InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part six ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty-Six: Fighting for an end part seven

Sesshomaru stared icily at the evil hanyou merely yards away. The Inu-youkai had expected something different, something less disappointing. Evil red eyes burned into him and Tokijin pulsed eagerly as if it was nothing but a child whining for the candy on the table. Sesshomaru took a step forward and pain soared throughout his body as he was surrounded by a storm of electricity. Naraku laughed maliciously at the Inu-youkai but he couldn’t hide the trembling and fear in his voice. Sesshomaru glanced around the rather large room trying to pinpoint any other nuisance but the only things he saw was a glowing red orb and his half brother’s princess. He didn’t understand how he couldn’t get near Naraku.

“Welcome Sesshomaru,” Naraku spat as he glared at the Inu-youkai. “I’m not surprised that you found my whereabouts, but it’s all in vein. You see you can’t break Kanna’s barrier, its even too powerful for you.”

“You’re mistaken,” Sesshomaru growled. “There is no one stronger than me. NO one. “

Raising Tokijin, Sesshomaru charged the barrier, his youki encircling his blade like an ominous cloud before colliding with it. There was a small explosion as the barrier and blade clashed, an enormous wave of power surging like a tidal wave towards both of them. The Inu-youkai gritted his teeth as his flesh tore, but he remained silent as he listened to Naraku’s cry of pain, there was something off about it being a demon’s barrier and he would find out what it exactly was. Bringing Tokijin up again, Sesshomaru didn’t hesitate to strike again, if the barrier’s backlash was hurting the hanyou as well, then he would be able to endure the pain. He could smell the blood clearly as he saw light and most of it wasn’t his own, it was someone else’s. Narrowing his eyes, Sesshomaru glanced over to the orb and saw it brighten around the silhouette of the princess. Naraku’s laughter was forced, but it was malicious, something was up and the Inu-youkai charged the barrier once again, but what happened next wasn’t expected.

A female’s scream was like an explosion as the electricity went haywire hitting everything in its path. At one point it was too bright for Sesshomaru to see and his amber eyes closed feeling something rush passed him, the warm breeze almost feeling comforting. It took a minute for him to gather his bearing and open his eyes, but when he did he wished that he hadn’t. The room was filled with blood, human blood and Naraku was standing over the red orb that was now pulsing violently. The evil hanyou had a sinister smile on his face as he grabbed Kagome, he wasn’t going to let them win and as long as she was caring his child he would be back.

“This isn’t over yet Sesshomaru,” Naraku spat, the blood trickling from his lips. “I won’t let you take this power that belongs to me and me alone. I’ll come back even if you kill me. I am invisible!”

Sesshomaru didn’t respond as he picked up Tokijin, he wanted to scoff at the evil hanyou and tell him that he was just speculating but the evil hadn’t didn’t deserve any more time to stall. He needed to be eradicated and immediately. His eyes bled red ad he let his inner demon free, his whole body engulfed by Tokijin’s threatening and deadly aura. The once powerful barrier wasn’t even able to withstand him as he walked towards Naraku. It was always better to make the opponent squirm in fear before death overtook them, to see them beg for mercy. Naraku’s tentacles shot out from his body to attack Sesshomaru but when he lifted Tokijin, the dark brown appendages burst into flames of blue and green. Sesshomaru wasn’t playing games.

The blade was hypnotic and Naraku struggled to free himself as the red orb burst and disappeared into a ball of light. A large hole was created and it began to suck everything into it, the fierce wind circling them yet not blowing a single silver strand of hair on Sesshomaru’s body. The Inu-youkai brought his sword down on Naraku and the sickening popping sound was heard as the blade sliced through burning tentacles and Naraku’s elbow, the wind was making the hanyou tremble as he fought to try and regenerate his body.

His claws dug into Naraku’s skin as they dripped with his deadly poison. Sesshomaru was having fun repaying Naraku for everything he had done. The evil hanyou wasn’t granted a quick death as his flesh was eaten by Tokijin’s aura, the demonic blade heightening his pain as if salt was being scrubbed into his wounds. Sesshomaru wanted to laugh as he watched in amusement, but he didn’t. There was still more to be done. Grabbing a large piece of wood that had been torn from the door, the Inu-youkai rammed it through Naraku’s left shoulder, pinning the evil hanyou to the wall, his feet not even able to touch the floor.

“This pain is nothing compared to what you deserve Naraku.” Sesshomaru spat venomously as he sheathed Tokijin on his waist. “But I’ll leave you with something that even the fiery pits of hell can’t top.”

Tearing the cloth from Naraku’s body and leaving him exposed to the room, Sesshomaru let a smirk come to his lips as his claws began glowing green. He had the perfect punishment that would make any man or demon scream bloody murder to the heavens. That’s exactly what Naraku did as Sesshomaru’s poison dripped onto the tip of Naraku’s manhood. His red eyes were wider than anything Sesshomaru had seen before, but he didn’t have to look down to see what exactly what was happening, he would smell the flesh burning. He knew that the poison in his claws was like acid and in mere moments Naraku’s most prized possession would be no more. Drinking in the screams of pain coming from Naraku, Sesshomaru could feel Tokijin vibrating madly at his hip. It wanted more, just a little more.

Rolling his eyes, he withdrew the blade and smirked as he stared into Naraku’s pain filled eyes, for an evil hanyou it didn’t take much to kill the bastard. He was all show, no fight, how pathetic. Piercing Naraku’s side with the tip of Tokijin, he showed his white fangs. The end for Naraku had come. Showing the rest of the blade into Naraku, Sesshomaru believed that the screaming became louder, but he just ignored it as he picked up his half brother’s princess and left Tokijin to finish its work. The blade would consume Naraku and then itself, thus destroying the hanyou’s body and soul. There would be no way of returning for him.


Rin hugged Inuyasha’s haori closer to her body as she shivered, it was getting colder and she didn’t know what to do. Sesshomaru had told her to stay and she would but her mind was telling her that she was all alone with her brother in laws dead body. She was certain that she had no more tears to cry but just incase she didn’t want to test that theory. Gently running her fingers through Inuyasha’s black hair, she sniffled, things wee supposed to have been different. Inuyasha shouldn’t have been the one to sacrifice himself. It was a safe thing to say that she was becoming bitter, but she had been friends with the hanyou since she came to the Western Lands, he had done so much for her and now Rin wasn’t able to repay him.

“Inuyasha,” she whispered to his pale form, his almost white fingers were resting over the blade Sesshomaru gave her that currently laid on his chest. “If I could give anything just to bring you back I would. Sesshomaru is trying his hardest to kill Naraku. I know from the depths of my heart Kagome deserves someone like you. You deserve your happiness and if the heavens would bring you back I’d never been happier.”

She heard a loud deafening scream coming from every direction and the walls around her began to shake and tremble. Rin cried out as a large piece of the ceiling came crashing down feet from where she was and without thinking, she buried her head into Inuyasha’s cold chest. Sesshomaru would save her somehow, he wouldn’t let her die like this. It was like an earthquake and she didn’t dare look around as other things crashed to the ground, the sounds getting closer and louder. Rin wanted to scream as the floors around her and Inuyasha cracked, she was more than positive that both her and her unborn child wouldn’t leave the castle alive.

“Please Inuyasha,” she whispered into his chest. “I don’t wanna die here, I don’t want Sesshomaru to be alone, but I can’t leave you here. Please, I--”

The ground underneath Rin gave away and this time she did scream, her death was most certain now and yet she still held onto Inuyasha as if he was her last lifeline. She wouldn’t let go, never.


Kaede and Sango were quickly taken to where the demon was said to be and they were surprised to see what they had found. Silver hair stained with blood and dirt was everywhere and black eyes stared at them with an empty madness. There were several men and mistunes laying unconscious on the ground, one or two dead covered with arrows, large pieces of wood and holes from unknown weapons. Kaede commanded for the soldiers to back off as she slowly came closer to the demented youkai that clutched the round silver mirror in her ghostly white hands. It was pinned to the wall with a large piece of wood that looked like it belonged inside the castle, something smelled fishy.

“He’ll pay for his sins,” the demon whispered loudly. “He’ll pay, they always do. He’ll pay…”

“Who’ll pay?” Priestess Kaede asked softly as she stepped closer.

The mirror began glowing as the demon’s hair fluttered violently, black eyes burning a bright red. Many of the soldiers moved back but Sango hesitantly joined Kaede where she stood as the image in the mirror became clearer to see. Sango first was able to see silver hair and believed it to be Inuyasha until she recognize him, it was Sesshomaru and Naraku and they looked as serious as the dead. It was eerie as the image faded in and out but squinting her eyes she saw a pair of black eyes filter through and she gasped.

“Get down!” She screamed as the mirror turned bright red, the edges heating up as if it was under fire.

“Don’t let me go!” IT was the last voice she heard as the demon’s mirror shattered, the large pieces of glass and metal flying at them like arrows. Cries of pain were heard but ignored as all eyes settled on the demon still pinned to the wall, her claws outstretched as if she were still holding onto the mirror. Her skin began melting away like candle wax under an open flame, her body glimmering with a green aura as she screamed a silent scream. No one dared to move as the demon was devoured inside out by the green aura, they were all too afraid to move. The crunch of gravel caught Sango’s attention and turning her head she found herself staring into the horror filled eyes of her husband, Miroku.

“Oh holy mother of god,” he choked out dropping to his knees. “She’s the demon I saw at Sesshomaru’s castle.”

Sango scrambled to where Miroku was and wrapped her arms around him and held him close. She had been so close to losing him twice already and seeing that demon made her never want to leave her husband’s sight. She didn’t want to leave him only to find out that he was gone. The smell of melted flesh was fresh in everyone’s nostrils and it was a smell that wouldn’t fade with a clean bath, it would haunt everyone like the demon’s black empty eyes would. Strong arms encircled Sango’s body and she held onto Miroku tighter, once everything was back to normal again she would show him exactly how much he meant to her.

“Everyone get outta the way!” A voice cried loudly, “the castle’s collapsing! Grave the injured, the building won’t last much longer.”

Hearing that made both Sango and Miroku’s blood run cold. Inuyasha, Kagome, Rin, and Sesshomaru were still inside there somewhere and it was more than likely that they wouldn’t make it out alive. Sango was the first one to her feet rushing in the direction of the castle doors, she had to go to Kagome and Rin, she couldn’t stand by and let the castle crumble to its foundation with them inside. She could hear Miroku calling to her as he ran to catch up to her, but she refused to stop. Kagome was her closest friend, they all were like family to her and hell if there was a chance that Kohaku was still alive, he would be somewhere in the castle. She had almost been to the doors as the ground trembled underneath her and the rubble began to fall as well as large boulders like pieces from the doors.

A pair of stronger arms threw her body back and she fell to the ground with a thud. Sango’s eyes were closed but she could feel the weight pressing against her body as someone breathed heavily on her face. She could feel her face flushing and the making of tears stinging her eyes as she tried to get her body to relax. Kohaku! She needed to save him, he was the only family she had left, and she couldn’t leave him behind. A gentle hand touched her face and when she opened her eyes she found herself being watched by emotion filled blue orbs. His hands were trembling as he gathered her into his arms.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again Sango!” Miroku cried into her shoulder. “Don’t- never again.”


There was a moment when Rin couldn’t feel the ground beneath her and she knew that she ws falling. Her fingers slipped from their hold on Inuyasha and she refused to open her eyes as the wind around her dragged her down into the darkness. Her scream was loud and when something clasped around her wrist and her body jerked, her eyes shot open. Her body was suspended in the air as she glanced down to the falling debris into the pit of emptiness, her eyes were filling with tears. How was the debris that fell after him crushing her still alive, how could the gods spare her when Inuyasha’s body was falling into the darkness?

Something wet dripped onto her head followed a minute later by a grunt. Rin jerked her head up and gasped as she stared at Inuyasha’s hand that was wrapped tightly around her wrist, his black hair spilling over his shoulders as she stared at her. At first she couldn’t believe it was him until he smirked and she felt her tears running down her cheeks in relief, Sesshomaru had kept his word. Inuyasha was alive. Looking up she saw his hand holding onto something silver and she recognized it as S Sesshomaru’s blade Tenseiga. It was the same blade that he had left her with but how the two of them were still alive was beyond her.

“Inuyasha,” she called out to him. “How are you-I watched you--”

“All secrets will be unfolded after I save you from this mess okay?” He told her seriously yet with a little humor.


“Yeah?R 21;

“Don’t let me go!” She said, her eyes never leaving his.

His chuckle was soft and comforting as he smiled, “I won’t I promise. Sesshomaru will have a wife to go home to I promise.“

Inuyasha moved his head looking for a way that he could get Rin and himself out of the mess they were in. The falling debris posed as a problem, but he had to find a way out of the castle before it was too late. His blood was racing and he felt his arm muscles straining to hold on, damn the human body of his! Damn his blood for being so weak that he couldn’t save the ones he loved.


He walked calmly as everything threatened to collapse around him he had to keep calm. There wasn’t any use overreacting because the Inu-youkai refused to put the girl who he carried life in danger. The demon blood in his veins screamed for him to run to his wife, but he fought against the urge. Tenseiga should have acted by now and thus his hanyou brother would awaken, taking his Rin to safety. Sesshomaru had planned to revive Inuyasha, but only at the exact moment that Naraku died so there wouldn’t be any more complications. His amber eyes glanced around calmly as he searched for a sign, fear was thick in the air and his heart was beating faster. He could feel her calling to him.

Finding no way to enter, Sesshomaru maneuvered Kagome in one of his arms before slashing at a pile of rubble with his poison claws and reducing it to a goopy liquid. He wasn’t too concerned about his well-being or the dependability of his footwear, not when he needed to get to Rin’s aid. Things were falling everywhere and it was as if he was in a rainstorm of debris. His sensitive ears strained for a sound besides things colliding to the ground, threatening to crush him and the Eastern Lands only heir. The Inu-youkai narrowed his eyes spying an enormous hole yards away from where he stood, it was probably leading towards the dungeons but he didn’t want to know if Rin had fallen inside and died. He didn’t want to think bad thoughts but it was so hard not to when his senses that were superior to others wasn’t working to his advantages.

As calmly as possible, Sesshomaru neared it, the large pieces of debris that had obstructed his vision before now made a warm feeling of relief rush through is body as he spotted a hand hanging tightly onto the hilt of Tenseiga, it was Inuyasha. Placing Kagome down close to the large piece of debris, he wanted to keep her safe so the hanyou wouldn’t get upset; the Inu-youkai didn’t need a headache. Sesshomaru peered over the side of the hole and looked down. His amber eyes immediately locked onto deep brown, dried tears evident on pale skin. Sesshomaru was relieved that Rin was okay, but he wanted to wring Inuyasha’s neck for their situation.

“Sesshomaru!” Rin called out to the Inu-youkai as her eyes filled with tears. “You’re alright!”

“Of course he’s alright,” Inuyasha grunted loudly. “The stubborn bastard couldn’t die even if he wanted to.”

It was a joke, but no one laughed, it wasn’t the time or the place, yet a come back was necessary once everyone was safe from harm. Going over to where Inuyasha clung to Tenseiga’s hilt, Sesshomaru grabbed his half brother’s arm and easily lifted him from the pit. Once on solid ground again, Rin ran into Sesshomaru’s arms, her head burring into his chest as his strong arms enveloped around her trembling body. Tears of joy were cried as she cursed her husband, as she confessed her love and gave her apologizes. Things would be okay for the two of them their family would survive.

Inuyasha however was filled with despair and helplessness as he kneeled down next to Kagome’s still form. He was certain that she was still alive by the rosy color of her cheeks and the warmth radiating from her body but that was it, she did not respond to him in any way shape or form. The hanyou turned human wanted to howl out his frustration, his agony, but a gentle hand on his shoulder kept him from losing control over himself. The tears he felt would never leave burned at the back of his eyes as he glanced up to the queen of the western lands and his sister in law. She gave him a sympathetic look before drawing him into her arms where his emotions caved and he cried like those nights he had woken from his mind consuming night terrors. He had no strength left in his heart, but she sheltered him from himself, gave his heart a place to hide while it sung its song of pain.

“We don’t have much time before the castle kills you,” it was Sesshomaru’s voice, but softer hinting his condolences. “Come Inuyasha, Rin, it’s time to go.”

“How are we gunna get out safely when the castle’s crumbling all around us?” Rin asked concerned. “Inuyasha’s strength isn’t like it used to be and with him carrying Kagome how do you expect him to go fast enough?”

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed as he stared at his standoffish and stubborn wife, she had a good point yet he would never admit it. Inuyasha was human now and after being revived by Tenseiga it wasn’t like he was given energy to really burn. Besides, holding onto Rin and himself by one hand was probably draining. Sesshomaru didn’t know because he wasn’t “weak” like his brother. The Inu-youkai picked up the discarded Tenseiga and sheathed it before glancing back at the entrance as it collapsed, nothing ever proved to be easy. Growling irritably, Sesshomaru went to his wife’s side and wrapped a clawed hand around her waist and giving it a less than gentle squeeze.

“Pick up your princess Inuyasha,” his regal and authorities voice was back with a vengeance and it demanded submission. “If there is no way out of the breeding ground for evil spawn than I shall create my own way. Nobody can keep me where I do not wan to be.”

Inuyasha did as he was directed, and pulled Kagome into his arms and held her close to his heart as he stood to his feet. He didn’t need to be told twice but he stumbled first before catching his balance, he was surprised that he was still alive, but even he knew it was barely by a thread. Inuyasha gingerly kissed the top of Kagome’s head as he walked next to Rin, he was praying for Kagome to pen her eyes, to let him know that she was okay. He knew that there was something wrong yet he didn’t know what it was or how he could begin to fix it.

The feeling of flying was so sudden that he thought he would fall over as an enormous cloud mystically appeared under his feet. Rin however looked more than content as she smiled widely, her eyes focused down where Inuyasha was certain Sesshomaru was and it was. A deafening howl nearly made him drop Kagome as the air pressure dropped and he felt lightheaded. Silver was everyw3ehre and it expanded by the second until blood red eyes opened and stared wt him with deadly seriousness, it was Sesshomaru in his true form. The transformed Inu-youkai raised his head and easily broke through what was left of the concrete like ceiling as if it were merely melting cheese; Inuyasha was in complete awe. It was a different view on things and in his pint of view it looked as though mother nature herself was cowering against Sesshomaru’s very being, it was a magnificent sight but it too was beyond terrifying. The cloud he stood on surged as Sesshomaru broke everything in his path, playing with the destroyed castle as though they wee his building blocks as a child. People who said that his bark was worse than his bite had been wrong, dead wrong.


They had been watching from a safe place as the castle destroyed itself and many had tears in their eyes. Miroku held Sango in his arms afraid that if he loosened his hold she would take off again and Sango watched her life’s memories crumbling and any chance of finding Kohaku fade into the darkness. Kaede was tending to the wounded while Ayame reluctantly left Koga’s side and with a few of the less injured soldiers searched for their comrades. None of them knew the outcome of the battle or if it was even being fought, but it was their hope of a better life that had them praying that Sesshomaru would restore order than had been shattered.

Everyone was deathly silent as they did what was ordered for them, it was killing them not to know what would happen to them, yet they were able to brush it away and continue on. There was so surprise that every last one of them would survive. A flash of yellow darted from out of nowhere and a ball of flames erupted near the castle. Many of the soldiers drew their weapons in apprehension but when the flames died down and a large neko youkai emerged, they all seemed to calm down and breathe the breath’s they had been holding. It was Kirara, her mane dirtied with dried blood and dirt, but her ruby eyes were filled with something that no one could understand.

A ground-shaking roar rang out from the depths of the castle before them as the ground trembled, something was trying to come out. Kirara replied loudly with her own call and the brick began to fly out everywhere from the castle as dust flew out obstructing the vision of many. Ayame glanced up into the sky expecting a horde of demon’s, a lot of the soldiers had, it had been their paranoia during battles that kept them and many others alive. As the dust settled the wolf demon’s howl rang out loud and clear, the Western Lands had taken victory. The enormous Inu-youkai glared down at everyone as he easily destroyed the rest of the castle he exited, even if the battle had been won there were things to be done. Time wasn’t about to be wasted as they stood around doing nothing, as of right then there were two kingdoms with out a rule and three of them that had to be rebuilt. Sesshomaru would put order back into all of the lands.

Once they had landed on the ground, Inuyasha, Rin, and the small medical team that had been scrounged together surrounded Kagome. Rin had had a few small cuts that were easily bandaged and after she was attended made her rounds to go help the others. Inuyasha however refused to release his hold of Kagome, he didn’t want to let go of her and after a lot of yelling and arguing Kaede was able to persuade the hanyou turned human to allow himself to be checked over. He too had cuts, bruises, and a large scar on his back from the wind sorceress’s and his brother’s attacks. He was pretty sure that he would have died because he remembered it, yet he was glad that he was alive to see Kagome again.

The princess however had no marks of any sort but she was the worst off. There was something wrong with her that neither Kaede nor Miroku could understand. It was as if her soul had been locked away deep inside her body or stolen from her body altogether. None the less they were more than positive that she would completely recover, at least physically that is. Everyone began preparing for the journey back to the Western Lands at Sesshomaru’s barked orders. He wasn’t eager to leave, yet he wasn’t too keen on staying. Inuyasha had collapsed a little after Kagome had been taken from his arms, his exhaustion finally reading its head. It would still be a while till the soldiers were ready to head back, some of them would stay and begin the long task of tearing up the Eastern Kingdom’s castle further more, making sure that nothing or anyone was left behind.

Miroku and Sango left on Kirara and headed back to the castle accompanied with an unconscious Inuyasha between them. There had been enough room to take him and Sesshomaru had insisted it. The two of them knew that there was no long anything left to get in the way of peace, nothing to stand in the way of happiness that was sure to follow after his chaotic massacre, but how long would it take for everyone to get what they deserved? For instances, how much longe4r would Inuyasha and Kagome have to suffer until the gods allowed them the type of ending that eluded them for so long?

The only thing left for this story is now the Epilogue. I know that some of you out there probably don't like my really vague ending and feel free to flame, I understand. Remember that FEEDBACK is something that I love no matter what kind it is. I'm working on the epilogue as I speak and hope to have it up before the weekend is over, but if not then it'll be out as soon as possible.

Thank you to everyone who has spent time reading and reviewing this story! I love you guys for sticking with it!
