InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Willing to Try ❯ Willing to Try: You've gotta be kidding ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Willing to try
Her eyes were swollen and everything pretty much ached. Three hours had passed since she'd come home only to be greeted by the wondrous image of her father fucking some teenager on the couch in the living room in his drunken stupor. Kagome vaguely wondered if the girl was a whore or if she was just plain stupid, but she pushed the thought aside. It was too disgusting to think about.
Her clients had been unusually harassing lately, she was getting scared. What if it happened again? What if she'd end up like Sango?
Higurashi Kagome was a coward like that.
And this client was particularly odd. He kept looking from side to side, checking his surroundings, as if there was someone following him. Then he grabbed her by the elbow and dragged her behind a block. Needless to say her heart rate increased ridiculously as she pondered different ways to escape. In the position they were in, there was a small chance that she could hurt his `golden nuts' but she could try hitting him in the stomach; maybe he'd flinch, and maybe then she'd escape. Just as her knee lifted a fraction, she found something being thrust into her stomach. Kagome didn't dare look at it, for fear it was a dagger or something sharp and protruding that could pierce her skin in the blink of an eye.
However, her previously tightly closed eyes opened slowly when she realized the object that was repeatedly poking her through her clothes was neither heavy nor hard. Looking downwards, she discovered it was an envelope. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, the only thing she could think of was a will. Whose will?
Her mind gasped, Her will. Maybe he was being funny before killing her, maybe, maybe…
“Would you take it already?”
The desperate voice snapped her out of her musings and she locked gazes with the trembling man. He seemed so scared, so much of a coward. Just like her, she was a coward. Her eyes lowered to the envelope.
“What's this?”
She almost yelled when she felt the man lean towards her and whisper something in her ear, but visibly softened when she realized he had no dirty intentions, “Here is some money for you, if you do me a favor.” He leaned away and looked at her nervously.
Equally nervous, Kagome gulped as she opened the envelope, almost expecting something else to be in there. Please don't let it be my will, please don't let it be my will.
Her brows finally furrowed when she realized how stupid she was being, Time to stop acting like a pussy.
Time stood still as her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, the sum of money was ludicrous. She gawked stupidly at the anxious man, wondering what planet he came from. Suddenly, the services he was asking for were making her edgy. What did he need in exchange for so much cash?
“Umm… I'm sure you didn't mean to give me all this money, hehe,” she scratched her nape nervously, smiling her big, fake smile that she always had when she panicked. He seemed to understand, because he placed a soothing hand on her forearm and she stared at it for a couple of seconds. He had dark hairs on the back of his hand, which made him look kind of dangerous if you didn't see his apprehensive face.
“I need a favor,” he repeated, and this time his voice didn't quiver. Maybe her reaction had comforted him, maybe he'd expected her to throw a fit or something.
With so much money on the line? Is he out of his mind?
“I'm not going to have sex with you,” she blurted out without thinking and their eyes widened at the same time when the meaning settled in.
“No, it's not that,” he told her calmly.
“I'm not going to have sex with anyone else, either,” she frowned, he would better keep it in mind.
“No, right, of course, your job doesn't include it. I already knew that.” Good, she was tired of explaining it to stupid idiots who always craved more. But suddenly she wanted to cringe in fear. If he was not here for sex and he was giving her all that money, then what did he want?
With a worried frown on her face, she asked him, “What do you want me to do?”
And he answered, “You have to deliver something for me.”
Hashimoto Inuyasha was screwed. He'd got to the `date' spot, as Naraku liked to call it - he was weird like that, but the guy hadn't come. They were supposed to be switching packages - Inuyasha was supposed to give him some `stuff' and the idiot Iwasa was supposed to be giving him some `stuff', too. The problem was that Iwasa always chickened out at the last minute and Naraku was always pissed off. And, of course, he always took it out on Inuyasha.
Yes, Hashimoto Inuyasha was screwed.
He checked his watch for the tenth time in five minutes. I swear, if I get him I'll pinch his fucking eyes out.
Randomly, the image of the strange girl that he'd last left on a school bench flashed through his sense. Okay, she was cute, even beautiful in an odd, I'm-centuries-younger-than-you fashion, but he wasn't one to mind these kinds of things. However, the police surely was, and if he had to guess, her parents were, too. There was no way a normal parent in his right mind let his daughter hang around with some two hundred years old demon. Well, half demon.
Why the Hell am I thinking about courting her?!
Why, indeed. He felt like rubbing his temples to soothe the pressure but quickly realized it would look kind of stupid, especially with so many people on the streets. Then again, why had Naraku chosen such a crowed place for the `date'?
Cause he's a fucking asshole that likes to `make things more interesting'.
Admittedly, he hated Naraku. Yes, he did with every part of his gut, and the bastard knew it, too. That's why he almost gave him the most dangerous and daring jobs, like sell some shit in a police station or punch some fucking bastard in the face right under the cops' usually oblivious noses. They usually didn't notice, but Naraku seemed intent on seeing him in prison for some time, making it clear that he'd bail him out at a certain point. Then Inuyasha would owe him.
Inuyasha didn't want to owe him anything.
What the hell was I thinking?
True, it had sounded really easy the way that guy had put it, but now she was starting to worry that someone would find her. As in, the cops. Her mind was working out several scenarios and neither of them ended up with a success. Still, if she didn't get locked up in jail or beat the shit out of or raped, then she'd live happily ever after with the money the guy had given her. For a few months, actually, since the debts her dad had were humongous and shameful.
Thanks a lot, dad.
It was her sarcastic mantra, it made things easier. If she didn't stay mad at him all the time, then she could forgive his behavior. Partly. And she partially didn't want him to change. Her drunken dead felt like a connection to Sango, the life Sango had had, to the family Sango had had. If her dad changed, then the last bit of link she had with the dead, betrayed girl would vanish forever. She'd be all alone in her misery.
I'm sorry, Sango-chan.
Kagome was a coward. She'd always been one.
Okay, so things sounded pretty easy if she didn't think about what was in the bag. It didn't help that she knew it was drugs, she wasn't stupid at all. The way the man had looked indicated that they were quite potent, too, the kind of stuff that would give you some good years in prison if they found you with it. Which wasn't a thought she wanted to linger on.
She clutched her bag that had the plastic bag full off psychedelic craziness inside it and increased her speed, anxious to get it done. And what if someone saw her? What if someone decided to check what the abnormally normal-looking powder in the plastic bag was?
What if someone sees us? What then? What then?
Her panic-filled moment was brought to a stop along with her steps as she came face to face with the last person she'd have ever expected.
He's not coming, he decided. He was already an hour late, he was certainly not coming. Not coming not coming not coming, fucking piece of shit! Humans are so unreliable.
And it was the girl again. Only this time the strangest thing occurred. Maybe it was his hyper-active senses doing a number on him, but he swore, he swore he could smell her unique scent.
I'm going crazy.
Yet his words experienced a swift death inside his throat when he turned around to face the object of his most recent denied desires.
It's her!
He panicked, it was only natural. And quite noticeable, too, if you stopped to look at him closely. Unfortunately, the girl seemed equally uneasy, so she didn't.
What if she decides to start talking to me and won't leave until the fucking idiot arrives? What if someone's going to come and see us together? What if Naraku sees us together? Fucking no, I won't let him target her.
He was preparing to tell her to fuck off when her beautiful, enticing, innocent lips parted, indicating that she would start talking.
Okay, let's just hear what she has to say and then I'll wave her off.
It was his resolve and he didn't stop to wonder if it was the right thing to choose. The girl seemed tense, she kept supporting herself on one foot then the other, her hands constantly clutching the bag she wore on her shoulder.
“Umm,” she said awkwardly, “so I'm here to… umm… give you… you know what.”
He had to know, it was him who she had to deliver it to, wasn't it? Kami, she could die of embarrassment, why did it have to be the sexy taxi driver who was in this kind of shit? So was he a dealer or something or just pushed into this mess like she was? Honestly, she really, really didn't want to know.
Inuyasha's eyes almost exploded. So Iwasa had sent this tiny scrap of a girl to do the dirty job in his stead? The filthy little bastard!
It was becoming increasingly harder to keep in his surfacing irritation and frustration. He almost growled at her, “Are you friends with Iwasa?”
She gawked, “Eh?”
Inuyasha crossed his arms and turned away from her, unable to hide his resentment any longer, “Keh. You shouldn't be. The man's a fucking prick.” He was jealous, too. The fucking coward didn't deserve to know such an interesting girl. Not that he liked her or anything.
You're a fucking idiot if you keep denying that.
“Who are you talking about?” Her voice brought him back to reality and his ears twitched. He turned to face her.
“The shithead who made you come here,” wasn't it obvious?
“Oh, Iwasa, you say…” What a nice name for a guy that had scared her at the beginning and then made her pity him. What a pathetic creature, that Iwasa.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes suspiciously, “You don't know him?”
She smiled, rummaging through her bag, “Nope.”
“No?” Could his surprise be any bigger?
“I said that, didn't I?”
When her eyes trailed upwards and settled on his, the now speechless hanyou gulped, trying to ignore the plundering fire that spread through his veins. He swore he could feel the air heat up between them with every step she took. She didn't seem conscious of her own actions, but she trailed a hand down his chest until it landed in his pocket. His skin tingled at the subtle contact and he realized he could take her right there and not care about anything.
She's too fucking young, back off,
His mind reasoned with him, but her eyes were so enthralling, her proximity was addictive. Distantly, he knew she could be trying to rob him while forcing him to keep their gazes locked, because he couldn't, just couldn't look away. Instead, when she retracted her hand he felt a weight in his pocket and realized she'd given him what he needed. What Naraku needed.
Grinning at her and wanting to return the favor, he reached into his other pocket and grabbed the tiny plastic bag, eyeing her not at all indecent cleavage. Still, there was enough room for him to put the stuff in, so he did just that. It started at her hips and he smelt her increasing arousal as he trailed the plastic bag up her sides, brushing it just a little across her breast. He gave her his brightest smirk yet when he dropped the bag between her breasts and she yelped loudly.
Suddenly, he found himself having to react quickly as she yelped and swung her fist towards his face. Luckily, either her aim was off or he was just too fast - they were both inclined towards the latter - so she didn't manage to punch him. Instead, she stumbled and almost fell face-first, but he caught her right on time.
Their eyes met.