InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Change ❯ An Unlikely Alliance ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Winds of Change

Author: Me

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, I just enjoy toying with them.

Summary: Nothing ever happens the way we think it will.

Notes: My first Inuyasha fic. Please read and review so I know if I'm any good or if I should just quit while I'm ahead. I spell the names the way I do, deal. No matter how much you nag, that won't change.


"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe


The winds grew stronger, whipping across the lands. He watched from the cave as trees were uprooted and homes were destroyed. The wind howled, sounding almost like a cry of pain. It only lasted for a moment. As suddenly as it had started, the winds died and there was silence. Not even a gentle breeze could be detected. It could only mean one thing.


The fan opened and with a slight movement of her wrist, the wind sped up. Nothing more than a light breeze, but it was enough for her. The power of the wind was a truly beautiful thing to behold. It was a part of who she was. As long as she could feel it, she could feel some semblance of peace.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted an insect hovering near the blossoms of a nearby tree. Narrowing her eyes, she sent a wind blade at it, effectively killing it. Even when Naraku failed to give her assignments, he continued to spy on her. Did he think she was stupid enough to not see them? They weren't the most inconspicuous creatures.

She knew he was just toying with her. If he really wanted to make her do something, all he had to do was crush her heart. And he would make sure it was a slow and painful experience. She had experienced it enough to know.

Plucking a feather from her hair she studied it for a while before picking her destination. It grew to its full size and she neatly landed on it, flying into the sky. She knew just the thing to distract herself.


It figured. Instead of finding the one person she could deal with, she found the dead miko. The dead miko who insisted on shooting at her. Lowering the feather, she landed neatly and stood before Kikyou.

"Your aim sucks." She grasped her fan, ready to fight if she needed to.

"It was not my intent to harm, only to capture your attention." Lowering the bow, Kikyou stood before her.

"Always a pleasure to run into you, Kikyou." The fan remained closed, but one flick of her wrist could change that. It was best not to let her guard down yet.

"Kagura, impatience will get you nowhere." The miko placed the arrows on the ground, next to the bow.

"And neither will talking to you." The fan was still closed, but her fingers unconsciously clutched it tighter.

"What if I could help you gain your freedom?" Kikyou looked at her expectantly, eyes shifting towards the fan in her hand.

Silenced, Kagura could only stare. The fan dropped to the ground, forgotten.

"Is that not what you wish?"

"Why?" She could only stare as the miko shared a small smile. Kikyou could smile?

"I know what it is like to be a pawn of Naraku." Her expression darkened and the smile disappeared.

"Go on..." Raising an eyebrow, Kagura could only wonder where this was all leading and what she would have to do.

"You have no reason to trust me. I know this. But in the end, we have one common goal."

"Killing Naraku?"


With these words, the smile once again appeared and Kagura could not think of anything to say. She had so many questions, but one thought overshadowed them all. `Freedom. Free of that bastard. But at what cost?'

Kikyou stared at her expectantly and she nodded. "How?"


So? What do you think?