InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter is Hell ❯ part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part 5 Kouga's pov
I watched in horror as the sunset and saw Inuyasha change right in front of my eyes. The pained look on Kagome's face upset me more then ever. I knew it would be a long night. Kagome got up and walked outside for a minute. I stayed and watched over Inuyasha to make sure he did not wake up. It was about Midnight ` what ever that is' and I had yet to search the area for danger. I looked around the cave and saw some other things that I did not bring. Kagome's bag lying in the corner and towels that were soaked in blood, thanks to me of course. Time was passing quickly and Inuyasha stirred a little. I wanted to help Kagome understand that I was sorry for hurting Inuyasha and that hopefully she will forgive me.
“Kouga please leave the room so I can change my clothes.”
I did as I was told, because I knew what would happen if I did not listen to her. She grabbed her bag and pulled out some clothes to put on. One had little dogs as the pattern on the pants. I turned around and walked towards the door when some one attacked me. The look in Kagome's eyes, when I turned to see her, was not fear it was the look when someone is ready to protect the one they care about the most. I looked down at Inuyasha and saw that he had been clutching his stomach. ` It must be the pain from when I punched him in the stomach.' Kagome grabbed her arrows and notched one on the bow. The look I gave her was of surprise. She was ready for action and she would destroy the intruder if she had to. The demon came in and started attacking me. I turned my head for a second and got hit.
Kagome's pov
The blow to the head knocked out Kouga. I shot the arrow I had ready and watched, as it did not stop him. I noticed that it was coming after Inuyasha. It tried to get up close to him but I shot him with an arrow I shot it again and it still didn't to stop. The demon pushed me away and picked up Inuyasha. Grabbing another arrow I shot the demon again, but could not kill it. It looked as though the demon could be healing itself fast. I ran to Inuyasha quickly. I stabbed the demon with one of my arrows. Knowing that I may get hurt. Kouga was knocked out still. The demon did not stop when the arrow got lodged in its side. Kouga finally woke up and knocked the demon away from me but did not get Inuyasha out of its grip. I ran over to the side of Kouga and watched as the demon ripped the skin off of Inuyasha's arm. Kouga's eyes were wide at the sight of Inuyasha's arm being skinned. I was holding onto Kouga's arm when he rushed over and broke the demon's arm. Inuyasha's arm was bleeding and it kept going. I ran to the bag and grabbed bandages.
Kouga's Pov
I watched as Kagome ran and grabbed some bandages. It surprised me that Inuyasha still had not waken up from sleep. Kagome wrapped his arm; I went to the door when Sesshomaru showed up. He walked pass with grace and saw the damage. The demon had gone after Inuyasha again but missed him, thanks to Kagome. Sesshomaru walked up to the demon and slashed him with Tensagia. The demon ascended and turned into dust. I walked over to Kagome and sat down. Inuyasha looked as though he were peacefully sleeping. Kagome laid her head on top of Inuyasha's carefully. She did not like it when Inuyasha got hurt.
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Part 6 coming soon.