InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ The Epilogue-ish chapter ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don't own InuYasha, never have never will but like hell I don't own this story plot you bastards! Take it and die!

Okay so anyway, this is it you guys! The final chapter to this story that has been going on since December of 2003! Yeah it's been that long! I'm finally finished with this and I hope that soon I will finish with "
Bewitched" because there's only 1 1/2 chapters left for that!

I still can't believe that this story was nominated for Best Action/Adventure in the IY Guild Fanfiction contests and I love InuGrrl who nominated me and the people who kept the story in the running! It's still there baby and it's voting time! I'm so honored and happy that I was nominated, who cares if I don't win! It's just so spiffy that I'm giddy all over!

Well I guess I'll get started with the goods and my warning THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT AND FLUFFINESS! IF YOU ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR THIS CONTENT... then wait till your parents are asleep and read... 0-0 muhahahhahaz!


WIll you be mine?

By: Miztikal-Dragon

An Epilogue-ish chapter ^_^

Months, it had been months and still there was nothing. Rin and Sesshomaru were blessed with two small brats in the spring and the Inu-youkai was as cold as ever to anyone but his family that is. Everything had gone back to how it was before Naraku had come along, before he had played his little game of evil and eventually lost. Miroku and Sango had gone back to the Eastern Lands once Totosai was finished rebuilding it, most who had lived there did. Koga and Ayame were wed in late December and signed a treaty between wolves and Inu-youkai. Allies of Western lands and their new kingdom from the North was anticipated for the longest time.

Inuyasha had become the temporary leader of the Eastern kingdom but it was Sesshomaru who did all the work. The now human was seldom seen and when he was it was in the vast garden with Kagome by his side. She had yet to wake up from where she had gone, her brown eyes open yet not seeing. Whispers around the castle were told and even after the confirmation of Kagome’s pregnancy, there were words said that struck hard to hearts. Their princess could be carrying Naraku’s offspring and whether or not the child should be killed to be safe, but Inuyasha refused to allow it. He had told everyone in the castle that a child was necessarily born evil, it was the influences that shaped them that did. Other’s feared the scandal of a child being born out of wedlock and after it was brought to Sesshomaru’s attention, Kaede was allowed to perform a small ceremony on her princess and Inuyasha.

There were still constant whispers of course, but with time they seemed to be quieting down. Servants took care of Kagome when allowed, yet it was Inuyasha who was in charge of her and he aimed to keep it that way. It wasn’t long until he forgot how to smile and the people who saw him recognized the emptiness of his violet eyes, he was slowly losing hope that his princess would recover. Even Miroku and Sango became worried, however, they were at a disadvantage, nothing they said was ever heard by him, it was as though he’d gone dear or learned how not to care.

During her last visit, Rin had held Inuyasha close, silently hoping that he would show her any signs of life, anything that would ease her heart, but there had been nothing. He was a shell of the person he used to be around everyone, but yet he knew that there was always something left to hold onto. He wasn’t ready to give up just yet, not when he had so much to lose. Inuyasha didn’t talk to anyone anymore, he found no need to tell them that there was still no change, he didn’t want to chip away at pieces of their hearts. They had loved Kagome so much and he didn’t want to see the tears or unhappiness in their eyes, he didn’t think that he could handle it.

Running the brush softly through Kagome’s long ebony hair, he let a small sad smile come to his face, all he had left was her and he prayed every morning and night that she would get better. He needed a miracle. Her eyes were a dull brown and yet sometimes when he would watch her they would brighten just a bit and for a single moment he would believe that she was coming back to him. However, it would be gone as fast as it had come and leave a bigger hole in his heart to bleed. It was killing him to see her like this everyday. Gentle hands caressed her cheeks as he gazed at the image of them in the mirror, it was a dream that seemed to be too far away to reach for.

“I have a confession,” he said to Kagome, his violet eyes closing as he took a deep breath. “Kagome, sometimes when I’m asleep and the morning comes I believe that time has flown back and I turn over and see you there lying next to me. And, and I hope for you to open your eyes and smile at me and then tell me that your dad would be furious if they found me. A lot of this is my fault, the reason why Naraku was allowed to be on his rampage for so long. I could have prevented it all from happening, but I didn’t-I let you down Kagome and I won’t ever forgive myself.”

He was so close to tears that he could feel them burning at the backs of his eyes. Inuyasha knew that he was nothing but a pathetic human by fighting back his tears, yet he felt so helpless that he couldn’t think of anything else constructive to do. All he could do was swell on his self hatred and loathing. Wiping his eyes with his arm, he lowered his eyes to the floor. How long would it be of a wait before he could hear Kagome’s voice again, or the way she looked at him when she was hiding her amusement? When would the gads allow him to feel her arms tightly wrapped around him as he held her close? When would Kagome be allowed to be free from whatever held her captive? It was so heart breaking to constantly watch her everyday and yet never being able to be graced with the littlest of improvement.

Deciding that he needed to get out of the large room, Inuyasha coaxed the princess out of her seat and held her hand tightly as he guided her out to their balcony. It was mid afternoon and in an hour or so the sun would begin to set behind the mountains off in the distance. He wanted to show her something different for a change, something that Inuyasha tried to keep to himself. Nobody needed to know but the two of them and them alone. It took a little maneuvering to get her over the ledge, but it worked and as he carried Kagome bridal style in his arms he felt something in his heart calling out to something that was unattainable.

He walked with her in his arms, the soft grass under his bare feet cold at each step. Sesshomaru had Totosai build an enormous garden by Rin’s request and Inuyasha wanted to take Kagome there. It was one of the only places that he had taken her to where he felt was a place of magic and mystery. So many things were possibilities surrounded by the roses and other flowers, it was a sacred place where love was always said to bloom. A haven for happiness. The large fountain was in view and he headed towards it, there was just something about it that made him calm, it was a feeling that was becoming alien to him but Inuyasha was desperate and would graciously do whatever was needed to keep himself sane. To enable him to continue being himself and not break. Setting Kagome down on the stone bench, he kneeled in front of her and rested his head on her lap. He missed her so much that he couldn’t do anything on his own, he couldn’t think. Inuyasha closed his eyes and breathed in Kagome’s clean scent, even after everything that had happened to her, she was able to stay so innocent looking, so childlike that it pained him deep in his very soul.

“Gods Kagome is this really it?” He asked sadly talking to her, yet no one at the same time. “I’m so afraid that you’ll never wake up, that I’ll be alone for the rest of my pathetic life. I don’t know how to live without you, oh god Kagome please come back to me. I need you so bad! I miss you so much that I feel as though my heart is breaking a little more each day. I don’t wanna let you go, don’t abandon me please. Oh god please Kagome, I love you.”

His tears had started falling not even part way through his little confession, his pleading and they were like waterfalls. The moisture was gathering in Kagome’s dress, his face pressing closer to her body as he felt the tingling in his body. It hurt at first as his nails and teeth grew, his human ears being pulled to the top of his head and shaping into white dog ears. His eyes were closed but he was positive that if they were open he would have gone blind as they changed from violet to amber. Black hair faded as if it were suddenly aging, turning silver and bringing with it the heightened senses of a dog. It was over in a mere matter of moments, but for the life of him he couldn’t contain his sobs, they were long overdue and this time it was his very soul that was weeping.

Claws gripped at the soft material of Kagome’s dress and he felt himself falling apart, he needed her to be with him and not being able to have her back was pure agony. The wetness dripping onto his head was played off as water splashing from the fountain but when a gentle hand touched his head, the small fingers threading through the silver locks, his blood ran cold and he froze. Inuyasha wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating the feel of her moving but when he glanced up and water amber eyes found his feelings and emotions mirror in brown eyes, he chocked back a sob as he pulled her down into his arms, his chin resting on top of her silky onyx hair. It was like a dream come true, she was there, really there with him and he knew that things were looking up for him.

“Inuyasha?” Her voice was raspy, but barely louder than a whisper.

He could plainly smell her tears, but didn’t fully recognize that everything was real until her shaking arms snaked around his back and held onto him for dear life. Kagome had returned to him! Sure there were things that he had to tell her, things that were possibly devastating, yet he couldn’t tell her, the evidence was there hiding in the small swell of her stomach. It would be up to her whether or not her unborn child would live, but Inuyasha had the common sense to know that she would keep it. A child was a child and deep down he knew that it was his, he had the overwhelming feeling. He eventually would have to tell her what Kaede and Sesshomaru had done, the two of them (Inuyasha and Kagome) had been wet to protect her name and reputation yet that too was something neither of them would come to mind.

All these things were irrelevant to him at the moment, stories could be told later because he wasn’t going to let Kagome go, not now or ever. Pulling away from her, Inuyasha gave Kagome a reassuring smile and wiped away the tears that stained her face, she was too beautiful to be crying. He wanted to say so much, to tell her everything that had gone through his mind, but when he opened his mouth nothing came out. Seeing her happy smile touch her eyes, Inuyasha felt his heart skip a beat, his Kagome was really back to stay. Placing chaste kisses on her face as his hands rested next to her ears, Inuyasha laughed. There was just so much joy running through is veins that he couldn’t help it.

“Thank you,” he said in a hushed voice as he kissed her. “Oh god thank you Kagome! I’ll never let you go. I’ll protect you forever.”

Before his lips closed over hers in a searing kiss, Kagome blushed whispering, “I love you too Inuyasha.”


Hands searched for flesh as mouths devoured each other, eager tongues dancing to an unspoken music. They had been apart for so long and now as they fumbled to undress one another, Inuyasha and Kagome had found each other. There had been a lot of people trying to keep the two of them away, to keep them apart and one man had been successful. Neither of them had given up and in the end it paid off, they were having their fairy tale ending.

Clothes were eventually tossed haphazardly to the ground and a clawed hand snaked around a creamy pale waist. He couldn’t believe that he ws getting a second chance with the girl he had loved for so long. It was more than just a dream come true. Kagome’s arms snaked around his neck as he picked her up and took her to the enormous bed that had been made for a king and queen. Their bodies ached for more than just the gentlest of touches as he laid his body over hers, but it was all that he willed himself. There would be other moments like this, he was positive that there would be, however, right not it was all about them, about them finding their way back together from inside the darkness. It was a celebration of the love that they had that wasn’t taken away so easily.

Inuyasha trailed hot open mouthed kisses down her jaw line and throat, her fingernails digging into his scalp as he teased her core with his own appendages. He wanted her more than anything and his erect penis pulsing against her thigh was more than conclusive evidence of it. However, he was focused on the whimpers and mewling coming from Kagome’s lips as his mouth devoured her hard peaks, the human turned hanyou was showing his princess just exactly how much he had missed her. Inuyasha’s body was on fire as he captured Kagome’s mouth in a passionate kiss and as her inner walls closed around his fingers as she came, he didn’t want to let the servant interrupt them, they didn’t need to know that she was herself again until morning. Right now he needed to show her everything that had built up deep inside his heart, he needed her all to himself.

Her lovely smile brought butterflies to his stomach as she brushed away the silver hair from his sweaty face. Kagome looked so radian covered in perspiration and with bruised lips from demanding kisses. She was all he wanted and more. Inuyasha gave her his own smile as he leaned over to plant a chaste kiss on her lips. Everything that was happening was so perfect that he believed that absolutely nothing could ruin it. Shifting his body to a better position, he took his cock and teased her clit making a sultry moan escape Kagome’s throat. Inuyasha wanted to chuckle and he almost did until he spied the desire swimming in Kagome’s eyes. Biting down on his lip, Inuyasha slowly pushed himself into Kagome’s waiting body. She was so tight around him and at first he thought he would die, but as he released the breath he was holding he felt himself relaxing.

Amber yes gazed down at brown and Kagome thrusted her hips to meet his and the both of them moaned in pleasure. He was so close to losing control over his raging erection pulsing deep from inside Kagome’s core, but it was like she knew as she nibbled gently on the lip he was worrying between his canines. It was a tortuously slow pace in which he started on, but soon it grew to long and deep rapid thrusts that screamed for completion. Their loud moans were in unison as their bodies rocked together almost frantically, Inuyasha knew that Kagome was close, he could feel it as her muscles tense up around him.

He thrusted faster into her core as his mouth nipped at her pulse, he too was close and he didn’t know if he could hold on for much longer. Biting down gently on the apex of her neck and shoulder, Kagome cried out as her body stiffened and she fell over the edge into a sea of pleasure. Inuyasha was only a few thrusts behind Kagome, her name on his lips as he cried out during his own release. He waited until his heart stopped pounding in his chest before he pulled his now flaccid member from Kagome’s body and collapse in a panting heap next to her. The human turned hanyou laid on his back as he pulled Kagome onto his chest, his arm wrapped protectively around her back as he tugged the blankets over their nude bodies. He would never let her go, never.

“Inuyasha?” Kagome’s voice was soft as her hand gingerly ran across his chest.

“Hmmn?” He asked, his eyes opening a tad trying to fight off the need to sleep. She looked absolutely gorgeous to him no matter what the situation was.

“Will you be mine?” It had been a question he had asked her so long ago and one that when she had asked he had never been able to return with his own answer.

“Always and forever Kagome,” he whispered kissing her forehead and pulling her closer to his body. “Always and forever.”

THE END! (is that a happy ending I see?)

E/N: Yep well that's it folks! Good or bad please leave me some feedback. I have to know what you thought of if now as a whole! Flames are accepted because that's just how the cookie crumbles--- (Liar liar)

It's been a real peach posting this story for you guys! THE FANS ROCK MY SOCKS OFF! lol If you have not read my other stories please do, I love the attention. MaWr! Support you nearest Authoress, buy me CHOCO BANNANA POCKY! lol jk!

OKay yeah I have to answer one question left by a lot of you guys: IS KAGOME'S BABY NARAKU'S?

O-M-G NO! It's actually InuYasha's love child from chapter 26 when the two of them do the dirty dirty! I just couldn't do that to my readers, or myself.. Naraku's children would look reallu fugly because lets face it, beautiful evil guys like him only have horribly ugly deranged children.

