InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter is Hell ❯ part 1 inu's pov ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter is hell!!! Part 1
Inuyasha's point of view.
It was a cold winter night and Kagome and I were walking through an open path. The wind picked up and was hard to walk forward. I grabbed Kagome, and pulled her close. I could tell she was cold with the stupid green skirt she had on. I was looking franticly for a place to keep her safe from the storm. As the night went on the air grew colder. I knew that it was hard for her to concentrate, but I knew I would have to find some place soon. I finally took off my haori and put it on her shoulders. She looked like she was ready for sleep, but I could not let that happen because she would die and then it would be my fault. Kagome walked slowly along and looked like she was nodding off. I walked over and said “ don't do that you will be safe soon.”
Kagome's point of view.
We started walking, and man it was cold. Trying to keep warm from all the cold. Inuyasha put his haori around my shoulders, and he knew I was getting very tired. He then said” don't do that you will be safe soon” I nodded, and continued walking until I fell I could not even move at that moment. Inuyasha knew then that I needed lots of warmth so he took off his kimono, and wrapped me in both his shirts. I was starting to warm up a little faster but not fast enough. I realized that Inuyasha would be getting sick if he did not have one of these on. I tried to get him to take it back. He shook his head stubbornly and denied that he was cold. I was starting to get really tired as time went on. My warmth was ok, but I was shivering, and I tried to stop before I lost all body heat totally. Inuyasha hugged me close knowing he could not go forward any longer. So he did what he always did protect me. I thought I saw a glimpse of a smile, but I must have mistaken it until I heard him say” be safe Kagome for me, My love.” I wanted to cry at his words, but I had to keep strong for god only knew how long he could live. Someone ran by, and saw that we were in trouble. I recognized the face. It was Koga. He bent down to check if Inuyasha was still living. I wanted to hop out of the shirts, and give Koga a hug for coming as soon as he did. The look in his eyes told me Inuyasha was almost gone, and that he needed time to get warm. Kouga picked InuYasha, and me up and ran off fast towards his den.
Kouga's point of view.
Running as fast as I could to get to the den. Holding Kagome close and Inuyasha on my back. Knowing that Inuyasha was in danger of dying. He should have known not to give all this body warmth to Kagome, but I should say it that if I were in the same situation I would do the same thing to. I looked down at Kagome's smiling face and sighed. He did care a lot about her, even if it meant losing his life to protect her. I knew that I would to hands down. How far did he go without anything, but his hamakas on? Seeing my cave at the far corner of my eye I turned to go strait into the cave. Inuyasha seemed to losing the battle of live but he still held strong knowing Kagome was close by for him to be near. I got into the cave and dropped Inuyasha off and Kagome on to my bed. Pulling Inuyasha near the fire I started inside. I found a blanket to cover him up with as Kagome came over and jumped into my arms. She started to cry as she held tightly to me. I hugged her back before Inuyasha woke up, and yelled at me for doing so. Kagome ran to her bag, which Inuyasha had somehow managed to keep on him, the whole time, and she grabbed some new clothes. Kagome went back and found a towel in her bag to use on Inuyasha's hair. He looked really pale, and was only getting worse off by the minute.
Hope you like this story part one and part 2 coming soon.
Haori- Inuyasha's top shirt or top jacket
Hamakas - Inuyasha's pants