InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Her Love ❯ Found At Last ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer-If only I owned Inuyasha then I wouldn't have to write this...

.In a sunny,misty meadow far off from any village there lied a cave with the contents unknown. Though the noises from inside would make even the most bravest of warriors run in fear a young cat demon sneaks inside. What he saw from behind his hiding spot made him gasp out in shock.

The human hearing the sound turned and looked round"who is there" she yelled quite mad that someone interrupted the ritual. Kikyo realizing her love for Naraku to late was trying to bring him back. She grabbed her bow and arrows ready to kill what unlucky creature stumbled onto her hiding spot.

"Please spare me I have done nothing wrong" the cat demon says voice trembling with fear. He comes from under the rocks that were his hiding spot.

"Done nothing wrong that is where you would be wrong little demon I was finally able to resurrect the one I love and you ruined it" Kikyo says stepping towards the demon making him step back"you must die now" and with that said she sent an arrow through his heart.

The priestess walks back to where she was before and picks up the almost completed jewel. It was missing some from when Naraku had it but was still enough with what she needed to do. She looks at the two people chained to the wall then goes and heals them both. Kikyo needed Kagura and Kanna at full health for what she was doing.

Kagura opens her eyes which are full of hatred"you damned woman let us go your plan will never worked Naraku is in the lowest level of Hell" she says all the while trying to free herself. Kanna still unconscious from the brutal battle of trying to stay alive while Kikyo was trying to sacrifice them.

"But that is why of have two of you with as much of his flesh or closes thing I can get it will work better" Kikyo says.

"That bastard will murder you the moment he comes back and you need a full jewel for any of this nonsense to work" Kagura says glaring at the woman before her.

"shut up!" Kikyo all but screams"I need him now I have no time to look for the rest." Kikyo then gets an idea 'I should simply wait for Inuyasha to get the rest of the shards then kill him' she thinks then gives an evil smile to Kagura.

"You wench your plan has failed what are you smiling about" Kagura says not liking Kikyo's facial expression at all.

"You will see in time that I will have what I want,but for now we must move the demons of his tribe will be looking for him and I do not feel like engaging in an useless battle" Kikyo says and starts to load her belongings onto a cart she stole when her plan had first started.

Sango awoke to Kirara licking her hand and meowing softly. She sits up and stretches while letting out a big yawn. Sango smiles down at the little fire-cat and scratches under her chin"morning Kirara" she coos sweetly to her friend her father gave her.

Sango picks her up after changing into her kimono and goes out into the main room of the hut. Kagome looks up from what she is cooking"morning Sango-chan Inuyasha is still sleeping so looks like we won't be leaving quite yet" she greets the older woman.

"Morning Kagome-sama" Sango says putting a fish in Kirara's dish bowl. Sango looks at the food to see how far along it is and see that she has time to do some errands. "I'll be back Kagome" she says and leaves the hut before receiving an answer. Sango thought that she soul get clothes for Hatori in repayment for saving her life. To Sango housing him was not enough to show him how very grateful she was. She soon spots a clothing store in the busy market part of the village.

"Ah Miss. Sango to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit to our store" an elderly woman says from her spot at the counter.

"I'm here to buy clothes for a new friend of mine he is short on clothes" Sango informs the woman"maybe one or two outfits."

"Well for you we offer only the best" the old woman says than stands and goes to a curtain"Fuchsia come out and help Miss. Sango find what she needs" she goes back to where she was and smiles at Sango.

Fuchsia a petit girl with very light colored hair.She could only have been demon.She comes head looking at the ground"right this way Miss" and she returns to the back of the hut. Sango follows the girl and looks around the clothes here looked nothing liked the ones in the front.They were by the looks some of the best works the village had to offer.

Sango couldn't help herself"who made all of these" she asks taking a mans light green kimono(do guys where kimonos?)in her hands wondering if she should get this one for Hatori.

"I exchange for a place to get away from everyone I make clothes for Aurna" Fuchsia says looking at some of her recent work.

"There's are beautifully stitched the designs are breathtaking....where did you learn"Sango asks have moved one to others during her browsing.

"My mother, but was killed for giving birth to me..." Fuchsia says" humans can be quite brutal if you want" she finishes looking up at Sango. Fuchsia sits and waits for Sango to pick out what kimono she wants.

"What kind of demon was your father your hair is quite different"Sango asks not being able to place her type by herself.

"My dad was an angel who ran away from heaven so I don't know if that really makes me a demon" Fuchsia says twirling some of her golden locks with her fingers.

"I heard about you from another village once said they hung your mom cause she gave seed to the Satan's seem very sweet to me no way could you be Satan's child" Sango says smiling at her.

"Thank you Miss. Sango" Fuchsia says smiling back.

Sango goes over to Fuchsia with a gray kimono and a light purple one not knowing what to get him so she just thought of his armor plates. "Here we are I'll purchase these ones" Sango says handing them to Fuchsia.

"I'll go give them to Aurna she can determine the price" Fuchsia says and goes to the front. Sango follows moving out of the way when Fuchsia goes back so no one sees her.

"These be it?" Aurna asks looking at Sango.

"Yes" Sango answer and pays the woman once told the price. She hurries back to her hut hoping Inuyasha had not already eaten everything.While rushing down the village streets she bumps into someone. She went backwards and waited to make impact with the ground but the person Sango had ran into caught her hand and pulled her to her feet.

"Are you all right" Miroku asks finding who Kagome sent him to but not the way he wanted to. Sango opened her eyes to meet purple eyes full of concern. Sango nods and stands straight while dusting herself off.

"I was heading back to the hut" Sango says trying to fill the silence that fell over them for a moment or two.

"Kagome-sama sent me to get you food is ready" Miroku says.

"Oh that's good I'm famished" Sango says and starts walking with Miroku by her side. They enter the hut to Inuyasha already stuffing his face.

Kagome looks up"oh good you found her thank you Hatori" she says and hands them their plates when they sit down.

"You are welcome" Miroku says after remembering it was him who she was addressing. Kagome smiles at him while finishing up her breakfast.

"Are we done stalling or do we want to waste more daylight" Inuyasha asks. Kagome just gives him a glare to make him be quiet. Sango looks at the items beside her and remembers.

"Hatori I bought you some clothes today it's not much but I hope you'll take it as my thanks"Sango says handing the clothing out to him.

"Oh you letting me stay is enough thanks but I do need the clothes so thank you" Miroku says grabbing them and setting them beside him. After they were all done eating the group got ready to set out to find the jewel shard Kagome senses.

"Hatori are you sure you want to risk your safety coming with us" Kagome asks looking at the male demon slayer over her shoulder. She did not want to cause someone to get hurt because of Inuyasha and her.

"Of course it will be like I'm training really" Miroku says looking back at her with a reassuring smile.

Inuyasha sniffs"Kagome is it getting any closer I still don't smell nothing" he asks.

Kagome looks around then points to the left of her"it's coming from over there" she says and the group starts that way.They soon find a path and farther up a fork both ways looking peaceful.

"Should we split up the path can't lead that far apart from each other Inuyasha can always find us if needed" Miroku offers doing what he can to be alone with Sango.

"That sounds good.....Hatori and I will take this one"Sango says walking to the start of the path leading towards some mountains. Inuyasha and Kagome agree to the terms and take off down their path with Kagome on Inuyasha's back. Sango smiles at Miroku and starts walking. Miroku follows closely behind her.

After about an hour of running Inuyasha had put Kagome down and she was now walking beside him. Kagome stops and points"Inuyasha it's right over there I sure of it" she says. Before she even finished her sentence Inuyasha was gone looking for a demon to fight, but nothing was there but a pond with tons of huge boulders. Kagome comes up panting behind him"don't run off like that" she says breathing deeply still.

"Well where is it Kagome" Inuyasha asks ignoring her completely while looking around.

Kagome goes to where a rock meets the edge of the little pond and gasps. Smelling tears Inuyasha runs to her trying to find out what's wrong. All Kagome did was throw herself at him and hug him. Crying into his chest she points to the side of the rock. Inuyasha looks down to see a small demon that looked like Shippo floating in the water face down....dead. Inuyasha hugs back knowing how soft Kagome's heart was and thinking about how much it kills her to see something like this.

"What monster would do this" Kagome sniffs after a few good minutes of crying. She was know gently pulling the body to shore. It looked like the child had struggled but was drowned to death then cut open at the forehead.

"Who knows Kagome get the shard and we'll bury him" Inuyasha says trying to say anything to get her tears to stop. He hated the smell of someone crying and it made it worst if it was the woman he loved. Inuyasha would never admit it but anyone could see that he did. Kagome nods and reaches at the foot and uses an arrow to get it out. It pained her to do so for the poor child had suffered so much already such as death. Inuyasha dug a decent sized hole while she was getting the shard. Kagome cradled the dead body crying softly the whole time then put it in it's grave.

"Live well in heaven little one" Kagome whispers and cups the dirt back into the hole with Inuyasha's help. She thinks of who would be cruel enough to do this to such an adorable little girl. Kagome promised herself to never let Shippo end up like this.

When finishes Kagome puts the shard with the rest of the ones they've collected. Inuyasha stands and yawns"well the water explains why I couldn't smell anything" he says.

"Yeah I guess it does let's go find the others"Kagome says wiping her eyes. Inuyasha kneels so she can get on his back and when she does he takes off. Though they knew of nothing being there they were being watched....

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