InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winning his heart ❯ Rivalry ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Winning his heart

A/n: Hey guy's here's the next chapter I promised you with all the questions answered hopefully. Its kind of strange on how im talking to myself since At this point in time I haven't even added my story to or mediaminer. Oh well

Disclaimer: Just borrowing

*knock* *knock*

~ooh wonder who would want to visit me little ole me~

*Kagome* Sakura I want Inuyasha back you can keep Sesshomaru

~Ha in your dreams~

Kagome grabs Sakura's hair

*Kagome* looke here missy I want my hanyou back

~you make me laugh Kagome~ I bit down on her arm and smiled ~no c-ya~ closes door in her face ( Yeah I know im a lunatic)


Last time:

"Yura Nenoallia" Sesshomaru shivered a bit in his seat. {who the hell invited her} he growled in his mind.


Chapter 2 Rivalry

Yura bowed down and made sure Sesshomaru had an eyeful of her big luscious breasts. She stood up and smiled. The tight green Kimono she wore showed a lot of cleavage and had two splits in the side so you were able to see her nice legs and thighs.

"My name is Yura Nenoallia and why I should be chosen as a mate for one of the princesses is because ill always listen to my mate and help him out when he needs it ill let him do his job and make sure I always complete my job for him" She said the last part in a seductive tone as she looked at Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru thought he was about to barf every time Yura looked at him. {why now after all these years} He thought bitterly.


A young Sesshomaru about he age of 16 laid in his bed nude thinking over about what he just did.

"What are these strange emotions I feel" Sesshomaru said out loud. He looked around the room and decided to stand up and get changed. He was a bit light headed thanks to the girl that was in his bed last night. When he finished getting changed he walked out of his room and started to head down into the kitchen.

"Who knew sex can leave you so damn hungry after wards" he muttered as he entered the kitchen.

As he made himself a sandwich he started to hear weird noises from a nearby room. He bit into his sandwich and listened carefully.

"Oh Hiten no one can pleasure me as much as you can" A sexually active Yura said

"Yeah yeah you say that about all the guys you sleep with Yura" Hiten replied as he stood up from the bed.

Sesshomaru growled a bit since Yura did indeed say that to him as well. He controlled his anger so he can hear more about the damn bitch.

"So you slept Sesshomaru yet" Hiten asked as he got dressed

"Yeah and about time to since im sick and tired of acting so nice and innocent"she said with a smirk.

"Perfect…next thing you know youll have him around that little finger of yours"he said with a chuckle.

Sesshomaru was about to charge right in there if it wasn't for Inuyasha and his father coming downstairs.

"Hey Sesshomaru couldn't sleep either" Inuyasha asked as he took his sandwich.

Sesshomaru growled in response as he took his sandwich back.

"There was some weird noises coming from around here and next thing you know im walking down with a Inuyahsa on an empty stomach" His father said as he started to make his own Sandwich

"Yeah I who or what was making the noises" he muttered as he went upstairs.

{How can I be such a fool falling for some whore like that}Sesshomaru thought as he entered his room. He covered his nose and ripped the sheets apart.{Guess I wont be sleeping in here tonight}

He left the room and entered the room next to his which he didn't know was occupy into he heard a voice from behind him.

"Um I am really sorry to bother you prince Sesshomaru but Um your kind of in my room" A young girls said from behind him.

Sesshomaru turned around and his eyes got caught up in the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen and they were pink.

"Excuse me for entering your room un-announced I didn't know anyone was occupying it at the moment" he replied

"Ill forgive you if you tell me Were I can find the kitchen that's if im aloud to enter the kitchen" She asked with a smile.

He nodded his head and motioned her to follow.

"Im Rin by the way a friend of your stepmothers" she said as she looked around the hallway. Sesshomaru simply nodded.

"So what were you doing awake" she asked as she tried to make conversation.

"I don't think that concerns you" He replied with his monotone voice.

"Sorry for trying to make conversation" she said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

He looked behind him for a quick second and smirked slightly. "I think its best if you don't try to interact with me"

"Fine done"

Sesshomaru shook his head as he opened the door to the kitchen noticing his father and half brother were still there and they had a new person with them…Yura.

They looked up and gave him a curious glance.

"Taisho dear can you come up here please" Yelled Lady Izayio.

"Damn" Lord Inutaisho muttered as he went upstairs knowing something was going to happened in the tension room.

Rin placed her small hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder. "Um your kinda tall" She said as she stood up on her tipsy toes.

Sesshomaru shifted slightly so she can pass by him. "Hey Inuyasha" Rin said as she took a seat next to him and ate his sandwich.

"Hey wench that was mine" Inuyasha yelled.

"Correction was yours"she said with a smile.

Yura stood up and walked next to Sesshomaru. "Want to go for another round" She asked sweetly as she kissed his cheek.

"You Disgust me" he said as he sat down next to Rin. Yura pouted and looked at Rin through narrowed eyes. "Its because of that little whore isn't it" Yura said as she pointed to Rin.

Rin looked at her quizzically and furrowed her eyebrows together. "What are you talking about" she asked as she looked at her then at Sesshomaru.

"Oh don't try to act all innocent with me little one" Yura said as she approached Rin. This caused Inuyasha to abruptly stand up and stand in front of Rin.

"Don't you dare try anything Yura" Inuyasha said with a growl. Yura was taken back a bit but then smirk. "Oh I see you both slept with her and now she has you both in her little finger. This caused Sesshomaru to growl.

Rin stood up and narrowed her light pink eyes at Yura. "Sorry to disappoint you but not every girl is quite like you bitch" Rin yelled. Yura raised her hand and was about to slap Rin until Sesshomaru grabbed her wrist.

"If you dare to ever lay a hand on her I wont regret the actions that will take place" Sesshomaru said calmly as he had a death grip on Yura's wrist.

Yura took her wrist back and stormed away from the kitchen. "That was weird" Muttered Rin as she sat back down again.

"Yeah it kind of was" Inuyasha also muttered as he sat back down again. "So wats up with you and that Yura girl" Inuyasha asked as he looked at Sesshomaru.

"That doesn't concern you weakling" Sesshomaru stated as he began to walk away but was stop when he felt a warm hand on his arm. Rin stood up gave a kiss to Inuyasha on the kiss and then smiled up at Sesshomaru. "Lets go my knight in shining armor" she said sweetly.

Sesshomaru shook his head and left the room with a Rin right by his side. When they were out of hearing distant. Inuyasha busted out laughing. "whoa" he wiped a tear from his eyes and started walking to his room.

"Thank you for protecting me" Rin said with a smile. Sesshomaru just looked at her and kept on walking. "Yeap I knew it, your like a stone statue Sesshomaru" Rin said with a sigh.

Once they were near her chambers Rin stopped Sesshomaru and stood on her toes. "Thanks again Sesshomaru" She said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Sesshomaru just nodded and he thanked the lords above that she went into her room quickly or else she would of sent the crimson color on his cheek.

~~End of flashback~

Shaking away from his thoughts Sesshomaru looked around for Rin and noticed she was the one that was called up next.

"Hello my name Is Rin Sakura and why I think I should be one of the mates for your son is because well actually I really don't know im a simpleton girl in the village and be a queen or princess never really crossed my mind but I know ill be determined to have the job fulfilled, be a loyal woman to my mate, and take on all the responsibilities of the job"Rin stated sweetly with a slight blush.

Lord Inutaisho and Lady Izayio smiled at her and nodded. "Next we have Kagome Higurashi"

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the girl that approached. (Keh she shouldn't even be wasting her time here)he thought bitterly.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi and I never thought I will actually be participating in a contest so If I ever was chosen to become Queen or Princess of Triethan all take on the full pledge responsibility I'll never let my mate alone to the work that has to be done I want to be as strong for him as he will be for me Making the role for us like on" She finished with a slight bow. Rin smiled and so did lord Inutaisho and lady Izayio. (Maybe she's not that bad after all …Keh yeah she is)Inuyasha thought.

Once the naming was finished servants guided the guest to their chambers. Surprisingly enough only two had to share a room. The rooms were exquisite. The walls were a pale cream color with matching drapery and bureau. The beds were both queen size. The poles and headboard were made of a soft Ivory. The sheets were a creamy color and so were the see through curtains that hung down all around the bed. The carpet was a feathery soft white where your feet will just sink into. There were even a set of couches that was the same as the carpet. A

Tv set was on a desk in front of one of the couches.

"Wow" mouthed Rin as she entered the room and set her things down. Rin sat patiently and one of the beds as she awaited her roommate. Once her roommate came in Rin jumped of and embraced her.

"This is so great Kagome you get to be my roommate" Rin said with a smile as she let go of her friend.

"Yeah the only reason I'm here is thanks to Lady Izayio" She said as she sat down. "They were about to put me in a room with some girl name Kagura and you were going to be stuck with that girl Yura you told me about of course me being me argued a bit and that when Lady Izayio came by and fix the whole situation" Kagome said as she laid down on the bed

"Tell me Rin Do you know Lady Izayio personally" Kagome asked curiously as she let her chin rest on her palm.

"Why yes actually I do" Rin sad cheerfully.

"I'll tell you all about it……………"

A/n: Yeah another chapter finish. I hope you readers like it. My fingers kinda hurt so that's why I stopped so abruptly. Anywhoo review review

Questions: How do Lady Izayio and Rin know each other? Why was Rin in the staying in the castle in the first place? What troubles will Yura bring to Rin? And what exactly are these young ladies willing to do to captivate the hearts of the two brothers?