InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ The Second Year ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Second Year

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Smiling a bit wistfully, Kagome slid the door to the wellhouse closed, and walked slowly towards the Goshinboku.  Today was the anniversary of her second year of being away from the past, and she shook her head at herself, almost amused.

In this year, she had learned that she really did want to go back to the past – while she would always care about her friends here, it wasn't the same.  She didn't have the same bonds with them as she did with those she'd left behind two years ago.

They didn't even see the world in the same way anymore.  They couldn't, having seen such different sides of it.  Her friends here only knew the world in one dimension... but it wasn't really that way.  The truth was, the world had many different realities, and none of those she knew here understood that.  And even if she tried to tell them, they wouldn't believe her, labeling her mad; she would be locked away and forgotten.

It was difficult, though, to be stuck in a world that was so flat, so clueless to the wonder around it.  She felt stifled, and had a very hard time even hanging with her friends anymore – she felt awkward, and out of place.

One other thing that she had learned since coming back, was how she felt about Inuyasha.

For so long, she'd loved him, and she still did – but not the way she'd thought she did.  And truth be told, she was relieved about that.  He wasn't for her, and she had finally understood that, accepted it, and moved on from there.  

She still wanted him to be happy always...

It just wouldn't be with her.


Rin watched Sesshoumaru pace near the god tree with knowing eyes.  She'd seen how much he missed Kagome over the two years she'd been gone, and even seen him finally admit to himself that he did, indeed, miss her presence, for no other reason than that he missed her.

It wasn't because she was a puzzle, it wasn't even just because she was pack.  It was because he missed her for her, and nothing more.  

“Don't worry, Sesshoumaru-sama,”  she finally said,  “if you are right about her returning, then you only have one more year to go – it's almost over!”

He stopped his pacing at that, glancing down at his ward, he nodded.  “You are correct, Rin.  There is only one more year.”  But I do not want to wait another year, he sighed to himself.  I, who have patience enough for a thousand youkai, have run out of it when it comes to this subject.  I wish my pack to be whole again... I wish her to be here again.

With an inward sigh, he moved back to the tree, and placed his hand against it, pleased to once more feel her presence.  He basked in it for some time, not even noticing as his ward smiled at him, and then took her leave, heading back to the village.

After a time, he pulled away from the tree, and forced himself to face reality once more... he had one more year to wait.  With a bit of a scowl at that unpalatable truth, he decided to do something useful, and go on a patrol around the village, and his lands.  It would take up a good week for this, and keep him busy for a while.  

Growling slightly, he admitted to himself once more the thing he had learned this second year of her absence...

He missed Kagome...

Simply because she was Kagome.


A/N:  Well, slow as he is, he's getting there, lol.  But there's still lots of story left to go, don't worry!


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