InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Confession ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Three: Confession

Naraku quickly climbed into his coach, it was hard to remove the grin from his face, even for a man with a smirk that could kill.

"Welcome back Lord Naraku." A woman said hidden from view.

"Aye, Kagura, I suppose you have information on our lost brother to the western lands heir?" Naraku questioned as the carriage began to quickly move down the now empty dirt roads.

"Yes, master Naraku, though all records of him seemed to disappear a little over six years ago, after the attack on the Western Empire." Kagura replied uninterestedly.

"So what should I be looking out for?" He asked as the mist surrounded the carriage as they turned into the forest.

"Mostly like his brother Sesshomaru, he has silver hair--" she started.

"Eyes of amber, dark red Kimono and a foul attitude to his superiors." He finished angrily as he clenched his fists.

"Aye, but how did you know? I don't think that you have any mind powers, well that I know of anyway." Kagura was a little surprised that her lord finished her sentences and that his anger had somewhat skyrocketed as they quickly approached the hidden castles in the kingdom's forest.

"He's made an appearance at the King’s celebration." He hissed as he pulled out a small vial. "I'll be back, just go back to the castle and get more information."

Kagura nodded as Naraku drank the contents of the vial, with a poof of smoke he turned into a raven and flew out of the window. Back towards the king's castle.


Kagome sighed as they approached her bedroom door. 'So my night comes to an end and yet I am not happy.' She thought as she clasped the doorknob with her hand. Looking back at the silver haired boy she smiled.

"I've had a wonderful time tonight," she started. "If only this night hadn't have to come to an end so quickly."

Inuyasha couldn't help but smirk, 'She had fun.' He gently took one of her hands into his own and kissed it. His fangs lightly grazing her knuckles, sending chills up her spine. He could feel her tense up. She blushed lightly at his actions.

"It doesn't have to end here." He whispered as he leaned closer to her.

At first Kagome stepped back, and yet he still drew closer. She could see the lust in his bright amber eyes clearly, it scared her a bit. When her back was pressed lightly against the wall, he smirked. There was a moment where he just stared at her, taking in the shape of her body and the scent she was giving off. She watched him as he licked his lips.

"I….." he grunted as he eagerly pushed his body up against hers.

Kagome gasped when he put his head in the crook of her neck, a warm feeling spread throughout her body as his hot breath caressed a small spot on her neck. She closed her eyes as he slowly began to kiss her collarbone. Reluctantly Kagome pushed him back, fighting her urge just to kiss him. She breathed heavily as she stared up into his amber orbs.

"I'm sorry, but we… I can't." she said lowering her gaze to the floor.

Inuyasha put his claw under her chin and brought her eyes back to his. He could smell her arousal, and he couldn't control himself. Inuyasha wanted her right there and then.

'You can't!' his mind screamed, 'If she's not the one you'll kill her!' his human self kept ranting trying to gain some control, though it didn't seem to be working too well at the moment. His demon senses were in control.

"Yes we can." He mumbled leaning into her closely and closed his eyes.

Kagome eyes grew wide, 'Did he?' just as his lips came closer she moved her head and he tenderly kissed her cheek. She could hear him growl with disappointment, but she couldn't and she wouldn't.

"NO!" she pushed him away. "My heart belongs to somebody else. I am his, always and forever. And I could never be with you."

The tears swelled in her eyes as she turned, walking into her bedroom, closing then locking the door behind her. As she changed into her pajamas the tears slowly made their way down her cheeks. She looked at herself in her vanity mirror. Her eyes were puffy, slightly swelled, and red, and her once put up hair, hung loosely down her face. Kagome sighed heavily as she wrapped her arms around her chest.

"How can I love somebody who can't love me back?" she cried walking to her bed and collapsing onto her mattress, not caring if she was covered or not.

Soon Kagome fell into a restless sleep a little before dawn.


Inuyasha pressed one of his dog-ears against the wall as he listened for Kagome. Her words still lingered in his mind. "My heart belongs to somebody else. I am his always and forever."

'Always and forever? Did she honestly mean that? Does she have feelings for me as a human? Do I have the same feelings for her?'

"Feh," He growled, "Of course not! I would never feel any emotional attachments for a human girl. They're weak."

'Then why were you all over her?' a voice asked, 'I wasn't all over her!' he thought, 'Yes you were, and if she had not of stopped you. I can give you one hint on where you'd be right now!' the voice snickered.

"Yeah right, I'd never do anything with that human." He continued to talk to himself for a while longer until he stopped fighting with himself long enough to head around to her bedroom window and find out what she was up to.

Silently he listened, trying to catch every word she's happened to mutter to herself.

"How can I love somebody who can't love me back?" he heard her cry and his heart ached in his chest as his senses began to dull.

Quickly he rushed off her window and into the garden. He stopped when he reached a large water fountain. He sat on the edge and gazed into the water, a sad look on his hanyou face.

"How can I be like this?" he asked out loud as golden shimmering light poured over him as the sun rose from behind the mountains.

His hair darkened as his dog-ears disappeared along with his claws and fangs. His clothes transformed back into normal and his normal ears picked up the silent chirping of a near by blue jay in its nest. Inuyasha's sense of smell dimmed then went away completely.

Sadly he stared at his human form in the water's reflection. His eyes glowed violet as the rays of sun began to warm his cold body. 'If only you knew the truth about my past Kagome, then you'd understand everything.' He thought as he rose to his feet once more.

Soon he found himself back at Kagome's window. He sighed rather heavily as he replayed the night's events over and over in his mind. 'Why did I even try? I don't have even a faint chance.'

Quietly he entered her room and approached Kagome's bed. She lay out stretched on her silk blankets, asleep. He couldn't help but smile as he climbed onto the bed, sitting next to her. He always did the same routine each morning and each morning Kagome would worry that he would get caught. But Inuyasha was smarter than that.

As softly as he could Inuyasha pulled a blanket out from underneath Kagome's sleeping figure and covered her up. He brushed the stray strands of hair away from her face. She smiled at his touch, groaning a bit she put her arm over his torso and wrinkled her face.

"It's too early to get up Inuyasha.." she mumbled, "Come on…. Let's go back to…. hmmm… bed."

He blushed heavily and his breath caught in his chest. 'She's dreaming of me?' his heart began to pound fiercely in his throat, everything seemed different, and he liked it. Though he knew that something bad would happen and it would bite him in the ass and hard.

Inuyasha could feel Kagome pull on his tunic, trying to pull him closer. After a moment or two she stopped moving and drifted back off into her fantasy world. He tried to think of something to do, but nothing came to mind. He just sat there silently trying to think.

Kagome frowned again as she stirred, slightly opening her eyes and sleepily looking up at Inuyasha. Her face grew hot, but she was glad that he was there. She wanted him to be with her, but only if he wanted to though. She hated to force him to do things even if they were for his best interest.

"Inuyasha?" she yawned sitting up, "when did you get here?" she stretched out a bit and tried to smile.

"A little while ago, but don't worry." He said as he flashed her his big pearly whites.

Kagome let out another tired yawn as she moved closer to Inuyasha. She laid her head on his chest, forcing him to lean back on her pillows. She wrapped one of her free arms around his torso again and closed her eyes, smiling widely even blushing a bit.

"Get some sleep Inuyasha." She whispered trying to get him to relax his tense body and ego.

Inuyasha thought that he was going to die there and then as she fell asleep on him. Finally when his heartbeat became regular again his eyes drooped, he yawned. Sleep was fighting him for control but he had to stay away incase anyone came into Kagome's room with him still there. He blinked but his eyes didn't open, sleep had won and claimed the tired human.


A rather large raven sat perched in a dying oak tree, its limbs were dark gray and no leaves ever blossomed from its branches. His small black round and beady eyes watched the princess through the open curtained window. He sat in solitude, not moving, cawing, or blinking. The bird expanded his wings to their full length and glided onto the grass that instantly died and turned brown as the raven walked.

As it neared the balcony the bird's body expanded and the once black feathers turned into silky black fur. His talons transformed into tiny paws with razor sharp claws. The tail curved and stretched out becoming flexible, long and soft. The now misshapen raven's head expanded, its beak disappeared but left whiskers, ears and cat ears.

The cat licked its lips as its dark green eyes scanned its surroundings. Standing right below the balcony, the cat pushed on his hind legs and leaped onto the ledge. Then jumped down onto the floor. He was making his way towards the windowed type door when he heard something coming. The cat shrunk in size about ten times before a rather familiar silver haired, boy joined the unseen cat on the princess’ balcony.
