InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Change ❯ Observations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thank you for the positive reviews. I can only hope that the story lives up to your expectations. Read on and let me know how I'm doing. And I know I'm probably taking liberties with all that Kagura can do with the wind, but bear with me, please.


The wind whipped around him as he followed the trail. Her scent was fresh and his mind was clouded with thoughts of ripping out the wind demon's throat. It was time for revenge. His visions of blood were cut short as he realized something important. She had been close only a moment ago, but now she was gone. He stilled, the whirlwind dissipating as he took in his surroundings.

It was gone. Not even a trace of her scent could be found in the area. But he refused to give up. She had to be masking her scent somehow. He wouldn't put it past her. A growl started low in his throat as he thought of what he would do once he found her. It was time to show her just how he could fight. True, he had yet to gain any advantage over her, but this time would be different. This time he was prepared for a fight.

A light breeze brushed past him, teasing him with her scent. He whipped around, studying his surroundings. She was back. "Come out and fight, wind witch!"

Her laugh sounded and he ground his teeth in annoyance. Another gust of wind came at him from behind and nearly knocked him to the ground. "You're getting sloppy, wolf boy."

Turning again, he still could not find her. Her scent was all over the area, no doubt a trick from her fan. She could be anywhere, but he refused to back down. He owed his tribe that much. "And you're cheating."

"Since when have we ever fought fair?" Her voice was dangerously close and he tensed, waiting for the attack. She appeared before him, jumping from a nearby tree and landing gracefully on the ground. He charged, trying to surprise her, only to be blown away by a series of wind blades.

"Don't toy with me." Trying again, he managed to get closer, but she easily evaded his attack and sent more wind blades in his direction.

Winking, she began to throw more of the blades, making him dodge and duck across the landscape. "Where's the fun in that?"

He growled at her as he realized the trap he had fallen into. The blades skimmed across his skin, barely touching, but doing enough to distract him from trying anything against her.


Kikyou watched as two demons fought, studying them. Oddly enough, it seemed as though Kagura was merely toying with the wolf demon, rather than fighting him. She could see that the attacks were weaker than what Kagura was normally capable of producing. The blades were just as deadly, but they lacked force.

Kouga, on the other hand, was too busy dodging wind blades to put up much of a fight. For his attacks to even work, he would have to get closer. His temper was starting to get the better of him, reducing him to idle threats and cursing. If he would only think before acting, he could very well give Kagura a challenge.

She was starting to think that perhaps Kagura was the only one enjoying this twisted game, but as she watched, she could see that the wolf demon seemed to have forgotten his earlier threats and was now focused on showing off just how well he could dodge the wind blades. Taunts flew between the two, but no real damage was done.

It was like watching a dance. The moves seemed practiced as they parried against one another, each step precise and graceful. Each movement building up the tension as the two opponents tried to outdo each other. In another life, the two might have made a striking couple. A small laugh escaped as she thought of the reactions that little tidbit might provoke.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Kagura froze for a moment. Pulling a feather out of her hair, she quickly vaulted onto it and flew off without saying a word. Kikyou looked around, trying to spot whatever had caused such a strong reaction in the wind user. Seeing nothing, she turned back to see Kouga, an unreadable expression on his face.

The wolf demon seemed to be just as confused that the battle was suddenly over. Glancing into the sky, he seemed to be deep in thought. Something flickered in his eyes, almost too quick for her to catch it. It may have been her imagination, but it seemed as if he was almost disappointed that she had left.


Kagura did not like this feeling one bit. She hated to be bullied and bossed around. She answered to no one. Or at least she would like to believe that last part. In the middle of the battle with Kouga, she had been forced to heed Naraku's call. A sudden pressure had built up in her chest, her feather the only thing that had kept her from collapsing on the ground at Kouga's feet. The pain was still there and she could barely breathe.

A sudden fear gripped her as she thought of her talk with Kikyou. Had one of Naraku's spies heard something? The damn things were never far. She wished that she could just turn the feather around and fly far, far away, but that was not possible. The pain began to build up again and she tried not to pass out. Something obviously had him in a snit.

Struggling to stay upright, she spotted the castle in the distance. The pressure began to recede, allowing her to breathe again. Just as she thought the worst was over, the pain flooded her system and she wondered why he didn't just kill her already. It wasn't like he hadn't threatened to do so before. Tears freely rolled down her cheeks as she struggled not to cry out. She would never give him that pleasure.

Landing, she barely managed to get off the feather without falling over. The pressure receded once more and she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She refused to show him any signs of weakness.

Tucking the feather into her hair, she began her walk towards Naraku's quarters. She just hoped she seemed more in control than she felt. This meeting would not end pleasantly.


Let me know what you thought of this chapter.