InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Thank You, My Kagome ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!*

While getting ready for dinner Kagome sang softly to herself. Strong arms came and wrapped around her, as silver hair fell to her shoulders from behind. “I love you.” Sesshoumaru said seductively as he nipped her ear playfully. “The more you grow each day with our pup inside of you, you become more radiant.”

Kagome blushed slightly at his heated and sincere words. “Thank you.” She turned in his arms and gave him a light kiss on his nose. “Now, let me finish getting ready for dinner love. Perhaps later you can tell me how beautiful I am with you tongue.” Kagome gave him a playful shove, and heard him growl a primal sound.

“I promise to tell you with more than that.” He said arrogantly as he left the room to make sure all was in preparation for dinner. Kagome was to meet Kikyo tonight, and he was nervous for once. They had decided that there would be no good time to let Kagome know of Kikyo and her being Inuyasha’s mate, so figured the sooner let her find out, the better for her state of health.

‘Besides,’ Sesshoumaru thought to himself. ‘She would have me neutered if she found I was keeping a secret like that from her.’ He laughed at his thought. A few months ago you would not have known him. He had turned from cruel and ruthless to being slightly more understanding and compassionate. As for his wife, well she had melted the ice around his heart and soul, with her, he was nothing but patient, kind, and loving.


“Kikyo, please be on your best behavior. Kagome, Sesshoumaru’s wife is there and she is carrying their first pup. She might be very upset by seeing you…” Inuyasha said quickly as they hurried to get dressed for dinner. They could not stop themselves from making love as soon as he came back from seeing Kagome. Kikyo was taking off her dirty kimono and Inuyasha felt himself grow hard at the sight of her curvaceous body.

“Why?” Kikyo stopped in the midst of covering herself when she heard Inuyasha’s comment. She had heard a lot about this Kagome, who she was and that Inuyasha and her had once been close friends. She was also the reason she was back here with her love, alive and well. She had a lot to thank Kagome for and prayed she had the chance, but, why would she be upset by her? Did her past self have something to do with it?

“There are things the old you did. She will have those memories and I will do nothing but be by your side and protect you, and try to explain to her how you have changed.” Inuyasha came up to his mate and finished helping her prepare for their dinner. Finally when they were both ready, Kikyo took his hand in hers, while he took a deep breath. “Ready?“ Kikyo nodded as they headed off for the dinner of doom.


Sesshoumaru and Kagome were waiting for Inuyasha to show for dinner. He was already a few minutes late. “I should tan his hide when they get here.” Sesshoumaru said with impatience. The whelp needed to learn that he if he could not be punctual to at least send notice.

Kagome hearing the word ‘they’, looked up to Sesshoumaru curiously. “They? My lord.”

Sesshoumaru sighed. “Kagome, there is something I should have told you but felt it best you see for yourself.” Suddenly as if on cue, Kikyo stepped through the door, giggling while Inuyasha playfully growled at her from behind.

“Would you behave Inu!” Kikyo said breathlessly as she looked up to see the lord, Sesshoumaru, and an extremely pale woman next to him. The next details to catch her eyes was how similar the two looked. Turning to her mate, Kikyo looked at him for an answer. “Husband? This woman looks just like me. What is going on?”

Kagome felt her world swim around her when she saw the ghost from her past appear with Inuyasha. Suddenly she saw naught but red and stood up abruptly, when she heard the comments come from the once dead, Kikyo. “Husband! HUSBAND!? What was is wrong with you Inuyasha! You finally made me believe that you were over this, this… person… after all these years! Made me believe that I was not just her replacement in your heart! But here you are, running after her like she was a dog in heat! What? Just because you couldn’t have her back then, you thought you would just take me? And then when I wasn’t available anymore as a replacement, you went back to the original! You…” Kagome screamed with so much rage and hurt. She had thought Inuyasha to be over Kikyo, to love only her, and here he was with the corpse again, or what used to be a corpse.

“Kagome. Calm down right now!” Sesshoumaru said sternly as he grabbed his wife’s wrist for an extra incentive. “Inuyasha assures me his mate is no longer the woman she once was.”

Kagome narrowed her eyes at Sesshoumaru with his comment. “So you defend this.. This… bitch! Leave me be Sesshoumaru! All of you!” She wrenched her wrist from his grasp and retreated as though the hounds of hell were at her feet.

As she reached her chambers, Kagome threw herself upon the bed sobbing her heart out. Why had she acted like that? Yes the shock of seeing Kikyo was great and it did hurt her, but she loved Sesshoumaru. Why did it hurt to see Inuyasha with someone? Shouldn’t he be happy too? “Ugggh, why me?!” Kagome screamed into her pillow. “I am being so stupid! I love Sesshoumaru! Not Inuyasha!”

“Well, that’s a good thing to hear. I mean after your display out there in the dining chamber, I would think you had forgotten that.” Sesshoumaru said coldly.

Kagome sniffed the last of her tears away, as she saw the reflection of hurt, confusion and even uncertainty in her mate’s deeply golden eyes. Standing up and walking to him, she reached her hand out to touch his angelic face. Yet a hand grabbing her wrist tightly halted her intended destination. “Do not touch me wife.” Sesshoumaru dropped her hand and turned his back to her. “You will go apologize for being so rude. You may say it was your pregnancy that caused such an emotional reaction, but I will not tolerate my wife disrespecting me in front of guests, no matter if they are family or not. I am lord of this place and you will treat me as such. Do you understand?” Sesshoumaru stated in an angered tone.

“Yes, Sesshoumaru. I truly am sorry. I do not know what has come over me.” Kagome stated as she walked passed him to face two more souls that were upset by her irrational outburst.

“I forgave you already Kagome. But I am still displeased with your performance. Even if it was a shock, you are more level headed than that and give everyone a chance. No matter who is was. After all, you put your faith in me after all I did to you, why not her?” Sesshoumaru spoke the last part quietly as he remembered the terrible things he had done to her and how forgiving of a soul she possessed.

Sighing, Kagome pondered his words carefully and realized he was correct. She had to give Kikyo a chance, perhaps if she used her powers on Kikyo, she could truly see if her soul was pure now and if she was changed. After all, too many times in the past the Kikyo she knew, used her trust and compassion against her, she just needed to be sure.

Walking slowly closer to the dining room, she could hear Kikyo crying lightly as Inuyasha shushed her lovingly. “Do not worry koi. She will come around in time. She was just shocked I believe.”

“Yes. I was. Please, Kikyo, you must not be so upset by a pregnant woman’s erratic emotions. Yet, there is one thing…” Kagome paused as she tried to figure out a way to word her request. “Due to previous encounters, I need to make sure you really are a new person. It will not hurt, I just need to touch you but once to feel if your soul is pure or not.”

Inuyasha widened his eyes at Kagome’s request. Surely she was kidding! “You can do that?”

“Yes.” Was all she said as she waited for Kikyo’s reply.

Kikyo stood staring at the girl who looked so similar to her, other than an expanded waist from her obvious pregnancy. “Very well. If that is the only way we can be family, do what you must. I want you to know I mean Inuyasha, and the rest of you no harm. I just want to belong somewhere.”

Kagome smiled at the honest admission. Perhaps she really was changed. Yet something nagged at her to just make sure. Kagome sensed Sesshoumaru come in as she walked closer to Kikyo and took a deep concentrating breath. “Now, just stare into my eyes and relax, release your mind and soul.” She stated soothingly as she brought a hand up to Kikyo’s right temple.

There was a soft pink light glowing from Kagome’s body as Kikyo and Kagome stared into one another’s eyes. Kikyo’s eyes widened right before there was a sudden blast of pink light engulfing the two women. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru rushed forward to their mates. Yet every time they came close to the purifying light, they would get pushed away. As quickly as it came, the light was gone, and both women collapsed to the floor.

“What the fuck just happened Sesshoumaru?” Inuyasha demanded from his brother as he checked his mate for any external injuries.

“How should I know? I am just as shocked as you Inuyasha.” He glanced down at Kagome, sensing no immediate injuries, carefully picked her up and headed towards the hallway. “Come we must place them in bed until they wake up. We can put them in a guest chamber together in case they need to be close. I can sense something happened that shouldn’t have..” He said with a slight tone of worry in his voice.

“Damn right something happened that shouldn’t have.” Inuyasha huffed as he picked his mate up and followed his brother to the room of which he spoke.


Several hours later, Kagome started moaning slightly. “Kikyo…” Sesshoumaru heard her small whisper and pondered what she was dreaming of, when he heard from across the room, Kikyo whisper as well. “Kagome…”

Both women were rousing from their deep sleep at the same time. Blinking open their bright eyes, before focusing on their surroundings. “Kikyo? Are you okay?” Inuyasha said quickly as he rushed to her side and held her hand.

“Yes…I..I am fine Inu.” Kikyo smiled weakly to him. “I just feel like I had too much sake though.” She laughed jokingly.

“Glad you think this is funny.” He pouted.

Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru was asking questions of his own to Kagome across the room, but they were not jokes or light comments. “What did you think you were doing? What if your powers harmed the baby? Did you forget the pup is part youkai?”

Kagome’s eyes widened in alarm. She had not though about that. Placing her hand upon her belly, she worried about the health of her unborn babe. “The pup is fine Kagome, I already checked for a heartbeat. It is strong thank the gods.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think about the baby. I just wanted to… to… “ Kagome cried before she looked over to Kikyo. “I’m sorry for doubting you Kikyo. Never again will I believe you were the old Kikyo.”

“You needed to know Kagome. I have learned much about my old self too from you, I too am sorry for the pain I caused. I now understand everything. Your love, your hate. It was all well deserved.” Kikyo said tiredly but with a smile.

“Umm…” Inuyasha looked between the two girls. “Will someone please tell me what happened?! Here we are both sick with worry and you two act like the best of friends who had a stupid everyday squabble!”

“All we are allowed to tell you Inuyasha, is that even though our souls are separate from the other, we were able to see and feel the other’s pain and love. Midoriko visited us in our connected dream and told us, the new soul she had given Kikyo was that of my soul sister…and there is more that connects us than just that, but that is for Kikyo to tell you.” Kagome grinned secretly.

“What?” Inuyasha said dumbfounded from the overload of information.

“Inu. Kagome and I will be bound by blood now too. In the dreams of our souls, it was revealed to us both that I am carrying our child.” Kikyo spoke slowly so not to confuse Inuyasha anymore.

“What? You? Me? Pup?” Inuyasha said shocked, before he promptly passed out onto the floor.

Hearing a deep chuckling sound, Kagome looked to Sesshoumaru. “Do you know what we meant?”

“When will he grow up?“ Sesshoumaru smirked before leaning down close to his mate, he looked deep into her eyes, before kissing her passionately. “All that I need to know is you melted my heart in the dead of winter, and you have given me the gift of a real family. Thank you, my Kagome.”

~~~The End~~~

Well everyone it was fun. I loved this story so much, and finally the end has come. I hope you have cried, laughed, and felt the raw passion as I have while writing it. Please read my other stories Twisted Love, Agonizing Pleasure(very dark one shot, NC-17 strictly), Deadly Desires(joint project with Amyfushigiyugi), Kajira, and my newest story Dark Touch.

Until then.. Please review. Be Well.