InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ Challenged ( Chapter 59 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Kanon surreptitiously eyed the young miko that was entertaining some of the pups while her alpha, Sesshoumaru, spoke to Shun and his mother Satori before taking their leave.  It was now or never, she knew.

She really had no desire to harm the miko, she had indeed, done a lot for them with no care for herself.  

But she was human, and as such, was not an appropriate mate for a daiyoukai of Sesshoumaru's power.  An inuyoukai would be a much better match.  

She was well aware of the fact that when he had begun courting the miko, he was under the impression that there were no more inuyoukai still living, and in those circumstances, she could see what would draw him to the human woman.  While she herself had not seen her in action, the others had told her that the woman was a miko.

However, it was apparent now that there were, in fact, more inuyoukai – and she was single and ripe for childbearing.  She could most certainly be a match for such a fine specimen as the Western daiyoukai.  Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, the only way to have him now would be to challenge the woman, Kagome.

Traditionally, all such challenges were to the death...

But I don't have to kill her... I can just injure her enough that she would forfeit, leaving me the right to court Sesshoumaru-sama.  After all, it would be most dishonorable to kill one who had done nothing but help us in our hour of need.  

And since she is not youkai, she would not have the same killing instinct as another inu would to continue the fight to the death.

Just as the parties broke up and Sesshoumaru began to call Kagome to his side, she drew in her breath and her courage and stood to face the miko.  When the young woman looked at her questioningly, she declared her challenge.

“I, Kanon, challenge you for the right to court the daiyoukai Sesshoumaru, Lord of the West.”

Her words sent an instant silence through the entire group...

And then everyone exploded, the babble of speech and excited exclamations becoming so loud that Kagome couldn't even hear herself think.

“Wait a minute... what?”  Kagome said, totally confused and not being helped by all the loud babbling going on around her.  Her voice was lost in the confusion – but Satori heard her, and with a stunned glance at her son, whose aura was already rising in anger, she stepped over to the young miko and attempted to speak to her.

It was too loud, however, and Kagome just shook her head, her confusion deepening.  She couldn't hear the woman speak.

Silence fell immediately at Sesshoumaru's snarl, even Inuyasha's brash mouth falling still, and Satori sighed as she looked at the woman her son had chosen as his own.

“Remember the story of my past, Kagome,”   she said softly, her face solemn.  “It is the same, only in reverse.  You are Sesshoumaru's intended, but this female wants him for herself, instead.  She has challenged you.  It is a fight to the death.”

Eyes widening, Kagome began to speak, but Kanon interrupted her.  “She isn't inu.  I don't want to kill her.  When we battle and she submits, I will stop fighting.”

At that, Inuyasha's course laugh was heard, yanking all attention to him.  “You got some balls, bitch, I'll give ya that,”  he barked,  “hell, in your mind you already have the battle finished, don't ya?  But you're biting off way more than you can chew with this, and it's you that needs to worry about submitting.  There's no way on this earth that you would ever be able to beat Kagome.”

Kagome's soft voice broke in, causing silence to fall and yanking Sesshoumaru's attention to her.  He'd been having a hard time not ripping the female's throat out – such challenges, between females in such a manner, were rare.  Most of the time, males were not prone to enduring having their choice made for them, unless the male was truly only looking for the strongest female, in which case, challenges were welcome.

In this case, he was well aware that Kagome was the strongest, but even were she not, he would still not abide by someone challenging her and then thinking he would submit to such a contest.  The bitch was presumptuous, and was about to find out just how not willing he was to go along with this.  Kagome's voice stopped him, which was the only reason the female wasn't dead already.

“Do you really think that Sesshoumaru would allow anyone to make his decisions for him?”  she asked, honestly curious, not realizing that that very thing was running around the daiyoukai's mind.

Kanon looked at her for a moment with an almost pitying expression on her face.  “You are not inu, and could not understand.  It is inherent for a male inu to seek out the strongest female – and again, you are not inu.  Any child you gave him would be hanyou.  A Lord cannot endure such – his lands need a full-blooded heir to be able to hold them in peace.”

The seriousness of the moment was interrupted by Satori's laugh; everyone there turned to stare at her in question.  She looked at Kanon, and her expression was openly pitying.  “Tell me, Kanon... have you ever heard of an island called Horaijima?”  When the woman shook her head, she continued.  “Pity.  It might have helped you understand.  I studied that island for years, watching the lives of those who lived there – and what happened when they were conquered by a group of four youkai calling themselves the Four War Gods.”  She broke off for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing at her own pace, despite the fidgeting of the challenging female.  

“Those four fools discovered something that all the rest of us fools never figured out – a hanyou, born of a youkai, and a human with spiritual powers, was so powerful, that they could use said hanyou's power to fuel themselves for fifty years.”  She glanced at her son as his eyes narrowed in thought, and chuckled inwardly.  You really didn't think on my words before – when I told you this same story, did you, my son?  But now... now you are.  “Fifty years.  One hanyou child fueled four full youkai for fifty years.  Can you imagine the power?  But it only works when it is a melding of a youkai and a human with power.  My son has chosen such a female... meaning his progeny, while technically hanyou, will bypass all of you in power quite easily – probably while still in infancy.”

Complete silence met her words, and Kagome's brow furrowed as she thought about that.  In some ways, what Satori had just said relieved some of her worries.  She knew first-hand that what the female was saying was correct, but she'd never thought of the consequences for herself and Sesshoumaru that were inherent within that knowledge.  Now that it was brought out into the light of day...

“That's right,”  she said slowly.  “Those guys were able to sustain themselves fully by killing one hanyou child every fifty years and stealing their energy.  I never really thought about that before.  The power potential is enormous.”  Her eyes met Sesshoumaru's, then.  “I can understand now why you weren't against my humanity...”

Her words trailed off with just a hint of sadness, and Sesshoumaru understood where it was coming from instantly.

“Wipe that thought out of your mind, Kagome,”  he growled, his youki still agitated by Kanon's challenge.  “I also had not thought of such a thing when I decided to court you.  It was mother who brought it to my attention when I questioned her reasons for attempting to meddle in my affairs.”

Kagome felt her heart lighten at his words; it never crossed her mind to doubt him, and relief filled her that such had not been his reason for choosing her... though she would always be curious about what it was that had attracted him to her, of all people.

Kanon, who'd been silent during this time, turned to look at Satori, startled, and showing it.  “You wish to see him with this human woman?”

Satori cocked a brow at her, but before she could answer, she caught Shun's expression out of the corner of her eye, and turned to him, instead.  “Does this surprise you, Shun?”

The large male shook his head.  “When I think of it, no,”  he said, his voice deep and smooth.  “Thinking there were no other inuyoukai, and with what you knew of the mingling of youki and reiki?  I can see what would attract you to such a notion.”

Impatient of a sudden, Kanon spoke up.  “That was then, and this is now, when you know that there are other inuyoukai.  Would you still wish hanyou on your line?”  she snapped.

Eyes narrowing with the beginnings of temper, Kagome was cut off by Inuyasha.  “Listen, bitch, just 'cause you're full inuyoukai don't mean shit.  I'm much stronger than you, and I'm a halfer.  If you don't feel like dying today, I suggest you drop this stupid challenge idea and go on with your life.  Find someone else to mate.”

Temper now heated, Kanon didn't respond to his words or even wait for Sesshoumaru to respond to hers, she simply attacked, and suddenly, Kagome had a whole new kind of fight to worry about.

She didn't really want to kill the young female, meaning she would have to be very careful.  She also didn't want anyone else injured by an attack gone astray, and so, as she dodged the first attack, she concentrated, and a barrier appeared, surrounding them in a clear dome.  It wasn't perfect, but it would hold... hopefully.  It was a great deal more difficult to make such a barrier when you were already under attack, rather than when you had warning.

She could see the others still outside the dome reacting with surprise and shocked anger, but there was no time for her to dwell on that – her opponent was swift and obviously intended to finish this battle quickly.  

Kanon came at her with claws extended and reddened eyes, slashing and clawing at her.  Kagome could do little but respond defensively; as the female made contact, she blasted her away with a bright flash of her reiki, and that quickly, first blood was drawn as the female landed on her rear on the other side of the dome, surprise and pain on her face.

Her chest was smoking, and she was sporting bad burns on her upper arms as well.  

“Please, stop fighting me,”  Kagome pleaded, keeping her reiki infused in her hands just in case,  “I don't want to hurt you any more than you already are.  And there's little point in your challenge – Sesshoumaru would never submit to his choices being taken away in this manner, believe me.  You don't know him as I do.  He would sooner kill you even if you defeated me just for daring to presume that he would.”

Gasping for air and definitely hurting, the female's pride wouldn't let her back down, just as Kagome had feared.  There was nothing for it – she would have to knock her unconscious to stop the fight.  Bracing herself, she waited for the female to rush her again.

Both combatants were caught off-guard, however, when a brilliant green flash erupted against the barrier Kagome had thrown up, and a very angry Sesshoumaru broke through the holy energy to confront them.  Kagome, knowing his anger was not aimed at her, let her reiki dissipate and simply stepped back, deferring to him.

His youki was heavy, pressing down upon the female now cowering across from him – it was a clear warning that he was displeased and that her life was very possibly hanging in the balance.

“You presume much, wench,”  he began icily, even as he pressed down upon her more, battling her own youki that had been flaring wildly back into her body.  “No female will make my decisions for me.  Had I wanted you or another of the females here, no one would have been able to stop me taking you.  I have already chosen, and that choice will not change for your idiocy in challenging one who is clearly stronger than you.”

With an odd barking sound, the injured female spoke in inu, and whatever she said made Sesshoumaru even angrier, as his claws began to glow green.  Kagome knew that whatever was happening now, Kanon was very, very close to death.  Answering in the same tongue, Sesshoumaru snarled back, and even Kagome understood that – it was a demand for submission, clear as day, and finally, the cowering female did so, dropping to her knees and baring her throat.  

Kagome could see the fight within Sesshoumaru – to stand his ground or to rip her throat out for her presumption, and moving swiftly to stand behind him, she pressed herself into his back, murmuring soothingly to him.  They stood that way for several very long seconds, the daiyoukai glaring at the female on her knees before him awaiting her fate as Kagome worked her magic on him, finally calming his agitation as she rubbed his arm and back, her forehead pressed to his spine as she spoke to him in tones too low for anyone else to hear.

Once she could feel his tension dissipate, she stepped back and simply stood behind him again, awaiting whatever was going to happen, but hoping beyond hope that he would not kill the young female for her indiscretion.  She didn't want to see anyone die for such a silly reason...

Inhaling deeply to calm his agitated instincts, which were calling for the female's blood, Sesshoumaru forced his blood to cool, knowing that such a thing would upset Kagome tremendously.  In most cases, had she been a true threat to his pack, he would not have stopped his actions and would have, despite Kagome's upset, killed the offender, just as he had done with that dragon youkai that had attacked her before.

But in this case, the female was truly no threat, and killing her simply because she had challenged Kagome was clearly not necessary.  They would leave, and the wench would have purification burns to heal from to remind her of her foolishness for some time to come.  In fact, he noted with satisfaction, some of the burns looked bad enough to scar the female permanently.

Once he had himself firmly back under control, he spoke once more.  “You are very lucky you still live.  Take this as a lesson – it is not wise to insult your betters.  Even were you stronger than Kagome, you would still not be a match for me, not as she is, for she knows me, and you do not.”

The female whined, but then said,  “But, my lord... what will happen in a few short years when she passes on and leaves you alone again?  A true inu would not die so young.”

At that, Shun cleared his throat, thinking back to before the battle when he had asked the same question.  Moving forward, he took ahold of Kanon's arm and, a bit roughly, to be sure, pulled her to her feet.  “As someone mentioned to me recently, appearances can deceive.  Kagome-sama is not a normal human in that respect – she is immune to time, which, in this case, means she will outlive you, and even still appear young when you are old, just as the Western Lord will.  You will live a long time, yes... but not nearly as long as either of them.”  

He looked up and caught Sesshoumaru's eye.  “Did you have anything further to say to this one, Sesshoumaru-sama?”

The daiyoukai eyed the female once more, rather disdainfully, then shook his head.  Curtly, he said,  “No.  She should see a healer for those wounds, however.  Some of them will be permanent.  If she is not treated, they will all be permanent.”

A snicker, and an,  “That's what she gets,”  from Inuyasha got Kagome's attention, and she glared at him.  That particular look had always meant an “Osuwari,” before, and so he shut up, his ears flat to his head as he crossed his arms with a huff.

Satori, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke up.  “They no longer have an experienced healer.  She was killed a few months ago, Sesshoumaru,”  she said to her son, before meeting Shun's gaze.  

At that, Kagome stepped from behind her lord, meeting his eyes pleadingly.  “I will treat her, if you don't mind, Sesshoumaru.  It won't take but a few minutes.”

It was obvious her words had surprised Kanon, but Kagome's eyes were only for her Lord, and after a moment of thought, the inuyoukai agreed, though his expression as he turned his gaze on the injured female was stony.  

“Very well.  I will allow this.  But make haste, Kagome, for we still must reach the village, and I would like to do so by this evening.”

Instantly, Kagome was moving, grabbing her bag, she motioned for Shun, who was still holding Kanon up by her arm, to let her go so they could move into one of the chambers for privacy's sake.  The female would, after all, have to partially disrobe.  With a curt gesture, Sesshoumaru ordered his mother to follow them to make sure there was no treachery on the part of the inu female.

“Why is she not mated already?”  Sesshoumaru asked Shun, his voice still showing his anger.

The older male sighed.  “There is one of our young males that has shown interest in her, but she has so far not accepted his suit.  I think, in the way of many young females, she wished for something different.  Someone larger than life.  You would definitely qualify on that score, Sesshoumaru-sama.”

“Hn.  Then perhaps this little episode has taught her a lesson, and she will now be more amenable to the young male's pursuit.  There are no others for her to choose from, after all.  It is either that, or become an old maid,”  he grunted, eying the cave entrance, obviously willing Kagome to come out.  He wanted to get away from here – he had big plans for the next few days, and with the upset already today, he was only feeling the pull more strongly.

It was time.  He could wait no longer.  His instincts were screaming at him, and his more logical side was in total agreement.  He would have her mated within a few days, he was not willing to wait any longer, and he knew that Kagome was also ready, virginal shyness and caution notwithstanding.

But there would be no more foolishness such as what had happened today, and no more waiting.

With a glance at his brother, Sesshoumaru turned to his mother as she and Kagome finally exited the cave and asked,  “You will be staying here for a time?”

She considered him for a moment, then nodded.  “Yes.  I will be here for a while.”  Left unsaid were her reasons, though they didn't need to be spoken of, as all there were quite aware of what they were.  

Without further ado, he reached out for Kagome's arm, and pulling her gently into his side, formed his cloud beneath his feet and lifted into the air, Inuyasha following on Ah-Uhn.

Looking down, Inuyasha watched the group of inuyoukai as they fell away beneath him, and then sighed, looking forward once more.

He was definitely happy to be returning to his home, and anyone could see it.

But that still didn't stop the momentary glance he sent Kagome once she and his brother  were airborne – a glance full of regret that he hadn't been the one for her.  Regret that he had to let her go... since she would so far outlive him, and only his brother could keep her from being alone throughout all those years.

It still hurt, and it always would, despite his fondness for his wife.  But he could console himself with the fact that she was happy,  and always would be.

He sighed, watching them interact from behind, knowing from his brother's scent and mannerisms that she would be his within days, and was pretty positive that he would be asked to watch over Rin and Jaken while he took her off alone.

Keh.  As long as he makes her happy, it don't matter how I feel.  She'll always have a part of my heart, and because of that, I want what's best for her – and that ain't me.  And with the way he treats her... she won't want for anything.  He'll take care of her, and that's all a person could ask.

Kagome glanced up at her Lord's face as they flew, warm and wrapped in mokomoko as the cooler air at their height was a bit too cool for her.  She took note of the faint signs of his displeasure – the slight frown he bore, and the little bit of tension in his muscles.

“What's wrong?”  she asked softly, cuddling into him just a little more.

His jaw tightened for a moment, and then he asked,  “What was said between you when you went into the cavern to treat her?”

A little confused, she frowned up at him.  “Umm... nothing, why?”  

He flicked a disbelieving glance down at her, gold flashing for a second before he lifted his gaze back to the horizon.  “You wish me to believe that not one word was spoken as you treated her?”

She rolled her eyes inwardly.  “No, Sesshoumaru, all I meant was that nothing of importance was said.  She was merely confused as to why I would volunteer to treat the one who had attacked me.  I told her that it was because mistakes happen, but that doesn't mean a person should be left to suffer, and since there was no one else that could help her heal from those burns, I would not be able to live with myself if I did nothing to ease her pain.”  She shrugged.   “I don't think she really understood... but give her time.  She's young.  She'll figure it out.”

“Hn.  Still... you cannot always go around healing those you fight, Kagome.  Like that dragon.”

Her scent changed then, to sadness mixed with understanding.  “I know.  I can't save everyone.  But I can be grateful for those I am able to, and with your gift, maybe I can save more of those who are deserving.”  She met his gaze, hers warm and caressing.  “That was the best gift ever, Sesshoumaru, and I'll cherish it forever.”

Pleased, he let a bit of a soft look heat his eyes.  “That is something we have yet to do.  It needs a sheath.”

She nodded, but didn't break his gaze, and after a moment, he prompted her – it was obvious she had something to say, though she didn't know how to say it.

“This courting thing,”  she began, her cheeks slowly heating, to his great interest,  “how long does it go on?”

So her mind is also on progressing to the next step.  That is very good...

His eyes smiled at her.  “Only as long as you desire it to.  The only necessary steps have already been completed.”

She looked down, her fingers fidgeting beneath the fur she was covered in.  “Oh.  And... and how long do you intend for it to continue?”  she asked, her voice very hesitant and soft.

“That depends on you, Kagome.  Do you wish to extend the courting further?”  He enjoyed watching as she began to squirm uncomfortably, obviously wanting to get it out, but just as obviously embarrassed.

“N-no...”  she said slowly.  “I really don't think there's a need to, do you?”

“Are you saying that you are ready?”  he asked softly.  He waited almost breathlessly for her answer, and when she nodded, blushing even more, he sighed deeply, running a gentle finger down one hot cheek.

“I had thought you were ready, and was going to speak to you of this very subject tonight.  But since you have already broached the topic, I will simply speak to Inuyasha and have him watch over the pack so we may go into seclusion,”  he said after a moment, only to see her nod again.  Apparently, her embarrassment had her unable to talk, and he could only chuckle at her inwardly.

At the same time, he was pleased, and he now had his answer.

It was, indeed, time, and she was more than ready.

His body tightened in excitement.

Soon, he crooned inwardly to his flaring instincts.

Soon, she will be mine, undoubtedly...

And eternally.