InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Willing to Try ❯ Willing to Try: Change of Heart ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Willing to try
The rain wasn't cooperating. Her raven tresses were drenched, as were her clothes, but she kept walking brazenly as if she didn't have a care in the world. This woman was neither mysterious, nor simple. She simply had all the answers in the palm of her hand, an entire path ahead. Her bag hung awkwardly on her shoulder and she paid it no mind, because her thoughts were filled with something else. She had her head full of plans and resolutions.
Was she too childish? Sango would say so. No matter how much time passed, no matter how many `big' things happened, she just hadn't been able, for the life of her, to change. As if there had been something wrong with her, because she just knew her behavior wasn't the normal one. She would change. She could let go of the fear, the guilt. She'd say her goodbye to Sango for the hundredth time and then go on with her life. A new life. A better life.
TV had helped with this decision. There were so many people who had it worse - far worse. They died in genocides, were sold like slaves, terrorized, people truly suffered. Who was Kagome to act as if she was constantly under pressure? She had no right, none whatsoever. This was her wake up call. She would become a completely different person. Whatever bad or wrong thing happened to her, she would take the pros and simply ignore the cons while going with the flow. She would help people, guide others. Higurashi Kagome would become an example for others. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq. She'd visit them all fearlessly, help as much as possible. Africa, children there, orphans, she could devote her passion to those - they deserved life and freedom. She'd be their guiding light.
But there was no way to do those things all of a sudden. She had to plan and firstly graduate, then perhaps a college - or no, she didn't need one. If she only wanted to help, what sort of college could teach her that?
It was decided. She'd forget about college, finish high school then fly off to Africa and enroll in whatever organization helped children and Africans in general. Yes, it sounded like a plan. Was this why she felt so nervous, so incredibly anxious to get started? The butterflies in her stomach, what were they exactly?
For the last year, Inuyasha had been confused. His infatuation with that little girl, that jail-bait, Kagome, had become truly ridiculous. He'd gone as far as to spy on her weekly - he wouldn't admit that it was, in fact, daily - and what he saw surprised him. Or better said, amazed him. Kagome wasn't the same girl he'd met in his taxi. She'd cut parties and drinking, had joined quite a few voluntary organizations that raised serious funds for Japanese orphans and did not resort to those obscure jobs she and her dead friend had engaged in. If she wanted a general change of lifestyle, she had succeeded, but was there more to it than what met the eye?
Truth was, as silly as it sounded, even if he didn't know her that well, Inuyasha was aware that he'd love nothing more than to be able to cal this unpredictable girl his. Still, he could very well be her… grand-grand-grand-grandfather. That just put things under a whole different light. Honestly, the female demons he used to warm his bed at night just weren't enough, and he found himself with a bitter taste afterwards. It wasn't supposed to be like that, because before her, before Kagome, things had gone smoothly.
Besides, he didn't want to bring her into his deal with Naraku. If the bastard so much as touched her, Hell would break loose.
As much as he hated thinking it, the girl was most likely safer far away from him. And he wanted her safe before anything else. His fantasies were unrealizable, anyway. Who would look at a taxi driver who sold drugs?
But no matter how much he denied it to himself, he wanted the answer to be Kagome. He wanted her to want him. But it seemed the only thing she could think about now was school, those voluntary activities, and her new job as a waitress. She was a good waitress, really sweet. And unfortunately, it made him want her more.
What was she doing? It wasn't the first time he'd asked himself this. Inuyasha was still stalking Kagome, more so now that she'd graduated. She was suspiciously weird these days; he simply couldn't figure her out. She'd been gathering some signatures by the looks of things - what did she need them for? He didn't want to believe she had got involved in anything wrong.
So he gave her the benefit of the doubt.
But still - what on Earth was she doing?
And it soon became clear that she'd spared quite some money, which brought the question - what did she need it for? Whatever it was, he hoped he'd find out soon enough. Perhaps it was time for him to show his face around again. Maybe stop avoiding the places he knew she'd probably frequent. Or even stop driving his taxi away whenever he saw her on the sidewalk. He couldn't stand the thought of not talking to her in almost a year.
A year? Holy crap, yes. It had been a year sine that… sort-of rejection.
Their eyes met.
Kagome gulped quite loudly, her gaze glued to Inuyasha's face. His strong jaw was surrounded by free, silver locks that made him seem virile, untamed. Somehow, he was amazingly handsome and… manly, in a manner that made her want to respond in a feminine way. Still, he was a taxi driver that Kami-knew what troubles was into, and she was, well she was... late.
Starting unexpectedly, she startled them both when she excused herself, clutching her hands against her chest as if she'd be tempted to do something else with them otherwise. She couldn't see Inuyasha's confused face, couldn't hear the thoughts racing inside his mind. She didn't know that he'd actually wanted that moment to continue…
Then he'd decided to just stay in the shadows and observe her every move. Wasn't that stalkish? Yes, it was, and he had nothing against it.
Still, it was time to show himself, but not now; now he had to arrange something with the bastard Naraku. He'd got quite some leads on him, but he had to be careful not to be discovered. Why was everything so damn complicated?
Kagome made sure that the tickets were in her bag, dragged her luggage after her and smiled at the three people accompanying her. Ookami Kouga, he was the oldest of all the four of them and he didn't seem to like the other two men at her side. Miroku was a sweetheart, even with his mortifying habit of touching rather `unpublic' parts of a woman's body, and the shy Akitoki Houjo was quite the talker. He could go on and on about his family's longlife medicine that would surely help those African children. At least he was genuinely interested in the little ones' future and welfare.
Did it bother Kagome that she had only managed to convince men to help her? Not at all. Although she figured she should have asked that taxi driver Inuyasha if he wanted to give a hand, but she realized she would knowingly bring a distraction that way - the man was a walking sin.
These three guys however, they were harmless. She'd never feel tempted. Even with all the compliments she was getting from Akitoki about how incredible and resourceful she was and with Kouga's not-so-unintentional glances her way, she was safe. Of course she wouldn't pay them any mind and focus on their mutual goal instead. Thank Kami for her negotiating abilities. She had accidentally found a couple and their twin kids who had changed their minds about a trip to Africa at the last possible moment. Granted, it was to Sudan and Kagome had had in mind Rwanda, but she figured that as long as she was on the continent, they'd see what they could do to help anywhere and there would be no problems with going from one country to another. Luckily, that couple had sold them the tickets at half the price after hearing what Kagome's goal was. It seemed there was kindness in the world after all.
She was… gone. Simply gone. How could that be?
“Where is your mind, Inuyasha?” that disturbing, low voice asked and the half demon felt like throwing up.
“Somewhere far away from this fucking place,” he grumbled, unwilling to disclose any more.
“Oh, does it have to do with that sweet girl you've been following over the last year?”
Breath stopped working, birds stopped singing, wind stopped blowing. In Inuyasha's mind. He was probably even shaking, but he couldn't gauge his own state of mind. It was as if his wind pipe had been cut and he was choking now. No, not Kagome! The bastard couldn't have captured her. Was that why she had suddenly just disappeared?
Without realizing, his fangs escaped from under his lips in a snarl meant to threaten. Death was the threat.
“Where is she?” Inuyasha found himself asking, not noticing the low, guttural quality of his own voice. Naraku did, though, and while not intimidated, he knew when not to push the issue.
“I've lost track,” he said and Inuyasha visibly softened.
Where is she though?
She was off-the-radar gone. He couldn't track her by scent, because there was no scent trail to track. Almost as if she'd crawled beneath rocks, or gone abroad. That was the most plausible explanation. Kagome had to be out of the country, which was ridiculous. He hadn't seen her buying any tickets - train or bus or anything else; she'd only talked to people, gathered signatures and gone to those meetings about her stupid voluntary activities. Kami, it was all so hard to decipher.
He'd only been gone for one day to solve Naraku's deal and she had disappeared. Was Naraku truthful when he said he had no idea where the girl was?
It was as unsettling as it was relieving.
It was getting ridiculous. No meant no.
“Kouga,” she sighed, could he be more annoying? “Did you come here to help these children or to shamelessly announce out of your ass that I'm your woman?” Times like this she talked more like she used to. “What's the matter with you?” But she would not scream. It went against her new principles. She was a new Kagome, no longer whiny. Besides, they were surrounded by skinny children and couldn't simply throw a fit.
“What's the matter with you?” he asked back, raising his voice slightly.
“Keep it low,” Kagome warned and he looked around apologetically. It seemed Kouga wasn't so much into helping those who needed it and she was starting to regret ever bringing him here. Now he wouldn't leave until he had her! The nerve of the guy…
“Kagome,” he declared almost patiently, “you are mine and that is that.” Without warning, he pulled her into his arms and kept her there, despite her protests.
“I am not yours!” she said equally heatedly, punching him in the chest. “You ape,” Kagome hissed lowly, “let me go.”
“I'm not letting you go until you say you're mine.”
There was nothing else she could say, really, other than, “I'm already taken.” It even smelled like a lie, but she was almost sure Kouga would be gullible enough to believe her. Eventually.
Reluctantly, though as if bitten, he stopped with a doubtful look in his sparkling blue eyes - he was handsome, but not enough to spark her interest. Kagome gulped at the intense look the wolf demon gave her and cocked an eyebrow when he started sniffing like an old dog.
“You don't smell like any man,” he remarked, squinting at the now angry-looking female before him.
“Of course, you moron,” she snapped. “What did you expect? We've been here for months. Besides, he was away with business when I met you.”
“What kind of business?” Kouga asked distrustfully.
“None of your business.” Truthfully, she simply had no idea what to invent.
He sniffed again. “You're a virgin.”
At that, her cheeks became the color of a ripe apple, spreading all the way down to her chest.
“You pervert! Of course I'm a virgin - I'm eighteen! I'm not sex-crazed!”
“But isn't he?” the wolf demon asked, his voice betraying his suspicions.
“Of course not!” And here she was, defending this imaginary boyfriend, though in her mind he had already developed a shape and a name - his name coincidentally had to do with canines.
“Until I don't meet him, I won't believe you,” Kouga concluded, crossing his arms over his chest. Kagome didn't know whether to feel worried or relieved, but one thing was for sure: she hoped Inuyasha would go along with lying to this annoying wolf so she'd be left alone. It wasn't that he liked him or anything, no, but Inuyasha was the best choice there was, being a demon himself. That was her reasoning, yes. Only that.
Okay, he was officially worrying. It got so bad that he couldn't sleep at night. Honestly, it would be fabulous if he knew at least where she was. Europe? America? Or was she in Australia or perhaps Africa? Though the last one made no sense. Why would she travel there of all places? No, maybe she was in China. She could be. She could easily learn Mandarin if she didn't already know it and make a living there. Or maybe she was just in another town, visiting someone and he was overreacting.
Inuyasha was worried sick.
Crazy thoughts invaded his privacy like leeches. What if she was hurt? Kidnapped, tortured, or worse - dead? What if she was dead? But it was ridiculous; he was letting his mind wander in all the wrong places.
In the meanwhile, he'd stolen some of Naraku's incriminatory files and he needed just a bit more to throw him in jail. He'd decided it was the best choice, because it would humiliate him more. If he killed him, the bastard would have it easy. Though it was difficult to sneak inside and get info like that, but for his safety and now Kagome's, too, he had to do it. Kami, when were things going to be normal?
A year had passed and she still wasn't back. Would she ever return?
It had got easier day by day, though Kagome was aware that despite her efforts she would never get to learn their intricate language. It had too many sounds she couldn't even pronounce, let alone learn - she'd never been good at languages. But still, kids loved her and she loved them back, though she didn't dedicate all of her efforts to them, as the organization she was in did. Instead, she worked for the community and helped teenagers and elder people, too. She had plans for their future, reasonable ones that had been nominated for peace prizes, but she didn't want fame. She wanted to remain in the shadows and keep helping these people - she loved the feeling she got from it. All the money she'd got from Iwasa, she'd given it to them. It seemed that every foreign smile she received could very well be Sango saying she understood, that she forgave her.
Miroku was a true natural; he was so devoted to the little ones, even taught them different sports, especially volleyball - he was amazing at volleyball. Houjo was a sweetheart, too. He took care of the ill and injured children, he was pretty good at that. The best part was that Miroku had learned their language perfectly, and Houjo was doing pretty well, too, whereas Kagome was still fumbling for words, but it was easy for them all to interact with the kids.
The only real problem was Kouga. He was entirely too impatient with children, so he dealt with the logistics and technical issues instead. But it was obvious that he couldn't wait to go back and meet Kagome's boyfriend - he kept throwing hints. They'd have to return for a while, Kagome was well aware of it, but she tried stalling as much as possible.
The way the sun shined, she loved it. The way the children smiled, she loved it. The way her skin looked when the moon glowed, Kagome loved that too, here. She was happy like she'd never been and she didn't care about her father for the first time in long - she'd stopped answering his calls the moment she'd stepped foot on that plane.
Romance? She didn't need it. No, she was fine without it, although her thoughts drifted many times towards a certain taxi driver that was far away. If possible, she'd remain here for the rest of her life. She even liked the days when she was too tired to move a bone, yet the ever-active children, who loved her so, dragged her outside to play. She loved them, loved the people, loved her modest cottage, and loved working her ass from dawn till dusk and not keeping half of the money she earned. Kagome only kept enough for her daily needs - the rest she gave away. The same did Miroku; she had a really special relationship with him. They were like brothers and he sometimes reminded her of Sango.
Her friend was most likely proud of her, wherever she was.
He'd checked plane lists for arrivals for the last months, but there had been no results until now. Even if it was kind of desperate, he'd wait for her at the airport. She was finally coming back, and from where! Africa, no less! He had crossed that out of his list of possible places firstly. She truly was remarkable, this woman. Was she changed? A different person? He guessed she probably was.
Butterflies in the stomach were not exactly his thing, but here he was, host to thousands, most likely.
And finally, her mesmerizing scent that captivated him and almost made him drool made way to his nostrils. Among the many people flocking out towards the doors there she was, truly beautiful, tanned, sparkling, and smiling gorgeously. And she was with… three men. Two of them she kissed goodbye on their cheeks before they made their way through the crowds, but there was one still at her side, was he her lover?
He smelt like a wolf demon - totally disgusting as far as Inuyasha was concerned - and just the stench made the half demon's blood boil. But Kagome refused to let the mangy wolf carry her luggage and she even frowned at him a couple of times, which calmed Inuyasha's sizzling nerves. They were heading toward him and he was determined not to let the wolf get in his way.
Not very subtly, he appeared in front of the twosome, all but growling at the male accompanying the woman. She froze at seeing the half demon appear out of nowhere, but wasted no time in convincing Kouga.
Shamelessly, without thinking of any consequences, Kagome let her luggage fall to the ground and ran to Inuyasha, who looked puzzled by her actions. Without risking saying anything, lest Kouga would hear it due to his demonic traits, she pulled the half demon into a passionate, wet kiss that stole their breaths away and had their toes curling in their shoes. She remembered that something like this could have happened the last time she'd seen him if she hadn't fled. She'd felt it in her veins then, but hadn't been prepared for such a step. Now, however, it was a special situation. A desperate one.
Inuyasha was currently experiencing the overwhelming feeling of not wanting to let go. Whatever made her behave like this was welcome - he loved the smell of her skin, the texture of her tongue. Their kiss was as if they'd done this countless times before.
When they finally pulled apart, the first thing she said was, “I missed you” and instantly realized it wasn't a lie. Subtly, she sent him a look that clearly stated she wanted to get rid of the wolf and he instantly caught her strategy. Strangely, he wasn't hurt in the least. She must have felt something for him - even something insignificant - if she had chosen him to confuse the wolf. Besides, her kiss spoke volumes.
“He's Inuyasha,” Kagome told the frowning Kouga.
“Uh-huh,” the demon interjected, looking away dejectedly, but Kagome couldn't find it in her to feel sorry for him.
“Yeah, nice to meet ya, wolf,” Inuyasha said. “Here, let me help you with these,” he offered to Kagome, confident she would let him, and the gorgeous woman predictably accepted, proving a point to the now angry full demon.
“Goodbye Kouga,” she said with a forced smile and heard him say the same before walking away.
Finally she could sigh in relief before addressing Inuyasha,
“You know, I really did kind of miss you.”
“I missed you too,” he disclosed while dragging her wheeled luggage and she glanced at him curiously for a second, before looking ahead and letting him lead the way. She was finally home.