InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter is Hell ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part 2
Inuyasha's Pov
I had finally had waken up to smell Kouga's scent all over me. I covered my nose thinking' I have to get a bath or shower soon or I will be come the wolf.' I tired to sit up but it hurt to move. I could feel the cold around. Then I remembered about Kagome and I being stuck out in the snowstorm. I was not wearing nothing more then my hamakas. I could feel a lightweight against my body. I looked down and saw the blanket. Kagome rushed over to me and saw that I was awake. I smiled slightly and weakly as she handed me a bottle of water. I drank a small amount then handed it back to her. I tried to speak. “Kagome…are… you ok?” She looked at him worriedly. She began to cry. I held her until she got to just hiccups. I tried again. “Kagome… what is … wrong, what … happened… where is Kouga?” She looked up in surprise to see that I had actually said his name. She then said” Inuyasha… are you ok, I have never heard you say Kouga's name like that before. I looked over and saw that she had some good clothes on. I tried again on sitting up and this time I did. Pain filtered in my back, and I also wandered how long I was out. Kagome sat down beside me with a smile on her face. Sad eyes were evident though. I picked up one of her hands and said” Kagome, what happened to us back there, and how long have I been asleep?”
Kagome's Pov
I looked over and saw Inuyasha holding my hand. I ignored that fact that he was not wearing a shirt but I could tell he was feeling much better. I said” You passed out when it got to cold for you, then Kouga came along and took us to his den. He laid you down and put me on his bed. I got up and found a towel for your hair. You were still asleep but I took most care of you. Kouga just brought me food so I could eat. You have been asleep for 5 days. The others are probably looking for us now." He looked at me sadly shaking his head. He said, " You did not have to take care of me. I would rather you take care of yourself if I was hurt. I would not hurt you then." Kouga walked in with some food for me. He said" Forget it mutt-face you aren't getting any so don't even think about it, you hear me." Inuyasha nodded I was about to say something when Inuyasha softly put his finger on my lips. He shook his head and came closer.
Kouga's Pov
I watched as Inuyasha sat closer to Kagome. Inuyasha knew that I did not like him that much; I still respected Kagome's decisions to stay with Inuyasha even after what he had done to her. I do not know the reason why but Inuyasha has made a big impression on my sweet Kagome. I did not see why she liked him so much; I think it's his ear or his eyes.
Inuyasha's Pov
Kouga was yelling at me, thinking I would take Kagome's food away from her. I wanted to go over and shove tetsiaga up his… ok maybe not Kagome may sit me. I hate the subjugation spell that was put on me but I like the power and the hold Kagome holds over me. . I hate the subjugation spell that was put on me but I like the power and the hold Kagome holds over me. She is amazing with her beauty and her intelligence.
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