InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Transformation ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter two: Transformation

Before he could answer somebody knocked on the door, followed by an old voice, "Lady Kagome, tis time for ye."

"Coming Kaede." Kagome yelled pulling away from Inuyasha.

She silently apologized as she rushed to her shoes and slipped them on. She gazed back at a confused and saddened boy. Kagome went back to him and kissed his cheek, before running out of her room and disappearing down the wing.

He stood there in silence for a moment holding his cheek, 'She kissed me.' He thought completely dazed he just stood there unaware of anything or anyone around him.

"Inuyasha? Hey Inuyasha?" Miroku called worriedly waving his hand in front of his friend.

Sango stood at Miroku's side, she watched Inuyasha; hand on his cheek, blushing and completely red in the face.

"He's gone." She said walking into the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later with a bucket, "Move back unless you want to get wet."

She raised the bucket over her head and dumped the cold contents of water onto the silent boy.

"I wouldn't mind if it was you getting wet." The monk said under his breath as he placed a hand on Sango's thigh.

She let out a cry of anger and surprise as she felt a hand on her thigh. Smacking Miroku with the bucket, he went tumbling to the floor.

"YOU HENTAI!" she screamed as she straddled him, grabbing the sides of his robes and hitting him over and over with her fist.

All the monk could do was smile widely with a red face when he realized the position they were in, while a lovely Sango beat him to an inch of his life.

There was a loud exhale of breath as everything around Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha became dark, the sun was setting and quickly at that. Sango turned around to face Inuyasha, his body became engulfed in a bright light as he collapsed to his knees. She let out a scream as she clung to the barely conscious monk's robes.

Miroku gaped at his friend and wrapped his arms around the terrified servant. Though the windows were closed, a fierce wind blew. Inuyasha's black hair fluttered in the wind wildly as the black color of his hair faded turning silver, and growing a bit longer.

His once closed violet eyes opened and surveyed the room, now as a pair of bright, amber eyes. Inuyasha lifted his hands to his face as nail like claws grew from his fingertips. He brushed a hand through his hair and two velvet, silver dog-ears twitched.

Inuyasha stood on his feet, his once brown peasant clothes transformed into a red haori with matching pants, that Miroku couldn't quite register

"Damn it." He said gruffly as he made his way to the glass door.

"Inuyasha?" Miroku asked looking at the man that walked away.

"You should have never seen me like this." Inuyasha sighed angrily.

Sango finally found the courage to leave the monk's arms and stood, "Inuyasha, what about Kagome?"

"What about her?" he asked turning to face his friends. His eyes were piercing their very souls.

"You promised her, you'd go to the ball." She said lowering her gaze to the floor.

"Who said I wasn't going?" he smirked, an evil grin covered his face.

"But you can't go like that!" Miroku yelled standing onto his feet.

Inuyasha glared at the two people behind him before he tuned and opened the door. "Watch me!" he was about to leave as he climbed onto the ledge. "Oh, and if you tell anyone about me, or my secret I will slice your throats." Then he was gone.


Kagome walked down the hall silently, Kaede at her side rambling about nonsense. "Now, first impression is everything mi lady. These men are coming in hope of gaining your heart as well as hand in marriage. And I want ye to have a good time."

She nodded as Kaede stopped her and looked over the young princess. Frowning Kaede sniffed the air. "You smell like dirt." The elderly woman reached into her pocket and drew out a small perfume. "Spin." She commanded. Kagome obeyed and lightly spun in a slow circle as the perfume was sprayed.

She coughed catching a mouthful of the perfume as Kaede gently pushed her out into the room. Many people were already there, some dancing and others mingling with others. Kagome sighed as she quietly made her way to her mother's side.

"Kagome, my darling, you look absolutely gorgeous!" her father said as he stood from his chair, lightly hugging his daughter.

"Thank you father," she grinned as she went to seat next to her mother's and sat down.

The night rolled by slowly and Kagome kept her eyes out for Inuyasha. A few daring men had asked her to dance and she declined politely. Growing quite bored, the young princess got up from her seat as a young man approached.

She walked passed him, without even a smile or a side-glance. She quickly walked down the stairs headed away from the music, when somebody grabbed her wrist.

"Inu--?" she turned to see a man with long black hair and black eyes. Something about him gave her the creeps and she pulled herself out of his grasp.

"Mi lady, shall we dance." It was more of a demand as he reached out for her. She stepped back.

"No we shall not." She growled as she turned and began to walk away.

"I don't think that's a good answer!" he growled back standing in front of Kagome. She gasped as he angrily grabbed her arm and flung her body against his. He held her tightly against his cold body.

Desperately she looked around for an escape, finding none she almost cried. When the song ended Kagome tore away from the man's grasp and ran into the people around her.

'Hopefully I can hide!' she thought. Her eyes darted around, she was about to give up hope when she saw a flash of silver and red. It was coming from a rather dark corner. Without hesitating she walked to it, noticing it was a young man. Kagome looked back into the crowd and saw a rather angry man walking towards her.

"Please kind sir, would you dance with me?" Kagome pleaded with the man hidden in the shadows.

"Feh." He grunted. "Why should I?"

Kagome looked at the man with pleading eyes as the fear consumed her. "Oh please, please just this once. I'll do anything."

The man with black eyes smiled widely as he placed a hand on the young princess' shoulder. She tensed up under his grasp and closed her eyes before she plastered a fake smile on her face and turned around.

"I almost lost you there for a moment princess." He hissed.

She nodded a bit then glanced up at the man with silver hair.

"So can I have this dance or not?" he continued, agitatedly tightening his grip.

"Uh..well..I..uh.." she stuttered her voice was small and quiet.

"Well you're going to have to wait in line." The silver hair boy said as he stepped out into the light with a mischievous grin on his face.

"And why is that!" the other man growled venomously as he glared daggers.

"Because this little lady here has already promised me a dance, and we were about to start when you decided to rear your ugly head into our private conversation."

Kagome looked up at her savior with silver hair as he took her by the wrist, leading her out into the crowd of dancing people. A genuine smile crept over her face as she stared at his stern face. His voice may have been a little rough when he first began to speak to her, but now it was like wow. No sooner as she drifted off into a fantasy land had the boy lightly placed his hand on her waist. Snapping back into reality she blushed and placed her hand onto his shoulder.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Feh," he started. "I didn't do it for you. I just couldn't stand the look on that guy's face."

Her gaze never left his face, or his eyes for that matter. They were an amber color, which hypnotized her. She felt as though she was in heaven dancing in the clouds.

'Why is she staring at me like that?' he thought. ‘Maybe if I act like a jerk she won't ask me any questions.' Many questions ran through his mind as the music faded. Inuyasha didn't want to let go of Kagome, not now or ever. He wished for the song to last forever, just so he could hold her in his arms.

One song ended and another began and they still danced. After a while of debating, Inuyasha pulled Kagome closer to his body, his arm hung loosely across her backside.

Kagome was surprised when the boy pulled her closer, 'I thought he didn't want to dance with me in the beginning?' The end of the ball came all too soon for Kagome and she gave him a smiled before reluctantly letting go of her savior.

"Thank you, so much. For everything, I had fun." She said as she got to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Uh..well…it was no problem." He blushed.

"Yeah. It's nice to know that I can have fun at times. Goodbye." She smiled as she turned to walk away. She only managed to take a few steps when she felt his claws wrap around her wrist.

"Wait!" he said nervously, "C-can I-I w-walk you to your sleeping quarters?"

Kagome giggled as he came up to her side. She nodded and he let his grip loosen and he put his arm behind his back as they quietly began to walk down the empty hallway.


Jealous eyes stared at a certain two people as they danced the night away. He grew angry, more or less enraged. "I almost had her. Why did that hanyou get in my way!" he growled under his breath. He needed to find a new way to get the young maiden to be his.

"I see that you have your eyes on my wonderful daughter." A rather bright old man said.

"Yes, sire she is a sight for sore eyes." He replied.

"I truly hope she finds a suitor soon." The king sighed.

Intrigued by the depression of the king, the rather elegant man turned his dark eyes onto the king.

"And how does one go about doing this?" the man questioned.

"By the second night when the moon is new, if my daughter has not found a respected man above society, I will arrange for my daughter to be wed." the kind seemed to grow even more saddened when he finished.

The man stared into the eyes of the king. His smiled grew wider as his once dark black eyes became red. Kagome's father slumped into a state of unconsciousness on his feet as the man's glowing eyes hypnotized him.

"If Lady Kagome doesn't find a suitor by the next moon, you shall wed her to me. Lord Naraku." The man said quietly so no one could hear.

"If my daughter doesn't find a suitor by the next moon. I shall wed her to you, Lord Naraku." The king repeated flatly.

Naraku smiled as he bowed then turned and walked away, leaving the castle was quite easy since his decision was made by only using what little of the vast knowledge that he held.
