InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winning his heart ❯ Getting started ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Winning his heart

A/n: I'm back again with a new fresh story. This has been inspired actually by a dream I had. I hope this story will entertain you as much as it entertained me writing it. Much love Baby

Disclaimer: Well I have Inuyasha and Sesshomaru locked up in my closet. Don't worry I do feed them and take them out for short walks in my back yard. They do enjoy staying with me so please don't tell.

*Inuyasha* Um Sesshomaru how come we haven't used are demonic powers to get out of here.

*Sesshomaru*Because she told us we loved her

*Inuyasha* Oh yeah

Chapter 1: Meeting you

The stars shone bright as flames and the moon glowed with all its might. Girls all over the village were bouncing up and down with joy as they received invitations for a contest at the palace. The king and queen were in search of brides for their two sons Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Inutaisho. Now this wasn't going to be such a simple contest. The young ladies will have to prove to the brothers that they are worthy of becoming the next princess/queen of Triethan.

Earlier the next day …Carriages came to houses so they can pick up the girls who had received invitations. There were two in particular who weren't too happy in going.

"But mama how are you going to get things done around here" a young raven girl whined. Miss. Higurashi looked at her daughter lovingly

"Now Kagome I have Souta here to help me and I think I could manage" she replied to her daughter with a kiss on the cheek.

"Now go on and make your mama proud". The raven girl nodded and smiled. She stood up straight her blue/gray eyes showing determination. She dusted of invisible dust from her satin blue Kimono and entered the carriage.

"This will surely be an adventure" she muttered as she looked at her home fade away in the distant.


A young girl frowned as her parents smiled brightly.

"Think about it this way Rin if you marry a prince you'll have all the richest in the world and that will make your parents very happy"

"You never bothered to make me happy"Rin muttered under her breath.

"What was that dear?"

"Nothing mother" Rin replied as she entered the carriage. She had to squirm a bit because the fancy Kimono she was wearing was not comfortable and she could hardly even breathe in it. Rin gazed at her home with a smile her light pink eyes shone brightly.

"At least I'll be able to see Lady Izayio Inutaisho again"

~the palace~

"Now Inuyasha you'll stand there like a perfect gentleman and you will respect our guest" Lord Inutaisho yelled at his son. Inuyasha growled and narrowed his golden eyes.

"Yes father" Inuyasha muttered as he took his position in front of the gate with Sesshomaru. As the first pair of carriages arrived Inuyasha and Sesshomaru gave a sigh.


Kagome was now approaching the castle gates.

"It's a beautiful place ill give it that much" she said as she looked out the window.

The castle was huge and made out of smooth white stone as if it was marble. The courtyard had all types of wildflowers growing in different aisles next to all types of fruit/flower trees. In front of the castle were the silver gates. There were two white dog statues on either side of the gate.

Kagome's eyes landed on two gentlemen nearby. Who were greeting some young girls that have already arrived. The tallest one with the silvery, beautiful locks, stone cold golden eyes, and defined face looked bored out of his mind. The shorter one that had the silvery hair but seemed to be not as tame and narrowed golden eyes looked downright pissed.

{look at all the girls drooling all over them}she thought with a amusement. She shook her head and smiled. As the carriage stopped and the carriage was opened Kagome couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach.

"Come on Kagome there's no need to be nervous" she muttered to herself as she stepped of the carriage.

Kagome breathed in the nice spring air to sooth her nerves. She approached the gates with a steady pace.

"Hello nice to meet you welcome to our palace I hope you enjoy your stay" Inuyasha said as he looked up to the sky.

Kagome looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"After I say my greeting your suppose to go into the castle" Inuyasha said rudely "Or do you want to praise me by telling me how handsome I am"

Kagome couldn't help but start to laugh "Ha you think That your handsome yeah that'll be the day"

Inuyasha stared at her through narrowed eyes. "Your not all the good to look at yourself" he said as he looked at her up and down.

Kagome also narrowed her eyes at him. Sesshomaru stood back and looked at them with an eyebrow raised. {This shall be interesting}he thought with amusement.

"Your such an insensitive jerk" Kagome yelled

"And you're an infuriating wench You should not treat your prince this way I will forgive you if bow down to me"

"Ha the day I bow down to you will be the day when all hell freezes over" She retorted

~meanwhile with Rin~

Rin smiled happily as she could now see the castle. She just changed into a comftarble red Kimono with pink flowers. She undid the bun that held her hair up. So now her hair chestnut brown hair flowed freely behind her. Her light pink eyes showed happiness as she stepped of the carriage. Looking around she smiled even more as she approach the gates. Her smiled falter as she heard a couple saying cruel things to each other.

Sesshomaru close dhis eyes as he breathed in deeply. An intoxicating sweet scent reached his nostrils which almost made him smile. He opened up his eyes and looked at Rin. His eyes showed curiosity as he watched her approach.

"Um Kagome" Rin asked shyly.

Kagome turned around and looked at the girl that interrupted the battle her and Inuyasha were having. She smiled brightly and hugged her.

"Wow Rin I didn't expect you to be here also how long has it been since we last saw each other 2 months" Kagome said as she hugged Rin even tighter.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked at the scene a bit bewildered . "Um yeah Ive missed you to Kagome but Ikinda cant breath" Rin sputtered out as she tried desperately to breathe.

Kagome smiled sheepishly as she let her friend go. "Sorry I guess I got a bit carried away" Kagome said.

Rin nodded and looked at the two boys. She smiled and bowed politely. They bowed back. Kagome was kind of surprised. "Um Rin have you met these two boys before" Kagome asked

"Well no not really"she replied "Why"

"No reason"Kagome replied.

More girls were approaching and Rin thought it was time two go inside. "Well why don't we go inside now Kagome and leave the princesses to their job" Rin asked as she looked around.

Kagome just nodded and went inside the boys looking at them leave curiously.

"That was weird" Inuyasha muttered

Sesshomaru just nodded his head and gave a sigh as the other girls approach


When the last girl went inside. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha massaged there temples and went inside the castle. Inside they had to hold there head a bit since they got a bit dizzy thanks to the girls who put on perfume. "And I thought when they were outside was bad"Inuyasha muttered as he followed Sesshomaru to their thrones which were next to the king and queen.

Lord Inutaisho stood up and all went silent in the room.

"Thank you all for coming here today"the lord began as he looked around "Two of you lucky ladies will have the honor in mating one of my sons" The two boys stood up bowed and then sat back down. I do believe an introduction is required" Lord Inutaisho grabbed a list from behind him and started to call out names. One by one they introduced themselves and explained why they should be chosen. "Yura Nenoallia" Sesshomaru shivered a bit in his seat. {who the hell invited her} he growled in his mind.

A/n: Wow I finished the first chapter Im really happy now. N-e ways I hope you like it and I realy hope you review the faster you review the faster ill update.

Who is this yura person? And why does she have an affect on dear Sesshy? Will Inuyasha have the same problem? And why do the boys seem to respect Rin? These questions answered and so much more on the next chapter on Winning his heart.

Review and even flame me if you have to! Oh and I am planning in adding Miroku and Sango in this so please be patient

Much love
