InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Her Love ❯ New Identity ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
They all went they're separate ways after Naraku was defeated and killed, but he had one problem. . . he couldn't live without her. Pairings:Mir/San possible Inu/Kag
AN:This is my first fic you don't have to review but it would be nice^^And a special thanks to my friend Courtney for putting it up cause I don't know how^^'
Disclaimer:I don't own anything except a few make believe people in my head

He walk down the road he has walked many times, now planning to go farther to tell her how he felt, but he just couldn't. He remembers how they parted like it was yesterday. Last time he saw her in the space of two years. Now he is determined to get her heart as his. He Miroku Fujita will have Sango Taijiya as his wife. As he makes that promise to himself he turns around to go back to the village he has been staying in lately to conger a plan.

She rebuilt her town like she promised herself and rescued her brother. Sango has been happy but not truly. For she will never openly admit this but she misses that perverted monk all so much. Her town has flourished and is now very well known. Though Naraku is dead his part of the jewel is still lost not that mattered to Sango.

She walks around her town looking at all the families training and having fun together. Sango wished that could be her. As all there known family, but her brother was killed with the old village, but soon after she rescued Kohaku he was murdered by a boar demon for the shard in his back. Sango looks up as she hears someone calling her name to see Kagome running towards her.

" Sango-chan how have you been" she asks out of breath as she reaches Sango kneeling over hands on her knees.

" just fine Kagome-sama but what brings you here" Sango asks having not seen her friend in a long time.

" I sensed a jewel shard around here so Inuyasha and me came to check it out. . . . . . we were also hoping for a place to stay till we get this shard" Kagome says looking at her friend with hopeful eyes.

" of course Kagome I have plenty of room for you guys my hut is just this way" Sango says turning and starting towards her home with Kagome in toll.

Sango walks in the hut and the young women talk and catch up. A women dressed in the same outfit as Sango's fighting one only blue armor plates comes running in" Sango-chan there is a demon in the town do you want us to take care of it" she asks

Sango shakes her head" I'll do it I haven't fought a demon in a while just hold it off till I get there so it doesn't hurt anyone" she says standing and then going in another room to get Hiraikotsu and to change into her fighting uniform. She comes out then follows the woman to where the demon is to see that it's only Inuyasha. " Inuyasha come this way. . . everyone else this demon is no threat he is a friend" she sighs getting worked up for nothing and starts walking away. Everyone else slowly goes back to what they were doing.

" Feh" Inuyasha says and walks after Sango" so that monk with you" he asks

" houshi-sama?. . . . no why would he be" Sango asks. Inuyasha jut stays silent and follows Sango into her hut and sits in a corner his normal Indian style with his hands in his sleeves. " So Kagome where do you think this demon is because we have had no attacks or reports of any lately" she says

" that's what throws us off too because I can sense it but Inuyasha can't smell it and anyone we ask has no idea" Kagome says with a puzzled look.

" maybe it's deeper in the forest and only has the jewel to protect itself and can cloak it's smell that is the only way I can think of for reason why you can't find it" Sango suggests

" maybe we should check it out Inuyasha. . . . . Sango we would be honored if you did this with us like old times" Kagome says smiling. Inuyasha just grunts and Fehs.

" I'd love to help you I need to get away or fight something and this way I'm doing both" Sango replies smiling back and Kirara climbs into her lap.

" We'll go first thing in the morning so we'll be rested" Kagome says.

" Like hell we will let's go now the sooner we get this shard the quicker we can look for others and put the jewel back together" Inuyasha says enraged.

" Inuyasha" Kagome says sweetly balling her fists.

" What" Inuyasha says eyeing her.

" SIT" Kagome says and Inuyasha plummets into the ground mumbling angrily

" I'll start on dinner while it cooks would you like to join me for a bath Kagome-sama" Sango asks

Kagome nods" I need one we haven't stopped to make camp for awhile" she says getting into her huge yellow back pack for shampoo and other bath things. The girls walk to the hot spring that is close to the village and get in after shedding their clothes. " It feels weird" she says.

" What's does" Sango asks confused by this remark beyond reason.

" knowing Miroku isn't there peeking I grew so used to seeing you get so mad and hurt him it became a custom" Kagome says looking off to the woods smiling.

" I don't miss houshi-sama one bit" Sango says. Kagome turns and looks at the demon slayer leaving the smile on her face. They are washing when they hear a rustle in the near by bushes. Kagome stays hidden behind a rock for she has nothing to protest herself with as Sango gets out and grabs Hiraikotsu and throws it towards the bush. A three eyed bear demon with two extra arms with razor sharp claws jumps out but gets hit as Hiraikotsu makes it's way back to Sango. She catches it then looks at the demon" What do you want" she yells.

" For your jewel shards of course" The bear says laughing evilly then charges at Sango mouth open ready to bite her. Sango uses her boomerang as a shield and the demon hits it's nose on it and whimpers in pain. Sango takes this chance to kill it and throws her weapon tearing the bear demon in two. Kagome comes out from hiding and goes over to the body of the demon and pulls out a jewel shard of it's chest.

" This isn't the demon I sensed cause it's still there but this will make Inuyasha happy" Kagome says adding it to her jar with the rest of her shards. The girls get back in the water to rinse off.

" Well we should head back it's getting late and dinner should be almost done" Sango says getting out and redressing. Kagome nods and gets dressed also. They walk back and get to the hut just in time for the dinner to be perfectly cooked. They eat and talk and tell Inuyasha about the bear demon and the jewel shard. Like Kagome said he would was glad they got at least something done today. Then got sat. They eventually made their way to bed and fell asleep.

Next Day

Miroku finally got the plan on how he would win Sango's love. He would dress up as a demon exterminator and let his hair down so she won't know it's him. Then hopefully get close enough for her to trust him and even more love him and bear his children. He already had his outfit same as Sango's just purple armor plates to represent to him he's still a monk. He put it on and put his monk dressings in a small bag with the rest of his belongings then turns to look at his staff" what should I do with this she'll know it's me for sure if I bring this along" he mumbles to himself then thinks about it" I'll leave it with Hachi he'll keep good watch of it" he says then starts toward the racoon-dog's cave.

Sango awoke early that morning to Kagome and Inuyasha bickering about something and decides to get ready for their journey ahead of them today. She is dressed and polishing Hiraikotsu when there is a knock at her door. She gets up to see who it is. She slides open her door to come face to face to Kagome. " I was just making sure you were up Inuyasha is being a pain about moving so we find that shard" Kagome says" goman if I woke you though"

" Oh no I was up I was just polishing Hirikotsu" Sango says and smiles at her friend to reassure her.

Kagome nods" I made breakfast so we wouldn't be fighting on empty stomachs" she says as they walk to the major living part of the hut where Inuyasha is already eating. " Inuyasha I swear you are so rude you couldn't even wait for us" Kagome huffs getting hers and handing Sango hers.

" Arigato Kagome-sama" Sango says eating her noodles. Kagome smiles and nods. They finish eating and head southwest to the part of the forest where most of the demons around the village live. Every so often they would see giant holes in the ground. The group is in the middle of fighting their third demon so far that day when the ground begins to shake.

" What and the hell is that" Inuyasha yells as he slashes the demon with his claws killing it. Kagome shrugs looking around terrified. A mound of dirt forms and starts getting bigger as a centipede demon with nine heads comes out. The three start fighting only to have the effort to fail terribly for every time a head was destroyed another took it's place. They were wounded and thinking of retreating.

Miroku watched from the shadows masking his scent from Inuyasha the best he could, waiting for when he should destroy the beast for he knew how. He sees Sango get knocked into a Kirara sending both of them into a tree causing them to lose consensus. One of the heads of the demon realized this and opens it's mouth and stretches toward her. He took this as his chance and took out one of his two kantanas and throws it at the head. While it's taking the time to reform the head he put his sword away and picks Sango up and runs then lays her behind a rock. He stands taking a breath then goes out to help fight.

" Who are you" Inuyasha asks slashing away at the demons heads trying to make it to the body. 'if this demon block Wind Scar what makes this loser make him think he can beat it'he thinks looking over to Miroku.

" I am but a lone demon slayer and realized you needed help" Miroku says in between blocking and hacking away at the heads.

" What makes you think I need your help" Inuyasha says

" The fact that you are losing this battle" Miroku says" Now listen priestess shoot this demon with a purification arrow after me and your friend here attack it. " Kagome nods and notches an arrow getting ready for when Miroku and Inuyasha attack it. The demon screams in pain as Inuyasha using Wind Scar after Miroku attacked it giving it no time to block the attack. " Now priestess shoot an arrow and kill it" Miroku yells urgently.

Kagome nods and whispers" hit the mark" before releasing the arrow. A pink blinding light engulfs the battle area. When it dies down the three fighter open their eyes to that the demon is finally dead. Kagome walks over to the body cautiously in fear the demon will spring to life and attack her.

" Woman what are you waiting for it's dead get the shards already" Inuyasha says impatiently.

Kagome turns and gives him a well deserved glare. After doing that Kagome goes to the body and picks up the nine shards the demon had. One in the base of each head. " We finally did it" Kagome says joyfully looking around" Oh no where is Sango-chan" she says tearing afraid she has lost a friend maybe the best one she has ever had.

" Do not worry the beautiful maiden is just behind that rock she was knocked unconscious while fighting that centipede demon" Miroku informs her while pointing to the rock he mentioned.

Kagome runs behind the rock to see if he was telling the truth" thank you so much for your aid is there anyway we can repay you" she asks Miroku walking back out form behind it.

Miroku nods" if it's not to much of a bother I could use a place to stay for awhile" he says

" I'm sure Sango won't mind sheltering the man that saved her life follow us" Kagome says as Inuyasha puts Sango on Kirara and the fire-cat demon jumps to the air taking her master home. " It's just this way. . . . . may I ask your name" Kagome asks starting to walk with Inuyasha.

" Why of course my lady my name is Hatori" Miroku says" may I know your names as well" he asks looking at the duo.

" I'm Kagome and my friend here is Inuyasha" Kagome introduces smiling.

" And how about the wounded beauty may I know hers as well" Miroku asks.

" That was Sango the head of the demon slayer village" Kagome says.

" one question why aren't you apart of the village if you're an exterminator too" Inuyasha asks smirking have caught whiff of Miroku's scent. Miroku curses in his head. He had forgot to put the spell back up thinking since the wind was blowing his scent away from Inuyasha he wouldn't need it up.

" I just recently became a slayer and thought it'd be easier if I was a wondering exterminator rather then one who stays in one village" Miroku says to keep his cover. He planned on having a talk with Inuyasha about keeping his mouth shut.

" That's different. . . . have you helped anyone besides us yet" Kagome asks interested in the new idea.

" Sadly no everywhere I went was peaceful which is good of course, but I'm running short of supplies and need a job" Miroku lies hoping she'll fall for it.

Kagome nods understanding. They walk in silence the rest of the way. The trio walks into the hunt and Kagome gives Miroku stuff to bandage Inuyasha" Hatori would you bandage Inuyasha for me so I can tend to Sango" she asks hoping he will.

" Of course anything to help" Miroku says then puts a smile" Hatori here for duty Malady" he says. Kagome walks away laughing. Miroku turns to Inuyasha" so you know do you" he asks starting to bandage the shirtless Inuyasha. (*drools*just about every girl's fantasy)

" I'm a dog demon I can smell you of course I know" Inuyasha says" pretty slick so what's this act for. "

" This 'act' as you put it is to show Sango I love her and can be around her being a decent man" Miroku says tightening the bandage making Inuyasha wince.

" Damn it that's to tight" Inuyasha roars.

Miroku loosens it" I'll make you a deal I have two jewel shards still if you don't blow this for me I will give them to you" he offers hoping Inuyasha will take it.

" You got yourself a deal monk" Inuyasha says as he puts he's shirt back on when Miroku finishes.

Kagome comes out" Hatori I'd ask Inuyasha but since he's injured do you think you could get me some fresh water" she asks holding a pail.

" Anything for you Kagome-sama" Miroku nods taking the pail and going to the near by river and filling it to the top then returning to the hut. He walks in and goes to the room Kagome has Sango in and sets the water down by Kagome" there you are" he says

" Arigato Hatori" Kagome says. Miroku nods and goes back to Inuyasha. Inuyasha is sleeping against the far wall so he goes to the river and sits on the grass and stares into space thinking how to farther his plan into action. He has been sitting there for awhile and as the sun began to set when he hears footsteps coming towards him.

She woke up to Kagome taking care of her and feeling dizzy. She remembers fighting a very strong centipede demon then everything after that was blank. So she asked Kagome to fill her in and that she did. Sango learned that they were saved by a wondering demon exterminator the one in front of her now. She will admit he is handsome but her heart belongs to that houshi and she can't change that for anyone. Sango notices him looking up at her with the same purple-colored eyes as houshi-sama.

She sits down next to him blushing lightly, " Arigato for saving me I will allow you to stay in my hut for as long as you need it" she says watching the river run over rocks making tiny little waterfalls in the clear liquid. She feels her hand being lifted and looks at him then her hand in his.

" I thank you, you truly are a goddess, " Miroku says and kisses her hand then sets it down. He smiles when he sees her blush and become at a loss of words. " Now I know your name but have you been told mine" he asks fighting the urge to grope her.

" Yes Kagome-sama informed me of your name Hatori is it not" Sango asks and gets a nod in return. She throws a rock at the river and it skips once.

" Now one who throws such a heavy weapon should be able to skip a stone farther than that" Miroku says then picks up a stone and does the same thing as her but his skips five times. " I could teach you how if you want it would probably help you in battle also" he says standing and offering her a hand.

Sango takes his hand and is on her feet within seconds" I would like that I'll do anything to help me become a better and stronger fighter" she says. They then spend the whole sun set and some of the night skipping rocks when she skips it better then he did she smiles. " Beat that one" Sango says having a wonderful time.

" I'm afraid five is the best I've ever done you've out skilled me" Miroku says then smiles at her. Sango makes a fist and puts it to her mouth to try and hide her blush. " We should head back Kagome-sama might worry for your safety" he says. Sango nods and starts heading back with Miroku next to her. It starts to down poor on their way back and they start to run. When they get to the hut they're soaking wet and are greeted to the smell of something Kagome is cooking and a still asleep Inuyasha. " I should change do you have any clothes I could borrow" Miroku asks looking at either girl for an answer.

Sango shakes her head" I'll go next door and ask Maki for some of her husband's clothes you look about his size" she says and walks out of the hut. She returns moments later with some clothes and hands them to him" will these be alright" she asks.

He nods" these will do fine Arigato Sango-chan" Miroku says and goes to a room that Kagome showed him earlier where he would be staying and changes. Sango goes to her room and changes into something more comfortable to sleep in. Inuyasha wakes up to the smell of the finished food and gets his plate. Miroku and Sango come out at the same time and get their food. Kagome sits next to them and they have a peaceful dinner then they all say good-night and go to sleep.

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