and in a way, the most important thing – was the domination issue. He had such a forceful personality, she was afraid he would overwhelm her, and all that made her Kagome would be drowned in all that made him Mattaki.

Her foray into his being had also taken care of that fear. She had seen clearly in him that he had no desire for her to become a simpering, mindless drone of a female, or a pale copy of him. Part of what attracted him was her independent and strong-willed nature, and though he would always be alpha, only she was anywhere near him in strength of will, and he liked it that way. She found that submission and domination wasn't about breaking her, but was more about her accepting him as her alpha as she would never accept another.

That was something that she could understand... and if she were one hundred percent honest with herself, the thought of being dominated by Mattaki in such a way was enough to send her body into a total meltdown, anyway.

Mattaki grinned to himself as the scent of her arousal filtered through the cave. Just a few more hours, and she will be mine, he thought. I can be patient for that much longer.

Licking a path from her neck to the shell of her ear, he nipped it, then pulled away and sat up, pulling her up with him. “It is a good thing that you will be mine this night, little onna – I do not think I could stand to wait any longer.”

Kagome blinked, then looked at him, and shook herself, trying to wake her mind back up from the sensual haze he'd put her into, and had to agree – it was a good thing that this would be done tonight, because at this rate, she'd be knocking him over and raping him. Though, it was obvious he was more than willing...

“Umm... yeah,” she agreed breathlessly, blushing. “I'm glad it's tonight, too.”

And I never thought I'd be saying that...

She paled a bit, then, and the nausea returned, and Mattaki reached over to her voluminous bag into the pocket the medicinal herbs were in, and pulled them out. Standing up, he settled her comfortably on her sleeping bag, then stepped outside and packed one of her little pots with snow so he could heat it over the fire to make her tea.

Damn that Naraku, he thought, rage percolating through his system. Just two more days, and I will have him in my hands. And though I wish to torment him for many days, I will have to kill him more quickly than I would like, so that my mate does not suffer this sickness any longer than necessary.

He shot a look at her pale face, and scowled, then wiped his expression clean, and closed his mind to everything but this one day.

I will think only of my mate this day, and nothing else. Only her and her pleasure...

And my own.


Kagome nervously eyed the dimming light of the day – late afternoon. She knew that he'd told her she'd be his by nightfall... and that was coming fast. Plus, as the day had worn on, Mattaki's eyes had gained more crimson than gold – his beast was coming to the forefront.

He was preparing to take his female, and mate and mark her...

A thick, heavy silence had fallen over the small cave as the hour had grown later, and it had only spiked her nerves higher and higher – if this kept up much longer, she knew she'd bolt – even though there was literally nowhere to go.

“Your nervousness serves no purpose, priestess,” the beast sharing her shelter rumbled, and she jumped, startled out of her skin. “Why do you fear this so?”

“Now, I know you've taken many women – and I'm sure most of them were virgins at one point or another,” she shot back tartly, sarcasm literally coating her voice. “I know I'm not the only one to be affected by nerves in all your experience. In fact, in my time, they actually have a name for this – it's called virginal nerves. Don't try to tell me us ningens have noticed something that has escaped the notice of the great Dog General.”

“They did not share the bond that we do – they feared pain at my hands. You should not,” he growled back at her. “There is nothing to fear in pleasure, miko, surely you are aware of this?”
Kagome sighed. “It's the fear of the unknown, or maybe I should say the inexperienced. I know about the mechanics of sex, of course-” she flushed hotly, “–but I've never experienced it, therefore, it's frightening. It's a big step, too. Once this happens, my whole future is decided – and there's no backing out. It's momentous.”

There came a low, rumbling chuckle, and she looked at him, wide-eyed, as he spoke.

“Would you like me to show you why there is no need of fear?” he asked slyly. Without waiting for a reply, he looked over at her, and she wasn't surprised to see his eyes completely crimson.

Apparently, it was now time – her days as a single woman, a virgin, were officially over.

She gulped, and then nodded, staring at the gorgeous beast before her as though hypnotized.

Mattaki studied her for several moments, and a dangerous smile slipped across his face as he began to gently flare his aura in waves, upping the intensity with every pulse. He kept his eyes pinned on her as he did so, enjoying the effect as she slowly began to melt into a sensually intoxicated puddle.

As the light of the dying day left the cave in steadily darkening increments, he stood and moved slowly towards his prey, looking like nothing so much as the predator he was – only he wasn't after blood this time. No, this time, his lust was for something entirely different.

And so much better, if the truth were known.

Sure, he loved the taste of the blood of his prey, and hunting said prey down, but the taste of his mate... it was by far the preferred ambrosia. This night, he would finally drink his fill – followed by every other night of the rest of both of their endless lives.

Kagome kept her wide-eyed gaze pinned to him, uncertain of just what his next move would be, and she felt the apprehension of the hunted – it was so clear in his eyes that she was just that – it scared her, but it was exciting, too.

She was so tense from that apprehension, waiting for him to make his move, that her nerves were literally screaming with the tension... but he made no move to actually touch her, simply smirking at her, that sensual, mobile mouth almost mockingly beautiful. After a moment, he moved again, and she tensed even further.

He chuckled once more, though it came out more of a deep, beastial rumble, than anything else.

“You look ready to bolt, mate – yet where would you go?” he gestured out towards the cave mouth, indicating the snow, and the several thousand foot drop just outside.

She shivered, then shivered again even stronger. “M-Mattaki?” she asked faintly. “Do you know a way to make the cave warmer?” She blushed, and looked down. “It's already cold, and once I'm not so dressed...” she trailed off, unable to finish that sentence, and the great inu laughed, highly amused.

“So innocent...” he shook his head, then closed his eyes, and began to elevate his aura, but this time, for a different purpose than seduction. Within seconds, a red glow gathered around one hand, and he crouched down, touching that hand to the floor of the cave. Almost immediately, the ground began to heat up, with the effect slowly moving across it, and up the walls.

Kagome watched in awe as the cave glowed and grew pleasantly warm, jerking her gaze back to Mattaki when he stood, and looked at her. “Better, little mate?” he asked softly.

With a nod, she asked breathlessly, “How long will it last?”

“Until I pull my youki back from the rock,” he answered casually. “Now... if there's nothing else?” It was clear he was on edge, wanting no more interruptions. She swallowed heavily and nodded again as her tension levels spiked upwards once more.

A wicked, wicked smile spread across his face at that, and he stalked slowly towards her again to stand before her, but as she looked up at him, he didn't touch her, instead circling around her, looking down at her where she still knelt. An appreciative rumble echoed through the warm cave, and then he moved back around to face her.

“This one thinks that you can rid yourself of those heavy clothes, miko,” he said softly, almost mockingly. “After all, is the cave not warm enough for you? Or-” he blinked almost sleepily at her, “-perhaps you would like my assistance?”

She choked, then opened her mouth to say something... but she couldn't get anything out, and it was more than obvious that her demeanor was very amusing to the beast.

He knelt before her, reaching out one claw to run just the tip from her chin, down her throat to the edge of her sweater. “Make your mind up quickly, or I will lose patience,” he said silkily, a dangerous note entering his voice.

Transfixed by the look in his eyes, Kagome cleared her throat, and asked timidly, “Why do I have to undress, and you're still wearing all that armor and clothing a-and... stuff?”

She squeaked as his eyes narrowed.

“You know what tonight is about, Kagome,” he whispered darkly. “I will dominate you – and you will submit to my will. There will be other times for other ways of joining... but tonight... tonight, the beast that is who I am at the core is in control. Do not question me again, little onna. Simply do as I say, and allow me to pleasure us both into oblivion.”

With a thrill, Kagome's blood heated at his tone of voice, and his words – suddenly she couldn't deny that the thought of him dominating her was almost more of an excitement than she could stand. She nodded shakily, and he growled approvingly.

“S-so,” she asked hesitantly, “what do you want me to do...?”

He tugged down lightly with his claw that was poised at the high neckline of her heavy sweater. “Take this off,” he said hotly. “For everything that you take off, I will match you, mate.”

A jerky nod; she waited for him to remove his claw, then reached to the hem and pulled it over her head, her heart pounding so hard she thought it was going to beat out of her chest; her face flushed with heat as it came off over the top of her head, leaving her in a thin t-shirt, and her bra. She dropped it to the side, and then clasped her hands together, waiting for him to speak – she was too shy now to look up at him.

The beast that was Mattaki rumbled deep in his chest with pleased approval at her obedience, then settled back on his heels, and removed his armor, carefully setting it aside, never once taking his burning gaze off her; though she didn't look up, he knew that she was aware of his eyes on her.

“Now the next thing, Kagome... that other shirt.”

Oh, gods... I don't know if I can do this! I'm so embarrassed! But I have to... Again, she reached for the bottom of the shirt and slowly pulled it off, letting it fall from numb fingers once she got it over her head.

A louder growl rolled through the cave, and Mattaki's eyes flared at the revealed flesh of her upper body, and the odd, yet somehow sexiest breast binding he'd ever seen. Her lines were clean and elegant, and the undergarment only emphasized that. He leaned forward, unable to help himself, and ran his tongue along the upper edge of the lacy garment. As the taste of her skin hit his tongue, he snarled faintly and clenched his hands into the rock under them, digging deeply into it.

Closing his eyes tightly, he jerked tightly on his own leash; pulling away, he removed his obi, setting it atop his armor, and then to make it fair, removed his haori, leaving only his undershirt on his upper half.

Kagome couldn't help herself, she flicked a shy glance up at him as his haori fluttered to the ground atop their other clothes. Her throat dried... Oh... even with his undershirt on, she could see his build, and she was suddenly so overheated, she almost wished it would start snowing inside the cave.

Mattaki could feel the heat that surged from her tiny frame, and with a pleased smirk, he decided to take off his undershirt as well... he wanted to burn her with want for him – the hotter he could get her, the less she'd notice her nervousness.

When Kagome saw his undershirt drop on top of the pile of clothes, her eyes flashed up in shock to stare at him, and she was immediately transfixed, helplessly, she raised a hand to his flesh, needing to touch him, just to see if he was real.

In the moment that her hand touched him, both gasped with the scalding fire that erupted between them...


A/N: Okay, so I kinda made myself a liar. I was intending this chapter to be the full lemon, but that didn't happen. This one is going to be the longest lemon I've ever written, I think, so while it began in this one, I find that I've got to go into the next chapter... which will most likely be several thousand words of citrus. Since I had said that this chapter would be the lemon, I will post both chapters together – I don't like leaving lemon flavored cliffies.

So no panic – the rest of the lemon will be up momentarily.

Ja Ne!
