InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Kagome's note ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter one: Kagome's note

Have you ever fallen in love with somebody at first sight? Did he or she have the most out standing features? Maybe it was the weight of the world on their shoulders, or even the phases of the moon that changed everything. Well, it could have been anything but it first was shown one night. Yeah that one faithful night, when she met her prince charming. With his long silver hair, amber eyes and his velvet soft dog-ears. He didn't say a word, but he swept her clear off her feet at the ball. Kagome could have sworn that she had a certain closeness to this stranger, she could feel it in her very soul that some how this boy knew her better than anyone she had ever known even her closest friend.

Speaking of her friend, where was he? They promised to at least dance with each other once that night. Come to think of it, she had not seen him since before sunset earlier that very same day.

'He said he'd be here.' She thought to herself as she sadly watched the beautifully dressed couples hold one another close while they danced to the music under the stars.

-Earlier that Day-

"Kagome, wake up. Lady Kagome." He whispered softly into her ear.

The morning sun danced on her baby blue sheets, the warmth spread all over her body as a slender body slid under the sheets with her.

"Inuyasha?" She said slightly opening one of her eyes, "You can't be in here, remember what happened last time they found you trying to sneak into my bed with me?"

"Yeah, but it was well worth it." He laughed quietly. "Besides, if you're not getting up I'm coming in with you. It's only fair."

She giggled as she pulled the covers over her body, "Inuyasha?"

"Hmm?" He replied reaching for the sheets.

Kagome turned over and laid her head on his chest, "Would you do something for me?"

Inuyasha ran his fingers through her hair gently, "And what would you like me to do for you?"

"Come to the ball tonight with me," She asked as she rolled on top of him. Holding up her head with her palms giving him the most pleading puppy dog eyes she could summon up so early in the morning.

He was silent for a few minutes, contemplating on what he should say. He didn't want to upset her, but there would be no way that he could go. First of all he was a peasant. Second, since he wasn't royalty, unlike Kagome, he wasn't even supposed to be in her room. The palace servants would skin his hide if he was found.

"Inuyasha, please?" She begged him.

He watched Kagome's eyes turn glassy as she forced back her tears. Gently he put his hand to her soft cheek. A tear slipped down her pale face, and sadly he wiped it away and tried his hardest to keep a positive attitude at least for her sake.

"You know that's not possible Kagome." He sighed, "But please don't cry, I'll figure something out. I always do."

She smiled as she laid her forehead against his. His eyes showed so much worry, but he had compassion and Kagome loved him for that. Actually she loved everything about him; from his violet eyes and long black hair, to his capability to always keep her smiling.

There came a knocking at the door, causing Kagome to gasp. Quickly she climbed off of Inuyasha and draped a robe over her revealing silk pajamas. Another knock came at the door followed by a woman's voice.

"Kagome dear, time to wake up. We have to go try on dresses for the ball tonight. Hurry and get ready." Her mother said loudly.

"Okay mother, I will get ready." Kagome answered tying the robe strap around her waist.

"I will be back up in two hours darling, and you'd better be ready to go." Her mom's voice said as it faded.

When she was positive that her mother had departed the wing, Kagome turned to Inuyasha, who was over by her huge Victorian windows. His arms crossed over his chest, staring into the garden. Kagome walked over to him leaning her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes she sighed.

"Will you always be here for me Inuyasha?" She whispered.

"Of course I will Kagome. We've been friends for almost six years now. I would do anything for you, all you have to do is ask." He told her as he ran his fingers up and down her robed arm.

She could hear footsteps coming towards her room, accompanied by loud whistling. Kagome gripped Inuyasha's arm and whispered. "You must go. Sango draws near. If she sees you, I just don't know what could happen to you this time."

Inuyasha nodded as he quickly embraced Kagome in a hug. He lowered his lips to her ear and whispered back, "Meet me by the forest entrance before you leave. I wanna tell you something important."

As the door swung open, he was gone. The wind blew through the lace curtains and Kagome sighed as she turned to her dear friend and flashed her the most genuine smile. Sango raise her eyebrows suspiciously as she closed the gigantic wooden doors and locked them.

"So, he was here again wasn't he?" Sango said emotionlessly as she walked over to Kagome's bed and began to pull off the sheets.

"Oh, please don't tell anyone Sango. I can't stand to see him hurt like last time." Kagome pleaded at the woman's side.

"Don't worry lady Kagome, you should learn to relax more. I'm not like the other servants around this prison." Sango smiled assuring the young princess.

Kagome giggled and waited for Sango to finish before they sat down on a plush carpet where Kagome told Sango all what happened. The young maiden's eyes were glassy and starry when she finished. Looking at the open windows she let out yet another sigh.

"But there are many reasons why nothing has ever gone on between him and I." She continued growing depressed.

"Why is that Lady Kagome?" Sango asked.

"One; because we are very close friends. Two; law doesn't permit such marriages, and one of the main reasons are my parents are throwing this ball, to introduce me to 'fine' young bachelors who have a very high stature in other kingdoms." By now she was on the verge of tears when Sango got to her feet dragging Kagome with her.

"You have to get ready. Go, before your mom comes back." Sango shooed Kagome into the bathroom.

After a few minutes Sango heard water running, she sighed walking over to the windows and smiled, "So how much did you two hear?"

There came a rustling in the brush when two males came slightly out of the shadows.

"Enough." Replied a young man with purple robes. His hair was tied at the nape of his neck, but though his eyes and hands wandered he showed a passion for those of in dyer need.

"Sis, is Lady Kagome going to the ball with Inuyasha?" A young boy asked eagerly.

The girl shrugged her shoulders and sighed as she gave the boys a smile then closing the window.


Inuyasha avoided the guards as he exited the castle grounds and he slowly walked to the edge of the forest, right to the entrance.

'There's no way I can go to that ball.' He thought to himself as he climbed up a tree to keep himself hidden. 'Everyone in the palace knows what I look like. How can I change my appearance?'

He looked through the leaves of the tree hoping for the moon to help give him an answer, but it was nowhere in sight. 'It's not there, that means…' His mind raced with possibilities, 'But I can't. I won't do that.'

The hours dragged on as Inuyasha tried to think of a way to tell Kagome that wouldn't be able to go with her.

"I guess he got tired of waiting for her." A voice said as the person walked passed the tree where Inuyasha hid in.

"What are you doing here Miroku? Shouldn't you be at the castle talking about the ominous black cloud that only a monk of your stature could see?" Inuyasha spat jumping out of the tree.

"Aye, I deserved that." Miroku sighed, "I have a message from Lady Kagome."

"What did she say?" Inuyasha asked quickly.

"No clue, she told me not to read." Miroku said pulling an envelope from his robed and handing it to Inuyasha.

Quickly he grabbed it and opening it to read what was written on the note.

- Inuyasha, -

I am very sorry that I couldn't show up. My mother insisted that I show one of the early visitors around. I think she likes him. Well please accept my deepest apologies for this inconvenience. Come to my room before the sun sinks below the mountains. I will be waiting.

-Love, Kagome-

The boy dropped the note and took off towards the castle leaving one confused monk behind. Miroku bent over and retrieved the fallen message and read it before putting it into his robes. Grinning widely and slowly making his way back to his quarters.


Kagome waited patiently sitting at her vanity, looking at herself in the mirror. She wore an elegant blue dress. It had a peasant top that showed off the top of her breasts, the sleeves came to her wrists and had a lace ruffle flaring out covering her hands. The dress tightly covered her mid section showing off her curves, before it descended into a dress that made her look stunning. Even with her slightly heeled shoes, the dress came past her feet and barely dragged onto the marble floor.

Her long hair was put into a classy bun with strands of hair left out that were curled and left to hang over her face. It wouldn't be long till sunset and she prayed that her note had reached its destination. She sighed heavily as she looked down at her unamusing nails.

A few minutes went by and Kagome got to her feet. 'He's not coming,' Her mind said depressed as her eyes lowered to the floor sadly. She turned around and was about to leave when she heard her glass door close.

"Sorry that I'm late." He said, "I had a run in with some distractions."

Kagome smiled as she faced Inuyasha and rushed to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. "I thought you wouldn't show." She sniffled holding back her tears.

A little dazed by her actions, he patted his friend's back softly, "Please don't cry. I would never miss a moment to see you."

She let go of him and stood back. She couldn't help but smile, 'If only he knew.' She thought aimlessly to herself. Inuyasha eyed Kagome's outfit and was completely speechless, not to mention breathless at what he saw, all he could do was stare.

"Do I look okay?" She asked self-consciously smoothing out the imaginary wrinkles from her dress.

Shaking his head he took one of her hands into his, "You look gorgeous." He noticed the blush in her face and he smiled. "Mi Lady, can I have this dance?" He bowed then winked as he stood up straight.

Covering her mouth to hide the giggles, she nodded. Inuyasha gently put one of his hands across her waist and held her hand with the other. Kagome slipped off her heels and put her free hand onto his shoulder. Though there was no music, they glided around the room silently. Kagome stared into her friends violet eyes and she lost herself. She leaned in closer and laid her head on his shoulder. Her breath became caught in her chest as he held her closer, tightening his grip around her waist. She soon relaxed and closed her eyes.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha whispered softly into her ear.

"Hmm?" She could faintly hear him, she was so close to sleep.

"Will you be mine?" He asked a little louder, but not by much.

Without stopping to think she replied, "Always and forever."

Their dancing somehow seemed to intensify in closeness as they twirled around in slow circles.



"Will you be mine?"
