InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter is Hell ❯ part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part 3 Kagome's Pov
I watched as Kouga handed me the food and left not taking his eyes off of Inuyasha the whole time. I wanted to see Inuyasha eat some of the food, but he did not touch it. I handed him a piece and still he did not touch it. He looked at me then at the door. I then knew he did not have the energy to fight.
"Inuyasha you need to eat something, how about some Ramen?"
"No, What do you think you are doing, if Kouga saw he would beat me until I was dead, you do not want that now do you?"
The look of surprise comes to his face when he said that. I looked down but could not cry. I knew he was hungry but I could not talk him into eating anything. I looked down at the ground; finally tears came. He sat up and hugged me for the first time in weeks. The close contact sent chills down my spine. I cried hard and he tried to comfort me.
Inuyasha's Pov
Kagome started to cry and I really feel like an ass for saying what I did. I did not mean to make her cry, but she just started that. I hugged her for what seemed like an hour. She finally stopped crying. She was having hiccups instead. I handed her a drink and waited for her to talk. She looked down but did not say a thing. She looked up finally and smiled, she had the most beautiful smile. It made me believe I could do anything just to see her smile. Now though I was stuck in a dilemma. I had no upper body strength and I was getting weaker.
"Kagome I am sorry for what I said. I did not mean it that way."
"I know but I forgot that you do not have that much energy and I would have hated myself for having you hurt."
"You know as much as I do that my life is nothing compared to yours. If I had to make a decision about having you die or me, I would give my life for you easily."
She looked over and smiled but still looked sad. I hugged her tight and said" Do not think of it any other way, for I love you." She looked like she was going to cry again. I thought I said the wrong thing.
Kagome's Pov
I heard those words he said and hugged him tight. I kissed his cheek, and smiled brightly. I knew he would never say anything to hurt me, and for that was the reason I love him more then my family.
"I love you too, Inuyasha"
The look on his face was happy and sad at the same time. I knew something else was bothering him. Kouga came in and took the plate of food away.
" Kouga, Inuyasha needs some food to eat."
"Look at mutt-face, he is fat, he could stand to use a diet of nothing to eat."
"I don't like your attitude Kouga. Inuyasha is not fat he is just bloated from the lack of food. Now give him some food."
"Kagome, he is not listening to you."
"Inuyasha, you need to eat. You have not had anything in about 2 weeks.?"
" I will not give him any food."
Inuyasha's Pov
I watched as Kagome went from mad to sad to crying in about 1 second. I moved closer but could not do anything but hold her when Kouga came up to me and shoved me away from her. Knocking me into the wall, I passed out on impact.
Kagome's Pov
I watched as Kouga grabbed Inuyasha and slammed him into the wall. Blood was trickling down the wall to the floor. I got up but Kouga pushed me back slightly. I wanted to help Inuyasha but then I saw Kouga punch Inuyasha in the stomach. Blood came pouring out of Inuyasha's mouth.
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part 4 coming soon to and