InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Wicked ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 32:  Epilogue: Wicked

Kagome looked back over the last ten years and couldn't help the sigh that crossed her lips.  Her life had changed in so many ways – and yet, oddly, it hadn't.

Smiling widely and waving to her group of friends, she watched as they disappeared into the distance, their bi-yearly visit at an end.  There were so many children now, that it was with a sigh of relief that Kagome enjoyed the stillness that had enveloped the shiro as they all left.

Not that she minded children, per se, but when there were that many?  She shuddered.  Eleven children swarming all over the palace at once...

She shook her head at her mate's amusement.  “Don't laugh, Mattaki – I know that you agree with me, even though five of those are your grandchildren, still...”

Coming to stand behind her, he laughed.  “Yes... and if I'm not mistaken, there will be more grandchildren for me soon from another source, as well.”

Brow rising, she turned her head to look at him as he wrapped his arms around her in the cool morning air.  “Oh, you mean Rin and Sesshoumaru?  I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever give in and just admit his feelings – I mean, she's what... seventeen, eighteen, now?  It's not like all of us haven't seen the way the wind's blowing there.”

“Perhaps.  But even though we all know who Rin once was, he does not.  After Izayoi, he hid his heart away and refused to acknowledge its call.  But he's about to give in – I say within the month, they will be mated, and not long after, there will be more pups on the way,”  Mattaki replied.

With a deep inhale, then exhale, Kagome nodded, and as Mattaki let her go, she turned to face him.  “You're probably right, so I won't take that bet,”  she chuckled.

A smirk of such dark sexual intent crossed his face then, that Kagome took a step back in apprehension, brow furrowing.  Suspicion crossed her face and she took another step back.

“W-what are you doing, Mattaki?”

He continued staring at her, heat and passion simmering in his eyes.  “I was simply wondering,”  he rumbled,  “when you would be ready to bare me a pup of my own, my love.  After all, it has been ten years already – I think I have been patient enough.”

Kagome blinked, surprised.  “Well... why didn't you ever say anything?  I would love to have a baby.  I've been wondering why you didn't bring it up – I thought that perhaps you didn't want anymore, since you've already got two sons.”

He shook his head.  “No.  At first, I just wanted to have you to myself.  I've waited for so many centuries to find you... maybe it was selfish, but I didn't want to share you with anyone, let alone a being that by its very nature, would end up taking most of your attention.”

“Well, I agree with you, a baby is a big responsibility, but I'm surprised... why are you bringing this up now?”  she asked, curiosity shining in her eyes.

Pulling her into his arms, his eyes once again growing dark with passion, he said,  “Because you are fertile now.  And though I've held my black blood back all this time, now I no longer feel the need to.  What say you join me back in bed, now that all our company is gone?”

Nearly swooning as his voice hit a low note that made certain parts of her almost vibrate, it was all she could do to nod, and before she could even blink, a triumphant growl hit the air, and she found herself picked up and being whisked through the halls of the shiro.  

Mattaki didn't even slow as he reached their room, the door sliding open and closed before the slightly bewildered woman even noticed where they were.  When she blinked up at him in confusion at his haste, she got her answer – his eyes were already haloed in crimson, and it wouldn't be long before they'd be completely crimson.

It seemed his instinctual side was coming out to breed his mate.

In the few seconds it took her to process what she was seeing, she found herself as nude as the day she was born, on her back in their bed, with a feral Mattaki hovering over her, just as nude.

“Wow,”  she said blankly,  “that's the first time I've ever been stripped that fast. I didn't know clothes could come off that quickly.”

A deep rumble came from her mate, his laughter in that register making more things inside the miko tighten in anticipation.  As he registered her scent spike, he came down on her, and the pleasurable torment began.

Mattaki was going absolutely crazy.  His mate's already delicious scent was now so delectable he was going insane, and if he didn't find the source of that scent soon, he knew he would start hurting.

He couldn't resist her ever, let alone now, and he was glad that she had agreed that now was the time for pups.  They'd had a decade together, just the two of them, and now, he felt the overwhelming need to sire young on his mate.

She would look gorgeous pupped, he was certain, the image in his mind enough to stiffen him to an unbelievable level – he didn't think he'd ever been this hard, this needy before in his life.

Not even worrying about anything else, he went straight to the source of that maddening scent, pushing his way between his mate's legs and lowering his head to take a deep inhale.  That was all it took, and the logical, reasoning side of the daiyoukai was gone, pushed to the back as his instinctual side surged forward.

Kagome was almost shocked at his feral growl – she hadn't seen this side of him in some time, and it excited her.  He was always at his most passionate when he was like this, and he was relentless in pursuing their pleasure.  

This time was no different; in fact, it seemed like he was even more intense than usual, and she knew it was because she was fertile, as he'd said.

When he set his mouth to her flesh, she arched and screamed, the intensity of feeling that one move provoked assuring her that she was just as feral as her mate, and just as primed for his touch.

Over and over he drove her up the peaks of pleasure, his intensity not abating even a bit, until Kagome was limp and mindless with pleasure.  Only then did he relent, turning her over onto her belly, he lifted her hips, positioning her as he wanted.  Kagome just followed blindly along, unable to think enough to even care what he did with her at that point.

But the moment he mounted and entered her, she almost blacked out at the intensity of it; her scream caught in her throat, unable to escape from her choked throat.

Howling in mindless pleasure, Mattaki pounded relentlessly into his mate, well aware of what his little human miko could tolerate.  He knew she could take anything he gave her, and he gave it all, his wicked side coming out to play, unrestrained.

Over and over, position through position, and climax through climax – at least, for Kagome – Mattaki rode her, and finally back once again in the traditional inu position, they raced each other up one last, steep incline of pleasure.  

The wooden frame of the palace actually shook at his announcement of his conquest of his mate, even as Kagome's voice was also heard, twining with his in blessed release.

It also caught his eldest son by surprise, and made Rin turn quite pink in embarrassment.  

Brow raised into his bangs, Sesshoumaru said,  “Perhaps we have chosen the wrong time to visit.  It appears that the miko is in heat, and father is breeding her.”

Hands to her burning cheeks, Rin turned wide eyes on her Lord.  “I really didn't want to know that, Sesshoumaru-sama.”

He eyed her, his own gaze haloing red, and said,  “It is nothing to be embarrassed about, Rin.  It is a simple fact of nature.  Inu live by scent – you could blind me, and I would still know your scent among millions.  There is no way an inu could ignore his mate's fertile scent when he is ready to be bred.”  He frowned, then.  “It is likely they will be locked away for today.  It is up to you, Rin – do you wish to go, and return again later, or stay and wait?”

Rin, not missing his slightly red eyes, shook her head.  I hope those red eyes mean what I think they mean.  “Even if it is a little awkward listening to them, it's important.  I really need to talk to Kagome-sama.  I think I'd prefer to wait.”

Sesshoumaru nodded, then gestured to the open screens to the garden.  “Perhaps we can spend time in the gardens, then, Rin, and visit the waterfall.  We can have our meals brought out to us there.”

She nodded, a smile gracing her face, and Sesshoumaru felt himself tighten in anticipation – it would not be long now before he would take her as his – a few more days at most, and she would be in her own fertile time.  He knew how she felt for him, and he returned those feelings, so he saw no reason to wait any longer – she was grown, an adult female, and ripe and ready for mating.

Clamping down on himself, he turned to the servant and gave instructions to have their meals delivered to them in the gardens, and then he escorted Rin outside.  And as his father snarled again in pleasure, loudly, he began to think that they should sleep outside, as well.

It would be a rather long day, and even longer night.


The next morning, thoroughly sated and feeling quite content to never move again, Kagome sighed, eyes opening and blinking in the bright sunlight.  Stretching, she realized that her mate had fallen asleep with his nose firmly buried in her belly – with a proud smirk on his face.

Well... I guess that means I'm pregnant, she thought blankly, the knowledge taking a few moments to actually kick in.  When it did, though...

She reached down and shook him a little, and when he opened his eyes and immediately scented her belly again with a wide smile, she knew.

“So... how long am I gonna be knocked up for, anyway?”  she asked, a small smile greeting his own.

“Six months for a hanyou birth.  Usually.  However, it could be less for you, as you are a miko.  Or... conversely, it could be longer, as the pup will have such differing powers to adapt to,”  he answered, and Kagome shook her head, nose wrinkling.

“So, in other words, you don't know,”  she tossed back, and he nodded.  

“Not a clue.  I've never known of any miko mating a youkai before.”

Kagome's brow furrowed as something drifted up from her subconscious – an old memory.  “Oh!  It's too bad about Horai Island...”  she chuckled at her mate's confused expression,  “if the four war jerks hadn't destroyed it, we could have gone and asked.  Most of those children on the island were born of a youkai parent, and a human parent with reiki.”  She looked sad for a minute.  “That's why they were on the island in the first place... because they were hunted and hated for falling in love.  On the island, though, they could live in peace and be happy.”

Mattaki looked intrigued.  “The four war... jerks?”  he asked.

She pursed her lips.  “They called themselves the Four War Gods.  But you know,”  she mused,  “I always did wonder about that.  One hanyou, child or adult, was enough to keep them in power for fifty years at a time.  Their power must have been incredible to be able to do that.”

“I have heard of Horai Island, though I'd never been there.  Did any of the children survive?”

Nodding, she reached down and absently ran her fingers through his hair, enjoying the silky feel of it even as her brow furrowed in thought.  “We managed to save the last few that were there when we defeated the jerks.  But I don't know if any of them would know the answer to that question.”

With one last appreciative sniff and tender kiss to her flat belly, Mattaki sat up, tossing his hair over his shoulder to get it out of his way.  Looking contemplative, he asked,  “Do you know where they are living?  It wouldn't hurt to ask – some of the older ones might remember a brother or sister's birth.”

“I hadn't thought of that,”  she said, eyes brightening.  “They settled in a small village not too far from here, actually – that village at the edge of your estate, that has humans and youkai living together peacefully is where they found themselves.  I'm glad of it, too – they deserved the peace they'd earned.”

“Then what say you we make a trip there, my lovely mate?  We can also commission furnishings for the pup's room – a cradle and such.”

Kagome smiled, a slight flush of love and happiness making her cheeks pink attractively.  “You know I love you, right?”  she asked softly, opening the bond fully to flood him with her feelings.  Her eyes watered just a little when he reciprocated, and, buried in warm feelings of love and contentment, the couple just basked in their happiness for a while.

All too soon, though, her mate sighed, and hugged her once more before standing and picking her up, laughing at her surprised squeak.  “I think it is time to bathe and greet the day, my love, we have company – they've been here since yesterday.”

At that, Kagome blushed, knowing exactly how loud and lost in each other they had been.  With a wince, she asked,  “Who is it?”

Stepping into the water and lowering her to her feet, he said,  “Not as though you couldn't have figured it out for yourself by searching with your aura, but it's Sesshoumaru and Rin.  I wouldn't be surprised if she's here to talk to you about a certain subject.”

Eyes widening, a most gleeful smile brightened her face, and she clapped her hands together.  Suddenly, she couldn't get done with her bath fast enough, and she rushed her usual leisurely bathing routine, to her mate's intense amusement.

“Oh, I hope she's here to talk about what I think she's here for – it would finally set to rights that whole tragic circle.  Sesshoumaru deserves happiness, too, and so does Rin, after everything she's been through – in both lives.”

A pensive look on his face, Mattaki also hurried his routine.  With everything he'd found out about Rin's life, and knowing what her last life had been, he couldn't help but to agree with his mate.

“It took time, but they will both be happy, Kagome.  I regret the things that happened to her in her last life, though I cannot regret my son – Inuyasha, as stubborn and hard-headed as he is, is mine, and I love him as I love Sesshoumaru, as well.  Now, though, the circle will be complete, and fate can play out as it will.”

Kagome only nodded, agreeing with him.  She couldn't regret Inuyasha, though she could regret the suffering that Izayoi went through in the loss of the one she had loved.  

Still... she was glad that they had been given another chance – and in this lifetime, they would have a large family circle that loved them both and would give all they had to make sure that their lives were happy.


Thrilled beyond measure when her hopes were indeed met, Kagome listened intently to Rin, trying to keep from grinning in pleasure.

Excusing themselves from the men, Kagome took Rin into the gardens, heading for her most favorite spot, a small grotto hidden deep at the very edge of the gardens, it was private and peaceful.

Settling down on the bench, she patted the seat next to her, and invited her to speak.

Flushing a lovely pinky color, she tried to speak a couple of times, but couldn't seem to figure out how to say whatever it was she was wanting to. Finally, she blurted out,  “Kagome-sama, how can you tell if a male has... an interest in you?”

Kagome blinked, taken a bit off-guard by the blunt, but flustered question.

“You have an admirer?” she asked, wanting clarification.  

“I... think so, Kagome-sama, but I'm not sure.  He sometimes seems as though he cares for me as more than a ward, but then others... I don't know,”  she got out, cheeks darkening even more.

“You're talking about Sesshoumaru, I take it?”

Turning as red as she'd ever been, Rin nodded sheepishly.

And Kagome couldn't help it, she started laughing.  “Oh, Rin, my dear, you are blind when it comes to certain things, aren't you?  Not that I blame you.  But if you're asking whether he loves you, then the answer is yes – and not as a simple ward.  Mattaki and I, and pretty much everyone else, have known of his feelings for you for some time.  In his own unique, Sesshoumaru way, he has shown everyone time and again that you belong to him.”

Hope lighting her lovely face, she asked,  “Are you certain, Kagome-sama?  I would not like to make a fool of myself telling him of my feelings, only for him to turn from me in disgust.”

“Trust me, girl, it will never happen.  Let me tell you a little you remember your visit about two years ago?”  When Rin nodded, albeit with a confused expression, Kagome continued.  “There was a young male visiting with a relative here in the shiro, who was quite taken with you.  The moment that Sesshoumaru caught scent of his attraction to you, he almost went feral, and made it clear in no uncertain terms that you belonged to him.  The poor boy went home quite disappointed – and frightened.  He wasn't... nice, let's say, about it.”

Rin blushed becomingly as a shy smile lit her face, and Kagome patted her hand.  “In fact, I am positive, as is Mattaki, that he will be claiming you as his mate within a very few days – you are shortly to enter your fertile cycle, and it's Mattaki's belief that is all Sesshoumaru is waiting for.”

Eyes wide, Rin stared at Kagome for a few moments, and then asked,  “But why is he waiting for that?”  she asked, bewildered.  

And Kagome chuckled, her mind flashing back to the day before, and her own mate's passionate reaction to her fertility and willingness to bear his young.  “Let me put it this way... your fertility will send him off the deep end – he will be passionate and affectionate, and eager to pup you.  You, my dear, are in for an interesting next few days.”

“Oh!  That's right... Sesshoumaru-sama mentioned yesterday that it was your fertile time... am I correct that you are now with child?”  When Kagome blushed, but nodded, Rin said,  “Congratulations!  What do you hope for, boy or girl?”

“I hadn't really thought about it, to tell the truth. I'm still getting used to thinking of myself as pregnant.”  She stood, and beckoned Rin to follow her back inside.  “Mattaki and I are going into the village for some shopping – would you like to accompany us?”

“As long as Sesshoumaru-sama does not mind, I would love to!”  the excited young woman said, and Kagome grinned.  “Then let's go find out what he has to say, shall we?”

Chattering happily, the two women headed inside, finding the males in the room they'd left them in.  

“Are you two planning anything?”  Kagome asked, and Mattaki smiled at her and came over to draw her into his embrace, a cat-ate-the-cream smile on his face as he took in her scent again.

“Only the jaunt into the village you and I discussed earlier.  Why?”  

“So you and Rin will accompany us, Sesshoumaru?”  Kagome asked, and the stoic dai nodded.

“We will.  Father has told me you are pupped.  This one would offer congratulations, miko.”

Kagome blushed but smiled.  “Thank you, Sesshoumaru.  To be honest, I... wasn't sure how you would take that news.”

“Why would I have any concerns with it, miko?”  he asked, somewhat surprised that she would feel that way.  “You should know by now that I have no problem with you and father – and I am not so foolish as not to realize that sooner or later, father would pup you.  After all, you are a young woman at the peak of her fertility, and father is still quite virile.”

Blushing a little more at such blunt words, Kagome chuckled.  “My mistake. Sometimes I forget your change of heart... towards hanyou, I mean.”

“Hn.  At any rate, if you are both ready, Rin and I will be content to go with you to this village.  I understand from father that it is a village of youkai and ningen living together quite peacefully.  Rather like Horai Island – I would like to see such a place,”  he said, a definite light of curiosity in his eyes.

“Give me a few minutes to get ready, and we can leave,”  Kagome smiled, and then let her mate lead her from the room to change into a slightly thicker kimono, one more appropriate for outdoor wear.

She stopped, suddenly, as her mate watched her flesh disappear into the clothing with a rather ravenous look in his eyes, and turned to look at him with a definite excited look on her face.  “Oh!  Mattaki, we need to make a trip to see my mother and tell them about the baby!”

“Pup,”  he rumbled.  “Humans have babies.  I am inu – the young one will be called a pup, love.”  He looked uncertain for a moment.  “Does that word bother you?”

Kagome looked confused for a moment.  “No... why would it?”  

“I was simply uncertain... Izayoi was called a beast lover a few times, because the truth of what we are angers some humans.”  He allowed some of his inu characteristics to come out and watched her face carefully, oddly unsettled by the thought that she might be bothered by what he was.

Scowling, Kagome stomped over to him and whacked him right over his surprised head.  “How long have we been together, Mattaki?”  she asked, obviously very irritated with him.  “And wasn't my first crush your son – the one with obvious puppy ears that I still adore to this day?  Why on earth would you think it bothers me after all this time?”  

“I'm sorry, love.  It just... my mind couldn't help but think of the past, I suppose.”

She shook her head at him, eyes narrowed.  “Well, let me remind you, Mattaki, that Izayoi might have been called those names, but your inu blood must not have bothered her that much – remember, she was in love with Sesshoumaru – and he's just as inu as you are,”  she shot back at him, letting him know in no uncertain terms that she was upset with his doubts.

He came forward and hugged her now dressed form, and apologized.  “I'm sorry for my doubts, mate, they were uncalled for.”  She hugged him briefly, then let him go.

“Just get your swords, you big lug, and let's go.  I have some questions I want answered, and some shopping I'd like to get done.  And we should get something for Rin and Sesshoumaru, too.  They'll be mated within the week,”  she said gleefully, and Mattaki chuckled.

“Oh, hai, they most certainly will be.  I imagine they will leave here in the morning and head right back to the Western Palace – she'll be fertile within two days.”

Straightening his obi and patting his armor, Kagome handed him his swords, and then they both turned and headed out the door, looking forward to a pleasant  day spent shopping and gathering information.


The first stop was to the hut that the surviving children of Horai called home, and to Kagome's delight, Asagi was actually there.  The oldest of the children, she had the best chance of knowing the answer to the question Kagome wanted to ask.

Sitting comfortably on one of the many varied pillows that were set out for guests, Asagi was quite pleased to see Kagome again, and asked after Inuyasha – Ai had formed quite an attachment to the gruff hanyou, and would be happy for the information.

After talking politely for a time, Kagome finally came round to the reason for their visit.  After hearing her questions, Asagi shook her head, frowning deeply.

“It's been so long, Kagome-sama, that I couldn't say anything for sure... but I know who might have the information you're looking for.  There's a woman here in the village whose parents were youkai and miko, and she has several siblings.  She's also the oldest, so was around for all the births, and she is a midwife, as well.  Her husband is the woodcarver here in the village.”

Mattaki nodded at that.  “That is most excellent, then, as we have need to visit with him, anyway – I would commission a cradle for my soon-to-be youngest pup.”

Asagi blinked, finally taking in the reason for Kagome's decidedly odd questions.  “Oh!  Kagome-sama, Mattaki-sama, congratulations!”  She looked at Kagome sheepishly.  “I'm sorry I didn't pick up on  it earlier.”

Kagome waved her apologies away with a smile.  “Don't worry about it, Asagi.  It's really new to me, too, as it just happened yesterday.”

A few more minutes of pleasantries were exchanged, and then the four took their leave, and headed for the woodcarver's hut at the other end of the village.

Looking around with a peaceful, happy smile, Kagome couldn't help but be happy every time she visited this place – every place should be this way, with both races mingling easily and accepting each other with no contention.

When they arrived at the woodcarver's abode, his wife smiled broadly and respectfully invited  her guests into her home.  While the men went to converse with her husband, so that Mattaki might commission him to make his pup's furnishings, Kagome and Rin stayed and spoke with the wife.

“Midori-san,  I must confess we came here with two purposes.  Asagi told me that your parents were youkai and miko.  Is that correct?”  Kagome asked.  

Midori looked a bit uncomfortable, not sure about their reasons for inquiring.

Kagome picked that up immediately.  “I don't have anything against it, Midori-san – it would be quite hypocritical if I did, since I am miko and my mate is certainly all youkai.”

The other woman relaxed, and smiled. “Yes, my mother was a miko, and my father was kitsune.”

“Really?  Oh, that's great!”  she exclaimed.  “My adopted son is kitsune.  He was always worried that he was strange, because he's always been more attracted to human girls than other kitsune.  Would it be possible for him to come visit with you at some point?  Talking to you might help ease his mind.”

The hanyou woman smiled wider, a bit surprised.  “Adopted?”

“Oh, hai.  His parents were killed by the thunder brothers, and then Inuyasha killed them and helped Shippo get his vengeance for his father's and mother's murders.  He's been with me ever since.”

A soft look entered Midori's eyes, then and she bowed to Kagome.  “Then I must say thank you, Kagome-sama – very few would have bothered, instead leaving him to die.  He was blessed by kami to run across your path.  Now,”  she said briskly, “you had a question for me?”

Kagome nodded.  “Actually, yes.  I am newly pupped, and my mate and I would like to know what to expect.  Even though his youngest son is hanyou, his mother was simply human, and carried no reiki, so neither of us knows what to expect.  Do you remember how long your mother carried?”  she asked.

At that, Midori laughed.  “Congratulations to you and your mate, Kagome-sama, and yes, I actually do remember – with her last two pregnancies, I was midwife for her.  You can expect to be pregnant for about five months – even though the pup needs to incorporate two opposing energies, it seems that it is a more natural state than you would think, and the pup needs very little time, developing quite quickly.”

Looking thrilled, Kagome asked,  “Do you still midwife?”

Midori nodded and said,  “If you would like, I will be your midwife, my lady.  It would be my pleasure.”

With a wide smile, Kagome nodded.  “I would be thrilled for you to be my midwife.  I was a bit concerned with that, to tell the truth, not knowing if there was a midwife locally, though with the make-up of this village, I should have realized that there would be.”

Rin cleared her throat shyly, then, and both women turned to look at her, surprised.  “Oh, Rin!  I'm sorry – you were so quiet that I forgot you were there!”

“Please, it's okay, Kagome-sama.  It just occurred to me that if what we spoke of earlier turns out to be true, I may have need of such a midwife soon, myself.”

“That's very true,”  Kagome exclaimed.  Turning to Midori, she said,  “My companion, Rin, is soon to be the Western Lady, mate to Sesshoumaru-sama.  She will also need a good midwife, though she carries no reiki herself.”

Midori bowed her head and smiled.  “If she were to give birth here, I would be honored, but if she is to give birth in the Western shiro, there is a friend of mine that lives in the village below the palace there – she was the midwife to Izayoi-sama, and would be a most excellent choice for you, my lady,”  she said to Rin.  “If you would like, I will pen an introduction for you to take to her when you are pupped.”

With a warm smile, Rin nodded her head and bowed in return.  “Thank you, Midori-san, I am grateful for your help.”

She waved Rin's thanks away.  “It is my honor to help two such illustrious ladies.”  She turned back to Kagome.  “Was there any other question, my lady?”

Kagome blushed, and then wrinkled her nose, almost embarrassed to be asking.  “With Mattaki being inu, I was wondering...well, am I going to have just one... or a litter?”  she squeaked out, and Midori laughed aloud while Rin looked thoughtful, obviously wondering the same.

“It depends, Kagome-sama.  While it is certainly possible that you could have twins, or even triplets, it isn't any different for youkai than for humans in that matter.  They are more human in that aspect than mortal dogs, so do not worry. With this being your first, I would expect it to be a single birthing, though it might be twins – I doubt you have to worry about any more than that, however.”

With a relieved sigh, Kagome smiled sheepishly.  “I'm glad – I don't think I could handle that many all at once,”  she chuckled.

Midori smiled at the obviously uncertain young woman.  “I would like to see you at least once a month, unless there are complications, and then I would see you every week.  But you seem strong and in good health, and frankly, it is more rare for a miko/youkai pairing to encounter problems than it is for youkai/youkai.  Even Rin-sama has a better chance of having a problem free and easy pregnancy and birthing than same-race pregnancies.”

Kagome looked surprised, a thoughtful expression on her face.  “You know... that just makes you wonder if that's because that's the way it's supposed to be.  Perhaps the kami are trying to tell us something?”

The other two ladies nodded agreeably, and then companionably went out to join the men in the workshop of Midori's husband.  

Mattaki smiled when he saw his mate and beckoned her over.  “Tell me, my love – does this design please you?”  he asked, showing her a sketch of a cradle, something that could only be a changing table, and a wardrobe for keeping clothing in.  They were beautiful, and Kagome smiled.  

“I love the scroll-work on these.  How long will they take to finish?”  she asked.

“About two months for all the pieces,”  the man standing with Sesshoumaru and Mattaki said.  

“Kagome, this is Takumi, Takumi, this is my mate, Kagome.”  The short, powerfully built man bowed politely, a curious expression on his face, and Kagome couldn't help but to ask.

“Is something wrong, Takumi-san?”

He shook his head.  “Not wrong, just odd.  It isn't often outside this village that you find a human and youkai mated.  Especially when the human is also a most powerful miko.  It just took me by surprise, my Lady.”

Kagome nodded in understanding.  “I suppose we are an odd sight, though not as rare as you might think.  The winds are changing, my friend, and hopefully, we can make it for the better.  After all, Mattaki's youngest son is also mated to a miko – she serves as the village miko in Edo.”

Eyebrows rose at that, both Takumi and Midori surprised.  Kagome chuckled.  “So, if you are ever in need, and are close to Edo, just go into the village and ask for Kikyou, or Inuyasha, and tell them I sent you.  Or even Miroku and Sango – he is a Buddhist monk, and his wife Sango is the last of the taijiya.  Any of them will do all they can to help.”

Takumi and Midori bowed and thanked them again, Mattaki handed over the first half of the fee, and at that, Kagome, reminded of her new midwife, explained to Mattaki that they would owe for that, too, and Mattaki handed over the midwife's fee quite happily, pleased that so much had been accomplished.

Taking their leave of the two soon after, the foursome headed back to the shiro quite content with their day out, and the questions that had been answered.  Mattaki was pleased, in particular, that Midori knew the answers to their questions, and was even an experienced midwife with knowledge of hanyou births.

Kagome took note with an inward grin of Sesshoumaru's intense, though silent interest, in all that they had learned from the woman, and Kagome was positive that Rin would be a mated woman within days.  She couldn't be more pleased – both Sesshoumaru and Rin deserved some happiness, and it was clear in more ways than one that Sesshoumaru was devoted to the young woman whose life he had saved when she was but a child.

After a pleasant evening spent in idle conversation, both Rin and Sesshoumaru made their excuses and went to their beds, as they were leaving the following morning as soon as breakfast was over.  

Mattaki, on the other hand, was quite awake, and openly desirous of his mate.

The moment they set foot in their rooms, he was crowding her up against a wall and scenting her as he drew each piece of clothing from her body.

“You smell so damn good, woman,”  he growled heatedly.  “You always smell good, but even more now that you're pupped.  I cannot wait to see you swell with my seed, mate.”  Kagome was rather surprised – she'd expected his ardor to cool now that she was pupped, as he put it.

He looked at her like she was insane when she said so.  “Why?”  he asked, his astonishment absolute.

She blinked at him.  “Well... it's just that a lot of relationships fail once the woman gets pregnant and has a baby.  It's like the male all of a sudden sees the woman differently – now she's not a desirable woman, she's a mother.  They can no longer see her with passionate eyes.”

It was obvious that he was even more shocked than before as he took in her words.  “Human males actually have this problem?”  He seemed completely unable to understand how such a thing was even possible.

“Trust me, Kagome, that will never be a problem with us.  For an Inu, their mate's pregnancy is just about the sexiest state she can be in.  You will find that I'll be even more affectionate and desirous of your body as you grow with our pup.”  He shook his head, still not understanding at all how human men could see things in such a manner.

“I knew that human males could be odd, but I didn't know it went that far,”  he rumbled while nuzzling her neck and happily inhaling her scent, their scent, and their pup's scent.  

All Kagome could do was hazily, and happily, enjoy his affectionate rumbles and nudges.  

Mattaki was an extremely affectionate person anyway as were most mated inu males, enjoying touching her as much as possible, and that hadn't changed in the ten years they'd been together.  She could only be happy about that, because she absolutely loved his touch.  It made her purr... and she hadn't thought humans could do such a thing.

Eyes closing as he nuzzled further, nudging apart her kimono at the neck and kissing and licking her neck, she sighed in contentment.  But when he nipped at her ear, she was lost, her knees giving out as she slumped into him.  Mattaki happily lifted her into his arms and turned to their bedding, setting her down carefully and watching, captivated, as she undressed.

As many times as he'd seen her body, loved her body, every time she undressed was like the first time – still the same rush of heated passion, of love and desire ran through him.  He could never get enough of her.

Absently removing his own clothing, letting it all fall at the side of the bed, he swept his miko, his life, his love, into a most passionate and love-filled joining.  This time wasn't about breeding his mate, it wasn't about a good hard fuck – they'd had those, too... and enjoyed them.  

But this time, he wanted to love her... and he did, through most of the night.

And Kagome lapped it up, enjoying the feeling of oneness that she felt as he spun her through hour after hour of tenderness and passion.

Dimly, as she finally fell into sleep cradled protectively in her mate's arms, she remembered when he had first pursued her, and her own fear and attempts to deny him.

She wished she could go back in time and slap herself silly – she could not even imagine life without the arrogant dog she loved.


Her speculations on Sesshoumaru and Rin turned out correctly; within days, he'd mated and pupped her, and she was ecstatically happy – as was Sesshoumaru, though he was still more contained than most, it was obvious to anyone with eyes.

Her own family was thrilled to pieces when told of her own expecting status, and immediately, her mother dragged her and Mattaki on a shopping trip that neither she nor her mate would ever forget.  By the time they went back to their era, Mattaki was carrying enough to clothe, feed, and amuse every baby in the village, as well as hers.  

Not that either really minded, of course...

When they stopped in the village to announce their news to Inuyasha and Kikyou, and Miroku and Sango, there was a wild celebration amongst them – Sango admitted in an aside that she and Kikyou were becoming concerned about the couple's childless state.  They had speculated that either Mattaki didn't want to upset his grown sons with new siblings, or that she was infertile.

Kagome was rather surprised at that.  “You guys should have just asked!”  she exclaimed with a laugh.  Then her expression turned serious.  “Mattaki showed me what his life was like before we met, once.  He was very lonely, and had spent centuries searching for the one who was his other half.  When he died,”  she said, a sad look in her eyes that surprised the other two women,  “he was actually almost relieved, thinking that he would never find me.”

She sighed and looked up at the evening sky, a distant sort of half-smile on her face.  “That's why we waited to have any children.  He wanted time to just be with me – and I was perfectly fine with that.  I'm young, and will be for a really long time, and there was no real rush.  I doubt we will have many pups even now... I believe he wants to pace things a bit.  Maybe have two pups at a time, but no more.”

Both women were silent, the picture of the vibrant, powerful, and handsome male tired and lonely somehow so hard to imagine – yet, they both could understand – if they'd been left for centuries looking for their other half, they both could admit they'd have probably felt the same.

“Well, at least he finally found you, Kagome,”  Kikyou said with a sunny smile, Sango nodding in agreement.  “It's obvious you make him happy – I've never seen him anything but amiable since you two were mated.”

Kagome's eyes brightened at that, and she hugged the other woman.  “Well, one could say the same about you and Inuyasha,”  she teased, and then looked at Sango,  “and the same goes for you and your hentai, Sango.  I've noticed that he no longer propositions other women, instead only groping you.  And he's always got a smile on his face... one wonders why,”  she finished with an arch look at her friend.

Sango blushed but smiled, and Kikyou sent a fond look at her husband and mate, the father of her many children.  “Maybe, Kagome, but it's only because of you – he and I would never have had this chance if you hadn't given me enough of your soul to sustain me.  I don't think you'll ever know just how much he and I both adore you for it.  And while I know he loves me, I am well aware that he loves you, too.  Mostly, its in a familial way, but there will always be a part of him that loves you differently.  I don't begrudge that, either, Kagome.  To be honest, if he didn't feel that way, I wouldn't love him as much as I do... it shows how big his heart is.”

Kagome blushed but smiled at Kikyou, and shook her head.  “There will always be a soft spot in my heart for him, too... he was my first love, and a person never forgets that.  But I think that we are all happy with what the fates granted us - and that's all that counts.”  

Her grin widened, then, and she leaned closer to the other two women.  “Do I have some news for you!”  she exclaimed, just as they all heard Inuyasha yell, “What?!”  She giggled.  “Sesshoumaru has finally taken a mate... our own Rin and he have finally found their destinies.  She's also as pupped as I am, and blissfully happy.  Everything has come full-circle, don't you think?”  she asked.

Both women, with happy grins, could only agree as they watched their other halves talking and laughing.

Truly... things had finally come out the way they were supposed to – the lives they were now living were the rewards from the kami for doing what they had had asked of them.

Not a one of them would even think of denying their happiness with said rewards.


Six months later, the entire group made their ways to Mattaki's estate to visit the two new additions to their number – one pup each for Kagome and Rin.

Sesshoumaru was the proud father of a son, one who looked to be a carbon copy of his sire, despite his half-blood status.  He was strong, his youki swirling with power, the inu blood of his fore-fathers once again breeding true.  He couldn't be more pleased with his son and heir's potential, and had already decided on a training schedule for the newborn.  

Rin, with a narrow-eyed glance at her mate, made sure to let him know that it wouldn't be implemented for many years to come.  Wisely, he chose not to argue the point, to the amusement of the rest of the group.

Mattaki, on the other hand, was absolutely smitten with his first daughter, as was her older brother Shippo.  There was no mistaking her familial line, the silver hair and golden eyes of her heritage marking her relation to the Western Lords for all to see.  Aside from coloring, however, she was the spitting image of her mother, and her father couldn't have been more thrilled with that, since in his eyes, there was no more beautiful woman than his beloved mate.

And as she grew, she proved to have inherited one other trait of her father's...

His slightly wicked nature.


A/N:  And done!  I hope everyone enjoys this last, very long chapter of Wicked, and I want to thank all the readers and reviewers so much for the interest in this story.  I have definitely enjoyed the journey, and hope to see you all on the next Inupapa/Kagome trip, tentatively titled Time After Time.  I will probably start posting on that one sometime this week, and it will be a more paced story, one chapter a week until I've actually completed it, and then I will probably post faster.  However, I'm thinking that one is going to be a much longer fic than this one, as it's already at chapter 21 and is nowhere near complete.

It's looking like it's going to be more like In Death, though probably not quite as long as that one.

At any rate, I once again want to thank all the readers and reviewers – you guys make writing fun!  I absolutely love to read some of the reviews, and even though I don't answer back often, it's not that I don't read them or appreciate them – I just can't keep up with the sheer volume of them, and still have time to actually write the story.  I hope everyone is content with my decision to write the story, rather than answer reviews – I figure you'd rather have more to read, than a thank you note for a review.

Ja Ne, everyone – I won't say goodbye, since I hope to see you enjoying my next fic!


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