InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wild ❯ Keno ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters. Rumiko Takahashi invented all of the Inuyasha characters and so far in this fic I have invented only one, Keno, the horse. The only ones I own are the ones I invented myself. AU, OOC, Rated for some lime and later on there will be Lemons.
Summary: This is the story for the horse lover. You may not understand many terms in this fic if you do not know horses. It has a few unusual pairings in it, and a few usual ones. This is about a time that is nonexistent for us; in a land that is not on Earth, a parallel world to ours, much alike, but a little different. Rin is a girl who lived by doing odd jobs for the people around the village after her mother died. She was taught at an early age by her mother how to treat animals, particularly horses. She has a strong gift for helping and teaching them. She sees Keno, badly mistreated, at Lord Naraku's castle.
CHARACTER PROFILE: The characters are a little different in this story, and I thought I ought to give a quick explanation on each.
RIN- She is a gifted horse trainer, and a sweet, passionate, beautiful girl who holds her beliefs in a very steadfast way. She meets Inuyasha, who holds with many of her beli and and finds herself falling for him.
INUYASHA TAKAHASHI- A wealthy owner of a horse stable not far from Naraku's castle. He is betrothed to Kikyou from Lord Sesshoumaru's castle. FYI: Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are very distantly related, not brothers. He is entrance by Rin, but has too many complications to get into any kind of relationship.
NARAKU- He is the lord of the Southern lands, the ones that are adjoining Lord Sesshoumaru's Western lands. He gives Rin Keno once she has proven her worth by riding him.
KENO- The untrainable, unruly, mean horse that Rin shows love for the first time. He trusts and loves Rin like only a horse can, and she loves him with all of her heart. He is the product of an accident where an expensive Thoroughbred got loose with the Arabians that were rounded up in Egypt for carthorses.
HITEN- a ragtag, pretty much the jerk of the town. He gets drunk too often and is overly nice to the women. He is pretty handsome, and tries to use it for sex. He has had his on on Rin for a while now.
MANTEN- Hiten's brother. He is an ugly dude with seemingly no self-will. He does whatever his brother asks him to do, and even partakes in the women his brother seduces sometimes.
There will be more of them as the story goes and I will try to keep up with their profiles as I gLEASLEASE R&R SO THAT I WILL WRITE MORE! The first few chaps may be boring for some people out there, but it will get much better if you let the story unfold…
Aka: Riasha
Chapter 1: Keno
Clouds floated over through the blueness of the heavens above, and the sun hid the glamour of the stars. The fluffy white shapes were hard-pressed to be named, all were similar, round shaped orbs going through the sky. The young, chocolate-eyed girl tried to try and discern some shape among the ambiguous clouds. The grass prickled and tickled her body where it touched. She rolled onto her side, propped up on her elbow and watched the figure of her mode of transportation, that was so much more than that to her. The long limbed animal had its head down, chopping short the lush green grass of the valley.
Keno had sort of been a present from her Lord, who had been friendly with her father. Her father was dead now and she was all alone. `Well not all alone,' she thought, looking at Keno. She had taken a liking to the equine when she had seen him running laps arouis eis enclosure. No one had been on his back, at that point no one had been able to. The lord had asked her if she thought she could tame the `wild beast'. She knew she could. Her special affinity with horses had caused great concern about her; she was supposed to a lady, and ladies did not break horses. No one knew that she and her mother were actually gentling the horses that had been sent to her father all those years ago. The Lord had told her that if she could sit astride Keno wo wwo weeks, she could have him. One week had gone by quickly, allowing her to familiarize herself with Keno. He became trusting of her, and one week and two days later she was sitting astride him. Five days later she was the owner of the `fearsome beast' as all the stable hands called him.
His coat matched the color of his dark-brown eyes, and his leanly toned muscles gave the impression of great strength. He had just turned two, and might add a smidgeon more to his 15.2 hand height. His eyes held an unfathomable intellect and life, her favorite aspect of the beautiful animal. His head was well shaped and flat between the eyes, coming down to a sensitive muzzle. His neck arched proudly, a deformity on most Thoroughbreds, but Keno was not a full Thoroughbred. During a sea Transport, a prized stallion had gotten loose, mingling with the dirty-bred mares. The stallion picked out a beautiful white Egyptian Arabian. The mare was kept bee she she carried the great stallion's offspring. The other Arabians were sold to become carthorses, a forlorn job for the proud animals. No one wanted the foal; the mare was sold for dog meat shortly after he was weaned. His owners treated him roughly; his arched neck and large, prominent eyes brought him unneeded nasty attention. In return, he turned on humans. No kind words or sweet touches were wasted on him, so no willingness or any amount of trust in human beings was given back. He unr unruly, and would rear and strike at people. One man tried to beat it out of him; Keno put the man in a coma, and the brute never woke up. So Keno was sold, over and over, until the lord bought him for entertainment. Trainer after breaker came in an attempt to ride Keno. Most came out with scratches or breaks, some never came out at all.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(FLASHBACK)& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The girl heardeard the rumors of this untrble ble horse. She never used the word `break' She didn't break horses, she gentled and taught them. She remembered the first time she had gone into the enclosure with Keno. The head stable hand had begged her to take a whip, or something to protect herself. She adamantly refused, promising herself that this horse would never be mishandled again. She opened the gate and shut it firmly behind her. The angry, frightened animal stood in the back with his ears laid back, facing her defiantly. She quietly started talking in a low voice, holding her hands out, palms up, to show she had nothing to hurt him with.
Keno pricked an ear, but then pushed it flat back again when she took a slow step closer. He stomped a foot to rid himself of a fly, and that was when she noticed the welts on his legs. Flies abounded there, living on his open wounds. Anger filled her, but it only made her more determined. She took another cautious step. Keno backed up till he was against the wall. She was so focused she didn't notice the audience she had attracted, including a young man distantly related to the one who had made the proposition.
Another unusual young man was also watching her with great interest, and he liked what he saw. She had silky, lustrous dark brown hair, which came down to her lower back. Her face held spectacular chocolate eyes. Her figure was not full blown, he guessed she to be abou yea years old. What she did have so far promised a beautiful figure, with curves in all the right places. Now she was thin, thought not skinny, with nicely toned but not bulky muscles.
The untried beast she was approaching was becoming more nervous and agitated by the moment. Just as the horse was about to charge, seemingly right at her, she stopped. When she didn't seem to be moving, the horse visible relaxed. His sensitive ears picked up the sound of her sweet, rich voice. She was murmuring just loud enough for everyone watching to barely hear her.
The young man concentrated on the sound of her beautiful voice, and felt the relaxing way it affected his body. His mind was trained on her words, all other thought and noises faded into the out. His sight dimmed, his mind was totally consumed by her nonsense words he could barely hear. He only knew he did not want her to stop.
She waited for the right moment and felt it. She took a few steps closer, alarming Keno a little, before turning her back to him. For the first time she realized how many people were watching her. One stood out, his silver hair falling in soft waves, his amber eyes entranced. Her low words never stopped, each seemed to flow into the other. She smiled through her words when she heard the first curious step behind her. To the surprise of everyone, she took a small step away from him, small enough to make the distance between them only a tiny bit less than it was before he had stepped toward her.
Keno was a little unsure, and swung his head around, sniffing, ears flicking, trying to figure it out. He was not afraid anymore, and she hadn't hurt him so he had no reason to hurt her. But he was insanely curious. He took another step closer, then another. Each time she took a small step away from him. Boldly, he took several steps toward her at once. She took the same number of steps away, slowly bringing them closer together. He threw up his head and snorted, curious eyes locked on her now. Her voice was softer now. They repeated the process over and over, until she felt his breath on her shoulder. She forced herself to take a few small steps away from him, and he mimicked, ending up at her shoulder again. She started walking slowly away from him, and heard his footsteps behind her immediately. This time she didn't stop. He stayed at her shoulder as she turned and walked one way, then the other way. A bright smile lit her face. She knew it now: this was going to be her horse, in love, and trust. She came to a stop and felt his nose bump her shoulder and pull back a little. She slowly turned around and looked up at him. There was no fear in his eyes, not exactly trust either, but he seemed willing to try. She reached out her hand, offering it for him to smell. He did so carefully, and allowed his nose to be stroked by her gentle fingers.
Suddenly she turned and sat on the ground, ignoring a pebble that was wedged into her butt. Keno was once again surprised; he didn't like that he would have to lower his head to see her clearly. Somehow he knew she was testing him to see if he would trust her where he couldn't see her, right in front of him. A horse's vision does not go to directly in front of them because of their spacious foreheads. It takes a great deal of trust for them to not be nervous when something they have always hated is in that range they cannot see. Keno stuck out his nose and bumped her lightly.
“Good boy.” She cooed and kept talking now, as she got up and stood next to him, his eye on her. She carefully scratched his neck on that spot every horse is itchy because of the dirt and dandruff in their manes. Instead of pushing it and making him even more wary of her, she briskly turned and walked to the gate, finally breathing regularly again. Keno watched her go with ears pricked. When she shut the gate behind her she was nearly suffocated with people who were commenting and questioning and saying disparaging things. She grit her teeth and breathed deep, trying to keep her legs from running away.
“HEY!” She yelled. Everyone quieted. She gave a meaningful look around.
“Okay. Now that I can actually hear myself think, I'll take your questions one at a time or not at all.” She breathed easier now that she had more room and focused her gaze on a particularly eager looking man.
“Yes?” She directed at him.
“Why did you stop there? You were doing so well, better than anyone else has ever done.” He asked. She smiled simply at him.
“Well I didn't want to push him too far and ep bap back where I started. I've known horses to make a game out of it after a while and I don't want that.”
“Where did you learn that?” Another, portly man asked her.
“My mother taught me how to handle horses. I figured out that method after starting a few.” Many of the people whispered to each other before another spoke.
“You plan to ride that animal in two weeks?” A blonde man with perfect dimples and a handsome smile was directing that at her.
“Have you ever had contact with or seen this horse before today?”
“Nope.” She said to disbelieving murmurs.
“You tryin' ta prove somethin'?” A dark, slightly handsome man drawled. He had a broken shoulder from his try with Keno a week ago.
“No. The lord said I could have him if I could sit astride him in two weeks.” The tall man laughed. She wasn't so sure she liked this man.
“Anyone who wants that beast is mad.” Now she knew she didn't like him. He chuckled. “You gotta be crazy ta go in there without a whip.” She trembled as she clenched and unclenched her hands to keep from jumping on the man.
“That horse will never be mistreated again.” Her cheery sweet voice sounded like cold steel. The man attempted to smile, surprised at the intensity and dislike in her voice. She glared at him before turning on her well-clad heel. After a few strides, she noticed the silver haired man she had noticed before was following her and stopped at the barn door to allow him to catch up.
“Yes?” She said impatiently. He raised an off-white, almost silver eyebrow.
“What's your problem?” He asked nonchalantly.
“These people!” She exploded. “They all seem to think the only way to train a horse is to break it's spirit. Well I beg to differ!” She waited for an argument, and was momentarily thrown to see the agreement in his eyes. It was almost impossible to find a person who did not believe in the whip, except in the most desperate times. It wasn't that she didn't discipline the horse, if they ever tried to bite her, or show some type of disrespect toward her that was uncalled for, she would never be averse to giving them a little swat on the nose. But to beat them into submission was just plain wrong, and everyone else didn't seem see this.
“I know. I can't seem to find a good trainer anywhere that goes by gentler methods.” Her shook his head in defeat. Her eyes widened imperceptibly.
“Tell me mister…”
“Takahashi. Inuyasha Takahashi.” He supplied.
“Tell me Mr. Takahashi, do you have the omnipresent prejudice against females that most men hold?” She tried to sound casual but failed. He smiled at her eagerness.
“I have no prejudice against women unless they prove themselves less worthy than a man. For that fact, I have met one very adept woman at the training of horses, which is usually reserved for men.” He watched as she attempted to not look too impressed.
“Really, who?” She was still trying hard not to look too excited. Another woman who trained horses? She would definitely have to meet her!
“I have not asked her name yet, thought I intend to. What is your name, girl?” Her eyes fluttered in surprise that he was talking about her, before she locked her eyes on him.
“Rin.” She whispered. He smirked.
“Would you came and work at my stables at the end of the two weeks here Rin?” She struggled not to shout an immediate YES! And tried to think it out a little.
“What about Keno?”
“There would be a stall and paddock for him.”
“Where would I sleep?”
“There is an apartment above the horses that is your if you want it.”
“What will I eat?”
“I will provide your meals until you collect your first paycheck, and you will be welcome to eat dinner with me anytime you please.” She just simply ran out of questions.
“Yes.” A s bro broke out on her face. “YES!” She laughed aloud. She hoped he wouldn't think too badly of her for her outburst. Or the fact that she had thrown her arms around him in a quick embrace, making his cheeks burn. She turned and started into the stable, whistling happily. Maybe her luck had turned for the better; she sure hoped so, because she didn't know how much longer she could have gone day to day trying to beg meals.
He was smirking as he watched the sway of her hips as she made here way down the aisle. He looked down contritely and wondewhatwhat he had gotten himself into.
A/N Bear with me and my slowness too! Okay! It'll come ASAP! I have too much to do and I'm starting this fic, so I'll do the best I can to update it every week. REVIEW PLEASE!!
Anyone want to guess pairings? There are some that you won't expect. All normal charas will be in it: Sesshou, Kagome, Inu, Rin, Sango, Miroku. Guesses anyone? Oh, don't forget Kikyou!