InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Information ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Four: Information.

The cat watched the hanyou look up into the sky, then take off. Curiously the cat leaped back onto the oak tree and quickly climbed onto the highest branch. He watched in amazement as the silver haired boy transformed to a dark haired human. It intrigued him, 'So that's how you got away from me the first time.' He thought as he climbed down from the tree. The cat quickly transformed back into a raven and flew into the forest, heading back to his castle.


Miroku and Sango walked quickly and silently down the halls. They had to check on Kagome.

"Do you even have the faintest clue to what happened last night?" Sango asked the monk.

He shook his head, "I've only known him since everyone else."

"Why wouldn't he tell us about something like that?" she asked confusedly.

Miroku tried to think as they neared the Princess' door, "I don't know my dear Sango, but it probably has to do with him changing into a demon."

"You could feel it too?"

"Yeah, though I couldn't believe my own eyes."

"I know how you feel. I was so scared." Sango whispered as she stood in front of a closed door.

As she reached for the door handle she felt pressure on her bottom Her eyes went wide as her hand whirled in a quick motion, sending one poor monk across the room. He practically flew into a wall.

"You hentai! I can't believe that you'd grope me at a time like this!" she growled towering over the fallen monk.

"What time would this be?" he asked confusedly.

"Did you not over hear a word the king said!" she yelled.

Miroku climbed to his feet and brushed himself off, "I make it a task not to listen in on private conversations."

"You're so full of it." Sango gritted her teeth and walked back over to the large wooden door. She turned the handle, but it was locked. Frantically she shoved her hands into her many-pocketed apron searching for the keys.

"What's wrong Sango my love?" he questioned.

"The door's locked." She started as he pulled out a set of keys, "And I needed to find my--here they are!"

Eyebrows rose with curiosity, Miroku took his chances and very cautiously inched his way towards her. He hoped she hadn't noticed, but he was out of luck, because her listening skills were through the roof.

"If you get any closer I'll personally detach what makes you a man and feed it to the dogs." She said venomously as she unlocked the door after a few moments of trying multiple keys.

He gulped putting his hands behind his back and glancing down to the ground, 'She wouldn't…. Would she?' He quickly followed Sango into the young princess' room, not paying attention to where he was going, Miroku ran right into Sango.

She stood a few feet away from the gigantic canopy bed. At first Miroku could see Kagome sound asleep, then when his eyes looked upward to what she was resting her head on. His eyes bugged out and his jaw dropped. Sango let out a startled cry as she rushed back to the door, closed it then locking it. Unluckily for Inuyasha this action woke him up from a peaceful sleep.

He opened his eyes slowly to find a staring monk with his mouth wide open and a near hysterical servant picking up Kagome's dress from the night before. His body tensed up, completely stiff. Inuyasha rubbed the sleep from his eyes hoping that what was happening was just a dream, he had no such luck.

Sango stopped for a moment as new thought flooded her very suspicious ego. Her glare flashed to Inuyasha, who lay under a still sleeping peacefully princess. Her anger and irrational way o the situation took over and she stomped over to the foot of the bed.

"You disgusting pervert! How could you soil her!" she screamed loudly.

"W-Wait!" Inuyasha stammered, "I didn't! Hey! Who the hell do you take me as! I haven't soiled anybody!"

Inuyasha looked at Miroku who had an evil grin plastered to his face.

"Get that look off of your face monk! I didn't do anything to her!" he growled.

Kagome groaned lightly squeezing Inuyasha in her grasp causing him to blush. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled until she caught sight of Sango and Miroku in her room. She withdrew her grasp from Inuyasha and jumped out of her bed and ran to her bathroom and locked the door.

"Get Miroku out of my room!" she yelled through the door.

"Lady Kagome I have some very bad news to give you!" Sango said through the opposite side of the bathroom door.

"What is it!" Kagome asked.

"I need to tell you face to face or you might do something that you might regret later mi lady."

The door opened and Kagome stepped out, covered in a robe. She looked at Sango who guided her back over to the huge canopy bed next to Inuyasha, who straightened himself up a bit.

"Okay," Kagome sighed.

"Last night I over heard a conversation between your father and a Lord Naraku." Sango began.

Inuyasha gave an unnerving glance at the monk who just nodded as he listened intently himself.

"And they made an agreement." She continued.

"What type of agreement Sango?" Kagome asked confused.

Sango hesitated for a moment, "That if you have not found a suitor by the next new moon, you shall be wed."

"WHAT!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Shh, Inuyasha please!" Miroku whispered.

Kagome got off her bed, almost falling but she caught her balance with a horrified look in her eyes. She glanced at Inuyasha, her heart ached and she wanted to run to him, for him to hold her tight and tell her everything was going to be okay. But that wasn't going to happen.

"It gets worse," Miroku muttered loudly

Inuyasha glared daggers at the monk, "What do you mean 'it gets worse'?"

"I'm so sorry lady Kagome, but if the man you wish to marry isn't above society, you'll be forced to marry Lord Naraku." Sango finished looked at the floor.

Her body couldn't take it, nor could her heart. Kagome's knees buckled and she collapsed going instantly unconscious.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha gasped catching her in his arms before she hit the floor.

Sango sighed heavily and looked at Miroku sadly. "I can't believe that I have caused mi lady so much grief." She sniffed.

"My dear Sango, it's not your fault. You're just the barer of bad news." Miroku said gripping her by the shoulders tightly.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and stared silently at the unconscious princess in his arms, 'I'm so sorry Kagome' he thought, 'I want to always be by your side, but I can't. It's impossible, I can only love you from a distance.'

'Well you can always go back to your kingdom'
a voice said, 'NO! I will never return to that place, never shall I have to endure such chaos!'

A knock at the door tore Inuyasha from his thoughts. Sango's eyes widened as she pushed Miroku into the bathroom and helped Inuyasha put Kagome onto her bed.

"Go, Hide! It's Kaede!" Sango hissed pushing Inuyasha out of the glass door.

Just as Sango closed the door, the bedroom door opened and Kaede walked in, putting away her own set of keys.

"Sango, ye shouldn't lock the doors like that, people may get suspicious." The elderly woman said.

"I'm sorry mi lady," Sango whispered as she bowed, "I'll just go finish cleaning the bathroom."

Kaede nodded as she walked over to the edge of Kagome's bed, where she gently shook the young maiden awake.

"Princess Kagome, tis time for ye to get up. Ye have lots to accomplish today."

The sleeping princess stirred and opened her eyes, she yawned and slowly sat up.

"Er…hmm…I'm up. Give me a moment." Kagome said wiping her eyes.

"Ye don't have a moment to spare my lady. Ye have a visitor from the western lands and he will be here within the hour." Kaede said impatiently as she pulled Kagome from the comforts of her bed.

"Tell them I'm sick. I wish not to see anybody today." Kagome replied waving her hand, "Make them come back some other day, I'm a very busy person you know."

"What has gotten into ye Princess Kagome?" the elder woman demanded. "Ye have never acted so vile before! What is going on that ye will not tell me?"

"Nothing is wrong." She tried to sound as her normal self, "I just don't feel like having company today, that's all honest."

"Nonsense, ye will be dressed and ready by the time I get back, and ye will act like a lady or so help me god I'll figure out yer punishment!" with that the elderly woman angrily made her way out of Kagome's bedroom and loudly closing the door.

Sango came out with an unconscious Miroku after she was positive that Kaede was definitely gone. Kagome went over to her vanity and sat down in the chair. She put her chin in her hands and sighed heavily.

Inuyasha came back into the room with a blank expression on his face. He walked over to the upset Kagome and placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed it.

"It's going to be okay," he sighed.
