InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter is Hell ❯ part 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part 6 Winter is hell
Kagome's pov
Inuyasha was still sleeping & I knew that he would be in pain. Kouga was still a little shocked that Inuyasha was not awake yet. It was 10 minutes away from sunrise. I watched over Inuyasha, and knowing that he may be in pain. The time was close and Kouga was really excited. He went and got some food for both Inuyasha and me. I knew he would be hungry too. As sunrise came Inuyasha transformed into the demon side. Kouga was amazed at how many things changed on Inuyasha. I sat there against the wall, as time went forward. Inuyasha began to wake up, not knowing about his arm being badly damaged.
Inuyasha's Pov
I woke up and felt pain radiating down my arm. The pain was intense. I looked over ate my arm, it was wrapped. Kagome sat against the wall. She got up and came over to me. She helped me up and Kouga handed me my food. I looked over and thanked him. He nodded and left to survey the area. Kagome helped me eat my food since my right arm was wrapped up and was not able to be moved. Kouga came back within 20 minutes of the surveying and found nothing there. Kagome went to her bag and pulled out a new change of clothes. She looked over at Kouga and me. I turned my head, so I could not see her dressing. Kouga went outside waiting for the signal to come back in. Kagome turned around and looked back, she cleared her throat to let me know when it was ok to look. Kouga came back in seconds later.
Kouga's Pov
I walked back into the cave to see if Kagome was done. She smiled and sat down beside Inuyasha again. I felt as though I was left out of what was happening. Kagome was seeing if Inuyasha had a fever as she went to look at his arm. The skin on his arm was horrid looking. Kagome was looking like she was going to be sick. The poison from the demon that attacked him had been soaked into his skin. There were blisters all over his arm. I had to look away. Inuyasha hissed in pain as some of the blisters popped when Kagome wrapped it. She would mutter her apologies and continued on going. As another blister popped poison oozed from it. I had to leave the room because it was too much for me. Kagome would just continue on wrapping it.
Kagome's pov
While I was wrapping Inuyasha's arm some blisters had formed. The more I wrapped, it the more they seemed to pop. Kouga left when one of them popped and started to ooze. I began to worry when the poison kept coming but, I tried to clean it away. I knew it would hurt him.
Next chapter up date in a bout a week, sorry for the long wait. New stories will be out soon so if you are a harry potter fan or a naruto fan check out Painful memories or Naruto's Choice.