InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ The Lord of the West, and the Little Human Girl ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Lord of the West, and the Little Human Girl

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Contentment flowed through Kagome, bathing everyone around her in the same feeling.

Rin and Shippo both sighed happily, curled up together in their blankets.  After a moment, Rin spoke up.


“Hai, Rin-chan?”

“Would you tell us a story?”  she asked, Shippo nodding sleepily behind her.

Kagome thought for a moment, and then an excited look crossed her face as she nodded.  “I have the perfect story to tell you, Rin,”  she replied, sneaking a quick look over at Sesshoumaru.  Grabbing her big yellow bag, the one that she had added important things to in the three years she had been gone, so she would have them when she came back, she rooted around inside it for a moment, before sitting up with a satisfied sound.

Sitting back comfortably, Kagome opened the book she'd pulled out, and began reading to the kids, although, really, she was reading to the daiyoukai behind the children more than anyone else.  She wondered if he would remember what she had told him so many years before.

“... little human girl, saw the injured youkai, and decided to help him.  Now, the youkai wasn't too happy about it, at first, but after a little while, he became curious instead of angry.  Why would she try to help him?”

“And so it went, she bringing him things to eat, and him not eating them, but instead, watching her.  She would bring him water, as well, which he did take, as all living things need water to survive.  Even that much acceptance made the little girl happy, though, and she would smile at him every time she came back.”

Finally, a day came when the youkai's body had finally healed itself, and he stood up to leave, not even thinking about the little girl... until he smelled blood on the winds, and, curious, followed that scent – he could tell it belonged to the little girl.”

Kagome couldn't miss Rin's fascination with the story, but it was Sesshoumaru's reaction she was most interested in; he was listening raptly, though he pretended not to, and from the look on his face, he was fully aware of just what story she was telling.  With a small smile, she continued reading.

“When he found her, she was no longer living – and he could smell wolves in the area, telling him just who was responsible for her death.  But this youkai was a most powerful and special youkai – a lord amongst them, and he carried the power to return her to life.  With very little thought, curiosity made him use that power, the power his great father had left to him.”

She grinned as Rin clapped, her face alight with happiness.  “That's what Sesshoumaru-sama did for me, too!  I like this story, Kagome-sama!”

“I'm glad, Rin,”  she said with a laugh.  After a moment, she went back to finish the story.  

“The great youkai watched as the little girls wounds all healed, and she started breathing again.  He hadn't been sure, you see, that the power his father left him would really return the dead – but now he knew it would.  Helping the child to stand, he turned and began to walk away... and the little girl followed him.  And though she was human, and just a child, the youkai lord couldn't bring himself to turn her away, and from that day on, the two traveled together, having many adventures.  If asked, the little girl would tell you that she loved the youkai lord, and would never want to leave him.”

Kagome shot a surreptitious look at Sesshoumaru, not surprised to see him pretending to be lost in other thoughts.  But she could tell he was listening very well to her tale.

“In time, the great youkai would come to love the little girl, too, and would continue to always protect her, keeping her safe for all her life.  The End,”  she said gently, a soft look on her face as she caught Rin's look at Sesshoumaru.  And he does love her, too... even if he never admits it.

“Tell me, miko... what is this story called?”  the youkai in question asked, and Kagome graced him with an amused look.

“The Lord of the West, and the Little Human Girl,”  she replied, a knowing expression on her face, and he returned that look with an ironic one.

“Ah, yes,”  he said,  “you mentioned such a story, once before.  We were speaking of weakness, and memorability, I believe.”

Kagome nodded, pleased that he did, indeed, remember.  “Yes... and I was right, wasn't I?  I told you there was such a legend in my time, and while I was home for those years, I looked it up, and bought this copy that was made for children, so that I could bring it back, and read it to you and Rin.”

“Kagome-sama, that story is about Rin and Sesshoumaru-sama?”  the little girl asked, wide-eyed and breathless.

“Yes, Rin... this story is about you and Sesshoumaru-sama.  That's why this book is for you,”  she said, and smiling gently, she handed the book over to an awed Rin, who looked it over most carefully, allowing Shippo to also look.  After a few moments, she looked back up at Kagome.

“Thank you, Kagome-sama,”  she whispered.  “I will take care of it always,”  she promised.

“Okay, children, it's time for you to go to sleep,”  she said, smiling at the groans.  “No excuses, now.”

She waited as they rearranged themselves, and then settled, slowly puttering out, and enjoyed the quiet evening breeze.  It felt so good to be back, and she couldn't help the feeling of joyous contentment that washed over her.

After a time, once the kids were truly asleep, Sesshoumaru addressed her.  “Tell me, miko... is there another copy of that story?”

Eyes alight with a knowing, happy smile, Kagome reached into her bag silently and handed him a parcel.  “I got you a more adult version of the legend, Sessshoumaru-sama.”  She didn't say anything else, and neither did he, as he opened the book and started reading.

And that was how her first evening back passed, feelings of contentment emanating not just from her, but also from the daiyoukai across from her.

It was a good way to end the day, and welcome in her first night back in the past...

Where she belonged.


A/N:  I just had to write this one... this hails back to chapter two, where Kagome tells him that a legend of he and Rin exists.

Yeah, I know, in canon, she brought nothing back to the past with her, but in my version, she does.  I hope everyone can cope with that change and not freak out. o_o


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